The Path of Immortals

Chapter 603 The Battle of Breaking the Sky

The green bat's wings spread, "Hula", in the sound, a thick magic gas suddenly spread out, forcing the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth to retreat, forming a magic gas area hundreds of feet in size.

Not only that, the green bat then opened its mouth again, fanned its wings fanned wildly, and countless dark magic air gushed out, as if the levee was raging by a flood. In an instant, the heaven and earth changed color. Within a few miles, there were suddenly dark clouds, and the dark magic spirit forced the aura The mountain peak turned into a cold gray place in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Zhao Di had retreated thousands of feet away, but the magic gas released by the green bat quickly rolled around." Almost in the blink of an eye, he was about to drown him in it. Zhao Di immediately felt great pressure before he was involved in the magic gas. He hurriedly opened his mouth and spewed out a small purple dragonfly that spiraled out, and injected a lot of spiritual power. The little dragonfly turned into a purple jade umbrella engraved with several golden runes on the surface of the size of Zhang Xu's surface and stimulated a layer of condensed

At the same time, Zhao Di included the low cultivation of the ice wind dragonfly into the Tongtian Tower. When the body kept injecting spiritual power into the five elements umbrella, the body turned into a purple light and rushed into the sleeves of the magic body. The magic body was also under the protection of the five elements umbrella, did not hesitate to mobilize a large Nine-handled nine-house mixed sword, anti-sun magic gun and other attack methods have long been included by Zhao Di. At this time, he can only defend with all his strength.

Zhao Di finished this in an instant, and the rolling magic gas has spread to this point quickly. Suddenly, "Zhao Di's body is like a leaf floating in the stormy waves." With this fierce and turbulging magic gas, he tried his best to ensure that he would not collapse directly under this powerful magic pressure. As for escaping, he had The law did it.

The gray little monster was safe in this rolling sea of magic. The crystal gray glow it spewed earlier changed into a shiny gray light curtain at this time, protecting the little monster.

Although the magic gas is fiercely boiling, but after encountering this gray glow, it collapses and disappears in an extremely restrained moment. It can't break through the protection of this glow at all.

The green bat naturally did not expect that he could defeat the extraordinary chaotic spirit by just showing a little magic power. After seeing the defense of the four-winged little monster, he said in his heart: "Sure enough, there is no intelligence, just a chaotic gas formed by illusion" is completely instinctive. Protection.

If he really has a trace of intelligence, he will at least protect the human monk he attached to.

Chaotic qi is the original breath of heaven and earth, the predecessor of aura and magic qi. It is born with a trace of the law of heaven and earth. Naturally, it can't be defeated by ordinary means. What's more, this is a chaotic qi that has transformed into a chaotic mythical beast. Although it has no mind, it

"Wait for Ben Sheng to defeat your illusion, and then you can collect this chaotic atmosphere. Hey hey, "I want to go out of this special space, re-cultivate and soar in the lower world, and rely on your chaotic spirit!" The green bat snorted coldly in his heart.

Just a day ago, Zhao Di fought against the virtual ice dragonfly here. The latter used the magic means of the real dragon breath to attract the little monster to fly out of Zhao Di's body and collect the real dragon breath.

Although the little monster quickly flew back to Zhao Di [body] to sleep in the body, but the short, momentary action has made the green bat feel some traces and hurriedly flew here at full speed. Then he saw through the little monster in Zhao Di's Dantian, which was already a chaotic atmosphere that had no mind.

And the green bat attaches so much importance to this chaotic atmosphere, of course, not just to repay the hatred of 100,000 years ago, but to leave this special space created by the chaotic mythical beast's self-exploding of the origin of heaven and earth.

In this special space, "restricted by the special laws of heaven and earth, his cultivation has been suppressed in the current realm." If you want to continue to improve, you must leave here.

But he found that the space here was forbidden. The higher the cultivation, the stronger the restriction. He couldn't go out at all. When the cultivation is poor, it is impossible to break the seal. The only solution is to get a chaotic atmosphere and find a way to manipulate it to break the space prohibition and leave the chaotic valley.

In a moment, the green bat turned it into a black sea of magic gas within dozens of miles, and suddenly opened its mouth and let out a harsh scream.

A vortex-like sound wave spewed out of its mouth, shaking the surrounding void with the sound wave, forming layers of waves visible to the naked eye.

This swirling wave, from large to small, from a ten-foot-sized, and finally rotated into an inch-sized ripple, accurately stabbing the little monster.

"Boom", after a loud noise, the sound wave broke through a hole several inches in the crystal gray glow" and then stabbed the little monster body.

