The Path of Immortals

Chapter 504 The breath of the upper race

Chapter 554 The breath of the upper race (today's third update, ask for a monthly ticket)

The upper class assessment that Gui Yulan participated in was aimed at the low-level disciples of the cultivation of the magic elixir period. Therefore, the Huiyue clan only sent a few people from the magic infant period as adjudicators.

The way of assessment is the simplest one-on-one elimination test, and the winner enters the next round until the last few places are decided.

When Zhao Di learned the news, he disguised himself and mixed into the crowd watching the battle. Chapter 504

For him, although these magic demon races are not popular, they can also generally reflect the common means of monks in this world. This kind of living example is much more specific than in the classics.

What's more, those who come to watch the battle are basically the cultivation of the magic elixir period. There are very few in the magic baby period, and there is no one in the Huashen period, which makes Zhao Di very reassuring.

Zhao Di has watched several games in a row, and he already knows it.

Sure enough, the test between the monks in the demon world is very different from that in the human world. They are basically close combat, either wearing armor or extremely strong in the body. Often the attack and defense are unfolding in a millimeter. The speed is extremely fast and dazzling. Therefore, the body is particularly important when fighting, and the flexible and fast side has to take a lot of advantages.

At the time of the human world, the monks of the Jiedan period were all far apart in the air, commanding the magic weapon to fight, because no matter how strong and fast the human body is, it can't be compared with the magic weapon!

At the same time, human beings also have many rich means, such as puppets, spirit beasts, runes, spells, etc. Demons do not seem to have many means. Armor, offensive magic weapons and strong bodies are the most common means.

However, Zhao Di can also guess some of the reasons. Almost all the battles of the demon clan take place in close hand-to-hand combat. On the one hand, the large-scale killing method of the spell rune, requires a certain amount of sacrifice time, and on the other hand, it is easy to accidentally injure himself, so it is basically eliminated

And raise the warcraft and recognize it as its owner. Although the demon world also has this means, it takes a lot of time and the magic core to cultivate it. With these resources, it is better to exercise your body, improve your cultivation, or buy a good magic weapon. Therefore, there is no low-level demon that the demons are domesticated by themselves. The scene of the beast fighting.

As for the puppet, it is also because there is a little reaction time after giving the order, resulting in a certain delay between the puppet's completion of the action and the monk's order. Therefore, in this tense and intense and rapidly changing hand-to-hand combat, it is also not applicable, so there is basically no such means in the demon world.

Of course, the demon people also have their own unique place. In addition to the very strong body, the refining of armor is also very exquisite, and the magic pattern is very unique.

In addition, the demon people also have all kinds of skills to improve the body skills of dodging and moving during close hand-to-hand combat, which has hardly been seen in the human world.

In contrast, the secret art of "Happy Away" that Zhao Di's body has mastered is very suitable for the demon clan, but this skill requires the vast righteousness of Confucianism, the most important thing is to ward off evil spirits and dispel demons, which is almost incompatible with the magic spirit, so it is absolutely impossible to let the Jin Sha demon body

The first day of the test is not over yet. After roughly understanding the information he needed, Zhao Di returned to Wushan Town in advance to avoid long nights.

Rumor has it that there is a magic master in the virtual period in Huiyue City, although the probability of him bumping into such a master is almost negligible!

After Zhao Di returned to the stone house, he immediately took out a set of exquisite dark array flag array plates and other array utensils, and hit the surroundings one by one, laying a set of smart hidden arrays.

This is the magic circle in the demon world, relying on magic spirit and magic crystal. Because most of the layout of the magic array depends on various magic lines on each array, Zhao Di, which has a general rule, can also refine and lay some good magic arrays.

Zhao Di entered the magic circle and quietly meditated. Although his magic body is far stronger than the body, it lacks suitable elixir tonic, so the recovery speed is slightly inferior to the body. The body fully recovered six months ago, and the magic body has barely recovered so far.

A few hours later, Zhao Di's divine consciousness detected that the ghost jade father and daughter had returned and were flying here.

A moment later, he frowned and muttered in his heart, "There was a guy from the early stage of the magic baby following in the distance, and the two of them didn't know it!"

So Zhao Di immediately wrapped himself up with a few magic gas in a row, then disappeared into a corner somewhere, and took out a piece of inventory for a few times. After a while, he disappeared out of thin air.

This method cannot be concealed by monks of the same rank, but a demon in the early stage of the magic baby should not be able to see through it.

After the ghost jade father and daughter fell into the stone house, they found Zhao Di's whereabouts, and they were slightly shocked.

Zhao Di has rarely left the stone house here. Is there an accident?

In the eyes of the two, Zhao Di was extremely cautious. Obviously, three layers of strong magic lines can be drawn, but it is rare to do so. Generally, ordinary fine iron armor is refined, then the second layer of solid magic patterns is drawn, and then handed over to the old man for sale.

