The Path of Immortals

Chapter 688 Heavenly and Warcraft

"I've seen His Holiness Zhao!" Although some of the other people did not see Zhao Di, the name of Zhao Di had been known for a long time. At these days, they heard the rumors that the Venerable Yuetian boasted about it was simply in the sky and nothing on the ground, and they also greeted Zhao Di in their hearts.

"It turned out that he was Zhao Di. Sure enough, he really only had the initial cultivation of cultivation, but he turned out to be a lustful person!" There are even people who think about how to take advantage of Zhao Di's characteristics to further make friends with this person.

The status of the core venerable is extremely high in the cross-border business alliance. In addition to those combined elders who give orders, it is these core venerable people who actually control the business alliance.

What's more, Zhao Dicai became the core venerable in the early stage of his training. With his strength, he will definitely be the number one person in the cross-border business alliance in the future! These people are respected by cross-border business alliances, and they are not willing to make friends with Zhao Di.

Zhao Di also met these people one by one, but did not introduce Mohan Fairy to these people. People only lightly mentioned that she was an old friend.

And the Mohan fairy has been smiling and following Zhao Di far away to avoid revealing clues.

I learned from these venerable people in the refining period that they only took on the task of guarding here. In the mountains not far away, there was even an elder of the combined period sitting in person. Obviously, the cross-border business alliance has put a lot of effort into the construction of this city and is very concerned. After Zhao Di said a few polite words to these people at the first time in Baidu Tieba, he said goodbye. Although the hidden breath of the Mohan fairy is skillful, in front of the monks in the later stage of the refining, if it takes a long time, it will inevitably reveal some fw.

However, these people, due to Zhao Di's face, of course, will not use their divine consciousness to carefully explore the Mohan fairy unscrupulously, but they will not look at it more.

"Vir Zhao, please don't publicize the matter here. The League has an order to keep a low profile as much as possible and reduce the impact before the city is built, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble and delay the progress of building the city." When Zhao Di left, the core venerable man in charge of the guarding task quietly said to Zhao Di.

Zhao Di nodded with a smile, and then flew over the city with the Mohan Fairy to the wild area.

I don't know whether those venerable people were escorting or monitoring. In short, they escorted them all the way south until they went more than a thousand miles into the barbaric area before saying goodbye to Zhao Di and others and returning to the city.

"Mohan Fairy, what do you think? Why did the Chamber of Commerce build a new city in a short time, and the location was chosen here!" After flying out of a distance, Zhao Di asked with a frown.

The fairy Mohan said with a serious look: "It's true! The architecture of the new city is very strange. It does not spend too much energy on the buildings in the city. Instead, a large number of people are concentrated on the huge wall in the south. In addition, there are several places with very smart formations, and there is obviously something hidden in it! The location of the new city is just at the junction of the barbarian area. These factors come together. Obviously, the intention of the Chamber of Commerce is definitely not as simple as starting another new city! Instead, it seems to be preparing for defense! Will there be hostile forces attacking the Holy City from the south?

The girl's analysis coincided with the idea in Zhao Di's heart. The Shang League was obviously doing the wall of the fortifications, which was the best example. When he suddenly reminded Zhao Di of the human world, the thousand-mile wall and the tide of monsters on the No. 1 island of the Outer Star Ocean Will the battle be staged here again?

Zhao Di suddenly remembered something and told the girl in detail: "It is rumored that the four red moons in the demon world are closely related to the spleen** of Warcraft. The brightest night of the red moon is the most violent time of Warcraft. After the blood sun shines, Warcraft often falls into a trough and is reluctant to take the initiative to find things. This is why in the wild area of the demon world, the monks choose to rush in the day when the blood sun shines, and when the blood sun is dim and the four red moons are gradually bright, they choose to hide and dare not

"And there is also a rumor, the so-called eclipse of the red moon! In the four red months, once a rare celestial phenomenon temporarily disappears in the sky because of the lunar eclipse, it will cause great uneasiness and irritability of Warcraft, and there will often be collective riots of Warcraft and disturbing human monks.

"Such a big action of the cross-border business alliance is obviously aimed at the threat from the south, either to resist the army of orc monks, or against the chaos of wild beasts. The possibility of the latter is even greater. Because if the orcs are determined to officially go to war with the human race, they will definitely use all kinds of means. Once they do not choose to attack from the south, it will be meaningless to work hard here to cultivate immortals in a city!" This text is provided by the Qihang Update Group. "So I guess that a natural disaster such as a lunar eclipse is about to occur, so the cross-border business alliance has such an arrangement!" The girl obviously agreed with Zhao Di's opinion and nodded repeatedly, "The vision of heaven and the earth are demons! There has always been such a saying in the spiritual world, just like before the spiritual and demon worlds overlap, there will also be a vision of heaven and earth. If there really is a vision such as a lunar eclipse, I'm afraid it's really a disaster! In the spiritual world, although there is only one silver moon and one golden sun, there are 28 particularly bright stars, called 28 stars. The change of these 28 stars will also lead to many natural and man-made disasters! Even the skills of many monks are closely related to the changes of the 28 stars!"

