The Path of Immortals

Chapter 438 Test Runes and Refining Treasures

Chapter 468 Experimental Rune and Refining Treasure

Zhao Di vaguely felt that when drawing this rune line, it seemed that the spiritual power around him was out of control, and it was difficult for the rune pen to control the accuracy.

"Is it that I don't have enough cultivation to touch the rune that contains the laws of heaven and earth? Just a trace of change can't be mastered? Zhao Di shook his head helplessly and thought of it.

At present, he mobilized his whole spiritual power to control the rune in his hand and continued to draw runes repeatedly. However, every time he came to that line, he involuntarily lost control and failed.

Zhao Di tried the other two forms of runes that he felt in his heart. Unfortunately, he failed in a critical place every time and could not draw a complete rune.

After only a few attempts, Zhao Di only felt that his heart was exhausted, as if he had just experienced a life-and-death war. Both divine consciousness, physical strength and spiritual power were consumed extremely amazingly.

Zhao Di was shocked. It seems that the runes of this fairy family are indeed not accessible to his current cultivation.

Zhao Di took out the half of the Kirin golden horn again. Looking closely, the golden horn was also engraved with countless dense goldè lines, forming countless complex and innate runes.

Zhao Di immersed his divine consciousness and tried to understand the morphological characteristics of these runes for his own use.

"Ah, these runes are also ever-changing!" Zhao Di exclaimed, and in an instant, he only felt that the sky was spinning, and his mouth was sweet. He spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".

The natural rune in this golden horn is obviously not what Zhao Di can try to understand now, which is much beyond his cultivation.

Zhao Di hurriedly put away the golden horns, swallowed several elixirs such as Han Yundan, operated the spiritual power, adjusted the breath, and slowly meditated and rested.

Half a month later, Zhao Di fully recovered, but he still did not give up on these runes.

The more difficult it is to understand and draw, it shows that the more powerful it contains, and the more interested Zhao Di is.

The runes on the golden horn of the Kirin are natural, too mysterious and complicated. Zhao Di dares not go to understand again, and the Xiangang runes that have been isolated one by one, Zhao Di is unwilling to give up easily.

"Since the original fairy rune cannot be drawn successfully, is it feasible to make a slight change?" Zhao Di suddenly thought like this.

Zhao Di is the art of through runes. He knows that the most important thing about runes is that they are correct. Any slight error will make the rune lose its power or extremely unstable, and eventually lead to drawing failure.

Take his frozen scepter as an example, which is engraved with at least thousands of rune characters, some run through the scepter as a whole, some are as thin as hair, and they merge with each other without any deviation.

Only monks with extremely strong divine consciousness can refine this treasure. It is impossible for the elixir monks to accurately engrave all the runes on the frozen scepter.

With Zhao Di's current cultivation, it is normal to be unable to draw a trace of change in the fairy rune, because this change is likely to hide a huge power.

However, if he changes it a little, it will naturally lose its power and even be useless, but it can be drawn reluctantly.

If he repeatedly experiments, draws countless variants, and selects out the variant that retains the most power, it may be very useful.

After thinking about it, Zhao Disi felt that this method was feasible. Anyway, his Shoushan yù materials have a lot, which are enough for him to try repeatedly. The materials are not afraid of cost, so it will only take some time at most.

Seeing some terrible things such as the five-fold sky wind, Zhao Di felt that the defense magic weapon was important. He spent these costs. If he could improve the defense of his treasure, it was also very worth it.

So in the following period of time, Zhao Di cut a large number of Shoushan yù materials into flat squares for him to test various rune graphics.

This practice is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack, which is extremely expensive. Only Zhao Di, who does not care about the treasure materials at all, dares to do so. If Yuanzi knows about it, he must shout that he is prodigal.

Zhao Di drew a hundred variant runes based on the fairy rune graphics, and then tested their power one by one. Several times in a row, a useful variant rune was not found.

After thousands of attempts, there is finally a variant rune with a little defense power that can resist a little attack.

Although the magic power of this variant rune is extremely unbearable in connection with the attack of the Dan period monks, it gave Zhao Di a great encouragement. He has been immersed in it for several years, concentrate on drawing and experimenting with various variants of runes.

After several years of total of tens of thousands of attempts, Zhao Di finally selected two variants of runes, with relatively strong defense ability, and he can also draw them.

However, the drawing of these two runes also consumes a lot of spiritual power, which is more suitable for use in refiners, rather than on-the-spot combat.

Zhao Di specially took out a few defense magic weapons that he didn't like very much, engraved these two variants runes on them, and then tested them one by one. Sure enough, his defense ability increased a lot.

