The Path of Immortals

Chapter 51 Spin Turtle

Zhao Di did not dare to fly to Jingyu Peak with such a careless imperial weapon.

It is repeatedly explained in the jade slip, and you can't fly the imperial weapon at a high altitude in the valley for a long time. First of all, the whole altitude of the Dragon Valley is covered by an extremely powerful prohibition. If it flies too high and triggers this prohibition, it will definitely die. This is the iron law of countless human lives.

There are many birds and monsters in Erlai Valley. If they are targeted by them in the air, it is certain that they are more or less lucky.

Third, the valley is more dangerous than monsters, that is, to meet other monks. If you are flying in the air and your vision is not blocked, it is easy to be found by nearby monks, and it is very easy to end up being tracked and sneaked.

Zhao Di fell back into the dense forest. He put the scales in the gray robe and replaced the boots with those hundred-feather boots. As for the black gauze cloak, wearing it will affect your sight, and in this valley, meeting is a life-and-death struggle, and there is no need to cover your face. Naturally, Zhao Di will not wear it.

Next, he suddenly pinched a strange posture with both hands, recited the spell in his mouth, and then disappeared. This is the low-level auxiliary spell "Hidden" commonly used by immortals. But at this time, Zhao Di not only disappeared in place, but also the aura emitted from his body was restrained. Unless he came to the sight of other monks, he could not find Zhao Di's whereabouts by virtue of his divine consciousness alone.

This is the secret art of "hidden spirit" that Zhao Di took a lot of effort to learn. Using this secret skill consumes some spiritual power, and you can't mobilize a lot of spiritual power in your body in this process. Otherwise, you can't control the restraint of spiritual power and destroy the effect of hiding spiritual power.

Zhao Di held a middle-level blue water attribute spirit stone in his hand. While using the hidden spirit, he occasionally absorbed some spiritual power from the spirit stone to supplement the small amount of spiritual power consumption caused by casting. In this critical dragon valley, it is necessary to maintain sufficient spiritual power at all times.

In addition, Zhao Di also released the divine consciousness, covering a range of more than 100 feet around him. With these means, he can finally boldly move towards Jingyu Peak.

Zhao Di has traveled for more than 20 miles, has left the dense forest and come to a calm lake. If he hadn't admitted his mistake, according to the jade slip, this lake is called Gengxin Lake. There is a first-class monster called a spinning turtle in this lake. The turtle's head and snake's tail are usually dark red, which is very strange. This kind of turtle can only have a few low-level defensive spells such as "The Diamond Mask" and "Stone Skin". There is almost no threat to the high-level monks in the refining period, but it is also rough and thick, and the defense against various spells is very good. In addition, it is particularly timid. Generally, they hide in the Killed.

Zhao Di is still very interested in this spinning turtle, because many classics have mentioned that the turtle shell of turtle monsters is very suitable for refining into shield-like defense weapons. Many top-quality and best defense magic weapons are refined from tortoise demon hard shells. There are even classics that mention that turtle and demon shells above level 5 can also refine defensive magic weapons!

Zhao Di, who lacked a defensive best magic weapon, slowed down a lot when he was about to approach the lake.

Sure enough, Zhao Di saw from afar that there were seven or eight red turtles of different sizes drying their bodies leisurely by a lake several miles away from him.

By the lake, the terrain is very open and the view is good. Even if he used concealment and concealment at the same time, he would have been found by the tortoise within two or three hundred feet. And once these turtles find themselves, with their timid personality, they will definitely turn back to the lake. After these turtles entered the lake, they moved much faster and were extremely difficult to catch.

After thinking about it for a short time, Zhao Di had an idea.

He tried his best to get close to the group of turtles three or four miles away with some long grass and scattered trees. Then he took a yellow "earth escape charm" charm on his body. The yellow light flashed gently, and Zhao Di disappeared into the ground.

The spell sealed in the rune is one of the high-level spells in the refining period, the "earth escape spell", which can walk through the soil without hindrance until the spiritual power sealed in the rune is exhausted.

