The Path of Immortals

Chapter 633 Insect Breeding

At this critical moment, an arc of Umi flashed. It was the magic knife magic weapon that protected the blood wolf in time and met the golden Lin sword cut by a golden light!

With the cover of these magic treasures, the blood wolf still tries to cast spells and sacrifice the virtual form. With Zhao Di's strength and magic power, he must come up with this most powerful means to win!

However, the scene that shocked him appeared again!

With a soft click, the magic treasure was easily cut in two pieces by the opponent's golden sword Lingbao, and then the speed was cut down by a sword!

With a sound, a golden light fell, and Jin Lin's sword cut off the head of the blood wolf on the spot!

Dark red blood spewed out like a spring from the neck of the blood wolf, up to ten feet!

But after a while, the blood wolf's body was bloody again, and the blood stopped. The wolf's head, which had been cut off a few feet away, actually flew to the neck of the blood wolf by itself. The body of the blood wolf did not die directly after being beheaded.

However, countless black bugs wrapped the wolf's head that was about to fly back at this time. In an moment, the divine consciousness in the wolf's head was almost swallowed up by these black bugs! Losing consciousness is equivalent to losing control, and the wolf's head can no longer fly back to the neck.

"Bun", the body of the blood wolf burst by itself, and the huge self-explosive power formed a blood cloud of several feet in the size of blood fog, mixed with the fierce invisible wind, forcing several flying swords cut to the blood wolf a few feet away.

Then, a blood-red magic baby flew out. It looked like the middle-aged man. It turned out that the man saw that the body of the blood wolf had been damaged too much, difficult to recover, and suffered continuous attacks, so he made a quick decision, decisively abandoned the magic body, and escaped the magic baby under the cover of the magic body'

Zhao Di snorted coldly in his heart, his eyes shrank, and his murderous intention suddenly became alive! After the magic baby escapes, it has the teleportation magic ability to escape, and it is difficult for others to kill, but the yin and yang magic ability that Zhao Di has can kill the magic baby in the blink of an eye!

Sure enough, after the magic baby flew out, it immediately disappeared and appeared more than a hundred feet away in the next moment. The magic baby was about to perform teleportation continuously, but Zhao Di had already blinked his eyes!

While Zhao Di's eyes blinked, the magic baby obviously noticed the matter. A trace of despair flashed in his eyes, but then his face was firm and resolute, and suddenly burst again!

Stantly, the magic baby turned into hundreds of weak souls and fled in all directions, even the storage bracelets and other treasures were completely ignored!

When Zhao Di's eyes opened, his left eye was blood red, and a faint red light shone from it, covering most of the souls. His right eye was pure white and flawless, and a holy white beam of light shot out of it. Wherever he passed, the magic gas, blood light, and split soul all melted into invisible in the white

The four- or five-year-old spirit child Tiantian immediately manipulated a dry dreamworm at this time and flew in all directions, swallowing up the scattered souls that fled everywhere!

Several flying swords also shot everywhere, and a sword light passed by, that is, a wisp of the soul of the middle-aged man was killed.

The magic baby used the secret method of splitting the soul, and then self-exploded to let the scattered soul escape. Zhao Di didn't expect this at all in advance. He couldn't help but admire the determination of middle-aged people!

But Zhao Di has many means. The dream-eater is extremely restrained from this weak soul, which is often surrounded by dozens of dream-eaters, and a wisp of soul is immediately swallowed up without a trace.

After the killing of dreamworms, flying swords and other means, "kill all the souls that Zhao Di can find, and whether there will still be one or two souls to escape" Zhao Di is not sure.

However, the strength of this soul is extremely low, which not only cannot pose a threat to Zhao Di, but also extremely difficult to survive in this dangerous small spiritual environment for a long time.

After all, there is no supplement of the magic of heaven and earth and the nourishment of the body. Even if one or two separate souls escape, they will soon disperse their own souls.

Zhao Di collected the treasures left by the middle-aged man, sorted out the traces of fighting here, and carefully scanned around the divine consciousness to make sure that no other soul separation was found. Then he left here and continued to explore to the depths of the small spiritual world.

In order to prevent accidents from encountering the employers of other cross-border business alliances, Zhao Di still took the body back to the Tongtian Tower and flew away with the magic body.

And his demon body, while flying away, also sacrificed a wisp of divine knowledge to explore the treasures left by the middle-aged man.

In the insect breeding bag that Zhao Di valued most, the dozens of strange insects with thunder attributes have all exploded and died.

After all, the middle-aged man has self-exploded the magic baby. These strange insects have been used by him to recognize the master. The master magic baby is not protected. These strange insects were greatly implicated and self-exploded to death, leaving no one for Zhao.

Zhao Di carefully and thoroughly checked these insect bags and did not let go of any corners. As a result, he still found nothing and did not find a larva or worm egg.

