The Path of Immortals

Chapter 351 One Husband as a Pass

This young man in purple is no one else. It was rumored more than a hundred years ago that he killed the illusion invisible monk in the late Jiedan, who was known as "the first person under the Yuanying" and had an extremely eye-catching performance in the battle of the beast tide and almost turned the situation around with his own strength.

At the same time, this person is still a notorious figure, but he was hunted down by a group of Yuanying monks and some big sects with heavy rewards one after another!

Others may not know how much role Zhao Di played in the battle of the beast tide, but Master Shikong, as the commander behind the scenes, naturally knows everything clearly.

Therefore, unlike other monks in Xingchenhai, Master Shikong has no hatred for Zhao Di, and even has a good impression.

Now that more than a hundred years have passed, he actually met this person at this strange moment and place, and this person has already had the cultivation of the middle stage of Yuanying, which really surprised him a lot!

"Be careful!" Master Shikong shouted a reminder to Zhao Di.

The two monsters, including the one hit by the blue arc, pounced on Zhao Di fiercely. The speed was so fast that they could not even catch the figure with the naked eye in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, the two monsters appeared beside them, one left and one right, and grabbed them with their claws!

Master Shikong's heart was quietly panicked. Zhao Di only had a layer of purple light to protect his body, and most of them were more evil and less auspicious!

But the next moment, after the dragon at Zhao Di's feet gently swung its tail, it disappeared in place with Zhao Di and Lei Ling at the moment when Warcraft's claws attacked, and then appeared more than 20 feet away.

With a crackle, Lei Ling once again sacrificed an arc with a thin arm, and hit the slightly stunned Warcraft fiercely. The latter roared and was beaten and rolled around" and a black gas dispersed from his body, accompanied by a burning smell. Obviously, he was also slightly injured.

After Zhao Di appeared, he immediately attracted a lot of hatred, and four or five monsters rushed at him.

Zhao Di, relying on the magic of the wind escape of the ice wind, did not stay in one place at all, and kept dodging. "Occasionally, he also used the thunder spirit to attack the enemy with electric arcs.

Master Shikong used the stone wall defense made by flames while manipulating the Zen staff magic weapon to attack the warcraft, but these warcrafts were so fast that they could not hurt those warcrafts even above the attack speed of his Zen stick. If you occasionally bring a trace, with the strong body of Warcraft, it is naturally like scratching through boots.

And other monks, neither the teleporting magic power of Zhao Di, nor the strength of Master Shikong, can only defend desperately, and at the same time try to retreat to the colorful curtain.

The elder of Xueyimen, the old man in the later period of Yuanying, had been staring at all this with a trace of sneer. "I didn't mean to take action." But after Zhao Di appeared, a sharp murderous intention flashed on his face, and it seemed that he had a plan to do it. "But Zhao

"I've been looking up to the reputation of the master of the air for a long time" When I saw it today, it was really a great demeanor!" In the process of nervous escape, Zhao Di greeted the old monk leisurely.

"The benegator is the beneg of Zhao Di Zhao, and the poor monk is also known for a long time." Congratulations to the beneg bene to the middle of the Yuanying in such a short time!" The old monk also said politely, but the movement of his hand was not slow at all. For high-level monks, it is extremely common for them to be multi-purpose.

"Sure enough, it's him, who has only been able to upgrade to three levels and cross a big realm for more than a hundred years. How did he do it!" Some monks also recognized Zhao Di, and they were very shocked.

Which Zhao Di is "Zhao Di"? Is he the Jiedan period monk Zhao Di more than a hundred years ago? It's impossible for the cultivation to increase so fast!" Some monks who had never seen Zhao Zhenrong muttered in their hearts.

Zhao Di manipulated the Mengli sword to meet a warcraft. At the same time, he smiled and said, "Master Shikong actually knew me. It's a real honor." These Warcrafts are so fast. What's the origin?"

"These are probably the warcrafts originally sealed in the space here, which were destroyed by the elder of Xueyimen and released!" Master Shikong made his own speculation. Although he had not seen it in person, it would not be wrong.

"So that's it!" Zhao Di said coldly, "Master, let the disciple realize that he had a meeting with him before he was alive. Unexpectedly, he was plotted by others. Does the master know who did it?"

Master Shi Kong was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the other party suddenly asked about this matter at the critical moment between life and death. At that moment, he did not shy away and said, "Although the poor monk has no evidence, under personal reconnaissance, he found a trace of residual breath at the place where he fell. According to this breath, most of this It's about the fantasy old devil! But I don't know why the fantasy old demon will attack the consciousness.

"Sure enough!" Zhao Di said secretly in his heart and sighed in his heart.

Under the conversation between the two, Warcraft's attack became more and more fierce, and some of the early Yuanying monks already had a bad hand.

