The Path of Immortals

Chapter 169 Trade Fair

Chapter 169 Trade Fair (Ask for Monthly Pass)

In addition to providing low-level immortals, the mortals on No. 1 Island do not have to pay any spiritual stone tax, but they also have their unique mission. The most important thing is to constantly repair and build the huge wall standing on the east of No. 1 Island year after year.

How big is the wall? Yu Jianzhong also deliberately sold a pass, which was not explained in detail. It just said that the monks could go and have a look. Any monk who sees this scene for the first time will not believe that it came from mortals.

This overseas business alliance seems to be quite good. After reading this classic, Zhao Di came up with such a preliminary judgment. If he hadn't been unwilling to waste decades on being sent, joining the Overseas Business League might be a good choice.

Zhao Di turned into a blue escape light and slowly flew to the mountainside of Tailai Peak.

There are only more than a dozen peaks with spiritual veins on this island, but most of them are of good quality, and the worst is also the middle-grade spiritual vein, which can be regarded as several top-grade spiritual veins.

The monks of Island No. 1 usually live in these peaks, so when it comes to the cultivation environment, this island does not have any special advantages, which is much worse than some large islands in the inner stars.

Tailaifeng is the best spiritual vein on Island No. 1, which can barely reach the aura density of the best spiritual vein.

Hundreds of pavilions have been built all over the middle of the mountainside of Tailai Peak for the monks of the Jiedan period who came to No. 1 Island.

In the alien star, the monks of the Jiedan period are already the most top-level existence. Therefore, the treatment in all aspects is the best. Even the early monks of Jiedan, who came to No. 1 Island for the first time like Zhao Di, can choose a cave in Tailaifeng and use it for free.

Zhao Di flew into an ordinary three-storey platform, and he was received by a middle-aged nun in the later stage of foundation building. The latter was very enthusiastic and recommended many caves to Zhao Di. After Zhao Di randomly selected a secluded place, he took the forbidden plate here and came to No. 1 Daofang City at the foot of Tailaifeng Mountain.

Although this city is much smaller than the huge city of Penglai Fairy Island, it is also very distinctive. Especially the stores that specialize in selling monsters-related treasures such as elixirs, demon souls, monster materials, etc., are large in scale and complete in variety, and are also the best in the Star Sea

Zhao Di walked around the city. Although he did not find fire corals and agate leaves, he gained a lot of knowledge. More than a dozen kinds of monsters he had hunted but didn't know their origin found traces here. After inquiring, he finally understood some ways. In addition, some rare demon elixirs are also sold here. Although the price is much more expensive than ordinary demon elixirs of the same level, Zhao Di still bought a few.

There is no other harvest in Fang City, and Zhao Di can only place his hopes on the auction half a month later. He didn't stay in the city for a long time, but flew straight back to the cave to meditate and rest.

He asked Youruo to arrange a few additional forbidden arrays in the cave, and told the two women not to waste time, and also took a few condensed elixirs these days.

For immortals, it is only more than ten days in the blink of an eye, and Zhao Di does not want to waste it.

Three days before the auction, Zhao Di left the cave and came to the second floor hall of the Star Pavilion.

Yu Jian explained that three days before each auction, the second floor of the Star Pavilion will be open to the elixir monks for free, so that these monks can freely exchange treasures and spiritual stones. Because the auction will be limited by time, the number of items that can be traded is limited, and more ordinary treasures are circulated and exchanged in this free exchange.

Some monks, in order to use a large number of spiritual stones that may be used at the auction, they will also take out some valuable treasures and exchange them into a large number of spiritual stones before the auction, so as to avoid the regret that they encounter their favorite treasures but the spiritual stones are not enough at the auction.

This is all the communication between the monks of the Jiedan period, and Zhao Di naturally doesn't want to miss it. He has never participated in this level of trading, and there may be some surprises.

Of course, if there is a suitable treasure, he will not hesitate to buy a large number of spiritual stones.

Before entering the second floor, Zhao put on a cyan mask.

This is a magic weapon he bought in the city, and its function is still to block the divine consciousness and cover the true face. Yu Jianzhong explained that most of the high-level monks who participated in auctions and early fairs would wear such masks. After all, the value of the treasures traded on these occasions is often tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of spiritual stones, and no one wants to expose their wealth in such a public place with so many monks.

Zhao Di didn't come too early. In the hall of thousands of feet on the second floor, dozens of monks had gathered, all of whom were more than the Jiedan period. Among them, the spiritual pressure emitted by two people was obviously higher than that of everyone. It was the monks of the late Jiedan period.

