The Path of Immortals

Chapter 37 Zhu Yan Dan

After Zhao Di bought a few elixirs and a large number of elixirs, he found a corner to remove the canopy.

Then he went to Duobao Pavilion to brazenly purchase some commonly used refinery auxiliary materials, etc. These things were not worth much spiritual stones, and he did not need to be wary of anything.

As for the raw materials of the tifier, he thought for a while and decided not to buy it for the time being. He had already planned to use the next time to learn the way of refining. Let's wait until later for the production of mid- and high-level runes in the gas refining period.

After wandering around this not-so-so-large Yanling Street twice. After not seeing anything strange, Zhao Di went to the "Xian Ke Ming" tea shop at the end of the street. After sitting down and ordering a pot of Yunwu Lingming tea, a specialty of the Kuanglu Mountains, he tasted tea and waited for Jian Xiner.

This cloud and fog spirit tea is worthy of being a first-class spiritual tea. The tea leaves stretch like a knife and are as green as new leaves. The tea is clear and slightly yellow and green, and there are even a few faint traces of white fog condensed in the mouth of the cup. As soon as he entered the mouth, Zhao Di felt a fragrance attacking people. He was refreshed and a little refreshing. Take another sip, and you will feel that the taste is mellow, and the taste is not greasy or slippery. Taste it carefully, with a little greenness in the richness, which makes people have an endless aftertaste. Even Zhao Di, who doesn't know the tea ceremony, feels very useful after taking a few sips.

When Zhao Di drank more than half of a pot of cloud spirit tea, Jian Xiner finally appeared.

"The brilliance is flying!" This is Zhao Di's first impression after seeing Jian Xiner. At this time, Jian Xiner's cheeks were slightly red, there was a fine sweat on her forehead, and her bright eyes showed an excited look. Coupled with the pink dress on her body, she looks particularly lively and touching.

As soon as she appeared in the teahouse, she immediately attracted a lot of attention. Many monks glanced at them inadvertently, and Zhao Di beside them was looked at a few more times.

"What good things have you changed to?" Zhao Di smiled, asked, and handed the girl a cup of spiritual tea at the same time.

"Hehe, guess!" Jian Xiner sold a piece of fun. She seemed to be thirsty. After taking over the spiritual tea, she drank it all. Then she casually released a "sound insulation technique", and a small light mask protected Zhao Di and her.

This is a commonly used low-level auxiliary spell, which has little protective effect except that it can isolate the sound from being transmitted.

Zhao Di gave her another cup, shook his head and said, "I can't guess this." In fact, he thought to himself, "What else can there be, either beautiful clothes or rouge gouache."

"Hey hey, I knew you couldn't guess it. Look, what is this!" Jian Xiner proudly took out a small wooden box from her arms and handed it to Zhao Di.

"Is this?" Zhao Di opened the small box, in which there were seven or eight identical purple elixir pills, which he had never seen before, and from the spiritual power of the elixir, it seemed to be the second elixir.

He took the elixir pill to his nose and sniffed it hard. He only felt that this kind of elixir was particularly fragrant and smelly, but he really couldn't think of any kind of elixir.

"I can't recognize what kind of panacea it is to make you so happy!" Zhao Di gave up. He had read a lot of classics about elixir, but he still couldn't recognize it. Is it an extremely remote elixir?

"Let me tell you, this is Zhu Yan Dan! If you take one pill, you will be young forever, and your face will never grow old. The girl said excitedly, but after a moment, her voice was much lower: "Unfortunately, these pills are secondary elixirs, and I'm afraid the effect is minimal. There are only a few real Zhuyan Dan, which have been bought by several female uncles in the foundation period at a high price of nine hundred spirit stones. This time, Dan is also going to sell one of the three spirit stones! I don't know how many senior sisters are rushing to buy it. I almost got these pills half-bought and half-robbed.

"Does the second elixir also need a grain of three spirit stones? It's so expensive. It must be a good thing! Give me some." After saying that, before Jian Xiner agreed or not, Zhao Di took two or three pills directly from the box and put them in his storage bag.

"You big man, why do you want to stay young forever?" Jian Xiner pouted and rolled her eyes at Zhao Di, showing a naughty expression that made Zhao Di feel extremely cute.

"Hehe." Zhao Di giggled twice, but did not reply. Instead, he directly asked about her recent situation of her practice.

Jian Xiner's excited look suddenly disappeared. She put away the wooden box and said slowly, "It's still the same. I practice in Uncle Sun's medicine garden every day. The aura there is very sufficient, but the progress is also very average. I'm not sure that I can be promoted to the twelfth level of the gas refining period before the foundation test two years later. I'm afraid that the foundation-building test will be particularly difficult.

