The Path of Immortals

Chapter 460 Travel

"Travel around the world! The godfather is not a lie. Dad said that the godfather likes to practice in isolation and practice all day long. How can he be willing to waste time to play around!" The girl blinked a pair of clear eyes, showing an expression of disbelievable, but a pair of small hands grabbed the young man's sleeves.

The girl is Xiaoyu, the beloved daughter of the Shi Shuo couple, and the young man is of course her godfather Zhao Di.

As a semi-demon body, this woman grows much slower than human beings. According to her age, she is already sixteen years old, but her mind and appearance are the same as that of a seven- or eight-year-old girl.

However, this woman inherits the unique illusion power of the wooden family of the Jiaolong family. She can not only restrain the breath of the demon clan, but also simply transform into the appearance of others. If she is a monk with lower cultivation, it is difficult to see through.

According to Zhao Di's guidance, Shi Shuo and his wife did not teach this woman to practice skills, and this woman was also extremely naughty. She often pretended to be other monks in Qianjimen and played with the monks in the door.

And the middle-aged man surnamed Chi just now is one of her favorite people to play. On the one hand, this person loves her very much and does not expose her tricks every time; on the other hand, this person is generous and gives her one or two new things such as rune magic weapons every time, which makes the girl love it very much.

However, this woman also strictly followed the instructions of Mr. and Mrs. Shi Shuo, and never turned into a dragon body in front of outsiders. Therefore, although this woman's reputation for naughty and naughty has spread widely in thousands of machines, no one knows her identity as a half-demon.

"See you, Elder!" The middle-aged man surnamed Chi, who was teased by Xiaoyu just now, hurriedly came forward to worship after seeing Zhao Di.

With a wave of Zhao Di's sleeve robe, an invisible force helped the man up and said with a smile, "Well, you can advance to the elixir period, which is enough to comfort your ancestors! I made a relationship with Ling Zu, and it was very gratifying to see that his descendants could form a golden elixir!"

"This is all the grace of the elders!" The middle-aged man bowed again. He said this sentence with great sincerity, and the truth is true. Although his spiritual root is not bad, without Zhao Di's extra care, he could not have condensed Jindan so smoothly.

"Your cultivation is progressing well. If you continue to work so hard, one day in the future, you may also be able to hit Yuanying Avenue and become an elder of this family!" Zhao Di praised the encouragement. At the same time, Bai Xia flashed in his hand, and a jade bottle appeared. While throwing it to the other party, he said, "This is some elixirs that are beneficial to your current cultivation. The way of practice is certainly important, but your hard work is also indispensable. You can take care of yourself!"

After saying that, Zhao Diyi rolled up his sleeves and left here with the girl, leaving only the middle-aged people salute respectfully.

Subsequently, Zhao Di expressed his intention to Shi Shuo and his wife. He planned to take advantage of this opportunity to travel and exercise his mood. On the one hand, he would teach Xiaoyu the mixed element formula and give him a solid foundation; on the other hand, he could let this woman go out and experience the colorful world.

Only when accompanied by Zhao Di did Shi Shuo and his wife dare to let Xiaoyu leave Qianjimen. After all, her semi-demon identity is too special. Once exposed, it may set off a huge storm and even trigger a war that will lead to the loss of countless lives.

But with Zhao Di's care, Shi Shuo and his wife will naturally not have any worries, and of course they will not object. They just repeatedly told the girl that she must listen to her godfather and not be naughty!

When the girl heard that she could go out to open her eyes, she naturally agreed. A pair of small hands kept holding Zhao Di's sleeves tightly, as if she was afraid that her godfather would disappear at any time.


Located somewhere in the Cangfeng grassland of the Demon Yuan Continent, in a palace of the Canglin clan, the patriarch Cang Yun can't help but welcome a cold and handsome silver-haired young man, and the spiritual pressure on this young man is extremely strong, which is obviously the cultivation of Yuanying in the later period.

"Han'er has seen his godfather!" When the young man saw Cangyun, he immediately bowed and saluted.

Cang Yun rushed to help him up, looked up and down, and nodded happily: "Very good! Very good! Han'er, you are not only ten-level cultivation, but also extremely cold. I'm afraid that you are already above the father!"

"This is all the grace of the godfather! Godfather, I heard that there was a demon war decades ago, and all the elites of the clan went to battle to meet the enemy, but Han'er happened to be in the level 10 bottleneck of the Arctic ice sea and failed to fight. Please forgive me!" After the young man and Cang Yun sat down separately, the young man changed the topic and directly asked what he was most concerned about.

Cang Yun's face changed slightly, and he seemed to have a lingering fear of the war. He sighed softly: "Yes, in that war, although our clan joined hands with the wind vulture family and human monks, and finally eradicated the Warcraft and the big demon manipulated behind it, it also lost a lot of low- Fortunately, most of the high-level clans still retain their strength, and the situation of the wind stork is no better than that of their own clan.

