Mi Tian Ji

Chapter 86: Mind Space

Everything in the fantasy array was clearly seen by Shen Linfeng. He couldn't help but be a little surprised to see this scene. The strength of this purple beast was three points more powerful than Shen Linfeng expected.

Shen Linfeng was slightly glad that if he had rushed into the depths of the earth to fight against the purple beast, he was afraid that the current situation would be extremely miserable.

"It's really strange how this purple beast broke into the illusion. There can't be such a powerful thing in the Tianqi Mountains." Shen Linfeng kept pinching the formula with his hands and clicked out repeatedly, but he said to himself.

At the moment he saw the purple beast, Shen Linfeng already felt extremely strange at this time, which was by no means as simple as a simple coincidence.

Is it related to the monster he killed when he first entered the Taixu Gate? Shen Linfeng was thinking nonsense in his heart.

At this moment, the leader in the fantasy array has been completely angered by the four rock giants controlled by Shen Linfeng, and a red light began to flow from the original dark purple pupils. Looking at it like this, it may go away at any time.

Although Shen Linfeng was a little surprised, he did not relax.

No matter where the purple beast in this fantasy array comes from and why it came to Yuling Peak, he must not let it break through these four mountain protection arrays, otherwise he and Uncle Lin and others on Yuling Peak will not have a good end.

The fists shining like gold and stone rubbed into a cracking sound in the air. At this time, the appearance of the four rock giants had become exactly the same, and their whole body became pure gold.

Although the rock giant has no thinking and no mind, it is extremely flexible under the control of Shen Linfeng. The local leader often escaped from his fist, and another attack followed closely.

"Oh..." The fleeing leader suddenly stopped running and no longer avoided the fist attack of the rock giant. A burst sounded, and Dikui suddenly looked up to the sky and roared after hitting the four rocks.

This long roar is much louder than what Shen Linfeng heard before, but Shen Linfeng has already taken precautions and did not make the roar of the ground leader shake unstable.

After the long roar, a burst of purple light flowed all over his body.

Then, there was a crisp click from its bare forehead covered with purple scales, and a red sharp corner slowly broke out of its forehead.

The red sharp corner on Di Kui's forehead broke out very fast, and it had grown to more than five inches in the blink of an eye. At this time, Di Kui's originally small and cute body also began to suddenly expand.

After about two or three breaths, the previous seemingly cute Dikui turned into a red one-horn, a huge and ferocious thing with a height of three feet.

At this time, the changed leader is no longer the previous lovely appearance. His eyes are red, his teeth are long, and there is an unusual violent atmosphere around his body, which makes people feel awe.

As soon as the transformation was completed, he immediately raised his right paw and suddenly patted the rock giant beside him, who was already ten feet shorter than it at this time.

Only a loud noise was heard, and the rock giant, who had been unable to be destroyed in the horrible purple flame of the earth, was slapped into a ball by this claw. This is just the beginning. When the rock giant was slapped by the huge force of the ground leader, the ground leader suddenly opened his mouth with great anger and swallowed the rock giant into his stomach.

A purple light flowed all over his body again, and the rock giant swallowed by him turned into an aura and was completely absorbed by it.

Next, the ground leader swallowed the other three rock giants into his abdomen one after another, and for a moment, it became empty again in the illusion array.

After seeing all this clearly, Shen Linfeng was extremely stunned.

Just after the change of the body of the leader, Shen Linfeng found that he could not control the illusion array, let alone control the rock giants in the illusion array. No matter how Shen Linfeng pinched the formula, the rock giants in the phantom array stood still and were finally swallowed up by the changed land leader.

Even if he was anxious, Shen Linfeng had no choice but to look at this scene and had nothing to do.

The spiritual power of the rock giant has been swallowed up by the leader. Even if Shen Linfeng now controls the array, he can no longer transform anything with attack power in the array, that is to say, this illusion array can no longer pose a real threat to the leader.

"It seems that now we can only use the illusion array to confuse this thing for a moment." Looking at the leader who roared in the empty fantasy array, Shen Linfeng thought helplessly.

This phantom array has only the effect of a phantom array, which is similar to the effect of the disaster of the heart.

Shen Linfeng dares not be sure whether this fantasy array is really useful for the earth leader. After all, he only knows that there are demons when practitioners go through the disaster, but he is not sure that the unknown monster that suddenly breaks into the illusion array will also have weaknesses in his heart.

Shen Linfeng made continuous points to the array and pinched out more than ten formulas in his hand.

The silver-white array flowed, and then a silver-white light suddenly burst out in the illusion array and instantly disappeared into the head of the earth.

As soon as the silver-white light entered Di Kui's brain, the roaring Di Kui slowly calmed down, his unusually red eyes slowly returned to their original dark purple appearance, and his huge body fell to the ground and smashed a big pit on the ground.

Seeing that the leader fell to the ground, Shen Linfeng, who was still a little worried, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Shen Linfeng also slowly closed his eyes and slowly immersed his whole mind into the array.

