The Path of Immortals

Chapter 690 The King of Zhennan

This six-winged black beast is a black giant bull-shaped warcraft with huge wings in silver-gray and a size of 30 feet. Although the breath is a little chaotic and obviously injured, it is still extremely powerful. With Zhao Di's current cultivation, it cannot be accurately detected, at least in the initial cultivation of the body!

Although the six-winged black dragon was injured, he did not expect that this human monk, who was obviously much weaker than himself, dared to stop him head-on. In a rage, he opened his mouth and let out a loud roar!

Soon, a tangible sound wave visible to the naked eye, set out from the mouth and quickly turned into a wavy wave, spreading around. Wherever it passed, the void shook and the sky turned!

Mohan Fairy was shocked. Although she was only slightly affected by the power of the sound wave, the magic light of the body protection almost collapsed in an instant. If she hadn't retreated fast enough, I'm afraid that the magic light would have collapsed in front of everyone and exposed the identity of spiritual practice.

Zhao Di, who suffered a roar head-on, and the golden armor on the surface of his body kept flashing with extremely complex and mysterious magic in the sound wave attack, and finally collapsed into a little golden light.

Just with a loud roar, the six-winged black dragon broke Zhao Di's strongest defense magic power and a golden armor. The aftertach of the sound wave hit Zhao Di's body and turned into countless sharp invisible blades. On the surface of Zhao Di's invulnerable body, countless slender dark gold scars were cut out, and " The slight sound of miso.

If it hadn't been for Zhao Di's body being extremely hard, if he had been an ordinary refiner in the later stage of the refining, his body had already been cut into a ball of meat mud by countless sharp blades!

In the sound wave, Zhao Di felt a great resistance, but he failed to stop him from stabbing the six-winged black.

This thorn, Zhao Di did not hide any strength, which can be said to be doing his best!

He shouted loudly, and his eyes suddenly flashed with blood. His body soared, and his body,

suddenly turned into a bottomless vortex, generating strong suction, turning a large amount of magic gas around the world into black streams and income into [body].

In an instant, Zhao Di's body suddenly emitted a faint layer of golden light, and this layer of golden light quickly poured into Zhao Di's arms, and then poured into the demon gun!

The sun-killing magic gun suddenly released a golden light, like a fresh golden dragon, against the strong sound wave attached to the wind, facing the six-winged black.

The six-winged black dragonfly is running away desperately, and the speed is not reduced at all. He lowered his head and faces the sun-annihilation magic gun with a pair of extremely hard giant horns, without any fear at all.

Seeing that the golden gun and the two horns of the black horns were about to meet, Zhao Di suddenly emitted another divine power, which not only stimulated the poison behind the bloodthirsty peak in the bloodline and the pure blood of the true saint of the ape, but also gave birth to a golden aperture of a ten-sized dark golden magic lines out

With the support of a variety of divine forces, the sun-extinguishing magic gun almost reached the limit of its endurance, and it actually made a "buzzing" on its own, facing the six-winged black.


A loud noise came out, and suddenly a wave of space fluctuation shot around from the place where the two collided, accompanied by golden light splashing and magic, and the sound of rumbling aftershocking the air.

Zhao Di's figure was shocked and flew more than a hundred feet away. Only then did he stop his body, and the six-winged black dragonfly, which the carrier rushed to the extremely high speed, was actually interrupted by this huge force and stopped in mid-air!

It was in this moment that the holy spaceship had flown, and a black figure on the spaceship flashed here in mid-air. This man was a burly, thick-browed, big-eyed, and magnificent middle-aged man with half an inch of black whiskers. He was the elder known as the first refiner of the The king of Zhennan in the middle period!

At this time, the king of Zhennan was also extremely surprised. He had heard that Zhao Di was an extremely strong refiner, so he intended to test Zhao Di's strength, but he never expected that Zhao Di, who was just cultivated in the early stage of the cultivation of the virtual practice, could really take a slightly injured six wings in the early stage of the combination Stop it!'s stop it!

"It is rumored that the strength of this son is not under the monks in the later stage of the refining. Judging from this move, I'm afraid it's more than that. I'm afraid that except for some monks, the monks in the later stage of the refining will never catch this man's golden gun!" The king of Zhennan said in his heart, and his figure flashed in front of the six-winged black dragon.

Six-winged black, three pairs of silver-gray feathers shook, and they were about to take the road and flee. The king of Zhennan shouted, "Evil beast, where to escape!" As soon as the words fell, a black tiger and bear about the size of a foot appeared on the body of the king of Zhennan, emitting a huge magic pressure. The magic lines flowed all over his body, and there was an indescribable atmosphere of barbarism.

As soon as the king of Zhennan explored it, he actually grabbed a sharp horn of the cow with his bare hands!

