The Path of Immortals

Chapter 373 Sacrifice Ceremony

Chapter 373 Spiritual Sacrifice Ceremony (Part 2)

"Why?" The blue dragon was stunned and asked coldly, and the blue soft light flowing on his body also stopped.

"Please wait a moment, senior!" After bowing to Lan Jiao, the master of the Hai family immediately turned to the people on the field and said seriously, "The Hai family's sacrifice ceremony is over. Thank you for watching the ceremony. This time, the Hai family will deal with the weak water in private. Please leave for the time being! Excuse me, my fellow people!"

"The monks of the Hai family also retreated!" The second head of the Hai family also said like this, and then added, "Fantasy Bing, don't you want to see the weak water flame, just stay for the time being."

"Yes, thank you, Master!" The ice wind said, and the soul of Zhao Di in his body was extremely suspicious, but when he heard that the weak water flow was about to come out, he chose to remain calm after some entanglement.

After a while, the rest of the people left in turn and withdrew from the hall.

"Please give me the weak water flame!" At this time, the three masters of the Hai family bowed and said, and at the same time took out a blue crystal several-inch jade bottle.

On the body of the blue dragonfly, another gorgeous blue spiritual light flowed, and a strong ancient dragon chant came out of his hair. After a moment, a fist-sized, flexible soft blue light spewed out of his mouth.

This blue light, the shape is erratic, sometimes it is a beating blue flame, and sometimes it is a blue drop of water. The color is gorgeous and the light is soft. It is the inheritance treasure of the Hai family - the weak water flow flame.

At this time, the ice wind, which had been honest, suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out a cold white gas at the weak water flame.

In the cold air, there was a white and black figure that appeared. The white man was a man in white clothes. He looked like no one else, but the owner of the two families of the Hai family!

is followed by a human monk dressed in black, with a stiff face and a strong corpse!

The "big man in white" held an ice dragon-shaped staff with a high-level ice spirit stone in his hand, and waved the staff in his hand at the moment he left the ice wind.

The monk in black turned into a purple light and went straight to the three masters of the Hai family. At the same time, his hands bounced, and a golden light, a red fire and a yellow flame flew out one after another, but in his hand, he still held a cyan flame.

This change was so sudden that there was just a mouth of the ice wind. In the blink of an eye, the monk in black had already attacked the middle-aged man in the yellow robe, the three masters of the Hai family, and was ready to pop up the blue flame in his hand at any time.

"Humans!" The blue dragonfly shouted loudly and waved a sharp claw angrily. In an instant, a huge blue dragonfly condensed in the air and slammed into the man in black.

After the appearance of the claws, the blue claws also exhausted their spiritual power, and their bodies turned into a ball of blue** again, as if they were sucked by the pool water, and quickly involved in the pool.

At the same time, the three masters of the Hai family seemed to be stunned by the sudden change and did not take any action, and the three masters were still carefully collecting the weak water flame that Lan Jiao had just spewed out, as if they had no precautions against the sneak attack of the man in black.

Seeing that the sneak attack of the man in black was about to be done, the middle-aged man suddenly stretched out his right hand back and flicked his five fingers. A flashing grayish powder immediately spread, covering several feet around, just covering the man in black head-on. At this time, the middle-aged man just turned around and looked at the other

The sneak attack of the man in black was suddenly completed in the blink of an eye, and the counterattack of the middle-aged man was extremely ingenious and unavoidable, as if it had arrived early and had been ready for a long time!

The three heads of the Hai family were immediately overjoyed, and all of this was in their predetermined plan!

Before the sacrificial ceremony, they had already inferred that most human monks came for the weak water spirit flame, so they used it as bait to seduce the other party to appear, so that they could be captured alive!

And drive away the rest of the metamorphosis, on the one hand, to avoid chaos and accidents, and on the other hand, to keep secrets for Huanbing, so as not to let more of his peers know that he was a human spirit beast, which can be said to be well-intentioned!

The gray and spiritual powder prepared by the middle-aged people of the three families for this purpose is the famous magic weapon of falling soul sand. Even if it is a great monk in the later period of Yuanying, after being suddenly shrouded by this treasure at close range, he will immediately lose his consciousness and fall into a state of coma for a moment.

In this way, it is easy to capture the other party alive!

It's time to count! This is also the safest way for the three owners of the Hai family to discuss. After all, if you want to rescue the spirit beast that has recognized the Lord from the hands of a human monk, you must control and capture it alive when the human monk can't react, otherwise the other party can kill his own spirit beast as long as he moves his mind. Or if the other party fights for a fish and breaks the net, the spirit beast will also suffer.

At the moment when the soul sand covered the man in black, the three family owners breathed a sigh of relief, and the careful plan was finally implemented successfully!