After that, Zhao Di took out the five elements of the magic weapon, and the heart wing was on the purple è umbrella surface, and also integrated the two rune drawings, so that the defense ability of the five elements umbrella was improved to another level.

After these experiments, most of the materials brought back by Zhao Di from the City of the Sky have been consumed, but there are still a lot left.

With so many materials, Zhao Di will naturally not let go. He has already had a magic weapon like a "law seal" to refine, and this is the right time.

When he was still in the gas refining period, he had a seemingly clumsy but infinitely useful yù mountain seal artifact in his hand helped him a lot. This kind of earth treasure is also very terrible if there are enough materials to one-sidedly pursue power when refining.

Zhao Di already knew the refining method of this treasure, and the auxiliary materials were also very complete. After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Di decided to refine it.

A few months later, Zhao Di finally refined the treasure.

This is a seemingly ordinary square yellow seal, only three inches square, but it is made by Zhao Di's collection of nearly a thousand catties of Shoushan yù materials and repeatedly refined.

And on the surface of the yù print, Zhao Di used the remaining star sand as materials to draw the two metamorphic runes, which greatly increased the strength of this treasure.

Because it was filled with earthly treasures such as star sand, when this treasure was sacrificed, countless yellow lights flashed on the huge square seal, as if it were as bright as the stars in the sky. Therefore, Zhao Di named this treasure the Star Seal.

Although this treasure has not reached the level of Lingbao, it is enough to make many Lingbao sad in terms of a wide range of destructive power

After refining this star seal, Zhao Di felt that his refining level had been partially improved, and his next plan was to refine half of the Kirin golden horn into a metal flying sword, and at the same time sacrificed the seven flying swords that had been refined with him at the same time, becoming a set of magic weapons.

Half of the Kirin Golden Horn, although it has been in the belly of the stone earthworm beast for a long time, it is still not something that can be refined by Zhao Di.

He can only stretch and change this half of the golden angle into the form of a flying sword according to the method left by Yuanzi.

Then, he dripped blood on it. Using jīng blood as the material, he drew runes on the flying sword made by the golden horn, and refined it into the metal flying sword in the Jiugong Yuan Sword Array.

This treasure has great potential. Naturally, it is not so rough refining that it can give full play to all its power. However, for Zhao Di, whose auxiliary materials and his own cultivation are relatively insufficient, such a simple refining without destroying the potential of the material is the best solution.

Zhao Di re-refinered the Yuanshi and the Mengli Sword. Taking the natural power contained in the Yuanshi as the foundation, he recast the Mengli Sword and made it a real Yuan Sword.

In this way, it can not only improve the quality of the Yuan Sword by a step, but also increase the magic power of the sword in the vertical fusion of the five elements of spiritual power. If it is a treasure of the five elements, it will take a lot of advantages.

Because it is a complete set of magic weapons, after the first embryos of these two swords are formed, they will be re-sacrificed together with the other six swords to become eight flying swords in the nine palace sword array.

Because there is still a lack of a wind flying sword, Zhao Di did not use the hard-won concentric fairy treasure, which is particularly effective when refining a complete set of treasures. Now the nine palace sword array is still incomplete, and it doesn't make much sense to use this treasure.

A few years later, Zhao Di finally refined these eight flying swords into his heart.

These eight flying swords are at least refined from the top-level materials in this world. Among them, the wooden mí fairy sword, the metal Jinlin sword, and the core of the Yuan sword are all refined by unimaginable materials in this world. The eight swords are enough to shock the earth. Facing the monks of the Huashen Power!

After more than ten years of such a closed-door refinery, Zhao Di came out of the Tongtian Tower, while Yuanzi is still closed in the Tongtian Tower. Now he is preparing for the impact of Jiedan!

Although there is a lot of Dan's assistance and a strong aura environment, the speed of practice is so fast that Zhao Di is still surprised. It seems that the body of Zhenyang is not only talented in physical refining, but also much stronger than ordinary five spiritual root monks in the cultivation of the low-level realm.

Zhao Di once again came to the State of Tianwu on the southeast coast of Tianyuan Continent through a secret transmission array somewhere in the northern part of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He was flying to the Golden Flame Kingdom to explore the end of the Dragon Valley. Suddenly, a piece of yù charm in the storage bracelet was sensed.

Zhao Di gently wiped the storage bracelet, Bai Xia flashed, and a conch-shaped rune floated in his hand.

This is one of a pair of long-distance notes, and the other one is left in the hands of thousands of planes.

"Is there a major change in the Star Sea?" Zhao Di frowned slightly and his heart was stunned! According to his generation, unless he encounters a major event of Zong's life and death, Feng Qingyun will never easily have this note!

(Second update) RA