The Path of Immortals

Chapter 628 Bailing Array

"Evil dragon, sky bat, ape, real fresh, thunder otter, black gull, red roar, golden sunflower, green roar, rise",..."

Zhao Di muttered in his heart that he could recognize the true holy shadow.

There are 81 kinds of true holy shadows of different forms, which gradually emerge in the sky over the array. These shadows are more and more bright and clear under the magic light of the Hundred Flags array, and the form is becoming more and more detailed and real. Finally, they are like living things, lifelike and flying over the large array.

Most of these true saints and shadows have been seen by Zhao Di in the classics, and some of them are quite familiar, but there are also a small number of true saints and shadows, which are the first time Zhao Di has seen them, and they can't even be called out.

With the continuous infusion of a hundred envoys to inject mana into the flag in his hand, the flag also constantly emits pieces of magic light, and these magic lights have been involved in the true saint shadows one after another, making the power and momentum of the true saint shadow even more amazing, and the magic pressure emitted is becoming more and more terrible.

The magic array continued to be used for a whole day.

After all, it is a small spiritual environment without magic. After a day, some servants in the god period gradually felt that they were out of power.

Of course, these are just consuming some mana. For the monks of the Huashen period, they can recover by meditating for a period of time and using some high-level magic crystals.

Because there is a group of messengers in the cross-border trade alliance that can make up at any time, giving some monks the opportunity to rest for one or two, so that the magic array can always maintain operation.

Zhao Di's cultivation of mana is very good among the employees, so he did not feel very difficult.

And his acquaintance, Zheng Lin in the center of the magic circle, is the most tired and critical person.

For a whole day, Zheng Lin has been constantly using the formula to manipulate the operation of the whole array by manipulating the small hundred-flag array. If it hadn't been for the help of several venerable people in the refining period of the cross-border business alliance from time to time, with Zheng Lin's later cultivation, I'm afraid that Turn around.

Eighty-eighty-one true holy shadows fly and rotate in mid-air like living things, making all kinds of beasts roaring. According to the classics, many true saints are sworn enemies. As long as they meet, it is inevitable that there will be an earth-shaking war. However, the eighty-one true saints and shadows inspired by this formation are only manipulated by the array and have no sense of autonomy at all, so they are at peace with each other.

After another half day, Zheng Lin finally stopped the manipulation of the magic array and closed his eyes in the air in the small hundred flag array, allowing the magic array to operate by itself.

The eighty-one true holy shadows also floated in mid-air, no longer making all kinds of sounds with teeth and claws.

An hour later, Zheng Lin suddenly shouted loudly and suddenly flicked his ten fingers. With his formulas, eighty-one small flags with the true saint pattern rose to the sky and sank into the corresponding true saint's virtual body one after another.

Zhao Di suddenly felt that a large amount of magic power in his hand almost involuntarily rushed into the flag; and many employees' faces immediately changed greatly, obviously unable to adapt to the large consumption of mana for a while.

At this time, Zheng Lin focused on manipulating the remaining nineteen small flags. Through the manipulation of these nineteen small flags, eighty-one true holy shadows flew up and down one after another, trying to tear up the void by various means.

The void immediately shook violently, and then cracked a narrow gap several feet wide, and the dazzling five-color spiritual light flashed from the crack, reflecting the color spots between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, Zhao Di felt a familiar sound of dragons and phoenixes. Then, the gorgeous aura transformed into a real dragon, Tianfeng, Kirin, Xuanwu, crane, Li Peng, Fengjun, Wei Li and other true spiritual forms of spiritual forms. The number of them seemed to be not below the number of true saints!

"The lark array!" Zhao Di was shocked. With so many true spirits and shadows, only the rumored lark array that gathered the power of hundreds of true spirits could be arranged and displayed.

"It's no wonder that the cross-border business alliance can't easily crack this level of magic array ban. If it is an illusion inspired by the lark array, it is really extremely difficult to crack! Where on earth did this ancient array, which only exists in rumors and has long been lost, divinely arranged? While thinking about these things, Zhao Di admired Zheng Lin, who presided over the broken array, even more. It was really unbelievable that this person could host the array of hundreds of people and hundreds of banners, gather the power of eighty-one true saints, and balance with the rumored lark array.

Of course, if it is really the rumored complete lark array, it is naturally impossible to crack the formation jointly controlled by a hundred monks of the Huashen period. The lark array in front of you either has a problem with the lark array itself, or this is a simplified imitation array, not the real lark array.

