The Path of Immortals

Chapter 813 The Power of the Body of the Water God

When the human-faced beast laughed, Master Jie was staring at the Jinlin sword in Zhao Di's hand without blinking, showing a trace of unconcealed fiery. Although it was only fleeting, it was clear for Zhao Di and other high-level monks!

Master Jieku smiled and said calmly, "Good! How can the old monk have such an idea! Zhao's nephew is strong, which is a God-given opportunity to help us kill this human-faced beast!"

"Since you don't want it, you're welcome!" The human-faced beast sneered, "Haha, I'm just a sharp weapon. This golden sword can also be used reluctantly!"

When the human-faced beast spoke, it turned into a blue light ball and hit Zhao Di like a meteor, which was amazingly powerful.

Zhao Di immediately flashed and turned into a golden shadow and slid dozens of feet away from the side of Luofan Shenni. Luo Fan's face suddenly changed greatly, and he scolded Zhao Di in his heart. At the same time, he used the lotus shadow more intensively, and Tuantuan protected himself.

The blue meteor followed Zhao Di, easily broke through several layers of lotus shadows, and continued to chase Zhao Di, but ignored Luofan Shenni not far away!

Luofan Shenni's heart was relieved, and symbolically sacrificed a few cyan Sanskrit lights, attacking the human-faced beast that had wiped from his side, but the strength of this attack was like scratching through his boots, and the human-faced beast did not respond at all.

Although they work together to fight against the enemy, everyone naturally has their own ghosts, and no one wants to make themselves the main target of human-faced beasts.

The golden figure transformed by Zhao Di is extremely fast, and the direction is unpredictable. The blue meteor couldn't catch up with Zhao Di for a moment. He followed Jin Ying, surrounded the monks and nuns, and turned around in the blink of an eye!

This human-faced beast did not attack the two monks and nuns with deep hatred, but chased after Zhao Di, and Zhao Di was also helpless in his heart!

In the long run, even if he runs all the way, he will consume a lot of mana. Zhao Di simply suddenly stopped, and then immediately turned around and waved the golden sword, struggling to split!

"Bun!" A dazzling golden sword light split out, in a thin arc, dozens of feet long, as if dividing the world into two.

The incident happened suddenly, and the blue meteor that was approaching could not be avoided at all. The human-faced beast in the blue light suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed, and a blue crystal shield flew out, turning into more than ten feet in the blink of an eye, facing the golden sword light.

With a soft sound, the golden light cut on the crystal clear blue shield, and immediately left a sword mark on the surface of the shield, but then the blue light flashed on the shield, the sword mark disappeared out of thin air, and the shield became intact.

Zhao Di's heart is very strong. The defense of this shield is very good. Is it also a spiritual treasure?

Zhao Di was about to look at the shield carefully, but the next moment, the blue shield turned into a blue and shining sword and cut his face at Zhao Di!

"It's actually the water attribute spiritual power transformed by the real magic power, which is so pure and quintessential, like a physical treasure!" Zhao Di was shocked to find that the blue sword shield was not an entity, but the essence of aura.

In the face of the blue sword cut down, Zhao Di could only swing the golden sword in his hand, split out a golden light, and protect himself.

These sword lights hit the blue giant sword and cut the latter out of the gaps one after another, but in the blink of an eye, the blue light on the giant sword flashed and recovered again and again.

Zhao Di sacrificed the sword in his hand and played the formula with ten fingers. The Jinlin sword also turned into more than ten feet in size in an instant, directly facing the blue giant sword.

"Oh!" There was another soft sound. After the two swords intersected, Jin Linjian easily cut off the blue giant sword into two.

"Bad!" Zhao Di's heart sank and hurriedly recalled the Jinlin sword again. At the same time, the two broken swords suddenly flashed blue light, turned into two identical blue swords, and cut Zhao Di again.

The Jinlin sword danced wildly, and in the sound of "slap", the two blue swords were cut into dozens of pieces. However, the fragments of the opponent's sword immediately turned into dozens of sharp swords, stabbing Zhao Di closer and closer.

Zhao Di frowned, and the Jinlin sword waved densely in the wind. He cut them wildly and chopped these blue swords into smaller residues. Then suddenly the golden light flashed, ignored these small blue swords, and directly chopped at the human face and beast not far away!

The human-faced beast did not dodge, and there was no defense, allowing the golden sword to split down!

Jin Linjian easily split the human-faced beast into two, which shocked everyone.

But the next moment, the two remnants of the human-faced beast flashed blue light one after another, and turned into two identical human-faced beasts, looking at Zhao Di with a proud and ferocious smile!

Those blue residues also flashed blue light in an instant and turned into countless feet of sharp swords, cutting into Zhao Di like a shower!

