Mi Tian Ji

Chapter 103: Five-Eline Thunder Sacrifice

Shen Linfeng was not satisfied with this. After putting this jade slip into the storage bracelet, he looked at other jade slips one after another.

The so-called skills are not overwhelming, Shen Linfeng will not dislike the too many spells he has practiced on his body. As long as it is a well-catching spell, no matter how many spells it is, he will not hesitate to put it into the storage bracelet and leave it for later cultivation.

I don't know whether it is with the increase of strength or for other reasons, Shen Linfeng's vision can't help but become a little different from the original. After looking through dozens of jade slips one after another, Shen Linfeng did not find a spell that could make him eyeful.

The attack power of these wind attribute spells is indeed not weak, but Shen Linfeng has estimated it in his heart that if these spells are used with his current spiritual whirlpool cultivation, I'm afraid that even the four layers of physical defense of his bully formula can't be broken, so he obviously feels a little too chicken ribs.

If you perform these spells after reaching the elixir realm, it is naturally not the same, but Shen Linfeng did not think that far.

Although the speed of his advanced spiritual whirlpool is very fast, he still doesn't know that he will reach the year of the monkey. After all, the more difficult the cultivation of the practitioner is, the more difficult it will be. The time it takes to upgrade each level of cultivation is several times as before.

After reading the jade Jane on the wooden shelf, he thought that he could not go back empty-handed. Shen Linfeng finally chose a spell called wind cracking.

This wind cracking is a powerful wind attribute spell. If you practice the strongest, you can imprison a void and break the enemies imprisoned in it into pieces with endless fierce wind blades.

Once again, Shen Linfeng couldn't help shaking his head.

Wind cracking is good, but it is still dispensable for him at present. After all, with his current cultivation, he can't imprison a piece of void at all. Being able to have such a horrible ability is at least barely possible to do it with cultivation above the Danling Realm.

Therefore, even if Shen Linfeng practices this wind cracking technique, it can only be temporarily used to send out some wind blade attacks, and it is impossible to use it as a killer mace.

Time passed slowly, and two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Shen Linfeng also took a cursory look at most of the spells he was interested in in the stone room. However, except for the two wind attribute spells selected at the beginning, Shen Linfeng did not have any other jade slips.

The spells in the wooden frame are either not suitable for his current realm of practice, or he himself feels that the power of these spells is not satisfactory enough, and finally he has not been selected.

Thinking about it, Shen Linfeng turned his eyes to a wooden shelf in the corner not far away. There, Chen Jingyi was seriously sinking her mind into the jade Jane with her head down. She could faintly see her frown from time to time. Obviously, the result of looking for a detoxification method was not very satisfactory.

Chen Jingyi's speed of selecting Yujian is much slower than that of Shen Linfeng. She will read almost every content of Yujian repeatedly and carefully several times before making a final judgment before putting Yu Jian down. This allows her to check the time of a jade slip. Shen Linfeng is often able to read more than a dozen jade slips, and the speed of the two is completely incomparable.

Withdrawing his eyes from a distance, Shen Linfeng's mood was quite complicated.

Because Tianxingzi and Kui Laomo wanted to kill him, Shen Linfeng naturally wanted Tianxingzi to be poisoned and killed immediately. However, when he saw Chen Jingyi's haggard face and extremely seriously looking for a way to detoxify Tianxingzi, Shen Linfeng was a little unbearable and couldn't say what it felt.

Maybe it's because both of them have no father or mother. Shen Linfeng understands Chen Jingyi's feeling that she doesn't want her only relative to leave. If Uncle Lin is as poisonous as Tianxingzi, Shen Linfeng will definitely try to find a way to detoxify him, which is understandable.

Despite this, Shen Linfeng still has no sympathy for Tianxingzi.

Since Tianxingzi cruelly attacked him, he would not foolishly be that kind of good man, let alone sympathize with those who tried to kill him. Tianxingzi's evil results today are purely his own fault, and he can't blame anyone.

With a slight sigh, Shen Linfeng immediately threw these complex ideas that suddenly appeared in his mind and began to look for new spells.

In front of him is a wooden shelf carved with countless lightning patterns. The jade slips placed on it are naturally the skills and spells of the thunder attribute alien root, which is also the most anticipated in Shen Linfeng's heart.

Shen Linfeng has liked to look up at the thunder and lightning in the sky when it rains and thunders. He feels that the lightning in the sky is the most magical, and he is eager to have the ability to control thunder and lightning one day.

Now that he has practiced the nine-hcult truth, he has been able to turn the chaotic qi in his body into the spiritual power of thunder attributes. This strange idea, which seemed to be a little delusional when he was a child, has long been within reach. What he has to do now is to choose a thunder attribute spell that he is satisfied with to practice. Everything is no longer a dream.

"I don't know if there will be a jade slip recording the art of thunder escape on this wooden shelf." Looking at the wooden frame engraved with countless lightning patterns in front of him, Shen Linfeng thought to himself.

