The Path of Immortals

Chapter 432 7 Immortal Handprints

However, under the joint attack of the three gods monks, although the void trembled violently, there was no sign of rupture.

Zhao Di and Hm Yuanzi hid under the five elements umbrella, staring at all this with their eyes.

"Zhao Daoyou, your strength is extraordinary, why don't you also help!" The moon fairy frowned slightly and seemed to be quite unhappy to see Zhao Di and the two people watching.

Hearing this, Zhao Di was a little embarrassed. Although he had a lot of powerful attack methods, he either did not dare to show it in front of others, or it was a disposable self-explosion treasure. If he used less, he did not dare to use it easily.

In a dilemma, Humbler Yuanzi spoke for him. Humbled Yuanzi snorted coldly and said in an old-fashioned tone, "After entering the space, this person is still useful to me and needs to preserve his strength. The three of you should not hide the powerful means. If you can't even break through the entrance of the space here, why don't you talk about looking for space cracks and flying up!"

"You should know that the horror of the space storm facing the spiritual world from the space cracks is no less than the nine-fold wind! And this space may still be drifting all the time. "You move quickly. If you don't break through it, it will drift away, and it will take a lot of effort to find it!"

The two demons were silent when they heard the words, but they urged their respective magic weapons more fiercely. Then although the space was shocked, it never failed to break the gap.

Master Kongwen frowned and frowned. Suddenly, he took the seven-color Buddha pestle and said awe-inspiringly, "The two beneers should stop for the time being and retreat, waiting for the poor monk to break it in one stroke!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the monk threw out a golden bead the size of a soybean, and shouted with a word in his mouth.

"Relizi! It's still the King Kong Relic!" Huddled Yuanzi shouted softly and thought to himself, "He actually used the King Kong Relic to refine a disposable self-explosion treasure. Of course, it is powerful enough to break this space in one fell swoop!"

"Unfortunately, King Kong Hanlizi is the evolution of the Buddha's power accumulated by some Taoist monks in the late Yuanying period for thousands of years. If it is refined, the Buddha's power will increase a lot out of thin air."

"However, this person is the elder of Buddhism, and it is naturally easier to get this thing than ordinary people. Moreover, he himself has probably cultivated a more powerful relic, and there is no need to refine the diamond relic left by others!" The moon fairy and others obviously saw the power of this thing, and they all said to stop one after another, so that the treasure would not be accidentally injured by it.

And the giant ape once again turned into the human form of a burly old man, silently watching the monk's every move.

While Master Yanwen kept saying Sanskrit and Buddha's words, his hands also clicked at the King Kong relic one after another. With the Buddha's light entering it, the King Kong relic emitted a golden light mass about the size of a foot. The golden light was bright but not dazzling. On the contrary, it gave people a sense of peace. There is a kind of Buddha's light magic.

After Master Kongwen sacrificed for a while, he suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Go!"

With a golden light mass the size of a ruler, the King Kong Relic slowly floated to the void that trembled after being attacked by the three people.

Then the empty master suddenly pinched the formula. With a loud "boom", countless golden Buddha lights burst, and the void suddenly burst into a hole of about the size flashing five-colored lights, and everyone immediately sensed a large amount of heaven and earth aura gushed out of the hole.

"That's right, get in!" Hmong Yuanzi said loudly and immediately put it into Zhao's sleeve.

Master Kongwen took the lead in escealing into the hole under the shroud of colorful Buddha light." Zhao Di then entered with the cover of the five elements umbrella with Hun Yuanzi; the moon fairy and the burly old man immediately followed.

After all four people entered the hole, there was only one breath. A five-color aura flashed in the hole and healed again. After a few breaths, the void here stopped trembling. Except for the remaining aura of heaven and earth, which was much higher than the surroundings, it seemed that nothing had happened here.

"Is this the City of the Sky? The aura is really dense!" The moon fairy looked around with a pair of wonderful eyes," she said with a trace of joy.

A gray space for several people" Under him is a dark blue lake, about a hundred miles wide. The weather aura, especially the water aura, is extremely lush, even below the top spiritual vein of the lower world.

But looking up, it is obvious that there are bottomless black cracks all over the sky, as if the sky is broken.

"Ding Ding Ding" A dense sound of wind chimes came from in front of Master Kongwen.

"Be careful! Those conspicuous black hole-like space cracks are all right. There are still many almost imperceptible invisible space cracks here. Once involved in them, they are also more evil!" Master Kongwen reminded that at the same time, he flicked a seven-colored ball of light several feet in his hands and slowly flew to the right front, but he was suddenly divided into two silently dozens of feet away.

