The Path of Immortals

Chapter 32 Pigu Maru

After another incense time, Lu Wen finally said, "It's the entrance!"

Zhao Di only saw two monks in the gas refining period, guarding in front of a small magic array with a diameter of only two or three feet, and did not see any so-called "entrance" at all.

"Is this magic array..." As soon as Zhao Di thought of it, Ma Gao blurted out excitedly, "Transmit the magic array!"

Lu Wen glanced at Ma Gao and whispered, "It's still a little insightful. It's indeed a transmission array, which is specially used to get in and out of the refinery room." He took out another red token and said loudly to the two monks guarding the magic array, "Two brothers, these three are new refiners. If you come to this refinery at the order of Uncle Kuang, please dial three lower refinery rooms and send us in."

The two monks looked at the token carefully, and it was true. One of them took out three blue round jade plates from the storage bag and gave them to Zhao Di and other three people.

Zhao Di looked carefully at the jade plate in his hand. One side was engraved with three numbers "one, two or five", and the other side was densely engraved with many small words, which was probably the use and formula of this jade plate.

The jade plates of the other two are engraved with "one, two, six" and "one, two, seven" respectively.

"This transmission array can only transmit one person at a time. I'll go in first, and you will come in immediately!" Lu Wen told Zhao Di and other three people. After saying that, he walked into the transmission array and stood in the center.

Two monks in charge of guarding the transmission array pressed low-level spiritual stones on the eyes of the array, and then hit a formula on the transmission array.

A dazzling white light rose around the magic array. After a moment, the white light disappeared, and Lu Wen in the array also disappeared.

"Come in!" One of the guard monks said to Zhao Di.

Zhao Di entered the transmission array and also stood in the center. A white light flashed, and Zhao Di's intuition was blank in an instant. He quickly closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in an endless stone corridor. And Lu Wen and two other refining monks are not far from him.

"Come out quickly." Lu Wen said to Zhao Di. Zhao Di hurried forward a few steps before he found that he had just been in another transmission array.

After a while, Magao and Fang Fu were also transmitted one after another.

"These two transmission arrays are a pair of two-way transmission arrays. If you want to get out from here, you must also go through the transmission array here." Lu Wen said, and then he took out three storage bags and still gave them to Zhao Di to wait for three people. He said, "The jade plate you just got is the magic weapon to enter each refinery room. The number engraved on the front corresponds to the number of the refinery room, and the number engraved on the reverse side is to use the formula, which is very simple When you enter this refinery room, no one will bother you anymore. All the refinery rooms are shrouded in a large forbidden array. In addition to the jade plate magic weapon in your hands, even the Jiedan monks are difficult to break into the door. There are 20 catties of refined copper ore in this storage bag. A month later, Uncle Kuang will come to check the results of your refining in person. You can take care of yourself.

After saying this, Lu Wen nodded to the two monks in charge of the transmission array and stood in the transmission array. After a white light, he disappeared.

Ma Gao said, "Brother Zhao, Brother Fang, let's say goodbye." Then he walked to the depths of the stone corridor and looked to both sides from time to time.

After saying goodbye to Zhao Di and Fang Fu, they also walked to the depths of the stone corridor.

There are stone houses on both sides of this stone corridor. I don't know what kind of stone it is made of. In such a hot environment, it feels cool. Zhao Di looked up at the number of the first stone house, "four five", and the other side was "one". A few more steps forward, the numbers on both sides are "six two" and "two eight", which is simply irregular! Zhao Di muttered in his heart. It seems that he only has one room to look through.

After walking through 70 or 80 stone houses, I finally found the "one, two or five" stone houses.

Zhao Di carefully looked at the formula engraved on the other side of the jade plate. It was really simple. Zhao Di looked at it twice and felt that he could master it.

He put the jade plate into a circular slot on the stone door, and the size was really suitable. Then he recited a few spells in his mouth, and with one finger of his right hand, a trick hit the jade plate. There was a burst of blue light on the jade plate. After a moment, a squeaking sound sounded, and the stone door opened an entrance about half feet wide by itself. Zhao Di took back the jade plate, quickly walked into the entrance of the stone gate, and then hit the jade plate again. After a burst of noise, the stone door returned to close as before.