"Human monk!? On this wind grassland, when did human monks intervene!" The young man frowned when he heard the words and was very confused.

"This matter is a long story. A few decades ago, a human monk in the middle of the Yuanying suddenly appeared on the grassland. His magic power was extremely powerful, and he was even above the patriarch of his father and the Fengfu clan. It was this manpower that turned the tide..." Cang Yun then said that he would lead the human monks about Zhao The story and the reason for the matter were briefly described.

"What!" The more he listened, the more ugly the young man looked. After listening to it, "Huo" stood up and snorted coldly, "This man actually controlled his fifth brother to blackmail his adoptive father and asked me to let go of the Yuanying human monk who passed the Cangfeng Grassland! Is it bullying me? No one in the Canglin family is his opponent!"

"No way! We demons have the right to kill any Yuanying human monk who appeared on the demon continent. This is a rule set since ancient times. Otherwise, the human monks on the demon continent have already developed and become a big trouble for our demon clan! You must not destroy this rule just because of this person's words!" The young man's eyes flashed fiercely, and a trace of murderous intention appeared.

Probably this person is usually the most arrogant. Now when he hears his most respected godfather, he actually praises a human monk who has never been in his eyes, and exaggerates the man's magical power. He is quite unhappy in his heart, and he unconsciously has a sense of resentment and murderous intent.

Cang Yun hurriedly advised, "Han'er, don't mess around. That man also advanced to the later stage of Yuanying 20 or 30 years ago, and I'm afraid that the human monk on the grassland can only produce a Yuanying monk for hundreds of years. For us, it really can't be a threat, so why do we care!"

The young man said resolutely, "Godfather, you can't say that. The human monk actually controls the life and death of the fifth brother in exchange. It's really too much deceiving people. If you give in, how can the face of my Canglin family exist!"

"Well, as for the strength of the divine power, the godfather can also rest assured. After Han and advanced to the tenth level of cultivation, he has practiced another magic power to give full play to the strong talent of his unicorn blood. Even in the face of the master of the god period, he also has the power of war. No matter how strong this "

Cang Yun frowned, and he was still worried and continued to persuade, "However, it's better to be careful about this matter. Don't take this big risk for the sake of a moment's anger..."

Before he could finish speaking, the young man waved his hand and changed the topic and said, "Let's not mention this trivial human matter first. My adoptive father looked for Han'er and said that he had found a piece of ten-thousand-year-old ice jade. Is there anything wrong?"

"That's good!" Cang Yun smiled. The ten-thousand-year-old ice jade was exchanged from Zhao Di's hand, but when he thought about it, he did not mention it. Instead, he directly took out a piece of transparent jade the size of a fist and exuded an extremely cold smell and gave it to the young man.

The young man took over the ten-thousand-year-old ice jade, couldn't put it down and studied it carefully. He muttered excitedly, "It's really a ten-thousand-year-old ice jade of excellent quality, and the cold smell is so thick! Great, with this ten-thousand-year ice jade, combined with the ten-thousand-year ice jade and several other ice attributes that I got before, it is enough to refine that treasure. With the help of this treasure, it is equivalent to another powerful means of enemy control!"

When Cang Yun saw the happy appearance of his adopted son, he was also very happy, but when he thought of the unfathomable human monk, he couldn't help but be a little worried. However, the human monk had left the Cangfeng grassland, and he only hoped that he would not appear again, and there would be no more disturbances.

While the young man put away the ten thousand years of ice jade, he glanced at the clouds and saw that his face was sad. He shook his head and smiled gently and said, "Godfather, I held a grand event on the grounds of celebrating the cold and advanced ten-level cultivation, inviting several high-level members of the wind vulture family to participate. On the one hand, it can invigorate the prestige of our Canglin clan, and on the other hand, on the grand event, Haner can also show her hands to deter the wind and gull family. At the same time, it can also reassure the godfather!"

Cang Yun nodded and smiled and said with approval, "That's good! Our Canglin family already has two ten-level chiefs. We should take this opportunity to re-divide the sphere of influence with the Fengfu clan. With Han'er, our Canglin clan will certainly be more prosperous. As for those insignificant human monks, you really don't have to pay attention to them.

The young man smiled and stopped discussing the topic of human monks. He talked about some major events in the family with his godfather and frequently expressed his opinions.

When Cang Yun saw that the adopted son was not only successful, but also had a unique opinion when talking about the major events of the head of the family. Although some views were quite domineering, they were indeed very beneficial to the development of the Canglin family.

And the human monks on the Cangfeng grassland are enjoying the opportunity brought to them by Zhao Di. While the low-level monks are flourishing, there are also several late Jiedan monks, who are retreating and working hard, impacting on the realm of the Yuanying period that once made them yearn and afraid!