And every time it takes a while to make such a very ordinary armor magic weapon, so for so over the years, no one has noticed his existence.

Nevertheless, the magic crystal that Zhao Di let the two earn from it is dozens of times higher than hunting Warcraft, and there is no danger at all, just running errands.

So Zhao Di suddenly disappeared, making both father and daughter lose and nervous.

The two of them looked at each other in consterancy. When they were puzzled, their faces suddenly changed at the same time. They both noticed that someone was flying here behind them, and he was also a magic baby.

The two of them waited quietly outside the stone house with a solemn expression. After a moment, an old man with white hair came here and looked at them with a smile.

"It turned out to be the arrival of the superiors, and the villain's father and daughter have been far away. Please forgive me." The ghost jade copper hurriedly led the girl to worship.

This person exudes a faint breath. The father and daughter have seen it many times in Huiyue City. This breath is the "the breath of Huiyue", which is commonly known as the upper breath by the lower people.

It is said that the moon's gas is not very strange this time, but it is unique to the Huiyue clan. Every month's people are given this breath, which is an important sign that they are different from the lower clan.

"You are the ghost magnolia! Tut, that's good. I heard that you are still half a magic tattooist, and you can draw a second layer of magic tattoo. The old man looked at the girl with a smile and said frivolously.

The ghost jade copper heart sank, and the old man's eyes looked bad. Could it be a bad idea!

"The adult laughed. The villain can only succeed once in a while when he is very lucky, which is far from the magician!" Gui Yulan was also stunned in her heart and hurriedly pushed and said.

"Haha, you are really lucky, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you! I heard that you participated in the disciple selection assessment of your own clan, is there any such thing? The old man laughed a few times, and his eyes were more presumptuously probing the girl back and forth.

Ghost jade copper was furious, but he didn't dare to attack. The status of the lower clan and the upper clan is very different, and the upper clan even has the power to live and kill the lower clan for no reason!

What's more, the old man's cultivation is extremely high, and his father and daughter are not rivals at all!

"Yes." The girl could only answer bravely, and there was also a panic in her heart.

The old man laughed twice and said, "Ha, now I can show you a clear way. Without participating in this assessment, you can directly enter the Huiyue Shang clan and become the core disciple of the clan and be cultivated!"

"Well, I'm afraid the little girl will not be blessed. The father and daughter have received the kindness of the adults!" Although Gui Yutong had been looking forward to his daughter becoming a member of the upper clan, the old man clearly had bad intentions, and naturally he would not be fooled and immediately refused.

"Sh on! If I speak, I won't allow you to interrupt as a subordinate. The old man's eyes flashed fiercely, and his tone changed greatly. He said coldly, "I'll say it bluntly. I've been more than half of my life, and I haven't had any children. Now I like your qualifications and want to take you as a concubine. As long as you give birth to a man and a woman for me, your position in the Huiyue clan will be very strong in the future. You and my children will naturally become the direct members of the Huiyue clan.

It is not uncommon for the upper people to accept the lower nationality woman as a concubine, but they can rarely give the other party the identity of the upper nationality. The old man thinks that this condition is already very favorable, and the other party will never refuse.

Although his cultivation is not high, he has an extraordinary background. He is one of the direct members of the Huiyue clan, so he has this right.

"What, do you dare not agree with my concubine!" Seeing that the girl's face was gloomy and silent, the old man said angrily.

In the town, there were other people who noticed this matter, but they did not dare to show up.

There are more people complaining. The old man of the upper nationality has given good conditions. Why doesn't the ghost jade father and daughter agree to become a member of the upper clan, but it is the dream of every lower clan!

If the old man of the clan is furious and involved, it is also possible for the old man to order the whole town to be razed to the ground!

In the past, the ghost, jade and copper might have agreed to this. Although many old men who let their daughter serve the end of the wind and candle were unwilling, at least they could become a member of the upper race, and their future practice and status were guaranteed.

However, now under the guidance of the mysterious young man, his daughter has become half a magician. He has extraordinary armor and other equipment and a lot of magic crystals in hand. The road of practice is not a big problem, but he is unwilling to let his daughter marry such an old man.

And by looking at the look of the ghost magnolia, you can see that she is also very reluctant!

Now he summoned up his courage and bowed down and said, "Thank you for your kindness. It's just that the little girl comes from a stubborn background, and she really doesn't deserve to enter the upper clan. Please forgive me!"

"Looking for death!" The old man was furious. With a flick of his fingers, a three-inch-long sword flew out and shot at the ghost jade copper.

The flying sword arrived in an instant, and the ghost, jade and copper could not be avoided.

"Alas!" A gentle sigh came from the stone house.

(The first update, today's third update, it will break out every two or three days, uh-huh! With the support of Haoyu League, the soul alliance leader of He Lanshan, and a group of hardcore book fans, Mixian Road is still in the eighth place, only four votes away from the sixth. I hope you can support it and keep the top ten!) RO