At this time, Zhao Di was four or five feet deep below the ground, and he was shrouded in a layer of round yellow light. When the surrounding mud and stone encounter the yellow light on the mask, it will automatically disappear into invisible. After the yellow light, it will quickly return to its original state. Therefore, Zhao Di in the yellow light is like walking on the flat ground, quickly approaching the location of the turtle by the lake.

After a while, Zhao Di's consciousness sensed that he was very close to the turtle, so the yellow light changed to go up and rushed straight out of the ground.

Several spinning turtles playing by the lake looked at a sudden figure in the mud in front of them. After being stunned, they quickly crawled into the lake.

A piece of rune flew out, and a yellow light flashed in the air, turning into a dark yellow mask with a diameter of two or three feet, covering three or four large turtles and preventing them from returning to the lake.

This is exactly a "earth charm" rune thrown by Zhao Di, trapping several large turtles in it. These turtles kept hitting the mask, but the mask was almost unmoved. The spinning turtle is only good at some defensive spells, and its attack power is extremely poor. Even if these turtles are given another seven or eight hours, they can't break the light cover of the earth.

Zhao Di took out the Yushan seal and slowly injected the spiritual power in his body into it. Soon the small seal rose to the size of the earth cell mask. Zhao Di immediately stopped injecting spiritual power and manipulated the Yushan seal to fly to the top of the heads of the turtles.

After all, the monster with spiritual power. After feeling the huge threat from above the head, several spinning turtles made a "crackling", like the strange sound of wood being split, and then put the bird's head, limbs and snake tail into the tortoise shell.

With a "boom", Yushan's seal hit these turtles heavily. It was not only smashed in an instant, but also the ground was smashed four or five feet deep. However, when Zhao Di took back the Yushan seal, he was surprised to find that the bodies of these turtles were very complete, and even one of them staggered up and wanted to climb back to the lake.

With a sound of "Z", a golden light flew by. The tortoise, which was obviously a little dizzy, was cut off the sharp-billed bird's head by the Gongbu sword sacrificed by Zhao Di. After crawling around for a while, it was motionless.

As for the other spiral turtles, their internal organs were shattered by the Yushan seal and were already dead.

Zhao Di unceremoniously cut off the shells of these spinning turtles with a cloth sword and put them all into the storage bag.

Next, he quickly got into a grove by the lake, found a hidden tree hole, picked up a high-level spiritual stone, and sat down.

The spiritual power consumed by this Yushan seal was still above his expectation. With just one blow, it consumed nearly half of his mana, and he had to quickly supplement it with a high-level spiritual stone.

With a high-level spiritual stone, in just half an hour, his spiritual power was fully restored.

In this process, his consciousness has been closely monitoring his surroundings to ensure that he can react as soon as the wind blows.

After another two or three hours, it was dark in the evening, and Zhao Di came to the foot of Jingyu Peak.

Zhao Di looked up at the thousand-foot-high, shiny mountain peak, and then looked at all kinds of large or small translucent stones under his feet. He was a little speechless.

Here are all shiny crystals. If you want to pick out the bleeding sperm stone from it, you can't directly judge it clearly with a divine consciousness. You can only carefully check it piece by piece. There is no doubt that it is looking for a needle in a haystack.

Some of these crystals are as smooth as mirrors and can't be stepped on at all; some are sharp and sharp as swords. All of these add a lot of difficulty to treasure hunting in crystals.

No wonder the danger coefficient is the lowest here, but in the past trip to the Dragon Valley, few people have found the blood essence stone here to complete the task.

Anyway, there was still a lot of time, and Zhao Di was not in a hurry to rush to other places. He simply held a slender golden spear and plucked it around like a stick in a pile of stones.

What he didn't know was that at this time, two or three other monks were also coming to Jingyu Peak. One of them even trudged six or seven hundred miles and passed through several treasure-hunting places without entering the Jingyu Peak.

(Fourth update! Please support the newcomer's new book and help promote it.)