Only then did Zhao Di carefully check the interior of the refinery room.

The stone house is not big, only dozens of feet wide, and the surrounding walls, including the ground, are made of this unknown stone. On the stone walls on the north and south sides, there are two stone statues of dragon heads with big mouths, with the words "fire of the earth and lungs" written on them. On the west side of the stone house, there is also such a stone statue dragon head, with the words "spiritual spring water" written on it. Under the dragon head is a pool surrounded by turquoise stones.

It seems that the ground fire or spiritual spring is obtained from these faucets.

Other than that, there is nothing else in the whole refinery room.

Zhao Di let go of all his consciousness, carefully checked everything in the stone house, made sure that there was no mechanism, and then sat on the ground. He was not in a hurry to understand the jade slip given to him by Uncle Kuang, but took out the small tripod that had not been seen for many days, put a marrow washing dancidan into it, and at the same time held a blue high-level water spirit stone in both hands and sat down in place.

In this way, Zhao Di has never left this refinery room for a whole month.

Although he is only a monk in the refining period, he can't reach the "pigu" realm only for monks in the foundation period. He still had to eat some food. However, as early as Liuyunfang City, he bought a lot of "Pigu pills" to solve the problem of eating.

"Pugu Pill" five pieces of low-level spirit stone, take one pill, you can stop eating for a month. This is quite luxurious for gas refining monks. It is not necessary to medital for a long time, but not to break the critical moment in the middle of the way. Generally, they are reluctant to take Pigu pills. It's better to eat every three or five days than waste five spiritual stones every month to buy Pigu pills.

Zhao Di lacks everything, but there is no shortage of spiritual stones. Therefore, he still quietly bought this Pigu Pill several times, which is enough for him to use for several years.

This month, Zhao Di has been very nervous and busy.

In the first half of the month, he upgraded some elixirs with Xiaoding, and then took meditation to practice. This is worthy of being a refinery, and there is no external interference at all. Such a quiet environment makes him feel very comfortable. In some spare time, he realized Uncle Kuang's way of purification.

Half a month later, when he began to purify the batch of refined copper ore, he understood why he was only given 20 catties of ore in a month.

Purification is really an extremely laborious physical work!

It takes a lot of spiritual power to slowly melt the ore suspended in the fire of the earth and lungs. It is also necessary to use a large amount of divine knowledge to finely manipulate the intensity of the ground fire, and control the separation of fine copper solution and impurities in it, and then gather a drop of refined copper liquid to form a large fine copper liquid mass. Finally, the liquid mass is quickly put into the spiritual spring water to cool, and a small piece of purified copper can be obtained.

In this process, the spiritual power consumed is enough. Zhao Di's inexhaustible high-level spiritual stone to supplement spiritual power is naturally not afraid. But the consumption of divine consciousness made him feel unyable.

He has no panacea to restore his consciousness. He can only slowly recover his consciousness by sitting and resting.

But it's too late. After a busy day, he can only purify a piece of ore as big as a fist, 20 catties of ore. It will take ten days and half a month. How can he have time to give him a full rest?

As a result, when purifying the ore three times in a row, he manipulated it a little slower because he didn't have enough divine consciousness. The refined copper raw liquid burned in the ground fire for a while. In this way, the refined copper was not only slightly darker in color, but also much less aura. Obviously, such refined copper is the product of the failure of purification.

Zhao Di is a little worried about Uncle Kuang's inspection a month later. If he has a small amount of purification and a high failure rate, I don't know if he will be expelled as a refinery disciple by Uncle Kuang. At that time, he is likely to be assigned an errand that no one wants to do.

He glanced at the little tripod beside him and said to himself, "It's all because of you, the little tripod, that I have to find a hidden place to practice. It's not easy to have such a good practice, but I find that I have to do so much work! There is really nothing perfect in the world!"

"Oh, Xiaoding, that's right!" He suddenly thought of something, and his low mood suddenly became excited.

(Today's fourth update, the third update.)