The Path of Immortals

Chapter 35 Spiritual Tools

Jian Xiner said with a smile, "Does Brother Wugen think it's strange that there are mortal shops here?"

Seeing that Zhao nodded, she continued to say, "It's not strange. We immortals are also human beings, and we also need to eat and wear clothes. The door stipulates that our disciples can only go out once a year, and not more than one month at a time. Then there must be a place to buy these clothes, right? The dishes in the restaurant here are very delicious. Brother Wugen, do you want to try it later?

Zhao Di quickly shook his head and said, "No need." He took Pigu Dan and did not need to eat the fireworks in the world. Moreover, the people who cultivate immortals paid attention to being clear-hearted and had no desire. He did not want to hinder the practice for the sake of his appetite.

Jian Xiner knew that his five brothers were very strong towards Taoism, and she didn't persuade him to say anything. But when she went to a shop selling rouge spices, she finally couldn't walk and said, "Brother Wugen, I have some things from my daughter's house to buy. It may take a lot of time. Go around by yourself. Two hours later, we will meet at the Ling tea shop at the end of the street.

Zhao Di couldn't help it. After saying goodbye to Jian Xiner, he immediately left the door of the shop full of rouge fragrance.

He noticed that even at the trade fair inside Taixumen, the participating monks were all disciples of the same class, and there were still many people wearing various cloaks. Obviously, they did not want others to recognize him.

This shows that even in such an internal trade fair, he can't use a lot of spiritual stones, and it's not easy to be targeted. Although the sect strictly prohibits the same family members from fighting with each other, and the punishment for such matters is very severe, if he disappears without evidence, no one will uphold justice for him. I'm afraid that except for Jian Xiner, others will soon forget Zhao Di.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Di turned into a remote and uninhabited corner, took out the black gauze cloak from the storage bag, put it on his head, and then swaggered into a classic shop "Fuyu Zhai".

As for his clothes, they are all unified styles of Taixumen. Everyone is exactly the same, but it is the best cover-up.

As soon as he entered Fuyuzhai, Zhao Di felt the atmosphere of this study. The lobby, which is enough to accommodate one hundred and eighty people without appearing to be crowded, seven or eight store clerks with unified clothing, a row of counters of more than ten feet long, and the two or three-foot-high bookcases full of all kinds of jade slips behind the counter, all of which show the generosity of this study.

As soon as Zhao Di entered the door, a young man in his early twenties greeted him. Shi Li asked, "Is your Taoist friend here to buy books? What kind of classics do you want to see?

Zhao Di replied in a calm voice, "Wang wants to buy a book that introduces the method of refining, preferably from shallow to deep, and the more detailed the better."

The clerk said, "It turned out to be Wang Daoyou. Please wait here for a moment. I will go and get a few refinery classics immediately for the Taoist friends to have a look." With that, he led Zhao Di to a counter. After Zhao Di sat down, he rummaged through several large bookcases.

In just a moment, the handy man brought seven or eight jade slips of various colors to Zhao Di, and another graceful waitress brought Zhao Di a cup of fragrant spiritual tea.

Zhao Di did not taste the spiritual tea, but directly picked up one of the jade slips, put it on his forehead, and slowly injected the divine consciousness into it. After a moment, he put down the jade slip, picked up another jade slip, and continued to repeat the above actions.

After about a cup of tea, Zhao Di read through these seven or eight jade slips. Then he picked out two of them and said to the man who had been waiting, "I want to copy these two jade slips. How many spiritual stones do I need?"

"A total of 170 spiritual stones are needed for these two classics." The man replied briskly.

"It's so expensive!" Zhao Di was shocked. Although the content of this jade slip is very useful to him, he didn't expect to spend so many spiritual stones.

"Don't be surprised," the clerk saw Zhao Di's unhappy face and hurriedly explained, "You should know that these refinery techniques and other details have always been the secrets of the refiners. Our store also spent a lot of money to collect these classics from everywhere. Although these two classics record some primary and intermediate refinery techniques, they are very detailed and careful. If Taoist friends want to learn refinery, it is indeed essential.

"It's cheaper. I'll buy two at a time!" Zhao Di said impatiently.

"This... Well, you can give the price of one hundred and sixty-five spiritual stones to Taoist friends. No matter how little it is, the villain can't make the decision." The man hesitated for a moment and said cheerfully.

