The Path of Immortals

Chapter 265 The First Frost

"The later stage of Jiedan!" Zhao Di's heart was relieved.

He nodded and said, "Well, when I take out the cold elixirs of these ice wolves, I will go to the Bai family to visit the nobles."

Under the golden flash, he skillfully dug out the inner elixir in the wolf's head with a trace of cold air and a layer of white frost on the surface, which was ingested by Zhao Di one after another and placed in a square box made of ice jade.

"I'm not interested in other materials. You can pick them up by yourself." Zhao Di suddenly said.

"Thank you, senior!" The middle-aged surprise, the fur of nearly twenty third- and fourth-level ice wolves is not a small amount, and it is worth thousands of spiritual stones.

Several other people also claimed to be grateful. According to the instructions of the middle-aged people, they carefully recorded the skin of the ice wolf from their abdomen with ice swords.

In addition, claws and fangs are also good refinery materials, and these people have not let go.

Zhao Di has been floating in mid-air, looking at these people with a smile, without any intention of urging.

Before long, Zhao Di's expression moved and he said in his heart, "The Jiedan monks of the Bai family are here."

After a while, a loud and old voice sounded: "This Taoist friend, why do you embarrass the children of our Bai family in the north!"

With this questioning, an old man with white beard in the early stage of Jiedan appeared dozens of feet away from Zhao Di and looked at each other angrily.

The old man received a signal for help from the children of the clan, but he didn't know what had happened. Now he has detected from afar that the children of the foundation period and a master of the Jiedan period were very close. Of course, he took Zhao Di as the reason for the children to ask for help.

"The third uncle misunderstood! I encountered a group of ice wolves. It was this senior who saved me and waited!" The middle-aged man hurriedly broke it down and shook his head in his heart. The third uncle in the clan is the simplest and most straightforward. If he offends the master in front of him because of this, it will be bad. Judging from his unrestrained means of killing wolves, his strength is obviously much higher than that of his third uncle.

Zhao Di smiled and was not in a hurry to defend.

The old man took a look at the bodies of the wolves on the ground and the behavior of these children harvesting the wolf's skin, which immediately confirmed the words of the middle-aged man. The old man blushed slightly, smiled, and arched his hand and said, "I can't tell the difference." Please forgive me! Thank you for your chivalrous help. The Bai family is very grateful!"

"You're welcome. I'm just passing by here. It's no big deal." Zhao Di arched his hand to return the salute and replied with a faint smile.

"What's wrong with Taoist friends coming here? If you are not in a hurry, please come to the Bai family. The Bai family hasn't come to such a distinguished guest for a long time!" The old man invited enthusiastically, and his words were sincere, not like hypocritical polite words.

"I'm going to disturb you, and I also want to ask the nobles about the terrain nearby. The nobles have lived here for a long time, so please give me more advice." Zhao Di nodded with a smile.

"It's good to say that the Bai family has lived here for many years, and the terrain nearby is more or less familiar. Maybe it can help Taoist friends. The old man is returning, one of the four elders of the Bai family. I don't know what to call my friend?" I don't know if he apologized for misunderstanding the other party, but the old man readily agreed and reported his identity.

"My surname is Zhao, and I have met Bai Daoyou." Zhao Di said politely.

"It turned out to be Zhao Daoyou. The Bai family is not far from here. Why don't we leave now?" Please!" The old man saluted and gestured to invite Zhao to go with him.

"Please!" Zhao Di also waved his hand politely and followed the old man more than ten feet away.

And those disciples in the foundation period had already harvested the monster materials at this time. They stepped on the transparent ice swords one after another and followed them more than a hundred feet away to show distinction and respect.

Because to take care of the flight speed of the children in the foundation period, Zhao Di and others did not turn into escape and fly quickly, but still have room to float. Therefore, it took a lot more time.

Along the way, under Zhao Di's side knock, the old man simply explained the situation nearby.

It turns out that this place is already an edge of the far north, within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, and there is only the place where the Bai family gathers.

Here, another two or three hundred miles north, is the location of the Far North Ice Sea. This Far North Ice Sea is so wide that no one can find the end. Because as soon as you go north, the more terrible the cold power is, and it is even rumored that even the Yuanying monks can't survive for a long time. Secondly, in the ice sea, there are many extremely terrible high-level ice attribute monsters, and it is even rumored that there are many transformed monsters.

Most of these monsters live deep in the seas of the ice sea or on islands, and the closest and direct threat to the Bai family are the ice wolf clan and the snow fox clan.

It is rumored that these two demons have disguised monsters and live on the edge of the Arctic Ice Sea, and there are a large number of them. Occasionally, groups of low-level members appear in the ice field, threatening the safety of human monks.

What just happened is a typical example.

This kind of information can only be known by high-level monks who have been practicing here all year round. It is indeed very useful for Zhao. However, Bai Zhenggui also said that he rarely walked on the ice field, but the elder in the family was the most familiar with the ice field. He was willing to introduce him and let Zhao Di have the opportunity to communicate with him.

