The Path of Immortals

Million Leagues are born - a new milestone!

The birth of the Million League - a new milestone!

Haoyu League has been popular today, with more than one million fans

This is Haoyu's support for the fairy road, and it is also a requirement

As Brother Haoyu said: We don't ask you to add more every day, but we ask us to write good-looking products. At the same time, we can guarantee two updates every day

I believe that this sentence also represents the voice of many immortals. In fact, it is also the requirement of myself.

Books with millions of alliances, few

Now Mixian Road has become one of them, which is a milestone

This is a moment to keep words in mind.

If you don't talk, you will try to write it well. The color of the magic world is far from coming. The veil will only reveal a corner of lù, and if you don't talk, you will try to make it into a colorful story.

Thank you for your support. mí is the power source of writing books. H