At the same time, the old man in blue, the head of the Hai family, also opened his mouth and sprayed, and a weak water flame emitting soft blue light flew out and slowly flew to the man in black; and the white-robed man, the owner of the second family, also spewed a cold white gas against the ice wind dragonfly, It is frozen and controls everything.

The man in black appeared, attacked, was counterattacked, and the three masters took action, all of which only happened in the blink of an eye. The weak water flame spewed out by the blue dragonfly had just flown into the blue crystal jade bottle in the hands of middle-aged people; and the magic claws of the blue dragonfly, because of the loss of the spiritual supply and command of the successor, turned invisible in mid-air.

Lan Jiao's body is being rapidly sucked into the pool, filling the pool for a moment.

And the "big man in white" who flew out with the man in black was recognized as a stand-in in an instant, and no one paid attention to it for a moment, and the ice dragon staff in his hand was flashing large and small mysterious runes and flowing with amazing ice spiritual power.

At this moment, time seems to be still. At the same time as each person, each demon and treasure, using their own means and evolving their own changes, the situation of the man in black, which is shrouded in the fallen soul sand, is undoubtedly the most concerned.

The man in black was covered by the gray soul sand, and his body suddenly shook slightly, but he recovered in a moment and rushed to the middle-aged man at a speed.

"You..." The three masters only had time to make an alarming exclamation, and were hit by the cyan flame ejected by the other party and wrapped in a faint blue light. Suddenly, their bodies were stiff, as if their whole body had turned into rotten wood.

The man in black took the blue jade bottle in his hand and rushed to the pool more than 20 feet away.

The body of the blue dragonfly has fallen back to the pool, and in the center of the pool, there is a palm-sized crystal blue scale.

"The original scales of the god-level water attribute dragon, you must get it!" Huddled Yuanzi's voice came out from Zhao's consciousness, and he was very excited.

"How dare you!" Although it is not clear how the man in black was hardly affected by the fallen soul sand, but controlled the middle-aged people and took away the weak water flame in a short time, the old man in blue obviously saw that the next goal of the man in black was the ancestral scales of the treasure inherited by the Hai family.

In anger, the old man suddenly grabbed the pool with his hands through the air. Suddenly, he shot rows of water arrows more than ten feet high in the pool and shot at the man in black. At the same time, the weak water flame he spewed out also turned into a sharp arrow burning with blue fire and quickly shot at the man in black.

And the middle-aged man, with the help of his strong body, disintegrated the power of the blue flame mass for a moment. He shouted loudly to restore his mobility. At the first time, he turned into a dark yellow dragon of about 20 feet long dragon and chased the man in black. At the same time, he opened his mouth wide and spewed Yellow beam of light.

At this time, the ice wind was swinging its tail gently. Before the cold air of the two masters attacked him, it suddenly disappeared in its original place and dodged the cold attack. After reappeared, it approached a lot of people in black, and then swung its tail gently to prepare for the next wind escape.

The big man in white, at this time, the ice dragon staff in his hand has a new change. A large amount of cold gas emerges from the top of the staff, and in a moment, a cold cloud of about the size of a foot condenses. The cold air constantly emerges from the staff into the cold clouds, and the volume of the cold clouds is

There is already a foot-sized ice cone, which flew out of the cold clouds and shot at the old man in blue! Then, another ice cones shot continuously, hitting the three heads of the Hai family respectively!

At this time, the second head of the Hai family also gave up the behavior of subduing the ice dragonfly, but roared angrily. With a shaking of his body, he immediately turned into a crystal white ice dragonfly of more than 20 feet. While pounced on the man in black, he spewed out a huge ice cone ten feet At the same time, under his two claws, two ice claws suddenly appeared, and they also fiercely grabbed the man in black.

Whether it is the blue fire arrow turned by the weak water flame, the amazing yellow beam of light, or the extremely cold huge ice cone, it is enough to kill an ordinary middle-stage monk on the spot.

And the man in black in front of him, although he only had the cultivation in the middle of the Yuanying, his divine consciousness was amazing, and he was hardly affected by the soul sand. Instead, he took the blue jade bottle first, and also wanted to get the inheritance treasure of the Hai family - the ancestral scales!

In the anger of the three masters, they can no longer care about the life or death of human monks. They must use the most fierce means to prevent the ancestral scales from being defiled by human monks.

After using these means, they still cast spells without stopping, which is bound to completely control the man in black!

With a soft bang, at this time, an ice cone fell on the body protection light of the two owners, and immediately smashed and turned into a white cold.

The owner of the second family suddenly felt a very cold smell coming from here. Suddenly, he remembered something. In his heart, he exclaimed, "Thousands of miles of ice! How can this be!"

(Second update)RO