The Path of Immortals

Chapter 392 The Battle of Demons 10 Return to the Cold and Lonely City

Chapter three hundred and ninety-two Demon Battle (10) Return to the Cold and Lonely City

On the cold and lonely city, an amazing white light flashed and fell on the top of the hall of the city wall.

Under the flash of inspiration, the figure of the young man in purple and the old man in blue who stepped on the white crane was revealed. It was the old man transformed by Zhao Di and the ever-changing puppet.

"The juniors of the elixir period in the cold and lonely city will come here immediately to gather together. I have something important to tell you!"

The old man said in a serious tone. His voice was not very loud, but it spread very clearly to the ears of everyone in a hundred miles around the square. At the same time, a strong spiritual pressure emanated from the two of them, making the low-level monks within a few miles of the square circle feel extremely stressed and unable to breathe, and escape .

"The elixir period, the younger generation!" A group of monks who are more clear about the level of immortals are terrformed when they hear the words. Only those who can call the masters of the elixir period as the junior generation are rumored to be above the Yuanying period!

In a moment, several spiritual lights rushed out of the peaks, some went straight to the hall of the city wall in their hearts, and two escapes went straight to somewhere in the city, where the transmission array was located.

Zhao Di snorted coldly, gently clicked the white crane under his feet, and immediately turned into a white spiritual light that broke through the air, and almost in the blink of an eye, he came to the two escape lights.

Zhao Di waved his big sleeves, and a terrible spiritual pressure came out. The two escapes immediately restrained, revealing the shocking shadows of the two people. They were the young women in the early stage of the Qin monk in the middle of Jiedan.

The two of them blushed, and it seemed that their spiritual power was imprisoned in mid-air, shaky.

"Pu-pop" two times, Zhao Di popped up a purple light mass of light from the two of them, forming two purple masks, wrapping them in them, and the two of them could no longer move.

Zhao Di flew back to the city wall again with the two of them. At this time, the rest of the escapes were about to arrive.

The owner of the lonely city and the middle-aged man surnamed Gong were among them. At this time, although he looked calm, his spiritual power fluctuated and could not help trembling. Obviously, he was very nervous.

"See the two seniors of Jane! I couldn't recognize my predecessor before. How offended me. Please forgive me!" The middle-aged man took everyone to the end.

At this time, middle-aged people have sensed that the aura fluctuation on the old man is very strong. It must be a master above the Yuanying period, and Zhao Di's spiritual pressure seems to be a little stronger. I'm afraid his cultivation is even more horrible!

Zhao Di waved casually, and the purple light mask on the monk surnamed Qin disappeared. Zhao Di said with a smile, "I was the one who deliberately concealed it before. Naturally, I won't blame you!"

Then the puppet's face darkened and he shouted harshly, "As for the two of you, you tried to escape in front of me regardless of my order. How should you punish me!"

"The seniors spare their lives, and the juniors are confused for a while. They beg the seniors to spare their lives!" The monk surnamed Qin actually knelt down on the spot, kowtowed and begged for mercy, and regretted it in his heart.

The young woman also hurriedly did so. She was probably over-feared and her face was as pale as paper.

"Get up!" Zhao Di frowned and said, "Luckily, we are not cruel and murderers. I will spare you two this time."

Then he raised his tone and said loudly, "Listen, if someone dares to disobey our second population order next time, the end will be like this mountain!"

With that, he spewed out a purple flame the size of a fist. At the edge of the purple flame, there was a faint five-color light.

The purple flame flew to an unmanned mountain several miles away, and suddenly burst with a "bang". More than a hundred feet of mushroom-like smoke rose in place, and in an instant, a sea of fire more than a thousand feet wide covered the whole mountain.

Zhao Di then waved his sleeve robe gently in the distance, and a breeze came out of thin air. The smoke and dust immediately dissipated, and the sea of fire also gathered together. It turned into a purple flame ball again and flew back to Zhao Di's hands.

After the smoke dissipated, only a thousand-foot-sized flat charred black land was left in the original place, and the small mountain peak had disappeared.

Burning a mountain peak to ashes in a moment. This terrible destructive power frightened these elixir monks.

Zhao Di played the purple flame twice in his hand, and then slowly withdrew it to his body. He coughed and said with a smile, "You don't have to be afraid. As long as you follow my instructions, there is not any danger at all, but it is also a great opportunity for the human monks of the Cangfeng Grassland!"

"Fate!" The middle-aged people looked at each other with doubts, and there were also some monks, showing a trace of expectation.

"Yes, for you, it's a great opportunity." Zhao Di said in a straight color.

"You must have seen that both of us are monks above the Yuanying period. To be honest, our cultivation is higher than you think, and we have come into contact with the transformed monsters of the Canglin and Fengwax on the Cangfeng grassland.

