The Path of Immortals

Chapter 499 Cooperative Catchers

Chapter 249 Cooperative Beast Hunting

The young man glanced at the animal skin scroll in the girl's hand, silently, and seemed to fall into meditation.

This young man is naturally the golden demon body of Zhao Di.

He has been here for several months. At first, he even doubted whether he had really come to the demon world, because the magic between heaven and earth was not very dense.

However, he can hardly feel the existence of any aura of heaven and earth. Even if this is not the demon world, it is also related to the demon world. Therefore, Zhao Di's body is very uncomfortable here, so he can only hide in the Tongtian Tower for retreat.

Zhao Di really encountered some space storms in the flying demon channel, but because of the protection of the channel magic array, the power was reduced by more than half. Even so, Zhao Di was in a hurry, and the ontology and magic body came out together. Almost all the spiritual treasures, swords and other means were fully used to finally get through it safely.

However, at the last moment of the ascension, it was raged by a powerful space storm and was accidentally swept into this wasteland, and also paid a lot of price.

This time, the five elements umbrella was almost destroyed, which needed to be completely re-refined, and the magic body and the body were also severely damaged. He hurriedly found a hidden place, rested for several months, and stabilized the injury.

If he hadn't cultivated the eternal body, I'm afraid this time would not be enough.

Now, the cultivation of both of his bodies has to be maintained at the level of the elixir period, and he does not dare to overuse mana to avoid aggravating the injury.

But Zhao Di's powerful consciousness is still unscathed. This alone is enough to keep it in the face of the existence below the Huashen period.

Zhao Di carefully explored the animal skin scroll in the girl's hand. Although he had never seen the magic pattern drawn on it and could not understand it, from the magic pressure it emitted, it should not be such a smart treasure. I'm afraid it has no restrictive effect on his existence.

And the two people in front of him seemed to be bound to win the seven-level horned tiger. After a little thought, Zhao Di didn't think how much danger these two demon people, who only had in the early and middle stages of the magic elixir, could cause to themselves, so he agreed: "I can promise you, but I will divide the That's fair!"

After the old man knew what he meant, he looked embarrassed and asked the girl to relay, "This is not good. The alchemist has always been divided into most of it, and the alchemist can only be divided into a small part."

Although it was the first time to hear the words of a treasure refiner and a refiner, with Zhao Di's experience, he immediately understood the identity of the two. He said with the corners of his mouth, "The cultivation of this treasure refiner is not higher than mine, and the quality of this flying knife is also average. It is difficult to kill the seven It takes a lot of effort to cooperate, so equal division is the most reasonable way.

After knowing it, the old man pretended to hesitate, but he already knew in his heart that the young man in front of him was knowledgeable and not so easy to fool. His contempt for him immediately faded away. After a moment of meditation, he agreed to Zhao Di's conditions.

The girl then took out a translucent gray-white pill the size of a soybean and handed it to Zhao Di.

"This is the speech pill of our quicksand clan. As long as you take it, you can quickly master the language of the quicksand clan. In this way, it is more convenient to fight and communicate!" The girl smiled and explained in a friendly way.

Zhao Di was calm on the surface, and he was very surprised. He didn't know whether it was a means of refinery or alchemy. He didn't think of it. At present, he took over the elixir pills, and the divine consciousness carefully explored it and confirmed that in addition to a large amount of graphic information There are only one or two magic lines that are not too complicated, and there is nothing that can pose any threat to him.

So he carefully subdued Danwan. After a moment, a large amount of information came from the divine consciousness, which was somewhat similar to the time when Huddled Yuanzi used the divine consciousness to convey the information to him.

"Now you can understand what I'm saying! Next, I want to deploy the arrangements for this battle. The old man pretended to be the commander. Seeing that Zhao nodded, he continued to talk in detail.

After listening to it, Zhao Di felt depressed and kept rolling his eyes!

The status of this so-called alchemist is too low. Unexpectedly, the main task is to attract the attention of Warcraft. As cannon fodder, it drags Warcraft and reveals flies, creating a chance for the alchemist to make a fatal blow.

This task is very dangerous. It is simply walking in the middle of the mouth of Warcraft, the front line of life and death, and the alchemist only needs to control the treasure attack from afar, and will not help the chemist share the pressure at all.

If the old man hadn't arranged the same dangerous task for himself, Zhao Di really thought that the old man had other bad intentions!

However, this is only a seven-level warcraft, and although it is strong and does not have many powerful magic powers, Zhao Di naturally will not be afraid of it, so after a little discussion, he agreed.

The three of them immediately dripped a drop of blood and drew a strange magic pattern on the animal's skin.