"Twenty-eight stars! But I don't know what to pay attention to. Does the strength of these monks have anything to do with the celestial phenomena? Zhao Di naturally heard of this statement, but he knew very little about it. Since the girl mentioned this matter, he pushed the boat along the water and asked a few questions.

"Yes, the practice of these monks is closely related to the celestial phenomena. Under a certain celestial phenomena, the strength will often be greatly improved, that is, the time of heaven in the mouth of the spiritual monks. When you master the sky, the chance of winning is half! Not only human monks, but also twenty-eight demon clans named after twenty-eight stars. Their skills are even more strange..." The girl did not shitg way out and roughly introduced the relevant basic information to Zhao Di. Zhao Di naturally listened with great interest.

The two of them flew slowly all the way south and soon went deep into the wilderness area.

Theoretically, it is still possible for high-level Warcrafts in the combined period to appear in this area, but the probability is extremely low, which can be almost negligible. However, the opportunities for the emergence of Warcrafts in the Huashen period and the virtual period will be much greater.

The flight speed of the two has slowed down a lot. While the girl introduces the secrets of the spiritual world to Zhao Di, Zhao Di will occasionally explain the terrain under them.

"This swamp is called a bone burial ground. It is a huge area where Warcraft is very dense, and it is also very close to the flying holy city, so many monks often come here to hunt Warcraft. In addition, the biogas here contains highly toxic, which is very dangerous for monks, but it has also spawned many strange poisonous huā poisonous insects, which is an extremely rare treasure for chemists. Every year, many alchemists come here to hunt for treasures or hunt monsters, but many of them end up here. It is said that no less than a hundred monks die in this swamp every year. Among them, there are countless bones of monks buried, and the name of the buried place comes from this. This text was provided by Qiqi Update Group. After flying over a wetland with a dark green fog, Zhao Di introduced it to the girl.

The girl looked down along Zhao Di's eyes and saw that the source was dark dark green, with thousands of pits. From time to time, there were fist-sized blisters. From time to time, they came out of the puddle. After breaking, a dark green fog came out, and a stench came, which made the girl suddenly frown! These poison gases are naturally disdainful to the girl's cultivation, but the girl is still very disgusted with it, offering a blue light, blocking the fog far outside, and flying higher at the same time, away from the swamp.

"Zhao Daoyou is a high-level alchemist. Have you ever been to such a place?" The girl covered her nose and asked Zhao Di, as if Zhao Di's body also exuded this stench!

Zhao Di was speechless in his heart, but he smiled and said, "Ha ha, although I have never come to this burial ground, I have endured more terrible strange and viciousness in order to refine the body. Among them, there are several poisonous smells. If the fairy smells it, I'm afraid she will never forget it for the rest of her

"However, there are also some strange poisons. The smell is fragrant and refreshing, but the toxicity is strong, and the pain of quenching is even more unforgettable!" When Zhao spoke, the corners of his mouth were slightly **, as if there was a lingering fear in his heart!

"Therefore, the chemist should not only have a very rich wealth and excellent talent, but also have an extremely firm will to pursue the limits of the body, and not give up halfway! If you give your concubine another choice, even if you can get such a strong physical strength as Zhao Daoyou, you will never choose the way of refining the body!" The girl frowned, shook her head slowly and said. Her eyes kept looking at Zhao Di with a complicated look.

Zhao Di smiled bitterly. For him, it seems that there is not much room for him to choose which road to take. It is forced by the situation and must be done with all his strength. If he relaxes a little, it is impossible to reach today's realm!

And this woman's origin is obviously unusual. She has superior cultivation conditions and a lot of choice, so she has this kind of excuse.

"In fact, my brother is also a chemist, and he has achieved success in cultivation. He is already a combined monk! My brother is an extremely resolute ascetic. He only knows how to practice all day long. In order to repay the strongest effect of refining the body, he has even maintained the body of Yuanyang so far, and has not been looking for a double cultivation partner. I don't know if Zhao Daoyou is the same? A cunning smile flashed in the girl's eyes, and suddenly the topic changed and asked Zhao Di an extremely private question.