The Path of Immortals

Chapter 376 Demon Land

On a vast and desolate grassland, a young man in purple, emitting spiritual fluctuations in the middle of the foundation, was stepping on a white dragon-shaped magic weapon, "slowly" and flying in mid-air.

Of course, this young man in purple is Zhao Di, and the flying magic weapon is the wind dragonfly, which used to be Zhao Di's most cherished treasure. Since he condensed the golden elixir, he has never thought that one day he still needs to use this treasure to fly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing.

"Kon, there is no need to sigh. You have gained a lot from this trip of dragon characters. Compared with the price paid, it is completely worth it!" Huddled Yuanzi said happily.

"Senior, after the younger generation got the weak water flame at that time, he wanted to escape with the help of ice wind dragonfly, golden flame, Wanli ice seal and other tricks. The senior asked me to take the scale by the way. Alas, as a result, this breathing delay was actually blocked by the old monster in the god period!"

Zhao Di shook his head and said with a lot of regret.

At that time, he was chased and killed thousands of miles away by the god-level fire dragonfly, almost drank a whole bottle of ten-thousand-year-old spiritual liquid, and fled at a continuous high speed for several months. At this time, he still did not throw the other party far away, but at that time, he had fled to the The defense array came to the Demon Land.

After arriving at the Demon Land, he destroyed a corner of the magic circle at the first time, so that the opponent would not continue to chase.

However, he had lost a lot of money in his body and forcibly mobilized a large amount of spiritual power. At this time, his injury finally broke out, rested almost motionless for several months, swallowed all kinds of spiritual liquid elixirs such as "heavenly disaster sweet frost", and finally stabilized the injury with the strong recovery ability of the

However, within ten years, he can no longer flexibly mobilize his spiritual power, and can only maintain it at the level of the foundation period.

"Hey" I didn't expect that there would be a demon in the Huashen period to sit in the Dragon Palace! Besides, didn't you escape safely? Hmuddled Yuanzi smiled bitterly and said with some embarrassment.

Zhao Di frowned: "This is also a safe escape. The blood and gas loss of the younger generation is too big. I'm afraid that they can't mobilize too much spiritual power in ten years, and can only maintain the level of the foundation period. If it hadn't been for the eternal body that had been refined with the help of the spirit of ten thousand trees, I'm afraid the younger generation would have died!"

"What's this! A few years ago, my cultivation was many levels higher than yours, and now I don't have the same plan to practice from scratch! What's more, you've only been wronged for ten years. You have a variety of puppets, puppets, frozen scepters and other means, and your strength is still strong. For ten years, for me and others who cultivate immortals, it's just a moment!" Hun Yuanzi said disapprovingly.

"Besides more" not to mention the weak water flame, let you make up the five elements of the flame, as long as you have this god-level water attribute dragon scales, combined with several other top-level defense materials, and more than a hundred kinds of auxiliary materials, it is very likely to refine the spiritual treasure-level five-element umbrella!"

"Lingbao-level five-eground umbrella?" Zhao Di was surprised, asked in a different tone, and then muttered, "If so, it's not a waste to lose ten years." Luo!" Humbled Yuanzi snorted coldly with a slight dissatisfaction, "It's not just a waste. For you, it's a lot of money!"

"After you fly to the spiritual world, you will find that this spiritual treasure-level five-elong umbrella is simply your life!" Huddled said angrily, as if the other party had taken a big advantage without knowing it.

"What does the senior mean?" Zhao Di asked doubtfully, "Do you have to rely on the spiritual treasure to save your life when you get to the spiritual world?"

"That's almost what it means!" Hun Yuanzi said, suddenly sighed, and his tone softened. The topic turned and asked softly, "What is the biggest difficulty for human monks in the lower world?" "It's Shouyuan's too short! Unless you have an excellent opportunity or excellent qualifications, you don't have enough time to practice to a higher level!" Zhao Di replied without thinking.

For Zhao Di, who is a poorly qualified five-spirit root monk and has performed soul-burning skills and has been less than two or three hundred years of longevity, this is particularly profound.

"Not bad!" Hun Yuanzi praised, "You said the key point! But in the spiritual world and the demon world, the laws of heaven and earth are completely different! In the spiritual world, the longevity of human monks is much higher than that of the lower world, about three or five times. And the higher the cultivation, the higher it will be!"

"Ah, it is rumored that the spiritual monk Shouyuan is extremely long, is it true!" Zhao Di said in surprise, "It is rumored that the spiritual monks in the spiritual world can have a lifespan of ten thousand years, is it true?" "Maybe it's true, but I have never heard of any monks in the spiritual world who Yuanzi said coldly.

Zhao Di was stunned: "Why is this? Is there another doom in the spiritual world?" He couldn't help thinking of some ambiguous guesses mentioned in some ancient classics.

