The Path of Immortals

Chapter 498 Father and Daughter

Volume 7 Demon Family Chapter 489 Father and Daughter

A gray and desolate valley, endless, I don't know how vast it is.

Sometimes there are a few strange trees and weeds growing in the middle, all of which are yellow or dead gray, as if they were completely angry. Occasionally, you can see several streams flowing through it, but the water quality is dark, and there are some quiet lakes, emitting a faint smell of decay.

In the gray sky, there is a huge dark red "sun", which almost blocks half of the sky, as if it were within reach. In other parts of the sky, there are also four "suns" that are dozens of times smaller, which are also dark red and look only the size of a bowl.

"Oh~" A deep roar of a beast came from somewhere in the barren valley. A tiger-shaped warcraft, more than three feet long and two horns, was fighting closely with an old man, and a ten-year-old girl manipulated a dark flying knife dozens of feet away to assist.

The old man is about ten feet tall, black and full of air, and his arms are extremely thick, as if they were made of fine iron. The wave was mixed with the roaring wind, which can actually compete with the magic tiger's claws.

"Bang Bang", the sound of the intersection of the tiger's claws and the iron fist kept coming out. Although the old man's body was extremely strong, his strength was still slightly inferior to that of the demon tiger. He was waved by the demon tiger's claws and repelled several feet.

The girl's figure is slim and graceful, her body is wrapped in a layer of dark iron armor, her ears are pointed, her eyebrows are like willows, her eyes are like a curved moon, and her appearance is very beautiful. She tried to manipulate the flying knife to attack the magic tiger several times, but she was intercepted by the magic tiger's ten-foot-long iron tail. The cold light of this blade flashes, which looks unusually sharp, but it can't hurt the tiger's tail at all.

After a moment of fighting, the demon tiger suddenly lowered its head and hit the old man with his horns. The old man shouted loudly and grabbed the horns of the demon tiger with both hands to suppress the demon tiger, but the demon tiger suddenly shook its head and raised the old man's body, but the old man still did not let go.

The magic tiger slapped its front paws, hit the old man's arm fiercely, and immediately opened several bloody mouths. Although the wound was not shallow, there was not much blood flowing out.

The injured old man became more and more brave. After shouting, he turned the tiger's head and horns with both hands and overturned the magic tiger with more than a thousand catties to the ground, revealing his weak abdomen.

The girl had been prepared for a long time. At this time, she manipulated the flying knife to attack. She opened the magic tiger and vomited with a knife. The latter shouted bitterly, clapped his two claws, hit the old man tens of feet, and then whimpered for his life.

"Dad, are you all right!" The girl picked up the old man who was hit by the magic tiger and said with concern, "My daughter had told me to let my father put on this fine iron armor, but my father refused to wear it. This is really too dangerous!"

The old man smiled carelessly, stood up, put a few black gas into his arm, so that the wound stopped the bleeding, and then waved his hand and said, "This little skin injury is nothing. With my cultivation, I can recover in just one or two days. This fine iron armor is specially designed for your body protection, so you can't wear it for me. Hey, I fight with Warcraft all day long. If I wear armor, it will be very serious. I'm afraid that the magic crystals earned by killing the Warcraft are not enough to repair the magic lines on the armor. Those magic tattoo masters are very expensive!"

"Unfortunately, my daughter's talent in magic tattoos is too poor, otherwise if she can become a magic tattooist, she doesn't have to let her father work so hard and take risks!" The girl sighed, said self-reproach, and handed the flying knife to the old man at the same time.

The old man took the flying knife, nimbled off the hard tiger skin, tiger tail, a pair of sharp horns, a few tiger claws, etc., and put them into a dark storage bag. Then he groped in the remnants of the magic tiger and found a walnut-sized crystal magic nucleus.

While looking at the trophy with satisfaction, the old man said to the girl, "Magic tattooist, it's all done by talented geniuses with extremely strong divine consciousness. Naturally, not everyone can do it. But if you can become a treasure, I will be satisfied. The lower clan cultivates the body, and the upper clan cultivates treasures. If you can become a treasure master, or one day you will be favored by any prince and become a member of the upper clan, it will be in vain for your father to cultivate you!"

"Daughters, don't marry those sons of the upper clan. They are all lustful people with high hands and low hands, and they look very annoying!" The girl pouted. She said.

The old man reprimanded in a deep voice, "If you don't marry the upper clan, will you marry the lower clan? Humph, I will never allow you to follow your mother's old path. If your mother hadn't married me, I'm afraid she wouldn't have gone so early!"

"The daughter doesn't marry anyone. Isn't it good to accompany Dad and kill Warcraft with Dad like this!" The girl smiled, pulled the old man's arm thicker than her body, and said coquettishly.

