The Path of Immortals

Chapter 384 Battle of Demons 2 Lord of the Grassland

"City lord, this man's strength is extraordinary. What should we do?" The monk surnamed Qin said with fear.

"Or, let's just run away!" The monk surnamed Xia suggested that he didn't want to deal with a monk who could easily kill himself at any time.

"Hmm, run away? It's absolutely impossible!" The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "The other party knows our situation well, but we can't guess the origin and deployment of the other party. To act rashly is to seek death!"

"Although this person is domineering, he is not a vicious person. As long as we meet the conditions of the transaction, there will be no problem, and the conditions he gave are also quite generous. We have no reason to refuse!"

The middle-aged man's heart was determined, his face condensed, and he said solemnly, "The order goes on. All the foundation-building monks in the city will be closed from now on to refine rune beasts. The owner of the city will acquire all of them. There are a large number of refining, and there are additional rewards!"

"Sesong friends have also hoarded some high-level rune beasts in their hands, so they will hand them over. Deal with this person first, and there will be a lot of time to refine in the future."

"In addition, this time, the Aoki wolves are besieged, so there is no need to use the foundation-building rune beasts. All of them use the gas refining period rune beasts to fight. In order to fight quickly, let's kill the monsters in person!"

In the cold and lonely city, a piece of dust rose on the grassland. Looking closely, there were countless cyan beasts of a size running towards the city wall.

These cyan beast shadows are the first- to second-level monster hand Aoki wolves, and are also the most common low-level monsters on the Cangfeng grassland. Although the monomer strength is average, more than a thousand Aoki wolves attack at the same time, which is also an extremely terrible disaster for other small monster communities on the grassland.

But for a human city like the lonely city, there is no fear.

Only the prepared city owner surnamed Gong, with four or five masters of the elixir period, and hundreds of disciples of the refining period, are waiting near the city wall.

Surprisingly, there were only two or three foundation-building monks who appeared here, and each of them looked ashamed.

No wonder, on the Cangfeng grassland, there are indeed a few monks in the foundation period who can't even refine rune beasts.

"You sacrifice the rune beast immediately, and then evacuate!" The middle-aged man saw that the wolves had rushed closer to three or five miles, so they ordered loudly.

At present, all the disciples of the refining period took out one or several rune beasts of different shapes one after another. After dripping the blood, they cast a spell and sacrificed it, and pointed to the rushing herd in front of them and ordered, "Go and kill those monsters."

Studentally, there are nearly a thousand rune beasts of various forms such as stone tigers, wooden wolves, golden cows, etc., either clumsy or flexible, or slow or fast to greet the herd.

And those gas refining monks stepped on the flying weapon in groups of several people and flew to the city wall.

At this time, the wall was already full of bold mortals, but they took this opportunity to watch the fun at a glance.

After all, for mortals, this kind of war can only be heard, and there is little chance to see it with their own eyes. What's more, it is rumored that several people, such as the city lords with great magical skills and immortals, will also show their skills in the war in person.

In the Cangfeng Grassland, the relationship between mortals and monks is interdependent, so no monks prevent these mortals from coming to watch the war.

But mortals have poor eyesight. From afar, they can only see that under the city wall, within a few miles, pieces of dust rise up, and countless arrays of spiritual light of different colors flashed in the middle, and all kinds of crackling sounds are endless.

Among them, there are some of the most gorgeous and dazzling lights. It is the city lord and several other masters who use their own magic weapons and shuttle back and forth in the beasts, and the screams of monsters can't stop coming out.

Although the rune beast is much more clumsy than the monster of the same level, it is better than not afraid of death. Even if the head is bitten by the monster in the mouth, it will not stop and beat it with its limbs. If the monster is hit by the rune beast, the skin and flesh will be damaged, and if it is hit, it will even be killed on the spot.

In addition to close combat, the Aoki wolf will spray a stream of blue light to attack the rune beast, and the rune beast can also be transformed into stones, wooden sticks, golden light, etc. with spiritual power, and also in color. Therefore, in the struggle, there are bursts of inspirations of different colors everywhere, which are gorgeous and chaotic.

This hustle and bustle lasted for half an hour, and then it gradually faded away.

The crackling sound of fighting is gradually scattered, and the roar and screams of monsters are gradually rare.

Before long, several master people in the elixir period flew into the air. The middle-aged man waved his sleeves, a breeze blew by, and all the dust fell, full of the corpses of more than a thousand demon wolves and all kinds of rune beasts.

There were about a dozen more beasts, which were not destroyed. They ran back and forth on the battlefield to find the "mission target". However, it was not long before they exhausted their power and turned into their original form.

Although those mortals can't see it thoroughly, they can still tell the winner from the loser, so the sound of cheers like a tsunami immediately broke out on the wall, which was a little more lively than at the time of the war.

At this time, Zhao Di and others were on the edge of a cliff somewhere in Han Yunfeng, smiling at a strange spiritual tree with dark red bark.

