The Path of Immortals

Chapter 640 Kyushu World

Chapter 640 Kyushu Territories

Zhao Di's consciousness swept through the three people, and he suddenly knew it.

These three people are indeed only the cultivation of the Yuanying period, and the middle-aged person with the highest cultivation is only the cultivation of the Yuanying period.

In addition, he also judged from the aspects of the skills jointly performed by the three people and the flying magic weapon that the three people rode together - a flying treasure in the shape of bamboo slips, etc., that the three people practiced Confucian skills, and it seemed that they had a lot of magic power.

Otherwise, with the ordinary quality of this bamboo slip flying magic weapon and the cultivation of these three people, it will not be able to achieve the escape speed comparable to that of the monks in the Huashen period!

Cultivating mysterious Confucian skills and speaking the language of his previous life made Zhao Di sure that these people must be human monks who have a lot to do with him.

While thinking about it, Zhao Di unconsciously approached the two cross-border business alliance workers who didn't know what had happened and were still struggling to catch up.

They chased and killed the human monks who had a lot to do with Zhao Di, and were also bumped into by Zhao Di. They can only complain that their immortal fate has been exhausted, and the road of practice in this life has come to an end!

The two were flying at full speed in mid-air. Suddenly, there was a space fluctuation not far away from them, and then a young man in purple with a stiff expression came out. It was Zhao Di, who covered his true face with a divine mask.

Before they could even see Zhao Di's appearance, they saw a big purple flame wrapped in five-color aura, and a Zhang Xuchang five-clawed real dragon virtual shape with gorgeous five-color aura circulating on the surface of the body, attacking the two of them respectively.

The speed of the two attacks is extremely fast, and they are close at hand. It happened very suddenly, so that the two of them can't avoid it at all!

With a bang, the purple flame burst out and turned into a red sea of fire, which involved the hired envoy who was in the middle of the Huashen. In a moment, several spiritual lights changed in the sea of fire. At the same time, the envoy only had time to let out a scream and melted into the sea of fire.

And the five-clawed real dragon virtual shape, a vertical leap appeared in front of the hired envoy in the later period of Huashen out of thin air, spewed a very cold white gas at the unlucky guy, and immediately froze the man together with the original magic treasure he sacrificed in an instant, and the latter could not even The virtual shape of the real dragon then grabbed the five claws, and the employer's body and the magic baby in his body immediately turned into countless ice chips!

In a short blink of an eye, Zhao Di easily killed two monks of the Huashen period. The two of them only let out a scream and were killed by Zhao Di, and even the magic baby could not escape.

Zhao Di was also quite satisfied. After the advanced cultivation of the virtual, as expected, all kinds of magical powers increased greatly. In the later stage of the transformation of the god, although he was also fully sure to kill the two at the same time, and did not let the magic baby escape, after all, he had to rely on yin and yang eyes, a The original real fire and the sacrificed real dragon are enough to easily kill two gods in the blink of an eye without giving the other party any chance to escape and resist.

The spiritual practice of the three celebrities who were flying away dozens of miles ahead was attracted by the screams of the middle-term hired envoys before death. They subconsciously turned around one after another and happened to see the scene of Zhao Di killing the two in the blink of an eye.

Three shocks, two magic practitioners in the divine period were killed in an instant, which only shows that the strength of this strange young man in purple who killed them is even more terrible!

The three of them were stunned and stopped in the same place. They didn't know whether they should go forward to thank them or turn around and run away!

The rich middle-aged man is in the heart. Although it is still far away, the divine consciousness can be learned by a little induction that this young man in purple is not only a spiritual cultivation, but also emitting terrible spiritual pressure. Even their patriarch is far inferior. His cultivation is so profound that it is difficult to estimate!

In the panic and entanglement of the three people, Zhao Di took back the five-clawed real dragon virtual form and mixed yuan real fire from his body, and smiled at the three of them and said, "The three of you are waiting here for a while! I still have something to do!"

Zhao Di's sentence was said in the language of his previous life. He hadn't used this language for a long time, and he was a little strange.

"Jiuzhou! Why do you know the language of our Kyushu world!" The middle-aged man's body shook, his face changed greatly, and he was so surprised and happy that he couldn't help asking!

The young woman and the young Confucian are also surprised to open their eyes and look at each other. Anyone can see the surprise in their eyes.

No wonder, at a critical moment, a master with unfathomable strength suddenly appeared, and he also had a very close relationship with his own race. In shock, the three of them were thinking, could this be a big opportunity for their own family!

In the hearts of middle-aged people, I thought of the divination figure. According to the results of many divination, the three of them are the best choice to fly in this direction. Does this divination mean that the three people can meet this master here? If this is the case, then the unprecedented extermination difficulties encountered by the middle-aged people may have a turning point!

