The Path of Immortals

Chapter 443 Indifference

Chapter 443 Indifference

In a thousand machines, in a house guarded by layers of protection, Zhao Di is talking with the fiber fairy tasting tea.

"Slim girl, how about this virgin frost tea? This tea is the most suitable for the slim girl who practices ice skills!" Zhao Di took a sip of spiritual tea and said with a smile, "And this snow crystal fruit is also very helpful to the ice monks."

These two kinds of treasures are the specialties of the Far North Icefield and the Ice Sea, and the Star Sea will naturally not be seen.

The slender fairy, dressed in palace clothes and always wearing a veil, has cold eyes and a cold expression. She said faintly, "Scarry fairy is not interested in tasting tea, and it has been in the valley for many years, and it is not good to eat delicious food. In addition, Zhao Daoyou still calls Xianxian a Taoist friend. The girl's name has long been a thing of the past. Zhao Daoyou asked Xianxian to stay, saying that there was something important to discuss. I don't know if I can tell you directly!"

Zhao Di was stunned again. In those years, this nv asked him to call her a slender girl, but now it is so cold that he really can't figure it out.

However, he didn't care. He smiled and said, "What the fairy said is that Zhao has a ruthless invitation and needs the fairy's help. Of course, this matter is also good for the fairy! The fairy's ice skill is extraordinary. It is so fast in the middle of the Yuanying period. Presumably, this matter is just a piece of cake for the fairy!"

"Compared with Zhao Daoyou's 300-year-old advanced late-stage monk, what does Xianxian count! What exactly did Zhao Daoyou say? The tone of this nv has always been so cold and tasteless, as if it is really carved from ice.

"Zhao inadvertently got a pair of snow crystal silkworms. He wanted to use his Taoist friend's ice skills to promote this silkworm with a secret technique, so that the silkworm can spit out a higher level of snow crystal silk. The higher the cultivation of the caster's cultivation, the more the quality will be. In addition, there is another treasure that needs to be refined by the beneurer's pure ice skill. After the event was completed, Zhao only took the snow crystal silk and the treasure, and this pair of snow crystal silkworms were given to the fairy!" Zhao said, gently wiping the spirit beast ring on his wrist, and flew out a transparent yù box with seven or eight forbidden charms.

"Millennium ice less nv was slightly stunned. This kind of treasure is also rare. It is actually used to make a yù box for treasures. It can be seen that Zhao Di's handwriting is not good.

Of course, if there are ancient silkworms such as snow crystal silkworms in it, then the yù box is not so abrupt.

The famous ancient insect of the snow crystal silkworm is also a strange silkworm of the genus Ice. As an ice root, the little nv is naturally very clear. Zhao said that as long as she exerts a little effort, she can get a pair of snow crystal silkworms. How can she not be moved?

However, this nv seemed to be extremely reluctant to have a relationship with Zhao Di again. Unexpectedly, he was a little hesitant and did not agree happily, which made Zhao Di very suspicious

The conditions he gave are already extremely generous, and the other party should be very excited.

Zhao Di removed the forbidden rune on the yù box and stretched out his finger. A trick hit the yù box, and immediately turned into a layer of purpleè light curtain, covering the yù box. Zhao Di then opened the yù box. Sure enough, there were two crystal-white three-inch long snow crystal silkworms lying in the yù box.

Not long after the yù box was opened, the snow crystal silkworm suddenly jumped out of the yù box. At the same time, its body was quickly transparent, and finally disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

If it hadn't been so close, the two could have clearly sensed the existence of the snow crystal silkworm with their divine consciousness, otherwise they would not be able to find out at all.

PurpleèSomewhere in the mask suddenly flashed, it seemed to be attacked by an invisible object, which was obviously a snow crystal silkworm that hid its body.

"Sure enough, it is a snow crystal silkworm or a pair of adult snow crystal silkworms. Its hidden magic power and cold air are very strong, exactly the same as those recorded in ancient books!" Shao nv nodded secretly in his heart, and there was a trace of heat in Gujing's mood.

"Fairy, you and I have known each other for nearly 300 years. More than 200 years ago, Zhao saved the fairy once in the ancient seal space. Now it's just for the fairy to work hard. Does the fairy have to refuse thousands of miles? Zhao Di frowned slightly and asked. He didn't understand why the other party was so cold at all. Could it be that Luo Bing Jue was so domineering that it made this situation change a lot!

When Shao nv heard the words, his delicate body trembled slightly and blurted out, "Is Xianxian not a person who misses kindness, but Brother Zhao and I..." Only half of the words were said. This nv sighed softly and then said leisurely, "Thank you for Zhao Daoyou's kindness. Xianxian promised his Taoist friend.

Zhao Di was slightly stunned again. Just a moment ago, there was a trace of inexplicable God shining in the bright eyes of this nv. It seemed that there were thousands of words, but there was no way to mention it.

In any case, since this nv has agreed, he will no longer ask.

