The Path of Immortals

Chapter 41 The Beginning of the Test

Chapter 41 The trial begins

The draw for the foundation-building test is held uniformly.

All numbers are sealed in identical paraffin balls, and these wax balls are placed in a special storage bag.

The opening of this storage bag is only about three or four inches in diameter, and only half an arm can be reached in. Moreover, this storage bag is not like ordinary. After opening, the monks can explore it with their divine consciousness and see everything in it. Even after opening the storage bag, it can completely block the monk's divine consciousness, so that the monks can only reach out and grab the lot.

All the registered disciples lined up in a long line, put their hands into the storage bag in turn, and then quickly took out an inch of paraffin balls.

Some disciples immediately pinched the wax balls and took out a small piece of bamboo engraved with numbers in the package.

After only an hour, all the monks took the wax balls.

Next, let's start the grouping test.

The two monks who draw the same number are a group. Due to the large number of more than 900 groups in the first round, the number was divided into more than ten venues according to the size of the number.

In each venue, there are at least three foundation-building monks to judge and preside over the order.

The number drawn by Zhao Di is "six two seven", which was divided into the "viewing cloud platform" venue for a test.

Since it was not his turn, Zhao Di stood under the stage and watched the two people's test on the stage with great interest.

One of them was the girl Zhao Di had seen, the Golden Leaf Fairy. At this time, she held a green bamboo whip about ten feet long in her hand and looked at her opponent coldly.

And her opponent is a childish teenager with only ten layers of gas refining period, who has just met the registration requirements. In the face of the senior sister who is far superior to himself, the teenager is trying to suppress the tension in his heart and want to be calm. However, the little yellow sword weapon that trembled slightly in front of him ruthlessly betrayed his master's heart.

After the two saluted each other, an old man in the middle of building the foundation announced the start of the test.

Before the girl took action, the teenager actually took the lead. The little sword struck the girl with a slightly crooked trajectory.

The girl snorted softly in her nose and waved the bamboo whip magic weapon hard. The bamboo whip, with the sound of the roaring wind, directly entangled the opponent's small sword.

The teenager was in a hurry and desperately manipulated the sword to escape from the control of the method, but no matter how he urged the sword, he could not break free from the entanglement of the opponent's bamboo whip. And the yellow light on the small sword is also slowly weakening, making low sounds, which is the precursor of the imminent damage of the magic weapon.

This is the most cherished magic weapon of the teenager. He hurriedly said, "Senior sister has mercy, and my brother admits defeat."

When the girl heard the words, there was a smile on her white face. With a gentle wave of the bamboo whip, the yellow sword trembled back to the teenager.

The teenager blushed. After put away the magic weapon, he walked down the test stand without saying a word.

The gap between the two hairs was too wide, and the competition ended in just a few breaths.

In fact, in the first round of the test, most of the winners and loser were divided in a moment. Unless the cultivation and magic weapons of both sides are relatively close, otherwise, after one or two rounds, the judgment will be made, and the obviously invincible monks will not dare to entangle too much, so as to avoid damaging the magic weapons or even serious injury, which is not worth the loss.

Zhao Di's opponent in the first round is an eleven-layer black-faced young man, using a knife-shaped medium-class magic weapon. Zhao Di sacrificed a golden long sword, which he named "Gongbu Sword" as the top-grade fine copper long sword magic weapon.

As soon as the two magic weapons were exchanged, the cloth sword easily cut the opponent's knife into an inch-sized gap and went straight to the black-faced monk. Although the black-faced monk used a cyan wooden shield magic weapon, he was still easily pierced by the cloth sword, and the black-faced monk could only reluctantly admit defeat.

Unlike Zhao Di's easy victory, Jian Xiner's luck was not very good. In the first round, she met an opponent who also held the best magic weapon.

The rare test in the first round, in which both sides used top-quality magic weapons, attracted many monks to watch. After the end of his own test, Zhao Di also rushed to "Tianchitai" to watch Jian Xiner's test.

