The Path of Immortals

Chapter 263 Far North Icefield

"Wind attribute, thunder attribute! Both of these two alchemies have the initial cultivation of elixir. "The dragon with different attributes of ice and wind is also the peak cultivation of the five-level monster."

"Hehe, it's wonderful, it's wonderful! Taoist friends's method is really wonderful!"

Hmuddled Yuanzi laughed and immediately understood what Zhao Di meant.

Using some high-end corpse control techniques, the two refining corpses with strange spiritual roots can be made into the split of Zhao Di, which can provide the spiritual power of wind attributes and thunder attributes respectively, while the ice wind dragonfly can provide the spiritual power of ice attributes under the order of Zhao Di. In this way, the basic requirements of Sanhuā gathering the That's it!

"Why, do the seniors also think this method is feasible?" Zhao Di asked with a straight look.

"It's really feasible! However, their cultivation is one level worse, and they must be upgraded as soon as possible before the Taoist friend hits Yuanying to be guaranteed. In addition, because it is a refining corpse and a spirit beast, some changes need to be made to the details of the implementation process of Sanhuā Juding. I can spend years to improve it and then give it to my Taoist friends. Huddled Yuanzi's tone is very affirmative.

Zhao Di was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, senior! These two alchemy corpses can be made and manipulated freely, and within a few decades, they are also very sure to advance to the middle stage of Jiedan. On the contrary, although this ice wind dragonfly is equivalent to the peak level in the early stage of Jiedan, the time spent on the promotion of the monster is not easy to grasp, ranging from a few years to a hundred years or even hundreds of years. There is no absolute certainty about this.

"Well, but if you want to use Sanhuā Juding, the mid-term of Jiedan is already the minimum requirement.

Do Taoist friends have a way to let the spirit beast advance as soon as possible? Huddled asked how the spirit beast should advance. Of course, the owner of the spirit beast knows best.

Sure enough, Zhao nodded and said, "This matter is about to be discussed with the predecessors. There are two fastest ways to promote the ice wind dragon. One is to swallow the high-level dragon elixir, but it may require the demon elixir of the seven-level dragon. It is not available in the hand, and the seven-level dragon can be met but not sought. After decades of hard work, it may not be found. What's more, the seven-level dragon has extraordinary strength and high intelligence. A dangerous room will escape every day, and it is difficult to kill and get the elixir.

"The second way is to advance with the help of the cold breath. I have had a similar experience before. However, if you want to cross the bottleneck in the early stage of Jiedan, it must be a place of extreme ice. I don't know if the seniors are familiar with such a place?

"A cold place?" Hearing this, Hmman Yuanzi thought for a bit and said, "In the north of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is a place called the Far North Icefield, which is very in line with the requirements of Taoist friends. Have you ever heard of it?

"The Far North Icefield? It's the first time I've heard of it. "Please give me a detailed introduction." The State of Zhou is far away in the west of Tianyuan Continent, and it is thousands of miles away from the Kingdom of Jinyan and the Sea of Stars where he has stayed. Except for knowing that the area of the State of Zhou is dozens of times that of times that of the State of Jinyan and is a superpower, little is known about the specific details.

"In fact, I don't know much about the immortal cultivation world of the Zhou Dynasty, but I have heard some news about the Far North Icefield. It is said that the ice field is extremely vast, and no one has explored the edge. However, the more north you go, the heavier the cold air becomes. In the depths, even the monks of the Yuanying period can't stay for a long time. There are no monsters with ice attributes, mineral elixirs with many ice attributes, and many monks who practice ice attributes will also choose to practice here to practice. "You can improve the speed of practice with the extreme cold breath here." Huddled Yuanzi suddenly said everything he knew, but it was only the general basic situation.

"Since the senior is not particularly clear here, that person is only the soul of the senior, and naturally it is impossible to guess that he will go to the far north ice field next. Don't be late. After a few days of preparation, let's go north. However, there is one thing that may need the help of seniors. Zhao Di's expression changed slightly and he said solemnly.

"What did the Taoist friend say about the evil spirit?" Hun Yuanzi had already guessed that he had been waiting for Zhao to mention it.

"The seniors have really seen extraordinary knowledge and have already found this! I also want to ask my predecessor how to resolve it. "After all, I am not a magic monk. This trace of magic spirit is in the [body], and it is usually enough, but when condensing the Yuanying, it is bound to cause the change of the heart demon, making it more terrible and fierce, which is a great hidden danger for the impact of Yuan Zhao Di frowned and said.

He forcibly drove the sword to the god-sword. After all, this sword is the most precious treasure of the demon sect and contains deep magic spirit. If it is used by a monk who practices the magic gate, it may not matter, but his Taoist family was born and reluctantly driven, it is inevitable that magic spirit will take the opportunity to invade its [body

If it hadn't been for his original magic weapon, the dream glass sword, which was born with Buddha's power and the most evil magic, would have kept his mind safe and not invaded by magic.

