The Path of Immortals

Chapter 81 Sea of Stars

"See you, senior! Did the senior come to Xixing Island for the first time? A teenager with only six or seven floors in the refining period, less than 20 years old, with small eyes but very flexible, saw Zhao Di coming out of the stone house and took the initiative to bow forward to salute.

Generally, when low-level immortals see high-level monks, they are all frightened and dare not come out. How dare they take the initiative to talk to the teenager like this? Zhao Di was slightly curious and replied calmly, "So what?"

"The younger generation's surname is Xiao Mingye, and some familiar predecessors also call the younger generation Xiao Ye! The younger generation was born on this Xixing Island and grew up here. They are as familiar with Xixing Island and its 110 small islands. If the seniors need a guide, the younger generation is definitely the best choice! If the seniors are satisfied with the younger generation's service, they only need to be rewarded with the next two low-level spiritual stones in one day!" The teenager didn't care about Zhao Di's indifference, and still said with a smile.

Zhao Zhiji stared at the teenager blankly for a while, but did not say anything, which made the teenager quite frightened for a while.

"I really need a good guide. Well, if you do your best to satisfy me, I can pay you five spiritual stones! But if you take me to some unscrupulous shops and let me know afterwards, it will inevitably make you suffer a lot with this profit!" Zhao Di said such a thing in a cold tone, and the meaning of the warning was very obvious.

The teenager was not afraid, but was very happy. He said repeatedly, "It must be! Seniors, don't worry, the younger generation is by no means a nursery invited by a store! Besides, the younger generation has been making a living here. How dare they offend a senior like you? It's simply digging their own grave!"

"Very good! Then let's talk about it first. What islands are there in this deep-sea area? How can I find the right practice cave? Zhao nodded and casually arranged a sound insulation cover to cover him and Xiao Ye.

For questions like this, Xiao Ye almost has to answer them every time he is a guide, so he hardly has to think about it. He introduces them endlessly and skillfully:

"Senior, this deep-sea area is vast and boundless. No one has ever explored how big it is. In this sea area, there are hundreds of thousands of islands containing spiritual veins, and they are scattered all over the sea, just like the stars in the sky. Therefore, people in our deep sea area call this sea area the Star Sea.

"The sea of stars is divided into two sea areas: inner stars and outer stars. There are three extra-large islands in the inner stars, namely Penglai, Yingzhou and Abbot, collectively known as Sanxian Island. These three fairy islands are the core of our Star Sea, which are controlled by the three largest immortal cultivation forces in the Star Sea. Each fairy island has a sphere of influence of tens of millions of miles, and the large islands in this range are under the direct jurisdiction of the fairy island. And each large island governs hundreds to thousands of small and medium-sized islands nearby.

"Like our West Star Island, it is the westernmost big island in the inner star, which belongs to Penglai Fairy Island in Sanxian Island. There are more than a thousand small and medium-sized islands with spiritual veins attached to Xixing Island, which are available for monks to choose as their own caves. The senior only needs to go to the distant peak in the south of Xixing Island to go through the relevant procedures. If the senior has a flying weapon, the junior can take the senior here.

Speaking of here, there is a trace of expectation in the young man's spiritual eyes. He is not often a low-level monk who has the opportunity to fly in the sky. He has only tried this kind of fresh and interesting thing three or four times before.

Unfortunately, Zhao Di said faintly, "Don't worry about this. Let's talk about it first. How much do you know about the killing of monsters?"

"Ha ha, seniors, don't worry, although the junior's cultivation is still low, they are no stranger to the monsters in the sea of stars. After all, we monks in the Star Sea are almost all practicing by killing monsters!" The teenager said happily that he probably answered this question the most. Of the ten monks who came to the sea of stars from the coast of the mainland, seven or eight came here to kill monsters.