"Jiuzhou World!" The corners of Zhao Di's mouth warped and recited these words silently without saying much. At this time, his heart was also full of mixed feelings. Although there were only a few words of Kyushu, it had given him a great hint, so that he had a very critical clue about his background!

Zhao Di suppressed the surging of his heart and turned into a purple rainbow. He passed by the three people and flew straight to the continuous green mountains.

The three spiritual practitioners in the Yuanying period floated in the same place and saw the mysterious master go away.

The three of them exchanged complicated eyes with each other, but no one spoke or moved at all, as if they were still immersed in great shock.

Sure enough, after a while, the purple rainbow appeared again and flew to the three people in the blink of an eye, showing the figure of Zhao Di's body.

However, at this time, Zhao Di still wears a divine mask and dares not easily show his true face. Just now, after a moment of his departure, he put away the magic array and other things, and took the magic body back into his sleeves.

The three of them looked at Zhao Di's face curiously. They only felt that their expression was stiff and cold. Involuntarily, they shivered again. Suddenly, they sweated coldly on their backs. The three immediately bowed their heads and dared not look more.

Zhao Di said with a faint smile, "Why were the three Taoist friends chased by two gods and demons? Can you tell me the reason for this?

The middle-aged man looked at each other with two companions, and then the three of them bowed to the end. The middle-aged man immediately told the matter in detail without concealment.

In the face of such a powerful and unfathomable master, and he seems to have a close relationship with his own clan, and he looks more friendly. If the three of them hide it again, it is not meaningless. If he offends the seniors and let them directly use the soul search secret technique in anger, that is to do it. It's self-defeating, and I'm looking for my own death.

As the middle-aged man spoke, he quietly looked at the change of Zhao Di's expression. However, because Zhao Di wore a divine mask and always had a stiff and cold face, the middle-aged man could not see any clue at all.

With the story of the middle-aged man, Zhao Di's heart also set off thousands of waves. He suppressed his inner excitement and excitement, interrupted the middle-aged man's words several times, and repeatedly confirmed some details.

"You really don't know the origin of such a demon?" Zhao Di's voice was heavy, and he asked coldly. With the stiff expression of his divine mask, it set off a little cold and strictness.

It was very important. Zhao Di even poked out a wisp of divine consciousness to the three people to identify the subtle emotional changes of these people to distinguish the true from the false.

The three immediately felt a powerful divine thought, enveloped themselves, oppressed their own minds, and hurriedly carried out the divine consciousness to resist.

"Wow!" Zhao Di's eyebrows moved, and he was surprised. The consciousness of these three people was extremely powerful among the Yuanying monks!

Although the divine consciousness of these three people is slightly inferior to that of Zhao Di in the Yuanying period, it is because Zhao Di was born with strong divine consciousness, and he also practiced top-level skills such as "Reiting the Divine Secret", and also took many of the best elixirs cultivated by Xiaoding. The divine consciousness of these three people, put in the human world where Zhao Di is located, is definitely far beyond the same level of monks!

It's enough for a person to be born strange. All three people are so powerful, which only shows that these three people have something in common, or have practiced some extremely powerful skills to exercise their consciousness.

As soon as Zhao Diluo speculated, he thought that most of them were the latter. After all, all three of them happened to be born with amazing divine knowledge, which was too unspeakable.

Zhao Di had the intention to try the mystery of these three people's divine knowledge skills, and used a little in the use of divine consciousness. Suddenly, three needle-like slender white light shot out of Zhao Di's eyebrows, facing the three people respectively.

The white light flashed away, but the next moment quietly appeared in front of the three people's eyebrows, so that the three people could not dodge at all.

This is Zhao Di's divine consciousness attack with the divine power of refining the virtual magic power, which is almost silent. After three surprises, he can only condense the divine consciousness to resist.

"Ah!" The young woman and the young Confucian student let out a cry of pain at the same time, while the rich middle-aged man blushed and suppressed the severe pain from the divine consciousness and did not hand it over.

Zhao Di was slightly stunned, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. In his tentative move just now, he found that although the three of them had strong divine consciousness, they did not seem to have the smart use of it, and failed to effectively condense the divine consciousness to resist his attack.

"Are these people not born with the skills of practicing, exercising and using divine consciousness, but are born with divine knowledge?" Zhao Di speculated in surprise.

After being tried by Zhao Di, the middle-aged man thought that Zhao Di was suspicious and angry. He hurriedly bowed and said, "Senior, juniors and others really don't know anything about the demon clan! Since I moved to the spiritual world, I have been following the ancestral motto and dare not go beyond the lark array!"

(First update) RO