Zhao Di understood what Jian Xiner meant. He and Jian Xiner, who do not have the full support of the sect family behind him, are similar to the eleven-level monks of Sanxiu, and their strength can only be regarded as the middle of many foreign disciples. In addition, Jian Xiner does not have much practical experience in fighting with people, and the magic weapon she has is just a medium-grade magic weapon. If you want to stand out in the foundation-building test that everyone must win, there is really not much chance.

The requirement for participating in the foundation-building test is that the cultivation has reached at least the tenth level of the gas refining period, and the age is not more than 40 years old. Because after the age of 40, the probability of building the foundation is much smaller, and even if the foundation is successful, it will basically stay in the early stage of foundation building for a lifetime, and it is difficult to make any more progress in cultivation. The best age for foundation-building is under the age of 30. For monks who build foundations at this age, a large part of their cultivation can be further increased.

Among the nearly 2,000 disciples who have participated in the foundation-building test, there are hundreds of them who have reached the thirteenth and twelfth floors of the gas refining period, and most of the rest are in the eleventh layer of the gas refining period. It is very difficult to get one of only dozens of places in these two thousand people. Either the cultivation is high and the mana is stronger than others, or it is to rely on the strong magic weapon to steadily suppress others. Usually, both conditions must be met, so that the probability of winning the foundation elixir will be higher.

And Jian Xiner, obviously these two conditions are much worse, so she really has no confidence in the foundation-building test two years later, and her tone obviously reveals a trace of frustration.

Zhao Di still encouraged her a few words and proposed to let her concentrate on practice. Don't care about the magic weapon first. The powerful magic weapon that everyone wants can't be found, and it is difficult to get it even if it takes too much effort. It's better to concentrate on practice. If you can break through to the twelfth level of the gas refining period before the test, you can also increase a lot of strength.

After all, the cultivation has been improved. Whether boredom is mana or divine consciousness, etc. can be increased a few points.

Jian Xiner nodded, and she also agreed with Zhao Di.

It's not very early. The two left Jiling Street and flew to Iron Ship Peak while chatting about their cultivation experience.

After Zhao Di sent Jian Xiner back to the iron ship peak, he also returned to the refinery room.

According to his own plan, since it is difficult to improve his cultivation in the past two years, he simply uses this time to prepare the magic weapon than the trial.

What can be bought in Fangshi is basically a medium-grade magic weapon, or a second-grade magic weapon, and it is not cheap. Zhao Di didn't dare to take action rashly. On the other hand, he felt that these magic weapons were not powerful enough. Under such a fierce confrontation as the foundation-building competition, it was useless, so he did not put hope on the market.

After he found that Xiaoding had the magical effect of improving the raw materials of the refinery, he thought of the possibility of refining the magic weapon one day.

Now he feels that this is not only possible, but also very feasible.

According to his preliminary understanding of the refinery, the most important thing about whether he can refine a good magic weapon is not whether the refiner technique is skillful, but the raw material of the refiner.

The raw materials are too poor. No matter how experienced you are, you can't refine a medium-grade magic weapon with a few catties of fine copper waste. This is the same reason that it is difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice.

On the contrary, as long as the raw materials are good enough, even if the refining technique is a little rusty, it is possible to refine a medium or even top-grade magic weapon. For example, Zhao Di uses the fine copper material slightly cultivated by Xiaoding. As long as it is slightly refined, it is possible to refine a middle-grade magic weapon. If you meet a skilled refiner master, you may be able to make a top-grade magic weapon.

For unfamiliar refiners, the possibility of refining failure is very high. Once the refining fails, the raw materials, spiritual stones, auxiliary materials, etc. used in the refinery will be scrapped, and there is almost no possibility of reuse. Therefore, for ordinary monks, they would never dare to refine the magic weapon by themselves. They would rather spend a large amount of spiritual stone and ask the refiner master to process and refine it on their behalf. Otherwise, once it fails, the value of wasted raw materials and spiritual stones will be unbearable.

But for Zhao Di, he has a steady stream of high-quality raw materials and spiritual stones. What's the point of wasting some? What he is afraid of is not waste, but of showing wealth. He didn't dare to give the good raw materials to others for refining.

Ten thousand generations have become greedy for the refiners and design traps to let him get in, which is not good.

"The less uncertainty, the better. Your destiny should still be in your own hands!" Zhao Di thought so.

(Fourth update, thank you for your support!)