The Path of Immortals

Chapter 434 9 Xianangwen

The golden rune flashed, easily resisting the explosive power of the real fire, and the broken column was not damaged at all.

"Xianangwen!" Hun Yuanzi shouted softly. Although his voice was low, he could not hide the shock and [Xing].

"Xianangwen! Is it fairy characters? This golden rune is so defensive!" Zhao Di asked in surprise and joy. With the strength of the real fire of the mixed yuan, it is enough to break the stone pillar refined by Shoushan jade into a big pit, but now there is no movement. Obviously, it is the power of the golden rune.

"Yes, this kind of text occasionally appears in the spiritual world, but there are very few. It is rumored that it is a fairy character handed down from the fairy world. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about it!" Hun Yuanzi [Xing] said with great interest and regret: "There seems to be a lot of power remnants in this run The flash of the text allows us to fully remember its form. Hey hey, even in the spiritual world, there is very little chance to see the runes arranged with the fairy text. What's more, this is most likely part of the runes laid by the immortals themselves! As long as we understand the 1% of the mystery, it is enough to make great progress in refining!"

Zhao Di nodded repeatedly, put on a divine mask, and hit all his attention on the broken pillar. Then he turned his spiritual power around him. The purple gas flashed on his face, and his hands were rubbed and pulled. Immediately, a purple light mass several feet in size condensed out. At the urging of Zhao Di, he hit the broken pillar.

It was a "boom" again, with a burst of purple light, and the golden runes on the broken wall flashed for a moment, which resolved the attack of the mixed yuan god light and then disappeared.

With Zhao Di's strong consciousness, he could firmly remember the rune pattern for a moment without any difference. However, when Zhao Di looked at the rune carefully, he only felt that it was extremely profound and complicated, and the seemingly rough stroke seemed to contain endless changes. Without waiting for him to understand a trace, the golden rune was dim. Disappeared.

Hun Yuanzi also looked confused and motioned Zhao Di to continue.

That's it." Zhao Di kept showing the light of the mixed yuan god, attacked the broken pillar crazily, and then forcibly recorded the graphics of the golden rune in the divine consciousness.

During this period, Zhao Di's spiritual power almost dried up, and he drank another drop of ten-thousand-year spiritual liquid. The two stared at Duanzhu for several hours.

"Okay" This kind of fairy character, the law of heaven and earth contained in it, is indeed difficult for me to understand, let alone you! Even if you continue to stay here for hundreds of years, you can't make too much profit!" Hun Yuanzi shook his head and sighed, and ordered Zhao Di to continue to move forward and find his original magic weapon.

After Zhao Di could not sense the existence of the rest of the people, he sacrificed the Tongtian Tower to include a large number of broken walls and keep it for slow research in the future. Even if there are no golden runes on it, those Shoushan jade materials are enough for him to refine a large number of earth attribute magic weapons or elixir runes!

Of course, the rest of the people will definitely take away a large amount of Shoushan jade materials, but compared with the number loaded in the Tongtian Tower, it is simply negligible.

Of course, Hampang Yuanzi wanted the geese to pull the hair, and explained that Zhao Di also left some for him.

After doing this, Hun Yuanzi urged Zhao Di to continue to move forward. "He has already felt that his own magic weapon is within thousands of miles!

Zhao Di came to this aura-rich city in the sky. After more than half a day, he didn't even notice a monster, which was very strange.

It must have been abandoned here for tens of thousands of years or even longer, and the floating space cracks here are difficult for monsters to survive. It is likely that the monsters will be swallowed up by the hidden space cracks unconsciously.

Not only are monsters difficult to survive, but also tall trees are completely absent, which seems extremely desolate here.

Since the discovery of Xianangwen, Zhao Di believes that this place is unusual. It is very likely to be the ruins of immortals, so he carefully explores everything and does not want to miss any traces.

However, I flew hundreds of miles all the way and found nothing.

When he flew into a seemingly ordinary chaotic rock valley," Hun Yuanzi suddenly shouted excitedly: "This is it, this is it! I clearly sensed that the magic weapon is here, and I'm afraid it's less than a thousand feet.

Zhao Di looked around for a week. With his strong divine consciousness, he knew everything about the situation in dozens of miles, and there was no trace of powerful treasures.

If he let go of the divine consciousness, he can naturally explore farther, but he must be prepared for space cracks around him, so most of the divine consciousness is still hovering around him within hundreds of feet.

"Within thousands of feet, it is impossible. There is no abnormality in this thousand feet, only a pile of non-spiritual stones. What does the predecessor's magic weapon look like?" After looking around, Zhao Di frowned slightly and asked doubtfully.

"My original magic weapon is a small purple ruler, called a mixed ruler! Born with mixed spiritual power, Tongtian Lingbao. With your current cultivation of Hunyuan's formula, even if it is buried deep in the ground, it should be easy to find it!" Hunyuanzi also looked puzzled.