As for the storage bracelets for middle-aged people, there are a lot of good things. Dozens of the best magic crystals and thousands of high-level magic crystals are enough to show that this person is relatively rich among the monks in the early days of refining;

There are also dozens of Warcraft cores, most of which are the magic cores of the god Warcraft, a few magic baby Warcraft cores, and two virtual Warcraft cores, the latter of which are of great use to Zhao Di!

There are also a few high-level demon elixirs and other monster materials here, which are still very fresh. Obviously, they were obtained in this small spiritual world, but now they are cheaper;

In addition, there are many kinds of magic treasures in the storage bracelet, and the quality is high and low, including many magic treasure-level treasures, but Zhao Di naturally doesn't like these things.

As for the number of jade slips, Zhao Dixiao was really surprised. In this storage bracelet, there are all kinds of jade slips, no less than three or four hundred!

Zhao Di hurriedly browsed through these jade slips and found that half of them were jade slips related to refinery, and a few of them were related to the cultivation of strange insects. The rest were either magic jade and slips, or the classical books of anecdotes.

It seems that the middle-aged man's learning is also quite complicated. He not only studied refineries, but also raised strange insects. However, judging from the number of jade slips, most of them are mainly refiners. Because after getting the strange insects, he began to pay attention to the cultivation of strange insects.

"The method of blood division!" After Zhao Di saw one of the dark red blooddrop-shaped jade slips, he read it carefully with great interest.

It turns out that this is a secret method to separate and purify the true spirit and true holy blood from the blood of monsters and warcrafts with true spirits and true holy blood.

This purification method is very clever, and there is no restriction on the types of skills. With this secret method, even the magic practice can purify the blood of the real spirit. In other words, the spiritual practice can also purify the blood of the true saint.

"No wonder the middle-aged man can't forget the nine-headed golden thunder python. It turns out that he can also extract the blood of the true spirit from it!" Zhao Di secretly said in his heart that this blood division method is a secret method for other monks, or a very easy-to-use secret method, but for Zhao Di, who has Just test the specific details of the purification method.

However, Zhao Di did not get nothing. He found that in this secret method, there is a unique means to separate the true spirit and the blood of the true spirit and the true holy blood, which has been fused together and has a high purity, can also be easily separated.

This is very useful for Zhao Di. As far as the blood of the real dragon body is concerned, because there is a ball as big as a fist, the power contained in it is too powerful, and it is not that Zhao Di's current cultivation can be refined at all. If there is a way to separate it into one or two drops, maybe Zhao Di and Bing In this way, the strength has been greatly increased!

After reading all the information of this set of skills, Zhao Di put away this jade slip properly and leave it for detailed understanding and practice in the future.

Zhao Di continued to take out seven or eight jade slips and read them at the same time. After a moment, he put them down and continued to take out seven or eight jade slips to browse. Occasionally, he would occasionally pick out one or two of them and put them in his own storage bracelet.

Those high-end refining jade slips have a very practical significance for Zhao Di. Although Zhao Di has rich refining methods and enough experience, after all, most of them are in the refining of spiritual weapons and spiritual treasures. For the refining of magic weapons and magic treasures, there is little practice.

Although the two have a lot of similarities, with inferences and integration, Zhao Di is definitely much higher than other magic practitioners in refining, but there is obviously a long way to go from the refinery masters in the demon world.

With the reference of these jade slips, it is enough for Zhao Di to lay a solid foundation in the refining of magic weapons and magic treasures.

In addition to these refinery jade slips, a jade slip of insect breeding made Zhao Di's heart flutter.

This jade slip is not about how to raise strange insects in a regular way, but about how to stimulate strange insects, mutate them, and finally give birth to new powerful varieties, which often has incredible special powers!

"The method of incineration" burns insects in some extremely special flames. Most of the insects will be burned to death without being able to support them, but what is left is likely to be good in the magic power of the flame: "The method of extreme cold", as the name implies, is the opposite of the above method, using extreme cold conditions to screen Breed special cold-resistant insects;

In addition, there are several methods, such as the method of quenching, the method of lightning, etc., all of which screen out insects with special mutation ability with the help of extreme special conditions.

However, for these methods, the grasp of extreme conditions needs to be extremely fine, and the conditions are loose, and the effect will not be achieved; if the conditions are too harsh, the whole army will be destroyed.

There are also some other methods, which are obviously much more feasible, but they often need to rely on some extremely cherished treasures.

When Zhao Di saw this period, he immediately raised his eyebrows, put the other jade slips aside for the time being, and focused on reading the jade slip. His expression was suddenly tense and suddenly [Xing] excited. Finally, he patted his hands and said excitedly, "Great! Or the snow crystal silkworm king can also be cultivated!"