Mi Tian Ji

Chapter 90: Countermeasures

More than 150 feet deep in the ground of Yuling Peak, the leader swallowed the last branch of the spiritual vein tree and made a hiccup with satisfaction.

After swallowing this huge spiritual vein tree, the leader's body actually grew up a circle, more than half a foot higher than before. The spiritual power contained in the spiritual vein tree is extremely huge, but the leader dares to devour it so directly, and there are no side effects after swallowing it, which is really amazing.

If you are an ordinary practitioners, even the practitioners of the spiritual realm or even the infant spiritual realm, will definitely be blown up by the huge spiritual power after swallowing so much spiritual power in an instant. This is not a joke.

Di Kui is naturally good at devouring all kinds of spiritual veins, and it seems that he is not without any support.

"You have swallowed this spiritual tree. Hurry up and kill that boy." The wisp of sunflower demon in Dikui's body said faintly and began to urge Dikui to come up. Without taking Shen Linfeng's life for a moment, Kui Laomo could not feel at ease for a moment.

"Oh..." Di Kui heard the words, roared, and then stretched out his tongue to lick the corners of his mouth, looking unsatisfied.

Then, its body moved, and the purple light on its body flowed slightly, and then used the earth escape technique again to escape from this underground space.

After eating and drinking enough, the leader became extremely obedient and no longer resisted the orders of the old devil, which was unexpected by the old devil.

The leader used the earth escape technique to quickly escape a distance of about four or five hundred feet, and at this time, the change happened again.

With a sneer, the leader who quickly disappeared to the top of Yuling Peak suddenly hit an invisible giant net.

The huge network is full of dense cyan flames. As soon as the body hits it, it is stained by the unknown cyan flames. Invariably, there is smoke in the place where the body comes into contact with it, and a faint smell of burnt.

"Oh..." Di Kui was in pain and immediately used the earth escape technique to fly back. When it looked up again, it was empty ahead, and there was no huge net burning with cyan flames, as if everything before was just an illusion.

The giant net of Qingyan appeared and disappeared out of thin air. If it hadn't been for the burning scales still emitting green smoke on Di Kui's body, I'm afraid that even the old Kui demon hidden in Di Kui's body would have mistakenly thought that everything before did not exist.

Who is it? Come out, don't be sneaky if you have the ability to do it. The voice came from the mouth of the ground leader, but it was the voice of Kui Lao Mo. Without distinguishing whether he is an enemy or a friend and who the other party is, Kui Laomo does not dare to act rashly.

Kui Laomo's voice made a half-sound, and there was still silence in the stone wall in front of him, and there was no response at all. I don't know whether there is no one in front of him or that person disdains to answer Kui Lamo's question.

"Well, I want to see who you are." Kui Laomo snorted coldly and drove the leader to the front again.

Because of the previous lessons, the leader is obviously a little afraid, so the escape speed is more than ten times slower than before.

The appearance of the ground leader was obviously in line with what Kui Mo thought, so he did not urge him at all.

There was still silence in front of him. The ground leader ran forward about ten feet, and his body touched the previous blue flame net again. The bear's cyan flame burned, and in a moment, it melted a big hole in the ground, and the blue flame net was also clear in the eyes of the old devil.

"It turned out that it was just a small array, but this boy is clever." Kui Laomo smiled coldly and no longer paid attention to it after seeing the blue flame net in front of him. He mistakenly thought that the green flame net in front of him was the formation arranged by Shen Linfeng to block him.

"Go and break this method for me." Old Kui Mo gave an order to the magi. Seeing that the mountain of Yulingfeng is already close at hand, Kui Laomo can't care whether the broken array will attract the attention of others of Taixumen.

His mind changed his mind, thinking that as long as he was fast enough, he could easily evacuate here after killing Shen Linfeng.

"Wow..." Hearing the order of the old devil, Di Kui immediately roared.

As soon as the sound fell, there was a burst of purple light in Di Kui's eyes, and two purple flames suddenly shot out of his eyes and hit the huge blue flame net.

For a while, the cracking sound of the flame filled the whole underground space, causing the temperature in the whole space to rise sharply, reaching nearly 1,000 degrees.

The purple flame and the green flame were mixed together. Gradually, after the local leader shot out a few purple flames again, the purple flames wrapped around the giant net of the green flames obviously prevailed.

After a few breaths, the blue flame network collapsed and dispersed, and the front became empty once.

Lao Kui didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately drove the leader to continue to escape forward. But after about 20 feet away from the underground leader, another huge blue flame net suddenly appeared and stopped in front of the underground leader.

"Daw, how come there are so many formations." Kui Laomo cursed secretly and once again drove the ground leader to attack the blue flame net. Although these blue flame giant nets that suddenly blocked the way have no great effect, they will still make the land leader unable to continue to escape, and also make Kui Laomo waste more and more time left.

The higher it is, the closer the blue flame network is.

At the beginning, the distance between these blue flame giant nets was still about 20 feet, but in the end, these giant nets appeared every ten feet away, which really gave Kui Laomo a headache.

Along the way, the old demon Kui drove the ground leader to waste about two quarters of an hour, and finally came out of the covering range of these annoying blue flame giant nets.