This time, Shen Linfeng is no longer simply manipulating the array, but attaching all the thoughts to the array. Dissolving the divine thoughts into the whole illusion array, Shen Linfeng was ready to transform himself into the demon of the local leader with his own divine thoughts.

In the mind space of the local leader, a five-inch-long red one-horn, more than three feet tall, covered with dense purple scales, stared at a pair of dark purple eyes and looked not far ahead with caution.

Just a few feet away from the top of the earth, a silver-white light mass keeps flying up and down, which looks quite mysterious.

After a while, a gray fog suddenly appeared in the space, and then the silver-white light suddenly flashed and slowly merged with the gray fog.

"Oh..." The local leader was staring at the strange scene in front of him. Unexpectedly, a loud roar suddenly came from his ears, which scared him to take a few steps back.

When the leader raised his head again, the situation in front of him made him confused in an instant.

Not far away, the silver-white light and gray fog that were originally fused have disappeared, replaced by a five-inch-long red unicorn, more than 3,000 feet tall, and a ferocious beast covered with dense purple scales.

The giant beast that suddenly appeared in the field, regardless of its appearance or demeanor, is exactly the same as the head of the land not far away. This strange scene makes people look at it, and it is impossible to tell which is true and which is false.

Naturally, the other Dikui who suddenly appeared was Shen Linfeng's combination of the magic array and transformed it in the heart and divine space of the Dikui in order to confuse the Dikui.

At present, Shen Linfeng really can't think of any better way to deal with the leader. He can only use this method to deduce the time first and calculate step by step. Maybe the leader will suddenly leave after dawn.

"Oh..." Di Kui roared softly and tilted his head to look at the guy who suddenly appeared opposite exactly like himself.

The leader belongs to the spirit of heaven and earth. He was born without a father or mother, and he may not be born for tens of thousands of years, so he has never seen a companion who looks like himself. Now that he suddenly saw the other self transformed by Shen Linfeng, Di Kui was not afraid, but also extremely excited.

The growth of the leader is extremely slow, mainly by devouring spiritual veins.

But the head of the land captured by Tianyinzong was a little unlucky. Soon after being conceived, it strayed into the Tianqi Mountains. Finally, it was discovered by the sect monks of the Tianqi Mountains because it devoured the spiritual veins, and was finally captured and sealed by Tianyinzong.

Therefore, although the local leader has lived for hundreds of years, he is actually only a young local leader. Both his style of action and his naughty personality are almost the same as ordinary human children.

Shen Linfeng's heart was full of bitter smiles, but since he had decided to delay the time, there was nothing else he could do. He immediately imitated the action of the leader on the opposite side.

Shen Linfeng's actions undoubtedly made the local leader on the opposite side more excited and kept making some strange movements.

Looking at the naughty appearance of the land leader, Shen Linfeng suddenly felt that the land leader no longer seemed to be as terrible as before, or that the land leader in the mind space should be the original character of the land leader.

Shen Linfeng thought well at all. Born as the aura of heaven and earth, although Dikui likes to devour the source of spiritual veins, his personality is actually not irritable at all. Not only that, but it is also extremely gentle and cute. Only when others affect it to devour its spiritual veins will it show its irritable side.

The reason why this leader is very different from other leaders is that it has a great effect on the puppet charm used by Kui Mo before. In addition, this leader has been sealed by Tianyinzong for many years, and his personality has unconsciously become irritable and irritable.

About a quarter of an hour later, the leader seemed to feel that he had had enough, and then slowly stopped.

It widened its purple eyes and looked at the disillusioned leader of Shen Linfeng and hesitated and walked over slowly.

Naturally, Shen Linfeng will not let him approach him easily, otherwise if he is unexpectedly attacked by the transformed body, his mind will also be damaged, which is not a joke.

Seeing the land leader coming towards him, the land leader transformed by Shen Linfeng immediately hid on the other side.

After repeating this about seven or eight times, the local leader not far away also realized that the "similar" on the opposite seemed to be unwilling to let himself approach, so he suddenly lay down in place.

"Oh..." Di Kui roared in the direction of Di Kui transformed by Shen Linfeng and climbed down.

Although he couldn't understand the meaning of the roar of the local leader, Shen Linfeng also heard a trace of loneliness from the roar of the local leader. Looking at the appearance of the local leader alone, he felt a little pitiful for him.

"Maybe this little guy who came from nowhere is not as evil as he thought." Shen Linfeng thought in his heart.

A few miles away from Yuling Peak, Kui Laomo, who had been sitting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and his eyes were extremely cold.

"How about the leader you sent to kill that boy?" Perceining the movement of Kui Laomo, Tianxingzi immediately opened his eyes and asked him with an expectant expression on his face.

"It's not that simple. The boy's several mountain protection arrays are extremely powerful. The ground leader broke into the array he put up and has not been able to escape until now." Hearing this, Kui Mo's already gloomy face was even more gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said.