"But there is still a slight connection between the magic weapon and my mind, and I can indeed feel that it is nearby, which is absolutely not wrong. Look it up carefully, even if you dig a thousand feet, don't miss an inch!"

Zhao Di smiled bitterly, and Huddled Yuanzi obviously used him as a hard laborer.

"Hey, whether you find a mixed ruler or not, I will naturally give you corresponding benefits after this incident. Don't worry about wasting your effort! Don't you want to shock the god? I'm also quite experienced in this field!" Huddled Yuanzi smiled and said that he hit the key point of Zhao Di.

Sure enough, Zhao Di was immediately full of energy. He opened his mouth and sprayed, and all the seven flying swords he brushed were sacrificed. At the same time, the sleeve robe shook, and more than a hundred puppets of different levels such as ever-changing puppets also flew out and fell densely in front of Zhao Di.

After finishing these, Zhao Di gently wiped it on the storage bracelet. After Bai Xia flashed, a large number of rune beasts made of gold, wood and jade in different shapes suddenly flew out.

Zhao Di recited the words to sacrifice the rune beast, and then spewed out a mouthful of blood, neatly dripping on a group of rune beasts, and it happened that each rune beast dripped a drop.

"Go, dig the ground within two thousand feet!" After Zhao Di's order, these rune beasts scattered one after another, some moving quickly, and some were extremely slow and clumsy.

Zhao Di commanded seven flying swords and a group of puppets also began to take action. Suddenly, all kinds of auras flew around in this messy stone valley, and all kinds of sounds came out densely. The boulders were bombarded into powder, and then blown away by the clear wind from nowhere.

Hun Yuanzi nodded with satisfaction and praised, "You are rich in means. Although these puppets, rune beasts and so on are low-level, it happens to be useful to do these chores!" Zhao Di did not answer. He commanded seven flying swords and more than a hundred puppets with a serious expression, plus He also needs to always pay attention to the cracks in the surrounding space, so the concentration of consciousness is not easy.

With so many means, and these rocks did not have any resistance in the indiscriminate bombing. In a short time, the whole stone valley was wiped dozens of feet deep by Zhao Di's rune beasts and puppet troops.

"Senior, have you found anything?" Zhao Di saw that he had dug more than a hundred feet deep in the valley and still had no harvest, so he frowned and asked Hun Yuanzi.

"The position of the original magic weapon has not changed at all, just within a thousand feet. There is a clear view here, either in the depths of the ground, or in a hidden space in the air!" Hun Yuanzi said with great confidence.

Zhao nodded and continued to command the puppet troops to dig hard, while Hun Yuanzi carefully followed Zhao Di around in order to further determine the position of the mixed ruler.

When Zhao Di's various means dug the valley four or five hundred feet deep, suddenly a mountain shook, which surprised the two.

"Is there any prohibition triggered!" Zhao Di was shocked. At the same time, he hurriedly waved his sleeves and recalled the seven flying swords and a group of puppets, and the rune beast was no longer under his control and could only let it die.

"It's moving, it's moving!" Hmeng Yuanzi said in surprise, "The position of the Hmengyuan ruler has moved, and it must be in the depths of the ground!" More than a hundred rune beasts did not respond to the shaking of the mountain. They still honestly followed Zhao Di's instructions, destroyed the boulders one by one and continued to dig deep.

Suddenly, with the collapse and rock cracking, a black hole of several feet in the depths of the stone valley was opened, and suddenly a huge suction was generated. A bland wind rushed to the black hole with the surrounding stones and runes. In an instant, these runes were all involved in the black hole and disappeared completely.

Hundreds of feet away, the mixed Yuanzi was swept by the strong wind, and his body was unstable. He immediately fell into the black hole. Fortunately, Zhao Di reached out his hand on his shoulder in time, and a mixed light protected his body and stabilized his body.

Hun Yuanzi was not surprised but happy. [Xing] said excitedly, "Haha, stoneworm beast! It turned out to be a stone earthworm! No wonder!" "Kon, I'm sure that the mixed ruler is in the belly of this stone earthworm beast! Kill it quickly and take out the mixed ruler.

Zhao Di frowned and asked, "What kind of monster is this stone earthworm beast? It seems to have great magical power, and why are the predecessors so sure that the mixed Yuan ruler is in his belly?" The mixed Yuanzi explained in detail: "The stone earthworm beast is a rare wild beast in the spiritual world, but the magic power is ordinary. It is rumored that this beast rarely comes out. It only comes out for a few days every thousand years, and then falls into a thousand years of hibernation. This beast is born with the ability and talent of petrification. When dormant, it integrates with the surrounding stones. No breath is exposed. No matter how powerful the monk is, he can't distinguish it from the surrounding stones, let alone in the depths of the ground.

"This beast likes to devour all kinds of rare treasures, and most of the bastard's feet are swallowed into his abdomen!" "The stone earthworm beast at present is just a cultivation in the god period. You can kill it!" Hunyuanzi said with a slight smile.