On the hillside of the Qingyan Mountains, the originally calm ground suddenly roared, and a crack suddenly appeared, followed by a red one-horn, a huge object wrapped in purple scales all over, rushed out of the ground and fell to the ground.

"You're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Aware of the movement, Shen Linfeng, who had been sitting quietly on the ground, opened his eyes, stared at the leader blankly, and said in a faint tone.

He had long expected that the old devil would drive the local leader to chase him, but the speed was much slower than he expected.

Shen Linfeng naturally didn't expect that Dikui and Kui Laomo would encounter those blue flame giant nets under Yuling Peak, because the blue flame giant nets under the Qingyan Mountains were not arranged by him at all, and he knew nothing about it.

"Since you expected that I would come, why don't you escape? Are you willing to stay here and wait to die? Di Kui's purple eyes stared at Shen Linfeng and said slowly. Naturally, this sound was Kui Lao Mo's.

"Where can I escape?" Shen Linfeng smiled coldly and said, "I'm afraid you all dream of me leaving this place."

"You are very smart, but no matter how smart you are, it's useless. In any case, you will definitely die today." Hearing this, Kui Laomo said, "Kid, do you think you can stop me by making some small formations? It's simply delusional."

For Shen Linfeng, Kui Laomo is getting more and more hateful. The previous divine idea was a little traumatized before it was destroyed, and he arranged so many annoying formations to stop him when he drove the leader to escape.

"Can you see it?" Shen Linfeng was shocked when he heard the words and secretly looked at the ground. Previously, he had quietly planted the ice and fire flags on the opposite side, mistakenly thinking that Kui Laomo had found his small move.

Shen Linfeng obviously misunderstood the meaning of Kui Laomo. The array he mentioned by Shen Linfeng refers to the blue flame giant nets under the ground of Yuling Peak, which has nothing to do with the ice and fire dry sky array.

"If I didn't find it, how would I come here?" Kui Laomo felt that Shen Linfeng's words were quite superfluous: "Ok, time is running out. I'd better send you to the road earlier."

Kwai Laomo is not going to talk to Shen Linfeng again. He has wasted too much time to be blocked by those blue flame giant nets before, and there is not much time left for the two hours of the puppet charm. If Shen Linfeng is not killed as soon as possible, he may not even be able to drive back the leader when the useful time of the puppet symbol passes.

"If you have the ability, just use it." Shen Linfeng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said that the formation mentioned in Kui Laomo's mouth did not refer to the ice and fire dry sky.

The reason why he can still be so calm in the face of the earth leader is that he has some expectations for the ice and fire dry sky.

At the beginning, he used the 40% power of the ice and fire dry sky array to kill the tiger head Yecha sent by Tianxingzi. Now he has cultivated his spiritual power and increased the power of the ice and fire dry sky array that can be mobilized by the array to 60%, so he has increased a lot of confidence out of thin air.

As soon as Shen Linfeng's words fell, he immediately started the hegemony formula and raised his body to the peak state.

The next moment, Dikui's purple eyes flowed a purple light and shot two purple flames at Shen Linfeng.

Feel the intense heat coming to his face, Shen Linfeng's heart was stunned, and he immediately flinded and retreated to avoid the attack of the purple flame.

Shen Linfeng obviously underestimated the power of the purple flame emitted from the purple eyes. Although those purple flames failed, they bombarded the place where Shen Linfeng originally stood.

Suddenly, the soil on the ground was blown out of a large pit about two meters in diameter, and the big hole suddenly burned a rolling purple flame, which was about ten feet high.

The leader's purple flame attacks were dodged by Shen Linfeng. But in the same way, there are more and more big pits on the ground, and purple flames are burning in each big pit, making Shen Linfeng avoid fewer and fewer places.

Although there are still many places to hide in the field, those places were without exception arranged by Shen Linfeng. If the ground is blown up, he will not be able to successfully start the ice and fire dry sky after a while.

"Hmm." Shen Linfeng snorted coldly, kicked heavily under his feet, and his whole body approached the leader like an arrow away from the string.

With a bang, Shen Linfeng's fist mixed with this ten thousand hectares of momentum hit the chest covered with purple scales.

Shen Linfeng's powerful body in the fourth layer of the barbarism formula is absolutely not lower than any low-grade spiritual weapon, but his previous full blow failed to cause any damage to the ground leader on the opposite side, even a scale of the other party could not be knocked off.

Shen Linfeng's heart is not a good phenomenon.

Shen Linfeng reached the full blow of the four layers of the body, which only made Dikui's huge body retreat three steps, and he himself was shocked by this distance and retreated by more than two feet.

Shen Linfeng raised his hand slightly and suddenly felt a burst of soreness, and there was still a slight pain.

"It seems that this body alone can't work to deal with this monster. You must use ice and fire to dry the sky." Shen Linfeng changed his mind and made up his mind.

"Bad boy, what are you thinking about, or just put it in your hands? I can consider leaving you a whole body." Seeing that Shen Linfeng's eyes were dripping and straight, Kui Laomo immediately became alert and said coldly.

"You will know right away what crooked thoughts I made." Shen Linfeng also answered coldly.

Immediately, he stroked the storage bracelet between his wrists, and a red and blue array engraved with countless runes appeared in his hand.