When the father and daughter drew the magic pattern, they looked nervous and serious, which seemed to be quite difficult. Although Zhao Di felt extremely relaxed, he also frowned deeply to avoid suspicion.

"Is it because I am good at making symbols and have studied a lot of all kinds of runes, so I have some talent in this regard?" Zhao Di casually guessed and temporarily left it behind.

However, not only on this blood soul contract, the iron armor on the girl's body and the flying knife, there are obviously magic lines. It seems that this kind of magic pattern is the most commonly used means of this demon people.

After completing the contract, Zhao Di did not feel anything wrong, but he also found that there was a trace of hidden but not weak impurities pouring into his divine consciousness. If he was not a powerful abnormal consciousness, it would be difficult to find the abnormality. At the same time, for him, he could completely destroy this impurity at any time. But for the two demons with the strength of the elixir period, they certainly dare not mess around.

Then, Zhao Di followed the two of them and walked slowly to the valley where the seven-level horned tiger was found.

He had long found that here, objects, bodies, etc. were about ten times heavier than the human world. If it hadn't been for his success, he would have been directly crushed by this weight here.

Therefore, Zhao Di inferred that in the human world, monks who practiced in the foundation period can fly. Here, I'm afraid that only the cultivation of the elixir period can fly in the air.

Zhao Di also noticed that the big four small "suns" above his head seem to never fall and have been hanging in the sky all the time, but with the passage of time, there will gradually change of light or dark. And the change of each round is probably a day and night in this world, and the length of time is roughly the same as that of the human world.

But the difference is that the brightness of day and night here is not much different. Even when it is the brightest, the sun will not be dazzling, but a faint dark red shines in the surrounding sky, and there is always a gray area between heaven and earth, and there are very few bright colors, which makes people double Feeling depressed, it took Zhao Di several months to adapt to the situation of this world.

A moment later, a group of three people came to the valley. The old man led the team in front and walked slowly to the depths of the valley along the obvious traces of tiger claws. Before long, with a tiger roar, the three of them found a seven-level horned tiger warcraft that was three or four feet long and more than one foot high in The girl is the size of the whole person.

After the horned tiger saw the three people, the giant's eyes showed a greedy expression, mouthful one by one, and spit out a mass of black gas.

For the demon people, the core of Warcraft is the best panacea for cultivation, and for Warcraft, the three people in front of them are not delicious and tonic.

The horned tiger roared and took the lead in the attack. Unexpectedly, he chose the first target as Zhao Di, jumped and attacked with his claws.

This tiger is still some distance away from Zhao Di. Zhao Di could have easily dodged, but once he dodged, the girl behind him, the alchemist, would face the direct threat of Warcraft. As the duty of a refiner, Zhao Di had to wave his fists helplessly, and his feet sank. He actually stepped on a footprint several inches deep on the rock floor and made a posture of picking up with the tiger.

And the old man also shouted in time, flashed to Zhao Di's side, and also posed in the same posture.

The girl took the opportunity to display the magic weapon, and the flying knife turned into several feet in size, flashing the cold light and cutting off the face of Warcraft.

"Bun bang" sounded twice, and the tiger's claws patted the old man and Zhao Di's raised arms one after another, smashing the two into the rock ground half a foot, but the two immediately hugged a tiger's claw.

The flying knife just took the opportunity to penetrate through the gap between the two, intending to sneak up on the weak abdomen of the horned tiger.

But the horned tiger then suddenly shook the tiger's tail and slapped the two and the flying knife together. The tiger's tail swept, and the force was still above the tiger's claws. Zhao Di's magic body was extremely strong. Naturally, he was not afraid, but the old man could actually get up immediately and continue to pester

The horned tiger seemed to have some wisdom. Seeing that Zhao Di and the other two were strong and fearless, he jumped, and at the same time, the tiger's tail swept and hit the girl.

A gust of wind was brought up by the horned tiger, covering the girl's weak figure, and the momentum was not proportional at all.

Although the girl's flexible figure floated and flew several feet into the sky, she was still swept away by the tiger's tail. Suddenly, she was on a thin layer of black armor, shining with mysterious magic lines, and a black gas rose to resolve the tiger's tail's blow. Although the girl was safe and sound, she frowned slightly, but

"This magic pattern is really a little bit!" With Zhao Di's experience, he can see at a glance that the material of the armor is ordinary, but the magic pattern on it is not small. Otherwise, even if he can block the tiger's tail, the girl will definitely be seriously injured.

"This magic pattern is not simple, and the old man's alchemy is also not simple! It's just the mid-term cultivation of the magic elixir, and the brute force is not under my magic body! It seems that my "Jin Kui Zhen Mo Gong" is really just a fur skill. The real magic power is far from being understood!" Zhao Di sighed secretly in his heart.

(First update) RO