The little monster also opened its mouth and suddenly spewed out an inch-sized sound wave, just in time to meet the other party. *! A dull explosion spread, and an extremely strong wind scattered around, releasing great power. The void was blurred and deformed, and even countless subtle cracks appeared, but it was soon repaired by the power of the law.

"Ding, Ding, Ding", the empty bell in Zhao Di's arms kept ringing. Obviously, the void was greatly damaged in this confrontation.

A few miles away, Zhao Di, who was hardly affected by any positive waves, was also dizzy and heart beating in these two loud noises. If it hadn't been for his divine consciousness far beyond the same level, and he had operated the divine formula to protect his body in time, he would have been in a coma, or even exploded to death at this

"Great, the attack of chaotic gas really has great damage to the space here!" The green bat was overjoyed, and immediately opened his mouth and spewed out another sound wave.

The void around

is completely distorted. Under the vibration of the sound waves constantly ejected by green bats and small monsters, it rotates, distorts and deforms, and in a loud noise, the huge power released is shattered, revealing a trace of black cracks.

The green bat has used several sound wave attacks in a row, and the surrounding space is suddenly covered with countless subtle black cracks. It is extremely terrible, but as long as his attack slows down a little, these cracks will disappear immediately under the operation of the power of the law of heaven and earth.

After so many times, the green bat frowned and changed its strategy.

He no longer spewed out sound waves, and the magicless monster naturally continued to float in the air with four wings, and would not take the initiative to spew out sound waves to attack the green bat.

The blue bat's solemn mouth reads words, and he didn't see any movements, but the dark green light on his wings gradually thickened, and there were countless complex and mysterious natural runes circulating and flickering on the surface of his wings.

Before long, the green bat's wings suddenly flashed. Countless large and small dark green beams of light shot out and gathered in front of him.

The green bat constantly vibrates its wings, and spit out dark green beams of light from time to time in his mouth. Soon, the dark green light mass in front of him is already dozens of feet in size, which is very amazing.

On the surface and inside of the dark green light mass, there are countless magic flashes, which is extremely mysterious.

Zhao Di in the distance sensed that the power contained in this dark green light mass was extremely terrible. Just the natural magic pressure was enough for him to support the protective light mask a few miles away.

The green bat no longer sends a beam of light into the light mass, but it is still cautiously casting tricks. Under his manipulation, "this huge light mass is gradually shrinking", but the light is getting thicker and thicker.

In the end, the light mass became only about the size of a foot, but at this time, the light is already restrained, condensed like an entity, and the magic lines inside it are dense and complex, like the eight strange meridians of human monks, and my concubines are everywhere.

The green bat shouted softly, and a slender dark green beam of light in his mouth hit the light mass. The shape of the light mass immediately changed, stretching into a three-foot-long dark green light sword full of countless natural magic lines. It slowly hit the little monster.

This sword, the momentum does not seem to be urgent and powerful, but where the sword body passes, a trace of the void is obviously split, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread on both sides of the sword body, as if under this sword, the void is artificially divided into two halves.

If it is an existence of a refining period, "Standing under this sword, there is no need for this sword to be cut down" is just an incidental magic pressure, which is enough to smash it to pieces!

The sword split out silently, but the little monster below suddenly fanned four wings, as if it also sensed a great threat.

The little monster suddenly shook its body, and in an instant, it also turned into a gray three-foot sword with shining crystal light, and then unwilling to show weakness to the dark green light sword.

Before the sword was split out, the empty bell in Zhao Demon's arms kept ringing, which made Zhao Di very confused.

"Can you break through the void before the sword comes out? Or is there a hidden space crack floating nearby?" A trace of doubt flashed in Zhao Di's heart, but then he left it behind, because the gray-faced light sword transformed by the little monster and the dark green light sword were about to fight head-on.

First, there was a dull loud noise, and the huge power of the two swords met was released at the same time. With the gray light and green light splashing everywhere, the surrounding space suddenly shook!

Then there was another "cracking". In a crack, somewhere dozens of feet away, a crack the size of a ten-sized crack was torn out of the air, revealing a dark and bottomless inexplicable void!

"Haha, I finally opened this layer of space!" The green bat made a strange language, shook its wings in laughter, and faced the huge space crack. Then the claws were pulled, and countless dark green light under the claws flashed into the crack. Unexpectedly, the crack was pulled up again. The green bat was still at odds at all. The victory or defeat of the two lightsabers flashed dark green all over the body and directly sank into the crack.