Eighty-one kinds of true holy virtual shadows and a considerable number of true spirit virtual shadows fight and entangled with each other. Suddenly, the spiritual light splashed and the magic was soaring, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner for a while.

While entangled, the holy-class warship, under the control of the emperor's old demon, slowly flew nearby. The bow of the ship squeaked into the dazzling void, and seven or eight magic light cannons of different thicknesses were gradually exposed.

The emperor's old demon played several tricks somewhere in the hull of the ship at the same time. Suddenly, the hull shook violently. In the loud sound of "bang bang", seven or eight feet to ten feet of thick magic light shot out, hit the void, and immediately made another roar.

The void, which had already cracked a bright gap, suddenly shattered a large area again in a powerful explosion, revealing a shining colorful light.

Some real shadows swim around the cracks in the space by themselves, repairing the traces of these space damage at a fast speed.

However, the eighty-one true holy virtual shadows tightly entangled most of the true spirit virtual shadows, so that the latter had no time to care about it. And after the emperor's old demon replaced a batch of the best magic crystals, the warship once again launched the attack of the magic light cannon.

Each attack can blow up more areas of the void. After a few rounds, the broken void suddenly released aura, and a wave of colorful aura gushed out of the void gap and spread rapidly around, until it covered the whole world.

Surely, the world changed color. The lush forest under Zhao Di and other people, swept away by the spiritual light, turned into a spreading valley. Looking around, all kinds of strange flowers and plants were all over the mountains, and there were many small rivers flowing through the valley.

Needless to say, Zhao Di and others immediately understood that this was the real scene of the little spiritual world here. Everything before was just an illusion.

The emperor's old demon was overjoyed" and gave Jiang Li a wink. Then he shouted, "Very good! Finally, this illusion array was cracked.

The League keeps its word. If you hire Taoist friends, you can explore and treasure in this small spiritual world without any reason. The League will not do any restrictions. However, I would like to remind you that there may be great danger in the small spiritual world here. If you follow the alliance brigade, although you may find fewer treasures, at least it is safe and secure.

While the old man Jiang Li was talking, the messengers of the cross-border business alliance distributed a best magic crystal to Zhao Di and others, and recycled a flag.

After getting the magic crystal, some of these servants immediately left here in twos and threes or alone and flew to the distance to explore treasure. There were also some monks who did not choose to leave, but continued to follow these monks of the cross-border business alliance not far away, but such monks were only few. Number.

Of course, Zhao Di chose to stay away from here. Before he left, he took a look at Zheng Lin, who was pale as paper because he was too tired and consumed his energy and mana, and the latter also happened to look at Zhao Di at this time.

The two looked at each other and smiled. After Zhao Di nodded slightly, he turned into a dark gold escape and flew away, and soon disappeared in the sky.

According to the speculation of the cross-border business alliance, this small spiritual world is a great sealing space, and these dozens of servants are also quickly scattered. In addition to the monks who deliberately group, the probability of bumping into other monks is very low.

A group of monks of the cross-border business alliance is not a whole action. Except for most of the messengers led by the emperor's old demon, the rest of the nobles in the refining period are scattered and flying everywhere in twos and threes. Obviously, they are also to explore the details of the small spiritual world here.

Zhao Di has been flying quickly in a certain direction. Although he did not try his best to escape, the speed was already extremely amazing. At the beginning, he could still use his consciousness to sense that some monks were around him, but a day later, he never found any trace of other monks nearby.

Zhao Di slowed down and flew for half a month, but still did not find the edge of this small spiritual world. It can be seen that the scope of this small spiritual world is really wide.

In the past half month, Zhao Di, who slowed down the speed and tried his best to let go around, found several extremely old elixirs, which were of great value. In addition, he also noticed that he had not found any traces left by human monks along the way.

Since the lark array has been arranged, there must be human monks. Why is there no trace of human monks in this huge little spiritual world?

When Zhao Di was puzzled, his face suddenly changed slightly, and his heart moved. His divine consciousness sensed that there was a high-level monk in the distance.

However, the breath was a little familiar. Zhao Di did not avoid it directly, but carefully leaned closer, so that the divine consciousness detection was clearer.

Soon after, Zhao Di had further information. He said in his heart, "It turned out to be a superior in the early stage of the refining of the cross-border business alliance and a messenger in the later stage of Huashen! Judging from the breath, they are fighting with a monster that also has the cultivation of the virtual period!"