The Path of Immortals

Chapter 485 Fighting the Ancient Demons 1

Chapter 485 War with Ancient Demons (1)

With Zhao Di's current strength and cultivation, Hun Yuanzi said that he "does not dare to go", and the danger of this place can naturally be speculated.

And Zhao Di immediately knew it and guessed some, so he frowned and asked, "What the senior said refers to the quenched cold pool in the ancient seal space!"

Hampton nodded and said, "That's good! For any chemist, whether it is a human, demon or demon, this pool is an extremely easy-to-use stimulus! Especially when it hits the bottleneck, it is even more helpful.

"But..." As soon as Zhao Di said two words, he was interrupted by Hun Yuanzi. He continued:

"With your current cultivation in the god period, you can put away this pool and transfer it into the Tongtian Tower. The whole process does not take a long time, and two or three hours is enough. So you don't have to worry too much, you don't need to stay there for a long time, and you don't need to hit the magic elixir period there, so there will be no celestial phenomena. And it's just the outermost layer of the ancient sealing space, and the demon king is in the innermost layer, so as long as you are not too lucky, you won't bump into this demon!"

Zhao nodded, but did not answer. Obviously, he was measuring the pros and cons.

Hun Yuanzi has been talking about the tight exhortation. In fact, this quenched cold pool is also very useful to me. Of course, your ice wind dragonfly and the girl Xiaoyu can use this pool to further exercise the dragon's body, which can also benefit them a lot. And with your current cultivation strength, if you encounter this demon in a place with abundant spiritual power, even if you are invincible, you still have the power to escape!"

"What's more, counting the time, there are still more than a hundred years for this demon to completely restore his cultivation. Now he must practice hard in the place where the inner magic is most abundant. How can he easily let you bump into it!"

Obviously, Hun Yuanzi couldn't forget the hardenned cold pool and tried his best to persuade Zhao Di to take it back.

Zhao Di is also analyzing the risks. Although Hun Yuanzi's words have some selfishness, it is not unreasonable. For Zhao Di, who has a special boundary-breaking charm and can almost go in and out of the sealed space at will, it is really not very dangerous to just remove a cold pool this time.

And this quenched cold pool is not only useful for the magic body, but also has many opportunities to be useful in the future. It's really worth taking a small risk for this!

So Zhao nodded and said, "Well, as the senior said, the junior will go to the ancient sealing space on the same day and move the quenched cold pool into the Tongtian Tower!"

Now that he had made a decision, Zhao Di didn't say much. At the moment, he cleaned up a little and left here and returned to the sea of stars.

As for his magic body, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he simply put it in his sleeve.

Zhao Di did not dare to leave the magic body with too low cultivation alone in the Magic Cloud Valley. First, he was afraid that there would be an accident and someone would attack him. Second, if the quenched cold pool could not be removed, he could only let the magic body use it!

Considering that there are certain risks in this trip, Zhao Di left Xiaoyu in Qianji and Hian Yuanzi must take it with him. In case of some accidents in the collection process of the quenched cold pool, the guidance of Hun Yuanzi is indispensable!

Then, Zhao Di quietly came to Yingzhou Fairy Island. After flying to an uninhabited sea area, he used a bird-shaped boundary-breaking charm, and the gods unconsciously entered the ancient seal space.

"In the space here, there is indeed a trace of magic." Zhao Di put the divine consciousness outside and inquired about the surrounding environment to prevent any danger hidden in the vast white ice and snow.

Because his cultivation has greatly increased, and he also has a magic body that cultivates the true magic spirit, his induction of the magic spirit is much more sensitive than before. In the past, he could only find that the aura of heaven and earth was a little strange, but now he can clearly sense a trace of magic spirit contained in it.

Fortunately, there were no unusual traces or changes within thousands of miles. Zhao Di's heart was slightly loose. After identifying the direction, he flew somewhere.

Before long, Zhao Di flew all the way to a place only a hundred miles away from the quenched cold pool, but he couldn't help slowing down and frown slightly.

"The magic gas here seems to be a little thick, but it is very uneven and very strange!" Zhao Di was a little puzzled. The closer he got to the cold pool, the more he felt the stronger and coldness, but even the magic spirit seemed to be so strong.

This subtle change, if it hadn't been for his cultivation of the magic body, even if he had the cultivation of the god period, I'm afraid he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

He then flew more carefully to the quenched cold pool, and at the same time, the divine consciousness was constantly investigating the movement within thousands of miles around him. Such a large coverage, even if there was any accident, it was enough for him to prepare.

He arrived at the cold pool without surprise all the way. Zhao Di found that in the cold pool, the magic and cold breath were the strongest.

This is the third time that Zhao Di has come to this pool. He still feels that this pool is very mysterious, and there are still some magic gas emanating.

The first two times, he didn't find this!