"I'm afraid this cold cloud tree will be thousands of years old. It's not bad!" Zhao said with satisfaction! Senior, do you think how to transplant it into the Tongtian Tower to ensure continuous vitality?

The transplantation of spiritual grass and spiritual wood is very exquisite and extremely difficult. Each one is different. If there is a slight difference, it may lead to the inability to survive.

Hampan Yuanzi smiled gently, shook his head and said, "Hey, why bother! Anyway, you have a lot of spirits of ten thousand trees in your hand, which are uprooted casually and then implanted into the Tongtian Tower. After that, as long as you inject a trace of the spirit of ten thousand trees, it is enough to make the tree continue to grow, even a little more vitality than now!"

Zhao Di was overjoyed and muttered, "The spirit of ten thousand trees still has this kind of wonderful use! With this cold cloud tree, I can constantly refine a large number of cold cloud elixirs for a rainy day.

At present, he no longer hesitated. After ordering Youlan Youruo to put down the hidden magic array, he sacrificed Tongtian Tower and Mengli Sword.

Mengli Sword turned into a giant of more than ten feet, easily cut off the mountain stone soil around the root of the tree, and then Zhao Di wrapped it in a layer of mixed light and entered the Tongtian Tower together.

More than a hundred feet away from the spring of spiritual eyes with the most aura, Zhao Di found a suitable place, popped up a few fireballs, blew up a big pit, and planted the tree.

At this time, the bark leaves of the cold cloud tree have been dark yellow, which is obviously a big loss of anger.

According to the guidance of Hun Yuanzi, Zhao Di took out a trace of green wood spirit the size of a bean grain and hit it in the tree.

Min for a moment, centered on the position hit by the spirit of ten thousand trees, extended at the speed visible to the body. The bark leaves of the cold cloud tree turned red again. With just a few breaths, the cold cloud village regained its vitality, and the leaves and other colors were more colorful.

Zhao Di was extremely satisfied. This was the first time he implanted an external object into the space of the Tongtian Tower. His next goal was the veins of several minerals unique to the Demon Continent.

A month later, the owner of the lonely city really took the initiative to meet the old man disguised as the puppet and handed over three storage bracelets.

The puppet checked and found that the number was 30% higher than what Zhao Di asked for!

It seems that the other party is either afraid or intended to please. In short, Zhao Di naturally accepted it all without hesitation.

After that, Zhao Di and the puppet left the Hangu City. The city owner and several others were more happy than when they knew that the huge number of beasts did not come to the city, but went further and further and further!

Of course, they didn't expect that soon, the old and young appeared in front of them again, which shocked everyone. At the same time, it also brought a new turning point to the human monks on the Cangfeng grassland!

Above the huge and amazing herd of beasts somewhere in the Cangfeng Grassland, several blonde eagle-nosed demon Xiu are still discussing.

"Father, will it be dangerous for you to let Brother Rift Feng go to Moyun Valley alone?" A blonde girl with white skin and bright eyes and teeth said beautifully, with a trace of worry.

"Ha ha, Xunfeng niece, don't worry! Although Rift Feng is young, he has a nine-level cultivation, which is only slightly inferior to the patriarch and the old man, and he is best at hiding and escaping. Even if he encounters the big devil in the later stage, he can escape safely! Another burly blonde man smiled and said that he also had the peak of Yuanying's mid-term cultivation.

"Besides, if Rift Feng doesn't make a few great achievements, how can he marry our Feng family's flower-like smoked princess!"

After saying this, the big man looked at the old man and laughed.

The girl's cheeks flushed in an instant and said angrily, "Uncle Po Feng made fun of others again!" Then he turned his head and wanted to escape into the distance.

"Huang'er, please wait, saying that how the Warcraft was discovered at the beginning was given to Uncle Pofeng and others in detail. They are not very clear about this matter." The old man shouted at the girl and said solemnly.

The girl immediately looked at the end, and her eyebrows condensed slightly to talk about the situation at that time..."

"In this way, the Magic Cloud Valley is indeed very hidden and imperceptible. If it hadn't been for some low-level Warcraft that inadvertently walked out of the Magic Cloud Valley and were noticed by us, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see through this matter so far!"

"Our wind eagle family, as the lord of the wind grassland, has been secretly operated by monsters under the eyelids for at least thousands of years, causing countless demons to be controlled by magic, lose their nature, and become warcrafts." When the big man heard the words, he shook his head softly and said, his expression was full of anger and regret.

The girl blinked her eyes and said, "Father, this matter is related to the safety of the whole Cangfeng grassland. It is excellent to join hands with the Cang family. As for those human beings, do you also want to win over?"

The old man snorted coldly and said, "This time, we and the Cang family abandoned the past and joined hands to fight. On the Cangfeng grassland, who else will be the opponent of our two families!"

"As for those human beings? It's vulnerable, so it's not worth it! If it hadn't been for the ancient agreement, it would have been eradicated!"