Although the wind Qianli obtained before is not bad, in terms of the real power, the thunder escape technique is undoubtedly much faster than the wind escape technique. This so-called fastest escape speed in the real world is a necessary means to escape for his life, and it is reasonable for Shen Linfeng to long for it.

Slowly picked up a jade slip from the wooden shelf, and Shen Linfeng sank into it again.

Perhaps because of the expectation in his heart, Shen Linfeng's speed of checking the jade slip is significantly slower than before. He read the content of each jade slip very carefully to ensure that no important information will not be missed.

Time passed slowly, and another hour passed in a blink of an eye, and most of the hundreds of jade slips on the wooden frame were also consulted by Shen Linfeng.

"Recognized as the most destructive thunder attribute spell, you have to choose two in any case." Looking at the hundreds of jade slips in front of him, Shen Linfeng said to himself.

The most destructive power of thunder attribute spells is almost recognized in the real world. It is naturally beneficial to be able to practice several thunder attribute spells to defend yourself, and it is also a good means to use it against the enemy in the future.

After about half an hour, Shen Linfeng finally read the jade slips on the wooden frame, which made him a little disappointed that he did not find the jade slips with the thunder escape technique in these jade slips.

In the end, Shen Linfeng chose two spells among this large number of jade slips, one is a powerful attack spell called five elements of lightning sacrifice, and the other is a method of trapping the enemy called thunder heart chain.

Five-e elements thunder sacrifice is a magical spell that can attach the power of the five elements of thunder and lightning at the same time after practice. When using this spell against the enemy, it can not only send out a strong lightning attack, but also can also carry the five-egorous power of gold, wood, water, fire and earth at the same time, which increases the power of the spell attack a lot out of thin air.

The thunder attribute spell is the strongest attack spell. If the superposition of these five elements is added, Shen Linfeng can't imagine how powerful it will be.

However, although this five-e elements of thunder sacrifice are powerful, not everyone can practice it. Even some monks who simply have lightning attributes and supernatural roots can't practice it. Even if it is cultivated, it has no effect, far from the power recorded in the jade slip.

If you want to practice this spell, you must have a thunder attribute alien root and a spiritual root with other attributes, so that you can attach the spiritual power of other attributes to the thunder and lightning emitted by the spell.

Only in this way can the real power of the five elements of thunder sacrifice be exerted.

According to the records on the jade slips, this five-e elements of lightning sacrifice were founded by a heavenly talent with a thunder attribute supernatural root tens of thousands of years ago. Not only that, the founder not only has a strange spirit root with thunder attributes, but also is an unusual five-e elements complete spiritual root practicer. In addition, his amazing talent finally took more than a thousand years to create this spell in combination with his physical constitution.

In those years, this senior used this spell to practice the real world without meeting an enemy, and finally successfully survived the disaster, breaking through the void and reaching a higher level.

Seeing the records in the jade slips, Shen Linfeng couldn't help but admire the unknown predecessor who founded the five elements of thunder sacrifice. It can take more than a thousand years to create a spell, which is not something that everyone can do.

For more than a thousand years, day after day research and creation, the degree of boredom is not what ordinary people can imagine. Think about it, at least Shen Linfeng thinks he can't do it to this extent.

As for another spell thunder heart chain selected by Shen Linfeng, it is not a powerful attack spell, but the caster uses the power of lightning to condense the chain of thunder and lightning in the opponent's body, and uses the lightning chain to lock the opponent's heart to trap the enemy.

In fact, in Shen Linfeng's view, this thunder chain is still a little chicken ribs.

Because this kind of spell can only adapt to the use of similar opponents or senior monks on low-level monks, if low-level monks want to cast this spell on senior monks who are stronger than themselves, the effect is minimal. If the other party is aware of it in advance, even a little effect cannot be achieved.

Anyway, these two spells selected by Shen Linfeng are the only ones that Shen Linfeng can see. Although he did not find the expected thunder escape skill, Shen Linfeng was also extremely happy to get the five-emerged thunder art by accident.

Originally, Shen Linfeng was neither a supernatural root nor an invisible spiritual root with five elements. But since he practiced the nine mysterious formulas, he can freely transform the chaotic qi in his body into any kind of spiritual power.

In this way, this five-e elements of thunder sacrifice is undoubtedly a life-saving spell tailored for him. After practice, it is bound to achieve an effect that ordinary people can't achieve.

Shen Linfeng can even be convinced that in addition to the predecessor who founded this spell, he is probably the only one who meets these requirements.

After all, it is extremely rare in the world of cultivation, whether it is thunder attribute abnormal root or five-e elements spiritual root. A person who can have these two spiritual roots at the same time may not have one person for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Linfeng believes that as long as he practices this spell seriously, he will soon have another killer, and it is very possible to rely on this spell to save his life at a critical moment in the future.