The Path of Immortals

Chapter 77 Destiny

Chapter 77 The fate is terrible

"Willow Fairy, I didn't expect to meet you again!" After the young man who bought the elixir left, Zhao Di walked into the store and said to the young woman.

This young woman is no one else. It was Liu Yingying, the alchemist he met in the Liuyun Mountains more than ten years ago.

The young woman sighed and said lightly, "Yes, I never thought that there would be a day when I would meet Zhao Daoyou. My concubine wants to congratulate her Taoist friend. Now it is the ten-layer cultivation of the gas refining period!" There was a faint resentment in his tone.

Zhao Di was a little embarrassed. He said with a wry smile, "Isn't the cultivation of the fairy greatly increased? It has been nearly ten years since I said goodbye to the fairy in Liuyunfang City that day. I don't know how the fairy got here. Is it convenient for the fairy to talk about what happened during this period?

The young woman whispered, "This is not the place to talk. Well, it happens that I'm going to close the store. If Zhao Daoyou has nothing else to do, why don't you look back at Qingshan with me? There is a small spiritual vein, and Taoist friends can temporarily settle there.

"Well, that's fine!" Zhao nodded and agreed.

As soon as the two left Honglinfang City, Zhao Di asked, "Liu Fairy, how far is it from the green mountains?"

Liu Yingying replied, "It's about 300 miles southwest. If the two of us walk faster, we can still get there before dark. It seems to be a little unsipated recently. It's better for us to not walk at night.

"Well, the fairy is right. I have a flying weapon here, which is just in handy. Zhao said, took out a boat-like magic weapon and turned into a wooden boat more than ten feet long with the wind. This flying artifact was obtained from the Dragon Valley, and I don't know which unlucky monk the original owner was.

"Flying magic weapon!" When the young woman heard this, she was slightly surprised. When she saw the wooden boat, she still looked at Zhao Di with unbelievable eyes and said with a smile, "Zhao Daoyou has made a lot of spiritual stones over the years. He can even have such a valuable thing as flying magic weapons! By the way, I almost forgot to ask, why did the Taoist friend come to the State of Wu on this day?

"Hi! This matter is complicated. In short, I inadvertently offended a force that I couldn't afford to provoke, so I had to stay away from the Golden Flame Kingdom and take refuge here. As for this boat, it has indeed made a breakthrough in the system over the years, so it can afford to buy flying magic weapons. Zhao Di simply took the reason why he came to the State of Wu.

After saying that, Zhao Di boarded the end of the wooden boat and said to the young woman, "Liu Fairy, let's talk while walking."

The young lady smiled, boarded the wooden boat, and stood at the other end. Suddenly, her face darkened and she said sadly, "I didn't expect that in addition to my husband, I would ride a flying magic weapon with others!"

"I don't know if the fairy respects her husband's name, is she also in the green mountain?" Zhao Di asked without surprise. He had already seen this from the other party's dress and bun. At this time, he had injected a small amount of spiritual power into the canoe, allowing the canoe to fly southwest at a speed that was not very amazing.

"My concubine's husband has been an immortal for more than two years, but I just don't dare to let unruly people know!" The young woman replied in a low voice, her nose twitched slightly, and tears were already in her red eyes.

Zhao Di didn't ask anything for a moment. He knew that the other party would definitely continue to talk.

Not long after, Liu Yingying briefly described what happened in the past ten years after her separation from Zhao Di.

It turned out that since Liu Yingying was forced to marry by Lv Qiao, the foundation-building monk of the Fire Sect in Liuyunfang City, the whole family had to move away from the Liuyun Mountains. But somehow, let the guy surnamed Lv know about this. He was so angry that he chased him all the way from the Liuyun Mountains. In desperation, Liu Yingying parted ways with her family and fled everywhere.