"In the inner stars, there are also many monsters, but they are mainly first-level and second-level low-level monsters. There are fewer high-level monsters, and the distribution is very scattered, which is difficult to find. In extraterresity, the density of monsters is much higher. Not only is there a large number of high-level monsters, but there are also several gathering points of monsters, which can easily find monsters. Therefore, although the alien planet is much more dangerous, most of the monks still go to the alien planet to kill monsters.

"If you want to kill monsters, you'd better team up with other foundation-building monks. In this way, although there are not many spiritual stones that can be divided, it is much safer. The younger generation heard that only a very small number of seniors in the later stage of foundation building and some high-level seniors with boundless magic power dare to act alone in the alien stars. Even so, there are a lot of elixirs who die in the mouth of monsters every year!"

"Of course, if you meet a malicious evil person when forming a team, that's more risky than meeting a monster. But on this West Star Island, there are several predecessors in the foundation period who have a good reputation! These predecessors are veterans who often go in and out of alien stars, and they are also very fair and well-known in distributing trophies! If you need it, you can ask these seniors. With that, the teenager reported the names of more than a dozen foundation-building monks in one breath. Most of these people's cultivations were in the later stage of foundation-building, and only two or three people were in the middle of foundation-building.

Zhao Di silently remembered these names in his heart, and then asked the teenager, "In this city of Xixing Island, are there some elixies for sale that can improve the cultivation of monks during the foundation period?"

"A ready-made elixir?" The teenager said with a little surprise: "There are very few elixirs for sale during the foundation-building period, and the price is very high. In the Star Sea, high-level monks above the foundation period usually refine their own alchemy.

"Refined by yourself? Isn't the success rate very low? There is also a detailed method of refining elixir, that is, the elixir prescription. How to get it? Without Danfang, you can't refine it by yourself!" Zhao Di was even more surprised. In the past, when I was in the Golden Flame Kingdom, the most difficult thing to find in the classics was the detailed refining method of the elixir and the combination of raw materials. This kind of elixir prescription was handed down from the alchemy's ancestors, and it was easy to disclose anything. It was much more confidential than any alchemy, rune

He has also thought about his own alchemy. In this way, even if he has refined the secondary elixir, it is not a waste. He can still use the small tripod to cultivate it into an ordinary elixir. In this way, as long as the raw materials can be reached, his elixir is not a problem at all. However, he has been looking for a long time and has spent a lot of effort. He has never found a high-grade elixir in the refining period like Yijin pills, let alone the elixir prescription used by the foundation-building monks. This is also one of the reasons why high-level alchemists are very popular in the immortal world of Jinyan Kingdom.

So, when he heard the teenager say that most of the monks in the Star Sea were their own alchemy, he felt very strange and couldn't believe it!

When the teenager heard this, he said with a smile, "Ha ha, the high-level elixir of Xingchenhai is refined from the main material of the inner elixir of the monster. This specific refining method has been handed down since ancient times. I don't know how many years have passed. It has been improved by those capable people and is almost impeccable! Therefore, the success rate of alchemy is still guaranteed. As for Danfang, it is sold in some large cities, and the price is not expensive. In our Xixingdaofang City, there are two or three classic shops, all of which are sold by this kind of Danfang. If you go to those stores that specialize in selling the inner elixir of monsters and buy a certain amount of elixir, you can even get one or two elixirs for free.

"So that's it!" Zhao Di suddenly felt that it was very different from the mainland immortals who used the previous year's elixir to refine the elixir.

In the Golden Flame Kingdom, he struggled everywhere to find the elixir. He was very puzzled and had also asked other monks for advice on this matter. According to a shopkeeper of an elixir shop, all kinds of elixir prescriptions handed down in ancient times were originally a large variety, with mature refining methods and high success rates. But after this kind of elixir spread, those rare spiritual herbs were soon hollowed out by the monks! Without the elixirs needed in the elixir prescription, the elixir will become a piece of waste paper, and slowly there will be little left.

(The third update, there is another update in the evening.)