The sharp horn is much longer than the burly figure of the king of Zhennan, and the hands of the king of Zhennan only grasped a small part of the tip of the horn together.

Drink. The king of Zhennan shouted loudly and actually grabbed the sharp corners and overturned the huge six-winged black body dozens of times larger than his figure in the air!

And the empty body of the tiger, beast and bear also made exactly the same action with the king of Zhennan, and even roared at the same time.

"The combination of virtual shapes! Only the magical power of the monks in the combined period! After the humb body, the divine power has really increased greatly, and it can be restrained by the power of bare hands alone, which is also very powerful in Warcraft! Zhao Di said a dark word in his heart, and a trace of fire flashed in his eyes.

For the refining monks in the virtual period, the virtual alien attack is of little use, because this is a mana attack, and it cannot fully give full play to the physical advantage of the refiner. Only a few refiners like to cooperate with the virtual form and attack the enemy together, and more refiners go to Zhao Di. Basically, they will not sacrifice the virtual form in the battle, because doing so does not greatly improve the strength, and consumes a lot of mana and consciousness.

After the advanced combination, it is completely different. The combined monk who mainly cultivates mana,

With the combination of the virtual form, you can not only greatly increase your mana, but also use the unique magic power of the virtual form to attack the enemy, and greatly improve your strength: while the refiner in the combination period, after the combination of the virtual form, can make the body get a large number of gain effects provided by the virtual form, or extremely hard Double, for the refiner, there is an immediate qualitative improvement in strength!

For Zhao Di, if he can use the means of virtual body, the body will be more hardened after the blessing of the golden body. At that time, there will be few means to hurt his body!

At the same time, Zhao Di also thought of Jin Yu. If he had not had an accident in the secret place of Helan Mountain, after his realm reached the period of combination, with his two virtual forms, Jin Kui and Shenyuan Zhensheng, the body of the body was strong and divine power, he could reach an unimagin

Although the six-winged black fanned the six-winged fan, countless winds pierced the king of Zhennan like a sword, and at the same time struggled hard, it was never able to break free from the shackles of the hands of this human refiner.

One person, one beast, disproportionately, fought fiercely in mid-air, making great noise. Zhao Di and Mohan Fairy had consciously withdrawn more than a thousand feet away, and the holy warship of the cross-border business alliance also stopped far away, and a group of monks on the ship also appreciated the trade alliance. The amazing magic power of a refiner!

Compared with the huge six-winged black dragon, the burly figure of the king of Zhennan is just a feathered sparrow parked on the horns, but no matter how the black giant cow struggles furiously, it can't get rid of the hands clenched like a pair of claws of the "finch".

The six-winged black dragon is constantly trying to attack the king of Zhennan, but the latter seems to be the leaves drifting with the tide. With the action of the six-wing black dragon, it is constantly "swinged around" so that the six-wing black dragon is unable to carry out an effective attack.

"Wow!" Suddenly, the king of Zhennan shouted loudly. He no longer changed his body with the strength of the six-winged black dragon, but suddenly gave birth to a huge force in his feet, as if it were fixed in mid-air like a root. At the same time, his whole body exerted his strength, and suddenly raised the huge body of the six-winged black dragon Turn!

The six-winged black-winged roared in mid-air and struggled desperately, but he couldn't get rid of it.

The speed of the king of Zhennan is rotating faster and faster, and the figure of the six-winged black dragon is getting more and more blurred, "Go!" The king of Zhennan shouted again and suddenly let go of his hands, while the six-winged black dragon turned into a black light and went straight to the ground!

In the loud sound of "rumbling", a small mountain more than 100 feet high was smashed down by a huge body of six-winged black, and half of the mountain was dusty for a moment, as high as hundreds of feet, covering up everything.

Naturally, everyone is extremely amazed that a human monk can have such an amazing power!

Zhao Di was even more terrmented. Only he could see here that the king of the south of the town did not use all his strength, but freely withdrew a little strength when he threw out the six-winged black dragon!

The king of Zhennan gently slapped his body in the air, and suddenly a strong wind formed. In an instant, he rolled down, blowing away the rising dust all over the sky, revealing a big pit, and the six-winged black dragonf in the big pit.

At this time, the six-winged black dragonfed was exhausted by the king of Zhennan, and he was obviously injured and could no longer struggle to stand up!

The king of Zhennan smiled slightly, his figure shook, the black light flashed, and he appeared next to the six-winged black in the blink of an eye.

"Six-winged Taoist friend, although you have not been able to transform into a human form, your spiritual intelligence is naturally not low when you practice to this realm. Give you a chance, or let me set a ban in your [body], and follow me to practice from now on. From now on, I will kill you and take all your materials to

(first update)