But I don't know what means the monk surnamed Lv used to catch up with her directly, blocked her way, and forcibly took her back to the cave as a concubine. Liu Yingying would rather die, and the other party showed no mercy at all. She suddenly restrained her and wanted to forcibly take her away. At this critical moment of life and death, a mid-stage monk of the State of Tianwu, who traveled around, passed by and stopped Lv Qiao's evil deeds. The two had a fight. The guy surnamed Lv couldn't take any advantage of it. Instead, he suffered a minor injury and had to leave.

After that, Liu Yingying, who lost contact with her family and was homeless and had nowhere to go, came to the State of Tianwu with this brave foundation-building monk. Two or three years later, she married this person and became a double-cultivation partner.

Liu Yingying's husband, surnamed Li Mingjin, is a mid-term foundation-building monk of Bihaimen in the State of Tianwu. Although there is no great power in the door, he is also a janist. Every year, he has a salary of three or five hundred spiritual stones. In the years after marriage, the two of them have always been in love and insipid. With the help of her husband, Liu Yingying's cultivation quickly went from the fifth or sixth floor of the refining period to the ninth floor.

For Liu Yingying, this is a good thing to be blessed by misfortune, which has made her a good marriage. Unfortunately, just two years ago, when Li Jin carried out a seemingly non-dangerous ordinary task for the sect, he was unlucky to be attacked by a rare high-level monster. The four foundation-building monks of Bihaimen With more than a dozen disciples of the refining period, only two foundation-building monks escaped, and everyone else, including Li Jin, was buried in the mouth of the monster.

As soon as Li Jin left, he left the lonely Liu Yingying alone. His cultivation was average, and only he barely had a skill in alchemy. So she had to take a small pension issued by Bihaimen and open a Dan pharmacy in Honglinfang City to maintain her livelihood of continuing to practice.

Because she is beautiful and afraid of causing trouble, she has always claimed to be the partner of a foundation-building monk, without mentioning the death of her husband at all, which makes those who scrupulous and don't dare to think about her. It's hard to say how long it can be hidden.

Although the young woman simply explained these old things, the vicissitudes and twists of life in her words were still revealed. While listening carefully, Zhao Di secretly lamented the fate of the other party! Before escaping from the Liuyun Mountains, the woman also showed her feelings to him, but because he was eager for Taoism, he had never considered this man and woman at all, so he pretended to be puzzled. If I had confessed my feelings at that time and the two had become double-cultivated partners, what would it be today?

However, Zhao Di just thought a little about this kind of "if" question without an answer, and left it behind decisively.

He was not good at comforting people in the first place, so he just sighed a few times and said nothing more.

When I was on my way, I felt that time passed quickly. In addition, the two of them were worried, so unconsciously, the wooden boat magic weapon carried them and came to a green mountain.

"Wang Qingshan has arrived, Zhao Daoyou, let's walk instead. There are still dozens of monks living in this area, so as not to be too ostentatious." Liu Yingying wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile.

Zhao nodded in favor and manipulated the wooden boat to land smoothly on a hill. Then he put away the magic weapon, and the two walked slowly to the depths of the green mountain.

After walking for about half an hour, he came to a dense forest. When Zhao Di's powerful divine consciousness roughly swept within a radius of hundreds of feet, he suddenly noticed a trace of strangeness. He was calm on the surface, but he secretly raised his vigilance!

After walking for a while, Liu Yingying also found something wrong, stopped and shouted to Lin Zhong, "Who is sneaking around here? Come out!"

After several people hugged the big tree more than thirty feet away from the two, a black figure flashed, with a flash of inspiration on his body. After exposing his body, he rushed to the two at a very fast speed.

"The foundation-building monk!" Liu Yingying exclaimed, quickly stepped back a few steps, took out an iron-like defense weapon, and guarded in front of her warily.

(The third update, there is another update before 10 p.m. Please collect it. The newcomer's new book is not well-known, and there are few collections. With today's achievements, it is all thanks to everyone's help to publicize. Thank you very much!)