The Path of Immortals

Chapter 477 Rush to God again

Chapter 477 Rush to God (Part 2)

This time, it was very smooth. The three true spirits easily dragged the five aurora to the top of the mountain and sank into the cave somewhere.

The celestial phenomena then disappeared, and everything returned to normal. Those low-level monks also suddenly felt that the huge spiritual pressure that they could hardly breathe, and suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Great! The elder is sure to succeed this time!" Feng Qingyun said happily.

"Yes, it is rumored that as long as the aurora can be introduced into the body, nourishing Yuanying, and reshaping Dantian, the god will be basically successful. As long as he passes the next mental demon test, the master will become the first god monk in the Star Sea for thousands of years!" Shi Shuo also said with great joy.

"Master's Taoist heart is very firm and not disturbed by external things. This time, there should be no problem for the master!" Qingqing also said with a smile.

Qianjimen is loose in everyone's hearts, and in Feng Qingyun's heart, he even began to think about how to publicize this matter without a trace, and take the opportunity to celebrate while more solidifying the status of Qianjimen.

In a cave somewhere in Qianjimen, Zhao Di is sitting cross-legged within layers of prohibitions. The five extremely thick aurora, under the involvement of three true spirits and shadows, turned into a stream of liquid spiritual power, pouring into Zhao's body from Zhao Di's Tianling cover.

His body seemed to be unable to withstand such a powerful spiritual power, and his expression was distorted in pain.

Half an hour later, these five aurora and three true spirits and shadows all sank into Zhao Di's body, and Zhao Di's expression was changing strangely.

Sometimes he smiled happily, sometimes he was extremely angry, sometimes he was frightened, and sometimes he was very anxious...

The experience of the heart demon is only a short moment in the eyes of outsiders, but for the monks who are experiencing the heart demon, it may be years, hundreds of years, or a lifetime or even reincarnation!

All the thoughts suppressed in Zhao Di's subconscious were magnified, distorted and transformed by the heart demon, testing Zhao Di's heart to Taoism.

Zhao Di only felt that he had returned to the sweet time of living on the island with his beloved wife Yun Mengli. However, suddenly a demon fell from the sky. His strength was far inferior to that of the other party. Even if he tried his best, he could only watch his beloved wife pass away in his arms.

He was experiencing pain, and suddenly his cultivation surged, and he fell into a crazy murderous intention, as if he was desperate to kill the demon!

The devil's face changes again and again, one will be Tianhe Jushi, and the other will be the fantasy old demon. Every time the devil is killed, it will change into a face that Zhao Di hates incomparably, so that Zhao Di will continue to fall into the madness of killing.

"Godfather!" A girl's weak voice suddenly appeared out of thin air. Zhao Di, who was killing crazily, was stunned, and a kind father-like tenderness surged into his heart. Suddenly, the murderous intention fell and recovered his mind, and everything around him disappeared at this moment!

Zhao Di smiled, opened his eyes, and happened to see the girl's nervous and concerned face.

"Congratulations to Taoist friends! Taoist friends are already monks in the Huashen period!" The bastard dozens of feet away also said with a smile.

"Godfather, have you advanced! That's great. Xiaoyu saw his godfather's ferocious and terrible expression just now, and he couldn't help shouting. Fortunately, he didn't hinder his adoptive father!" The girl said happily.

"Hey, I didn't expect that your soft call helped me get through the magic experience smoothly. Otherwise, I don't know how long my godfather will be crazy in the heart demon. Zhao Di nodded to the girl with a smile, indicating that it was okay.

The pleasure of killing revenge in the heart demon experience, Zhao Di can still feel a trace of it now, and he is afraid of it.

After hundreds of years of cultivation, Zhao Di has always been quite demanding of his own state of mind. However, there are always some things in the world that he can't excuse. There are always some things that he can't care about.

"The younger generation can have the realm of the early stage of today's God, relying on many guidance from the predecessors! Thank you, senior." Zhao Di bowed his hand and thanked the mixed son.

Hampian Yuanzi smiled and said, "It's also an opportunity for you and me to cooperate. I have also gained a lot of benefits from my Taoist friends. You don't have to be polite!"

Zhao nodded and said, "Senior, the younger generation will have to practice for a period of time. First, it is to consolidate the cultivation, and second, it is also to refine the original magic weapon, and ask the senior to deal with the affairs of the sect for the younger generation."

"This is nature!" Huddled Yuanzi responded happily.

"Xiaoyu, you have also stepped up your practice during this period, and strive to reach the peak of the later stage of foundation construction when your godfather goes out of the customs. Your godfather can help you hit the bottleneck of elixir." Zhao Di turned to the girl again.

The girl nodded repeatedly and replied, "Yes, godfather! In addition, my parents have also returned to the door of thousands of machines and are ready to pay homage to their godfather.

"Well, they have a heart, so it's not necessary to see them! Ask for me, too!" Zhao Di smiled and then signaled to enter the Tongtian Tower.