Next, Zhao Di said, unconcertained that he defeated the two demons and reached an agreement with the two demons, and then explored the devil's cave together, and agreed to work together to fight against the demons in detail one by one. Hearing that these monks were suspicious and uncertain.

In particular, I heard that Zhao Di, a human monk, captured two nine-level demon practitioners of the two major demon clans of Cangfeng Grassland. Many people have a warm-blooded pride in their hearts, but more doubt their authenticity.

Zhao Di finally said, "I know that you are skeptical, but to be honest, your strength is insignificant to me, and you are not qualified to let me weave lies and bully each other!"

"Now, there is an opportunity to resolve the past suspicions and join hands to fight against the enemy with the two demon clans of Canglin and Fengfu, and it is also an excellent opportunity to improve the position of human monks on the Cangfeng grassland! Whether you obey my leadership, refine a large number of rune beasts to participate in this war, or disobey orders and seek your own death, you must choose one now!"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Zhao Di sighed again and said sincerely:

"As far as I know, it is rumored that there are no human Yuanying monks on the Cangfeng grassland at all. This is because of the targeted removal of human high-level monks and the restriction of human strength."

"And this opportunity is a variable to reverse this pattern. As long as we show a certain strength, we can ask the Cang and Feng ethnic groups to leave a road to the Yuanying road to the human monks of Cangfeng Grassland!"

"For example, if a monk condenses Yuanying on the Cangfeng grassland, then the demon clan can let him leave here and practice in other continents dominated by human monks, instead of directly killing and cutting off the road of finding immortals!"

The middle-aged man was refreshed and said in a trembling voice, "Senior said that other continents, is it really true? Is there really a continent that is rumored to be dominated by human monks?

Several other monks were also quite excited.

"This is absolutely true!" Zhao Dilang said, "The Tianyuan mainland is much larger than the Yaoyuan mainland, and the Cangfeng grassland is even more insignificant compared with it! And the Tianyuan Continent is dominated by human beings, and it is unimaginable that the population is large. Although the Yuanying monks are also rare, the number is also unimaginable for you.

Zhao Di took the trouble to say a lot of details, including the distribution of Tianyuan Continent and the situation of the Star Sea.

The more middle-aged people listen to it, the more credible they feel. What Zhao said not only has a small part of content, but also is very consistent with some rumors circulating on the Cangfeng Grassland for a long time, and it is meticulous and meticulous, which does not seem to be fabricated.

"The seniors know so much about the situation in other continents. Have they been to other continents?" The middle-aged man had the courage to ask. If he didn't ask this question, I'm afraid he would feel at ease.

Zhao Di nodded with a smile and said, "That's good! To be honest, the two of us inadvertently came to the Demon Land and Cangfeng Grassland from other continents! And after this war, most of us will probably leave this grassland.

"Missing this opportunity, you want to find another human monk with your own strength to lead you to compete with the demons and improve the status of human monks in the wind grassland. It is undoubtedly a dream!"

"Don't take a chance. I'm not in charge. Even if the strength of the two demon clans and the demon clan is greatly damaged after the war, it is still effortless to deal with the current grassland human monks, and it is very possible for the demon clan to erase the human monks from the grassland in anger!"

"Think about it. This war is mainly based on the two demon clans. We human beings can help from the side. As long as we can destroy the demon clan, the position of human beings on the grassland in the future is naturally extraordinary. At least it will not be like now, living under the shadow of the transformed monsters, and we can't control our own "

Zhao Di's painstaking heart not only made these low-level monks very moved, but even Hun Yuanzi nodded frequently.

As a member of a human monk, Humbled Yuanzi naturally doesn't want to see it. His own kind is so depressed and humble on the grassland! If Zhao Di can promote the human monks in the grassland, he will also be happy to see it.

"This matter is very important. I can give you three days to think about it carefully and give me a reply in three days! But remember, don't make other ideas. My anger is not what the human monks of the Cangfeng Grassland can bear! Even the two demon clans, Cang and Feng, dare not offend me!"

"It's between your thoughts whether to live or die, whether to take the opportunity to fight or to live secretly, whether to be content with the status quo or to change your fate!"

After saying this, Zhao Di raised his eyebrows and looked at the crowd with expectation.

"Why don't you think about it for three days? The younger generation completely obeys the instructions of the predecessors!" To Zhao Di's surprise, the monk surnamed Xia took the lead in showing his attitude.

He said very excitedly, "The junior's qualifications are not bad, but they are afraid that they will be killed by the transformation demon after the advanced Yuanying period. After the elixir period, they have been wasted of practice and turned to the refining rune beasts. And there are many people like the younger generation who are no longer obsessed with practice after the elixir period! If we can change our fate under the leadership of our predecessors this time, we human monks in the Cangfeng Grassland will also have a glimmer of vitality to pursue the road and achieve the fairy road!"

(Third Update) RO