Zhao nodded and took out two middle-level spiritual stones, one red and one yellow.

The man took over the Lingshi, took out the two blank jade slips very skillfully, and put the jade slips selected by Zhao Di and the blank jade slips together. After typing a strange formula, the content in the jade slip was copied. He gave the copied jade slips together with dozens of low-level spiritual stones to Zhao Di.

After Zhao Di took over the jade slip, he tested it with divine consciousness. After confirming that it was correct, the palm of his hand gently flashed, and a piece of white glow flashed, and these things were put into the storage bag by him.

Zhao Di, who originally wanted to see other classics in the store, left this Fuyuzhai because he had spent such a large amount of spiritual stone and did not dare to show his wealth.

Zhao Di plans to go directly to several stores selling elixir to see if there is a elixirs suitable for him.

But just a few steps away from going out, he was attracted by the words from a group of onlookers.

"This is a Chinese spiritual tool! As long as you are inlaid with a middle-order ice attribute spirit stone, you can play all the effects, regardless of whether the user is an ice attribute spirit root or not.

"Nonsense, where did I get the middle-level ice spirit stone! You should know that the price of rare mutant spirit stones such as ice spirit stone, wind spirit stone and thunder spirit stone is 20 or 30 times that of ordinary five-element spirit stone! If I can buy the middle-level ice spirit stone, will I still buy this broken shield from you? You can directly exchange for the best magic weapon!"

"You don't know the goods! You are a gas refinery monk. Have you used the best magic weapon for you? Can you exert all the power of the best magic weapon? Spiritual tools are so rare that rare things are precious, do you understand!"

"Boh! Use your own spiritual power as you want! Your spiritual tool consumes the spiritual power of the spiritual stone. A medium-level ice spiritual stone is so expensive. You will run out of spiritual power after a few times, and you have to change it! You said that spiritual tools are rare, because spiritual tools are simply chicken ribs! Even if your broken shield is equipped with a medium-level ice spirit stone, it is only equivalent to the defense ability of the foundation-building monks, but if you use it once, it is equivalent to spending hundreds of spiritual stones. Who else will use your broken shield!"

"Yes, the monks in the refining period can't afford it at all, and the monks in the foundation period can't improve much strength. It's purely a waste of spiritual stone."

"If you can't use it, it doesn't mean that others won't! Eight hundred spirit stones don't bargain. Forget it if you don't buy it. Don't hinder me from doing business!"

"There are still eight hundred fairy stones, lying to fools! You can buy a good top-quality magic weapon or even a good best magic weapon! Poor and crazy!"

"Who are you scolding! Whether you like to buy or not, you are so poor!"

When Zhao Di only heard the word "Chinese spiritual tool", he was immediately attracted and became one of the onlookers.

This is a special magic weapon that is equivalent to the level of monks in the foundation period when exerting all its power! He immediately remembered some records about spiritual tools mentioned in an ancient book.

Strictly speaking, spiritual tools are also a kind of magic weapon. Unlike ordinary magic weapons, spiritual tools do not exert their power by absorbing the spiritual power of the monks themselves. On the contrary, when a monk manipulates spiritual tools, he only needs to inject a small amount of spiritual power to control and guide. The main source of spiritual power is the spiritual stone embedded in it.

This is an extremely ancient refining method handed down from ancient times. Now, for various reasons, it rarely appears and almost only exists in classics.

All spiritual tools are equipped with inlaid grooves of inlaid spiritual stones, which can pull out the spiritual power contained in the spiritual stones and give full play to the corresponding power of spiritual tools. At the same time, every time the spiritual tool is used, the inlaid spiritual stone on it will consume some spiritual power. When the spiritual power in the spiritual stone is consumed, it must be replaced with a new spiritual stone before it can continue to be used.

And the spiritual tool can't be used by any kind of spiritual stone. According to the attributes of the raw materials used in the refining of spiritual tools, spiritual tools can only use spiritual stones that match the spiritual attributes.

The two people who scolded each other mentioned the ice spirit stone. It seems that this spiritual tool is refined from ice attribute materials. Only the ice spirit stone can be used to stimulate the power of this spiritual tool, and the spirit stone inlaid with other attributes has no effect.

(Second update! Please collect, recommend, and strive for today's fourth update!)