Hampan Yuanzi and the girl left here temporarily, and then Zhao Di sacrificed the Tongtian Tower and returned to the quiet room again to medit and practice.

As soon as Hmong Yuanzi and the girl came out of Zhao Di's cave prohibition, they were immediately surrounded by a group of people.

"Hunyuan's nephew, how is the elder now?" Feng Qingyun asked anxiously.

"Yuer, how is your godfather doing?" Shi Shuo also asked quickly.

Hun Yuanzi coughed gently and said loudly, "Everything is going very well. Master, he has become a monk in the Huashen period. Now he is in retreat to consolidate his cultivation. He told me that it is inconvenient to disturb you."

When everyone got the confirmed news, they immediately burst into a burst of cheers and exclamations. Xingchenhai finally had a monk in the Huashen period, and he was also the elder of their Qianjimen!

"You can't be called the elder in the future, you must be called the elder!" Feng Qingyun said with a slight smile. At the same time, in a few words, he ordered the arrangement to celebrate the matter, and invited some of his peers to gather in the Qianji Gate to celebrate the appearance of the monks of the Huashen period.

The news of Zhao Di, the elder of Qianjimen and the first monk of Xingchenhai, quickly spread in the four seas.

This matter is not only spread by human monks, but also the demons of the Star Sea have gradually obtained relevant information. Zhao Di was able to compete with the King of Huo Jiao in the later period of Yuanying. Now he has also advanced to the enlightenment period. In fact, I'm afraid that his cultivation is already the top level of this world!

For Taixumen and Qianjimen, there are monks in the Huashen period behind them, and the status of the sect is naturally superior, and no sect dares to compare with them.

The saying that the six sects of the Golden Flame Kingdom also gradually faded, and the rest of the sects automatically became the subordinate sects of the Taixu Sect. Not only in the Jinyan Kingdom, the power of Taixumen, but also naturally touched some surrounding countries. In the following period of time, it gradually became the super sect in the southeast of Tianyuan Continent.

The Thousand Machine Gate is naturally the first sect of the Star Sea. It continues to lead the human monks in the fairy world of the Star Sea. In this vast sea with many islands and as bright as stars, they compete with the demons.

However, Zhao Di, who really led to this situation, has gradually faded from people's sight and almost never openly appeared in front of people. Like other gods in this world, it has become an illusory and legendary existence.

A few years later, Zhao Di consolidated his cultivation in the early realm of Huashen. Through the transmission of notes, he invited Hianyuanzi. In addition to asking for the cultivation experience in the Huashen period, he also told him all about the things about the empty master and the snow ape Taoist friends flying to the spiritual world.

"The yuan magic lamp was extinguished in less than a cup of incense. It seems that it has indeed fallen!" Huddled said with a heavy face.

"Alas! Flying from there to the spiritual world, I estimate that I will fly in the cracks for about half an hour. Space storms will get worse and worse! Now these two people can't stand it with just a single incense and fall on the spot. Even if it were you, I'm afraid they can't do it. Huddled Yuanzi sighed and said leisurely.

"The younger generation also thinks so. It seems that this road is a dead end, and the opportunity is too small." Zhao nodded and said, and then the topic changed: "The senior once said in the Cangfeng grassland that the passage there leads to the demon world, and because it is a built one-way channel, it should be much safer. Is there such a thing?"

Hampan Yuanzi looked serious and thought for a long time before he replied, "That's good! For today's plan, flying into the demon world is the only way out!"

"The magic world and the spiritual world will partially overlap every long period of time, lasting for more than a hundred years, and then suddenly separated. During this period, the monks of the two worlds can almost freely communicate freely. In addition, every hundreds of years, the interface gap between the demon world and the spiritual world is greatly reduced, and some high-level monks can travel between the two worlds once by certain means.

"If you can fly up to the demon world, you will also have the opportunity to return to the spiritual world in the future and continue to practice!"

These Zhao Di had heard Huddle Yuanzi talk about it, and he had already considered it. At that moment, he nodded repeatedly and said, "The younger generation also thinks like this. However, if you want to fly up to the demon world, in addition to using the channel there, you must also practice ancient magic skills, full of real magic atmosphere, so as not to be rejected by the demon world, right? Do the younger generation have to practice magic skills again?

"That's true! But this is not impossible for you, and there is no need to modify the magic skills from scratch!" Hun Yuanzi smiled and said, "Do you still remember the ten-thousand-year-old demon corpse you collected in the Magic Cloud Valley!"

Zhao nodded: "The body of the old demon clan? Of course I remember! Does the senior mean that you can borrow the body of this demon corpse to practice a split that specializes in ancient magic skills, and then use this split to fly up to the demon world?

Hun Yuanzi nodded first, then shook his head and smiled and said, "It's all right! I'm afraid it's difficult to do it just as a split. You must plant a deep-rooted soul in his body, practice again, condense the magic baby, cultivate the magic power of the second baby, and also reach the cultivation of the god period, so that you can fly up to the demon world and bring your body into the demon world! This is the rumored spiritual and demon cultivation!"