In the aliens, the monks in the later stage of Jiedan were at the peak. Unexpectedly, this was just a trading meeting before the auction, which attracted two later Jiedan monks.

More than 70% of these dozens of monks wear the same cyan mask as Zhao Di, and most of them are ordinary gray robes, white robes, blue robes, etc. without any logo. Obviously, they don't want to be recognized.

Hundreds of stone tables and chairs were arranged around the hall. Some monks who were eager to exchange the treasures in their hands had chosen a suitable position and placed one or more jade boxes on the stone table in front of them, some open and some closed.

More monks look at the treasures in these jade boxes one by one. If they are interested, they will appreciate them carefully. If they are interested, they will set up a sound insulation cover with the owner of the treasure, and quietly discuss the transaction method and price.

Zhao Di also walked slowly in front of these stone tables. Most of the open jade boxes are placed with some raw materials for refining magic weapons, from ore, spiritual wood to advanced monster materials. These things can only be used by monks above the elixir period, and only these people have enough treasures and spiritual stones to exchange.

And those closed jade boxes are carefully pasted with some forbidden charms, which are obviously more precious treasures. The owner of the treasure is afraid that it will damage the aura of the treasure or for other reasons, he does not want to open the jade box to show it to the public, but just puts it on the stone table to attract the attention of some powerful people. Those monks who are very interested in the treasures in this jade box will ask the seller.

After seeing the treasures on two or three stone tables, Zhao Di stopped at one of them, holding a large transparent crystal with a fist full of spiral blood in his hand, playing with great interest.

"Did your Taoist friend take a fancy to this blood crystal? This is an excellent raw material for refining auxiliary magic weapons with strange effects. If I hadn't been ordinary in the way of refining, I would not have buried this superior material, and I would not have transferred this treasure."

The owner of this treasure is a monk in the middle of Jiedan. He introduced the treasure in the latter's hand to Zhao Di in a very regretful tone. Listening to his accent, he was about a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s.

"It is indeed a blood crystal of excellent quality. I don't know what price you want to transfer?" Zhao Di put the blood crystal back into the jade box and asked with a smile.

He once owned a piece of this blood crystal stone. At that time, in order to get a foundation elixir that was more useful to him, he replaced it. Unexpectedly, after many years, he saw this treasure again.

"The price of this treasure is 12,000 spiritual stones, but I most want to exchange it for a demon elixir of the six-level monster phoenix-tailed shrimp. If Taoist friends have this thing, it is naturally the best. As long as the other six-level demon elixirs are not too bad, they can make do with The middle-aged man casually set up a sound insulation cover, and then responded softly.

Demon elixirs below level 5 in Fangshi can be easily bought with spiritual stones, but the materials of level 6 and 7 demon elixirs and monsters are very limited, the price is high and rarely flow out. Once it appears, it is often bought by well-informed elixir monks, so this middle-aged man prefers to exchange it for a six-level demon elixir that is very useful to him.

"There is no six-level demon elixir in his hand" Zhao Di's answer disappointed the other party, but then he took out a small storage bag containing more than 100 middle-level spiritual stones and handed it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man glanced at the spiritual stone in the storage bag with divine consciousness, immediately countd the number, and then reluctantly gave the jade box containing blood crystals to Zhao Di.

Zhao Di put the jade box into the storage bag, then said goodbye to the other party, and walked to another stone table with treasures.

There are three or four open jade boxes on this stone table, which are all raw materials for refining magic weapons, and are not particularly expensive, but there is a jade box with two kinds of charms and a piece of white paper, which attracted Zhao Di's attention.

"Yue Xiao Jue" These are the three big words written on the white paper. It seems that in this jade box, there is a merit book. If you are so cautious, you must be able to practice the skills above the Yuanying period. Standing behind this stone table is a short and fat monk who does not wear a cyan mask. He is dressed in a long earthy yellow coat, with a fleshy face, protruding eyes, round and large, which is quite fierce. His cultivation is like that of Zhao Di, and they are all monks in the early days of Jiedan.

"This Taoist friend, this "Yue Xiao Jue" skill is a skill of earth attributes, right? I have shallow knowledge. I have never heard of this skill. There are also cultivation formulas in the Yuanying period, right? Zhao Di whispered the sound.

Since he can't find the follow-up skills of "Mixed Yuan Jue", it is always possible for him to have a line to attack Yuanying by preparing one or two sets of other top-level skills that are neat. I don't know how many talented and capable monks have gradually formed this skill formula. Zhao Di asked himself that he did not have the ability to create his own practice method just by relying on the first nine layers of the "Hunyuan Secret" formula.

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