Of course, this may also be due to the surge in his current cultivation and the cultivation of the magic body. Otherwise, whether he can find a trace of magic in it is also a matter of two things.

Zhao Di couldn't help looking at this pool carefully.

This cold pool is only dozens of feet in size. Except for the white cold air and extremely cold green pool water that is not frozen, there seems to be nothing special.

However, when Zhao Di explored the pool with his divine consciousness, it could only reach more than ten feet deep, and then he felt that his divine consciousness seemed to be stung by the ice and did not dare to go too deep.

This is already the result of his extremely powerful divine consciousness. In those years, his divine consciousness only felt a sharp pain as soon as he came into contact with the pool, and because the cold power was too strong, he did not even dare to approach the pool.

Today's Zhao Di, of course, is not afraid of this cold power. The faint purple light flashes on his body, which rejects the cold power emitted by the cold pool.

Zhao Di reluctantly explored the pool with shallow divine consciousness, and was preparing to take out the divine consciousness. When he began to set up a formation and move the whole cold pool according to the guidance of Hun Yuanzi, the god suddenly changed, and his heart suddenly felt cold!

He actually vaguely sensed that there was also a trace of magic in the pool, and it was changing slightly, as if it were a living thing!

Zhao Di immediately turned his wrist, Bai Xia flashed, and there was a strange spiritual mask in his hand. Then he put on the mask and investigated it carefully.

This is the divine consciousness mask. For Zhao Di now, this mask can only increase the strength of consciousness by about 30%, but because Zhao Di's divine consciousness is originally extremely powerful, it is rarely used.

Zhao Di endured the tingling from the divine consciousness and explored the divine consciousness as deep into the pool as much as possible.

Ten feet, fifteen feet, twenty feet, as it gets deeper and deeper, the cold power becomes heavier and heavier. At the same time, the trace of magic has become much more obvious, and Zhao is very sure that this magic spirit is pure true magic spirit, which is different from the ordinary magic spirit diluted by Reiki in this world.

"Is there a strong spirit of true magic under this pool, or is it that under this pool, it leads to the deepest part of the sealed space?"

Zhao Di thought of this doubtfully, and was about to take out the divine consciousness and call out the bastard to prove one or two.

Suddenly, he sensed that there was a divine consciousness that was not weaker than him, and he touched his divine consciousness slightly in the pool.

"Someone!" Zhao Di's divine consciousness was quickly withdrawn like an electric shock!

At the same time, he opened his mouth without thinking, and the nine faces were different, or unicorns, dragons, or thunder and phoenixes flashed out, turning into nine swords with different lights in a moment.

In addition, a purple è with gold on the body surface also circled and flew out, turning into a large purple umbrella with a lot of goldè runes engraved on the surface, protecting in front of Zhao Di.

As soon as the nine flying swords flew out, they immediately went in all directions, arranged into a special formation almost in an instant, chasing and circling around the cold pool.

In the past 100 years, Zhao Di has made little progress in his cultivation, but he has spent a lot of time practicing and cultivating his own set of spiritual treasure-level flying sword array. In addition, this set of flying swords has been sacrificed with concentric fairy dew, and the speed of use has been very amazing.

At this moment, a roar came from the bottom of the pool. On the originally calm surface of the water, a whirlpool about the size of a foot suddenly appeared out of thin air, and the whirlpool instantly expanded to more than ten feet in size, and soon swept over the whole cold pool. In the blink of an eye, the cold pool seemed to boil

"It's him. He's already come out!" When Zhao Di heard this roar, his heart suddenly sank, but he did not stop to play the nine flying swords, meaning yù with this cold pool as the center, he set up his most powerful means - the nine palace mixed sword array!

Zhao Di's nine flying swords and ten fingers are playing in a row. The speed is so fast that it makes people dazzled!

And the nine flying swords also swirled rapidly under the vertical of Zhao Di, and flashed with different inspirations.

Five five-eword flying swords are in the middle, and three different flying swords are in the middle, while the Mengli sword is above the highest 200 feet.

Nine flying swords keep flying, and from time to time there are different sword lights. In an instant, in the cold pool, the pool water is raging abnormally; above the cold pool, each è sword light is flying and gorgeous; beside the cold pool, Zhao Di's expression is extremely solemn!

In the pool, two shadows, a dark shadow and a golden shadow came out. The figure ate on the cold pool, revealing a ferocious ancient demon with red tusks and a young man with golden skin. It was the ancient real demon and Zhao Di's former "golden evil" split!

It's just that the golden spirit at this time is full of magic, and the magic power that shows that he is already the strength of the Yuanying period!

The ancient demon took a look at the stiff-looking human monk not far away. In a daze, he suddenly grinned and said, "It's you, it's you! Hahaha, I planned to settle accounts with you in a few decades! I didn't expect you to take the initiative to send it up!"

(First update) RA