Of course, Zhao Di will not refuse. With more information, there will be more safety guarantee for him to find extremely cold places near the ice sea in the future. After all, he dares not provoke the monsters above the shape.

The two talked all the way. An hour later, Zhao Di followed the old man's instructions and saw the Bai family from afar.

This is an ice peak thousands of feet high. On top of the ice peak, a huge, castle-like white palace is built, and a several-foot-wide ice ladder circles along the ice peak, extending from the bottom of the peak to the peak castle.

Because there are relatively flat ice sheets nearby, such a huge building built on a high mountain suddenly appeared, which makes people look tall and majestic.

Zhao Di is used to seeing all kinds of magnificent scenes in the Star Sea, and he followed the Ice Peak Castle. A thumbs up didn't show much surprise.

On the contrary, the transparent spiritual prohibition looming in this castle made Zhao Di quite interested. If it hadn't been for his extraordinary power of consciousness, whether he could find this formation immediately in a short time would have been a matter of two things.

You Ruo told him in his divine consciousness that this is probably a very clear to ice attribute forbidden magic array. Judging from Zhao Di's feedback, the magic array's concealment and defense ability are extremely good, but You Ruo does not know its origin.

"The protection array of the nobles is very mysterious. It is really extraordinary that the nobles can survive and grow in this dangerous north!" Zhao Di praised it.

"Zhao Daoyou actually saw this magic circle all of a sudden? Ha ha, the Taoist friend's consciousness and formation attainments must be very high. This array is handed down from the family, which is indeed mysterious and abnormal. It is difficult to detect the ordinary monks in the early stage of the elixir, and the Taoist friend can actually see through it hundreds of feet away. I admire it!" The old man was slightly shocked and looked at Zhao Di.

"Taoist friends praise it. I'm just interested in the formation. It's just a rough one or two." Zhao Di said a few words politely.

Above the Bai family castle, there are four monks, all of whom were built during the foundation period. After seeing the old man flying close, they had already opened the forbidden array and put this group of people into the Bai family castle.

The appearance of such a stranger as Zhao Di naturally attracted the attention of these four people, but on the one hand, he was accompanied by the elders of the clan, and on the other hand, this person's cultivation was obviously the predecessor of the Jiedan period, so he did not dare to ask more questions, but looked at Zhao Di very carefully.

After Zhao Di followed the old man into the hall where only high-level monks were allowed to enter the hall, these foundation-building monks on the castle suddenly became lively.

"Wen Yuan, the senior in the early days of Jiedan who came with his third uncle is so young. What's the origin? The third uncle was very polite to him.

"Yes, the third uncle actually brought him into the house. Isn't the elder the most disgusted with us to make friends with foreign monks!"

"That's right, the elder has always taken care of the affairs of the clan. It is estimated that the third uncle will take this person to meet the elder and inform him. I don't know if he will touch half a ash like the fourth aunt."

"Alas, Wenqing, can we talk about the elders' affairs? Let's take a look at these four-level ice wolf skins and saber teeth.

"How did you get the materials of the fourth-level ice wolf!"

"This is about to talk about the young seniors."

Zhao Di was led by the old man and sat down in a spacious tea room, and a slender refining girl brought a cup of white spirit tea, as if the surface was condensed with a layer of fine frost.

According to the old man, this spiritual tea is called "the virgin frost" and is a specialty of some places in the far north. It can only be picked for a few days a year, and the total output is less than ten catties.

And there are many things to pay attention to this "the virgin frost". The frost tea is silvery white, with a layer of frost on the surface. It must be picked by the virgin girl herself and immediately placed close to her chest. With the girl's body temperature, the surface frost of the tea is removed, and then made into spiritual tea in person. Moreover, it is best for the girl who picks tea to make tea and brew it herself, so that the beauty of this tea can be brought into full play.

There are more than a dozen such tea-picking girls in the Bai family, all of whom are carefully selected from the family. They are good in appearance, temperament and figure, and their cultivation is at least more than ten layers during the refining period. The price of this virgin frost is really high, which is one of the financial resources of the Bai family.

Only when a distinguished guest like Zhao Di appears will the Bai family use this tea to entertain him.

After listening to the old man's introduction, Zhao Di, who was not interested in the tea ceremony, couldn't help tasting it carefully. Sure enough, the mouth is cold but mellow and soft, there is no feeling of freezing thorns at all, and there is a faint fragrance between the lips and teeth, which is like the unique body fragrance of the virgin girl.

Zhao nodded and praised: "Sure enough, it is the best spiritual tea. It is not only delicious and mellow, but also seems to have some promotion effect for monks who practice ice attribute skills."

"Dao friendly tea power! All of a sudden, I talked about the key point of this tea. A middle-aged man's voice sounded from the entrance of the hall, and a wave of spiritual power came. It was the elder of the late Bai family who came to meet Zhao Di in person.