"Zhao entrusted the fairy to refine it. It is a kind of Dan called Xuesangwan. Zhao has prepared a lot of raw materials, which is very complete. This elixir is very strange and needs to be refined with pure ice spiritual root monks. Zhao can't do it. In addition, there is also a secret technique that can urge snow crystal silkworms to spit silk, and greatly improve the power of the snow crystal silk. It also requires ice root monks like fairies to take action.

Zhao said, took out a white Jane that had already been prepared, flew to Shao nv, and continued to say with a smile, "In this yù Jane, this secret technique and the refining method of Xuesang pills are recorded. With the wisdom of fairies, it naturally takes a long time to understand it! As for alchemy, of course, there are gains and losses. The fairy just gives all the elixir to Zhao, whether it is a waste or a good elixir, and there is no need to be under too much pressure. As long as he tries his best, Zhao will feel endless!"

Shao nv took over yù Jane and immersed a wisp of divine consciousness in it. After a while, he said faintly, "Well, Xianxian will try his best to do it. This snow mulberry pill seems to be specially used to cultivate ice insects such as snow crystal silkworms. Why, do Taoist friends still have a pair of snow crystal silkworms?

"Yes, Zhao also has a pair of larvae, otherwise he would not be willing to give the pair of adult insects to the fairy as a price." Zhao Di nodded generously and admitted.

For Zhao Di, the adult can't recognize the owner. Except for obtaining snow crystal silk, it is useless, and a pair of larvae that have already recognized the owner, if they are organically cultivated and grow them, or can also become a great help to him in hiding means.

"So that's it! There is no problem with Xianxian. When does Zhao Daoyou need snow crystal silk and snow mulberry pills? Shao nv nodded slightly and asked softly.

"If the fairy has nothing to do, why don't you stay in Qianji for a period of time and return to the clan after these things are done? Zhao can arrange a secluded house for the fairy. Zhao asked with a kind smile and looked forward to it.

"No!" Shao nv actually refused simply and indifferently: "Sinxian stayed in thousands of machines, and the name is not right. It's better to go back to Taiyi to refine these treasures. If a Taoist friend can't believe in the fiber, then let it go!"

Zhao Di quickly said, "Of course, Zhao can trust the fairy. The fairy can leave with the pair of snow crystal silkworms immediately. After the treasure is refined, Zhao will pick it up in person."

With that, Zhao Di flicked his fingers, bound the two snow crystal silkworms with purple light one by one, put them into the yù box, and then pasted several runes. At the same time, he also took out a storage belt, which contains a large number of thousand-year-old ice and snow mulberry leaves, which are the main materials for refining snow mulberry pills.

Some of these materials are cultivated by Youlan with iǎding, and most of them were purchased by Zhao Di in North Youzongfang City in the northern part of Dazhou.

Zhao Di gently clicked the box and the storage bag to fly to Shao nv.

"Zhao Daoyou, goodbye!" After taking over these treasures, Shao Nv did not check them carefully. With a little courtesy, he turned around and left.

Zhao Di's sleepy face watched Shao nv leave, but he saw that when Shao nv was about to fly out of the house, he suddenly turned around and stared deeply at Zhao Di.

Zhao Di's heart jumped slightly. This look was complicated. He had practiced for more than 300 years, and it was difficult to understand the deep meaning.

"Does she have any difficulties?" Zhao Di suspected that with the age of nv and the cultivation of the middle of the Yuanying, the future is unlimited! It is definitely the core figure of Taiyi and another nv monk in the future star sea. Is there anything else that can make this nv so difficult?

Zhao Di thought for a moment and didn't get the point. He shook his head slightly and stopped thinking about it.

In thousands of machines, there are still many things waiting for him, the elder, to deal with one by one. And the most important of them are his apprentice Shi Shuo and the young girl with a great origin.

Even Feng Qingyun is not clear about this matter. After all, the huge estrangement between people and demons can't be made public at all. The fewer people know about it, the safer they will be.

As soon as Shao nv left, there was indeed a slightly anxious voice of a young man outside Zhao's hell: "Master, disciple Shi Shuo wants to see you!"

"Come in, the teacher is about to call you to ask!" Zhao Di casually waved the colorful spiritual light forbidden system outside the house and came out a wide passage. After a moment, a beautiful man who was extremely handsome and extraordinary walked into the house.

After seeing Zhao Di, although this person knelt down and worshipped with great joy, God always inadvertently flowed lù a trace of worry and urgency

"Shuo'er, you don't have to be polite!" Zhao Diyi waved his sleeves, and an invisible soft power helped Shi Shuo up. He nodded repeatedly and praised with a smile, "I haven't seen you for decades. You have condensed Yuanying. The speed is so fast that it is still unexpected for the teacher! It's really good. I think the young girl has also contributed a lot! By the way, why didn't Miss Qingqing come?

According to the normal etiquette, of course, the husband and wife came to visit the teacher together. Now Shi Shuo comes alone, which makes him quite suspicious

Shi Shuo could no longer hide his inner worries and said anxiously, "Qingqing is pregnant now, and she is very dangerous. Please help me again!"

(First update, work hard today to fight for the outbreak of the third update!) RA