In the end, with three golden copper rings that can be attacked and defended, Jian Xiner pressed the other party's white jade ruler magic weapon, and forced the other party back under the stage to win the match. After this battle, Jian Xiner's copper ring magic weapon also became famous among the disciples.

On the "Wanghaitai", a young man with angry sword eyebrows commanded a cyan giant sword weapon, cut a red tapered magic weapon of the other party, and won the test;

On the "falling haze platform", a beautiful girl rolled up the opponent and the magic weapon with a gold and silver two-color silk and satin magic weapon and threw it under the stage;

On the "Listening to the rain platform", two monks on the 11th floor of the gas refining period, each manipulating a medium-grade magic weapon, are struggling fiercely, and it is difficult to distinguish the winner from the loser for a while;

On the "flower-seeking platform", two top-grade magic weapons are glued together. You come and go, and no one can take the upper hand, but the owner of one of the magic weapons suddenly lost his spiritual power, sprayed blood in his mouth, and was defeated;


Scenes like this are being carried out at the same time on more than a dozen test stands over and over again. Two days later, the first round of the test was all over. There is no break. After the first round, we will continue to draw lots again for the next round of the test.

This time, Zhao Di drew the "Eleven" number and was arranged to play the second round of the "wind platform" at the home court.

Zhao Di's opponent is Li Qing, who is also the 12th floor of the gas refining period, who entered Taixumen two years earlier than him.

The two people, who are very similar in age, size, body shape and cultivation, stand on the stage, which indicates that the next test will not be as strong and weak as the first round.

After the two bowed to each other, a young monk in the middle of the foundation construction announced the beginning of their test.

As soon as the words announcing the start of the test fell, Zhao Di and Li Qing both coincidentally took a picture of a defensive charm on themselves. In the face of close opponents, it is right to be careful to avoid sneak attacks.

The difference is that Zhao Di shoots the middle-level rune "Golden Shield", while the other party is the low-level rune "Dajra Rune". Among the junior high school defense spells, the two metal shields are the most practical.

In the next action, the two are still very similar, and both of them sacrificed their own attack weapons.

With Zhao Di's right hand, Bai Xia flashed, and a golden sword appeared in his hand. The sword body was slender and the hilt was extremely short. Zhao Di then threw the little sword in front of him, and his hands quickly changed various postures. He put the spiritual power into the small sword one by one. In a blink of an eye, the small sword rose to three feet long, emitting a dazzling golden light. It was his first round of meritorious sword.

And the opposite Li Qing's movement is not slow. He took out a red mini pot magic weapon two or three inches in size. With a wave of his hand, the red light flashed, and the small pot appeared above the heads of the two, and then he also hit the small pot one by one.

The shape of the small pot is also soaring, but when it rises to the size of a foot, it will no longer increase. Instead, the color keeps turning red and bright, and finally it is like the scorching sun in the air, which makes people afraid to look directly.

Even through the protective shield of the "golden shield", Zhao Di can obviously feel the heat wave coming from the small pot. Obviously, this small pot is a top-quality magic weapon with fire attributes.

"I met my opponent!" Zhao Di thought to himself. Generally speaking, the attack power of the fire attribute magic weapon is among the top five elements magic weapons.

And he has also heard that several rare-shaped magic weapons such as mirrors, towers, pots, clocks, etc. are all powerful and infinitely useful.

Now that Li Qing has taken out a top-quality fire attribute pot-shaped magic weapon, he naturally dares not underestimate the other party.

Zhao Di secretly buckled a golden round shield in the palm of his hand and sacrificed the cloth sword at the same time. The golden sword drew a straight golden light and stabbed Li Qing very fast. Obviously, Li Qing's Vajra charm defense shield alone can't stop the golden sword.

But under the gentle touch of Li Qing's right index finger, a two or three-foot-long fire crow flew out of the mouth of the red and bright pot. Although the face of the crow and the feathers on its body could not be seen clearly, it had three feet, which was very strange.

As soon as the fire crow came out of the small pot, it crowed twice and pecked at the golden sword.

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