But at the exit of the colorful light curtain, there are four or five monsters, so that they can't get close at all.

Zhao Di, together with the ice wind*, suddenly flew to the front of the light curtain. Zhao Di spit out a red flame, turned into a sea of fire about the size of a ten in an instant, and rolled up to the several warcrafts. At the same time, the thunder also hit a blue arc and hit one of them.

Warcraft seemed to be quite afraid of the sea of fire, gently avoided it, and then rushed to Zhao Di.

"Master Shikong, these monsters are very fierce. Come down to cover, and you leave here first!"

While Zhao Di spoke, Bing Feng Jiao was also a wind escape skill, avoiding the attack of these monsters and appearing beside one of them.

At this time, Zhao Di was gathering an inch-sized cyan fire mass in his hand, revealing his figure and bouncing it on the body of the warcraft.

In an instant, the huge body of this Warcraft was wrapped in a faint layer of blue light, and the action of Warcraft was immediately stiff like an old man.

With a crack, Lei Ling just happened to attack the arc on this warcraft. After a burst of black gas, the strong body of the warcraft floated away like wood chips. In the black gas, a walnut-sized black, bright and transparent crystal core appeared and was copied by Zhao Di.

Then the ice wind dragonfly was another wind escape, taking Zhao Di to more than ten feet away.

"Go quickly, I'll cover you!" Zhao Di urged loudly again.

Master Shikong also took advantage of this good opportunity to "come here" and turned into stone walls with the dark yellow flame in his hand, temporarily resisting the Warcraft.

"Thank you very much!" Without waiting for Master Shikong's command, several monks immediately took the opportunity to jump into the curtain of light.

"You all leave, and then close the entrance of the space here. Never let these monsters flow out and endanger the whole immortal world! The poor monk is here to resist these monsters and fight for the time to seal for you!"

Master Shikong said awe-inspiringly, revealing a trace of sadness in the heroic meaning of his words.

Obviously, facing these Warcrafts alone, even if you can hold on for a while, sooner or later you will be buried in the mouth of Warcraft.

Everyone was silent and secretly thanked the old monk. At the same time, some people admired him very much. Some people did not dare to agree with him.

Use your own life to buy time for others. This kind of detrimental to yourself and others is not the law that should exist in the immortal world at all.

"No, Master Shikong!" Zhao Di suddenly pointed to the elder of Xueyimen and said, "I must stay with this person to fight for life and death. You go first and seal the entrance as soon as possible. I'm afraid I can't hold on for too long!"

"Zhao Shizhu..." The old monk Shikong was stunned, and his heart surged with blood, and he didn't know how to say it.

"Stinky boy, are you so hot-blooded that you want to die here! What does the life and death of these people have to do with you? You can't take risks for this! Don't put yourself here! There are ten powerful Warcrafts here, and there is also a late Yuanying monk staring at the tiger. If you stay, you are looking for death. No matter how magical the ice wind dragonfly is, there will always be a time when you run out of spiritual power. At that time, you will die! Don't be silly, go quickly. You are not the opponent of these monsters at all, unless you are frozen for another ten or eight thousand miles...

Hun Yuanzi was shocked and angry. He hurriedly taught Zhao Di a lesson, but before he finished his words, but after Zhao Di's faint words of "please calm down", the divine consciousness was once again sealed by Zhao Di in the warm jade.

"Master, you don't have to say much, you have made up your mind! The world of Xingchenhai cultivation of immortals still needs the master to lead "Master, take care!" Zhao Di said solemnly. At this time, his face was awe-inspiring, which was somewhat similar to the book Jiangnan when he looked serious.

Master Shikong saw that Zhao Di's words were resolute, and he was immediately in awe!

"In this case, all the poor monks from Xingchenhai, thank you to Zhao Shizhu for his righteousness!"

Other monks, at this time, there are two extremes in their attitude towards Zhao Di, and some people sigh in their hearts. "I admire it very much. This man, who was chased everywhere by the world of immortals in the Star Sea, actually stood up today and solved the crisis in front of him!

Some monks shook their heads secretly, thinking that Zhao Di's move was really stupid, even not as good as the fledgling young monks.

And the monks with the latter idea" even accounted for the vast majority!

Under the cooperation of Zhao Di's continuous use of the means such as the flame and the wood flame, as well as the cover of Master Shikong's continuous transformation of a stone wall with a dark yellow flame, and the shields used by several other mid-Yuanying monks, these monks finally left through the five-color light curtain in an orderly Here is the space.

"Zhao Shizhu" take care!" Master Shikong arched his hand to Zhao Di and sighed in his heart.

"Wait a minute, what the master just used is the earth attribute flame magic power? It's really very powerful. "Can you leave it to the next one, so as to cover the next two," Zhao Di said solemnly.