But Zhao Di learned from many classics that when the broken elixir is the baby, it is the most time to test the state of mind. If there is a trace of magic into the body that leads to restlessness and unstable state of mind, it is very likely to eventually lead to the death of the broken elixir, which is extremely dangerous.

"Yes, I have already seen this matter. If my Taoist friends don't ask, I will take the initiative to warn *. Speaking of the solution, it is nothing more than finding a way to bring this magic out. Exorcise the body, or simply practice magic skills and let it be used for yourself.

He proposed two methods to Zhao Di, and then explained in detail: "The second method takes too long. Although Taoist friends can more effectively exert the power of the blood-red sword after practicing magic skills, Taoist friends Shouyuan has only more than 100 years left. For this reason, he has spent decades practicing magic skills. It's really not worth the loss."

"The first method requires the help of some treasures to exorcise demons, or practice some similar skills. This was also very troublesome, but the Taoist friend's original magic weapon seems to be born with good Buddha power, which is enough to restrain and drive away these magic. However, Taoist friends do not seem to have practiced Buddhist skills, so they can't drive and exert the Buddha's power contained in the magic weapon, which leads to the entry of magic into the body.

"As long as Taoist friends practice the corresponding Buddhist skills and exert 20% of the Buddha's power implied in the original magic weapon, they can easily resolve this magic spirit."

Zhao Di listened to Lian Jitou. He and the other party thought of it together and put their ideas on the Mengli sword.

Zhao Di continued to ask, "Senior, have you ever had similar Buddhist skills? As long as a small part can help me use the Buddha's power in the magic weapon.

Hun Yuanzi said without thinking, "As long as it is a Buddhist skill, you can naturally mobilize the Buddha's power to the depths, but if you want to achieve it quickly, I really have to think about it carefully. Taoist friend, this magic weapon, is refined from those raw materials. Can you tell me about it?

"Of course, I still need the advice of my predecessors to tell the truth. This mixed-yuan seven-star sword is refined from Xuanfeng gold, Tianang silver, gold amber, agate root, glazed clear, fire coral, and plate stone, which are known as the seven treasures of Buddhism. It contains the spiritual power of the five elements, which is refined together with the elixir of the mixed yuan golden elixir and turned into the power of the mixed element. The years of the treasures of the five elements are more than 3,000 years. Zhao Di said "one, one, one ten ten".

"Sure enough, these materials are strong!" Hun Yuanzi said, and then he smiled and said, "Ha ha, I'm afraid the three thousand years are not so powerful. Although I didn't look at it carefully, according to my guess, it's at least more than five thousand years, and when refining, I'm afraid it also consumed several high-level spiritual stones. Taoist friends really have a

Hun Yuanzi paused and did not continue to ask Zhao Di where these valuable treasures were obtained. This was the most taboo privacy of immortals. He had an agreement with Zhao Di to make up for each other, and even if he asked, Zhao Di must have just used the words of chance to perfunctory.

Hun Yuanzi continued: "Since it is the seven treasures of Buddhism, a treasure with extremely high Buddha power, and the age is long, it is extremely difficult to give full play to the Buddha's power without two or three hundred years of Buddhist practice. But if you only care about the present and play a trace of it, it is not difficult.

I have a set of the first two secrets of Buddhism's nameless skills, which will be passed on to Taoist friends now. With the cultivation of Taoist friends, they should be able to understand and practice perfection in these decades. As long as you master these two layers of skills, you should be able to mobilize some Buddha's power, which is enough to dispel the magic qi entering the body. When condensing the Yuanying, it will also help to fight against the heart demon and stabilize the state of mind.

After Hampling Yuanzi finished speaking, he received a large number of graphic information in Zhao Di's consciousness.

Zhao Di briefly read through and confirmed that it was a Buddhist skill. Although it was only the first two layers, it seemed to be powerful.

"Thank you, senior!" Zhao Di thanked him.

Although he knew that the other party must still have the following levels of skills, Zhao Di did not mention it. First, he did not have enough time to continue to practice. Second, the other party could directly send out the first two levels of skills, which was very generous, and it was not easy for him to continue to pursue them.

Moreover, he doesn't know the mystery of this Buddhist skill. If it is really very useful, he can also borrow other conditions to exchange this skill for the mixed Yuanzi.

With the current predicament of Huddle Yuanzi, there must be many places where there will be a demand for him. A few days later, Zhao Di put on the divine mask and searched the situation within a hundred miles again and again. After confirming that there was no danger, he quietly left the belly of the mountain and headed north.

In order not to attract too much attention, he hid his cultivation. Sometimes he pretended to be a monk in the early days of the elixir to escape, and sometimes he became a monk in the foundation period. He stepped on an ice boat-like flying magic weapon obtained from the storage bag of an unlucky monk, and flew to the north in a hurry

Along the way, he was careful. Occasionally, he found a slightly higher breath in his consciousness, so he took the initiative to dodge into the distance, but he did not encounter any danger.

Seventy-eight years have passed in a flash, and Zhao Di has already entered the depths of the far north ice field. At this time, he suddenly felt that there were dozens of ice wolves dozens of miles away in front of the right, besieging several human monks.

(First update!)