The old man smiled bitterly and sighed softly, "How long can I toss around with my old bones, and you are different. You are still very young, and there will be great progress in the future! Or one day, you can also condense the magic baby and join the clan.

"If Dad doesn't use a lot of magic crystals to buy armor and magic weapons for his daughter, he may have a chance to condense the magic baby!" The girl said softly.

"If our subordinates want to advance to the Yuanying, it takes many precious refining treasures to do it. It's impossible." The old man waved his hand and looked at a valley in the distance. He turned the topic and said, "Unfortunately, your father and my physical cultivation is only six layers, and there is a seven-level horned tiger in the barren valley in front. With you, my father and daughter, it is difficult to kill. The value of the seven-level demon tiger is several times higher than that of the five-level demon tiger killed just now.

The girl smiled and pointed to the sky and said, "Dad, look, the blood is already a little dark. And the first red moon has lit up. In two hours, it will be night, and the Warcraft will become more cruel. Let's leave early.

"Well, let's go! Unfortunately, if you can kill a level 7 horned tiger, you can almost pool money to buy a top-grade magic weapon. Your current flying black knife is just a middle-grade magic weapon, and it is a little difficult to deal with Level 5 Warcraft! If there is a top-quality magic weapon, maybe even the seven-level warcraft can be dealt with!" The old man looked at the valley in the distance reluctantly and muttered.

The girl shook her head and smiled, threw out a gray wing-shaped magic weapon. With a flick of her jade finger, she threw a black gas into it. The latter immediately turned into a gray feather about the size of a foot, which turned out to be a flying magic weapon.

"Someone!" The old man exclaimed, suddenly turned around and looked somewhere behind him.

The girl also immediately sacrificed the flying black knife, and shrank the feathers and took them back into her arms.

The expressions of the two immediately became cautious and serious, and they looked at a small hill in the distance without blinking.

A moment later, a figure appeared from the hill and slowly walked towards the two of them.

The old man stood in front of the girl and stared coldly at the coming person.

This man is a young man who looks twenty-three or four years old. His skin is dark, his appearance is beautiful, and his figure is not very burly. He is only a little taller than that of a girl, but much worse than the old man. However, a faint layer of light gold dim between his skin color makes him look very strong, The mid-term cultivation of the magic elixir makes the old man dare not underestimate it.

After the young man walked more than a hundred feet in front of the two, he stopped and motionlessly inquired about the father and daughter.

"Who are you?" The old man was the first to ask.

The young man squeaked a word and stroked his hands for a while, but the old man couldn't understand it at all.

The young man said something again, and the old man still shook his head to show that he didn't understand.

The young man didn't seem to give up and tried twice. The old man was still confused, but his daughter exclaimed, "Ah, you are talking about an ancient demon language. In order to study magic patterns, I have learned some of this language."

The young man was overjoyed and said with a smile, "I was inadvertently swept here by an inexplicable storm. I didn't ask where this place is?"

The girl could barely understand and conveyed the meaning of this sentence to the old man. The old man looked at the young man again and said lightly, "This is a wasteland near the southern end of the blood shadow saint's jurisdiction, and there are indeed frequent storms. Where did you come from? Are you also a refiner?"

These words are quite difficult for the girl to paraphrase. She hesitated for a long time in a stiff tone, and I don't know if the young man can understand them.

The young man nodded frequently, and then replied with a smile, "I'm also a refiner, but I'm not as profound as you. I don't know where the nearest human gathering place is. Can you tell me? Can you teach the language here? Let's make a reward to thank both of you.

"Reward!" After hearing his daughter's relay, the old man suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, and then said, "It's a piece of work, and I don't want the reward. However, there is one thing that I would like to ask you for help. Of course, this matter is also very beneficial to you!"

The girl was stunned and immediately guessed her father's abacus. She immediately smiled helplessly and expressed the old man's meaning to the young man.

When the young man heard the words, he frowned and pondered for a moment and then asked, "What's the matter? Please make it clear."

Next, the old man said a paragraph, and the girl paraphrased a few words, which finally made the young man understand the general content.

It turned out that the old man took a fancy to a seven-level horned tiger, but it was difficult for them to kill their father and daughter alone. He wanted to ask the young man to fight together, promised to give a magic crystal equivalent to a quarter of the value of the horned tiger afterwards, and meet the young man's request just put forward.

After saying that, the girl also took out a scroll that I don't know what the animal skin is and said, "This is a blood soul contract. As long as the three of us drip sperm blood on this contract and draw an identical magic pattern with sperm blood to draw an identical magic pattern, the contract confirmation will be completed."

"After completing the contract confirmation, we can't hurt each other, otherwise we will be immediately sanctioned by the contract. If it is light, we can't make progress for a lifetime, and if it is heavy, we will die directly!"

(Second update) RO