"There is a place here!" Master Kongwen frowned and looked at the two spiritual lights.

Hun Yuanzi flew out of Zhao's sleeve again, nodded and said, "Not only that, these space cracks are not stable, and they will move irregularly at any time. You should be especially careful! However, with your divine consciousness and the induction of the aura of heaven and earth, if the space cracks within dozens of feet can't be detected, it is also a useless practice!" Everyone heard the words to operate the divine consciousness as much as possible and carefully explore the hundreds of feet around.

Wherever there is a space crack, the aura of heaven and earth will change a little, and once the divine consciousness penetrates into the crack, it will also be swallowed up. Therefore, for the monks of the Huashen period, as long as they are well prepared and careful, they will not be hurt by these vague space cracks.

What's more, the difficult refining method is still the sensory empty bell from the spiritual world, and it can sensitively sense all kinds of space cracks. As long as there are space cracks in more than a hundred feet around it, it will ring by itself to remind everyone.

The moon fairy originally wanted to remind Zhao Di to be careful, but she found that he and Hampton seemed not to be too worried, so she swallowed the words back.

She couldn't help thinking that the other party was so calm that he had treasures to protect his body and not afraid of space cracks, or was his divine consciousness no less powerful than that of the monks in the Huashen period, who could identify the position of the cracks and easily avoid it?

No matter which situation it is, it can only show that Zhao Di will only be simpler than she thought!

"Sir Yuanzi, where should we look for it?" Master Kongwen put his hands together and asked politely. When he saw that this place was indeed a dense crack in the space, which was very consistent with what Hian Yuanzi said before, and his expectations were a little more.

Hun Yuanzi frowned and shook his head and said, "I don't know either. In fact, I don't know how big this space is and what it comes from. It's just that the place where I fell into this space from the spiritual world in those years was obviously the ruins of a human palace. As for other places, I haven't explored much.

"In this case, we will act together and explore it step by step! This space can't be too open. The moon fairy proposed, "Naturally, no one will object. In a strange place full of crises, no one wants to act alone. Hun Yuanzi wanted to take Zhao Di alone to find his magic weapon, but before finding the ruins and the space cracks leading to the spiritual world, these god monks obviously would not let him go.

So everyone followed Master Kongwen slowly to the shore more than ten feet apart. Along the way, if the empty bell rang, several people had the opportunity to stop immediately, show the hidden cracks with spiritual light and other means, and then continue to move forward.

So cautious and careful, it was naturally a safe journey. At the same time, everyone found that there were deep ditches and broken walls everywhere, which were obviously cut by floating cracks in the space.

"Your Excellency, Mr. Hun Yuanzi", the burly old man, who has always said little, suddenly asked in a loud voice, "The aura of heaven and earth here is very special." It is not only dense and rich, but also seems to be slightly different from our lower world. Is the space here originally a part of the spiritual world!"

Several other people also looked at the bastard one after another, waiting for his answer. They also had similar doubts in their hearts.

Hampled Yuanzi nodded repeatedly: "That's good! I feel the same way, but there is no conclusive evidence. After finding the human relic, you can explore it carefully, or you can find something to confirm this speculation!"

"Now the frequency of the empty bell ringing is getting higher and higher, and there are more and more cracks in the space, indicating that we have found the right direction. I'm afraid it won't take long to find it!" Master Shikong also said with great interest.

These people vaguely feel that this place is likely to be originally a part of the spiritual world. For some reason, it forms an independent space full of broken marks, and for some reason it appears in the high air of the lower world here.

If this is the case, then there is a space crack here leading to the spiritual world, which makes more sense!

"Ah, what is that!" Zhao Di suddenly exclaimed loudly, and the well hand pointed to the sky in the distance.

There, there are many large and small space cracks, which are very obvious. One by one is like an open black mouth, which is unfathomable.

However, from the distance where Zhao Di and others are located, these space cracks are combined to obviously form a pattern, which is very much like the shape of a human palm, but only a thousand feet in size.

"This seems to be a mark on the palm of one hand!" The moon fairy immediately saw it, and then opened a pair of wonderful eyes and said incredulously, "Is it a monk with great power, waved a palm to smash the space here, causing countless space cracks! This must be a capable monk in the spiritual world!"

"No!" Hun Yuan shook his head and looked extremely solemn: "I don't think that there can be monks in the spiritual world who have such anti-God's power, which can wave a palm and completely shatter such a large void. If this is really a fingerprint, I'm afraid it's also a handprint left by immortals!"

"Immortal fingerprints!" Zhao Di and several others exclaimed in one voice.