"Exactly! In the spiritual world, for high-level monks, the most terrible thing is not the length of Shouyuan, but the heavenly disaster!" Huddle Yuanzi said with jade in his heart, silently no longer opening his mouth.

Zhao Di didn't ask much, and vaguely guessed the reason why the mixed Yuanzi fell into the world.

After a long time, Hampan Yuanzi sighed and continued, "In the spiritual world, the longevity of the Yuanying monks is only more than 3,000 years old, and the Huashen period is much longer. However, monks above the gods will have a natural disaster every once in a while. The monks of the Huashen period are once in a thousand years, the monks of the refining period are once in two thousand years, and the combined monks are once every five thousand years. As for the rumored Mahayana monks, it is once every ten thousand years!"

"The disaster is not only extremely powerful, but also more and more powerful. As long as your cultivation and magical skills are stagnant, one day you will be destroyed by the heavenly disaster, or your form and spirit will be destroyed, or your cultivation will be greatly reduced, and your life will not be long.

"More than a thousand years ago, my cultivation was so high that you can't imagine, but it was because of a certain disaster that I almost died. As a last resort, I used my secret skills, turned myself into several divided souls, took some treasures, and entered the lower worlds, and prayed that a divided soul could seize the body and re-cultiv "And the mixed-yuan umbrella was my main means to resist the natural disaster in those years. Unfortunately, it was also pierced by a big hole by an extremely fierce thunder!" The mixed yuan sighed.

"Although the mixed-yuan umbrella is only a relatively advanced existence in the Tongtianlingbao, it is also well-known in Tongtianlingbao, because it is a rare defensive treasure, and it has an extremely powerful effect in resisting the thunder of the heavenly disaster."

"This mixed-yuan umbrella is also my signature treasure in the spiritual world. Most of the title of mixed-yuanzi comes from this!" Hmiaoyuanzi explained his origin and the real use of the Hianyuan umbrella in one breath.

"And the five-eign umbrella, which is refined after the mixed umbrella, also has excellent ability to fight against the thunder of the heavenly disaster. When you fly up to the spiritual world and encounter the thunder of the first heavenly disaster, you will find that there is a five-eground umbrella, and the result is a death in a lifetime! "In other words, this five-eground umbrella is the younger generation's defense and disaster for a long time in the future?" Zhao Di asked in surprise, while digesting the Xu More information.

Hmiao Yuanzi said solemnly, "That's good! The Lingbao-level five-embrella, combined with other means, is likely to make you escape the first natural disaster. You know, it is rumored that nearly half of the god monks in the spiritual world died in the first disaster!" "In this way, these five elements umbrellas are of great use for me. Thank you, seniors! The younger generation will do their best to refine it." Zhao Di sincerely thanked him.

Hun Yuanzi smiled cunningly and said, "Ha ha, don't say thank you, I also have some selfishness! With this umbrella, coupled with the continuous refining and improvement of the mixed-yuan real fire, after the cultivation of the god period, or you can slightly compete with the bare-handed ancient real demon in the later stage of the god!"

"If this demon is not removed, there is no peace in this world, and I can't practice quietly!" Zhao Di smiled bitterly: "Fight against the great demon king in the later period of Huashen? Let's talk about it later! Or in hundreds of years, if there is any change, the spiritual world will send another monk with great magic power to completely destroy this demon.

"I hope so, but I am always very nervous. I always feel that the next road to immortal cultivation will not be smooth. I don't know why. Is it my other soul? I know something terrible. Under the feeling of mind, I am also a little uneasy? Humbled Yuanzi muttered, which made Zhao Di confused.

Zhao Di flew slowly all the way, and what he saw was a vast expanse of grassland, and occasionally there were several large and small valleys and wandering.

In addition to beasts, sometimes there are a few leveled monsters that have flowed by. Naturally, Zhao Di can't be interested at all.

At the same time, Zhao Di also found that there are many low-level material veins here that have never been mined.

In Tianyuan Continent, this situation is rarely encountered. Where there are low-level material veins, there are monks stationed and collect them as the property of a certain clan or family and other forces.

But in the demon continent, the intelligence of low-level monsters is too low to use these low-level materials, while the transformed monsters don't like these treasures at all. Therefore, some low-level veins are exposed like this, and no one cares about them.

Zhao Di shook his head and slowly flew over these veins.

If his cultivation is still there, he may work hard**, show his magic power, and move all these veins into the space of the Tongtian Tower!

Anyway, there is a lot of space in the Sky Tower, and it won't be a problem to stack these things.

And some valuable treasures are often hidden in inconspicuous low-level veins and inadvertently discovered.

Although the probability is very low and it takes a lot of time, after being put into the Tongtian Tower, the low-level puppet can slowly engage in mining, and there may be unexpected discoveries.

Zhao Di had such a calculation in his mind, and at the same time, he had flown far away.

"Oh, human remains!" Zhao Di exclaimed.