A faint golden light appeared on Zhao Di's body, and he waved his fists to protect the key point.

In the dense "bump" sound, countless sharp swords were either smashed by Zhao Di's double fists, or cut on Zhao Di, leaving shallow scars, but they eventually collapsed into a water mist!

The strength of Zhao Di's body is naturally not the water swords transformed by these auras, which can be cut through! Countless swords were cut down. Although the momentum was furious and amazing, it was only on the surface of Zhao's body, leaving many shallow traces. With the resilience of Zhao's body, these traces almost all disappeared between breathing.

Between Zhao Di and the hand of the human face ** hand, the front and back were just the breathing time. Master Jie and others slowed down and used their magical skills one after another to attack the human-faced beast.

"Zhao's nephew, this beast is the body of the water god. The so-called knife is drawn to cut off the water. Although the sharp blade sword can cut it off, it can't cause substantial damage at all. All the water column fog must be completely steamed and re-conved into reiki to really kill this beast!" Master Ku said to Zhao Di, and at the same time, he approached here. The seven-color Sanskrit light on his body flashed wildly, evaporating the water vapor around Zhao Di in an instant.

Two human-faced beasts suddenly split into two or two parts, forming countless blue beast shadows, from all directions to Zhao Di.

These beast shadows kept spinning and running around Zhao Di, spewing out water columns from time to time. In an instant, a thick water curtain was formed, trapping Zhao Di in it.

After doing this, those beast shadows suddenly merged into a group and turned into the shape of a human-faced beast again.

"Be careful!" Master Jie bitter reminded Zhao Di that at the same time, ten fingers and seven-color Sanskrit lights turned into a long gun and attacked the human-faced beast.

On the lotus shadow of the fallen god Ni, a faint blue flame also shone. When the water vapor encountered the blue flame, it collapsed and disappeared one after another.

The high priest has also taken action. Under her control, the gorgeous clouds have turned into red insects. Between the worms and spitting, they are full of flames.

This is the "flame spell" in the witchcraft. At this moment, it is most appropriate to deal with the ubiquitous water droplets and fog around you.

These water droplets and fog are usually not to worry about, but under the manipulation of the body of the human-faced beast water god, it may evolve into a terrible attack at any time and must be completely eliminated.

The human-faced beast smiled ferociously, and when his mind moved, a layer of water curtain trapped Zhao Di quickly contracted, completely binding Zhao Di, like a silkworm cocoon!

Zhao Di struggled to punch the water curtain, but like a mud cow into the sea, the strength of each punch was resolved in the waves of the water curtain. Zhao Di had a feeling that he could not use all his strength, but the water curtain tightened more and tighter, making it difficult for Zhao Di to breathe and more and more uncomfortable!

Jin Lin's sword split the water curtain, but it was also powerless at all. It could only draw sword marks, and as soon as Jin Lin's sword passed, these sword marks disappeared!

"Well, trapped by my thousand waves, even if you have infinite magic power, you can't break free!" The human-faced beast smiled proudly, stepped up the casting of spells and urged this thick water curtain to stricate Zhao Di to death!

As for the attack on it by the high priest and others, the human-faced beast just dodged as much as possible and ignored it for the time being.

Master Jie Ku and Luo Fan Shenni took the opportunity to launch an extremely fierce attack on the human-faced beast. Zhao Di's life and death are not important to them. The most important thing is to kill or severely damage this human-faced beast!

The cyan Sanskrit fire floating in lotus shadows all over the sky, layers of Sanskrit sound waves, and gorgeous seven-color Sanskrit light. Under several attacks, it is difficult for the human-faced beast to resist head-on, so they have to self-explod their bodies again, turn it into a storm, and attack Zhao Di

Its plan is very simple. It kills Zhao Di in one fell swoop, and at the same time captures the golden sword. With the help of the sword, it kills the other three one by one!

From weak to strong, this seemingly unbreakable plan has undergone unpredictable changes!

Zhao Di, who was wrapped in the water curtain, found that he could not even use the residual shadow, but the pressure of the water curtain was getting stronger and stronger, and he was almost unable to suppress him.

Countless storms turned into countless extremely terrible swords. This attack was obviously better than before. At this moment, Zhao Di had reached the critical point of life and death.

The high priest is very anxious. Her disciple Su Yuehen is still in the space treasure in Zhao Di's sleeve. If Zhao Di falls into the hands of human-faced beasts, then Su Yuehen will also be more or less auspicious! Unfortunately, her strength is limited. Although she keeps casting spells to help, she can't save Zhao Di.

Zhao Di only felt the unprecedented pressure from his body, which forced him to resist with all his strength. The poison behind the bloodthirsty peak in the blood has also been stimulated and turned into a divine force to resist the contraction and pressure of the water curtain!

The water curtain is under great pressure, but it is weak and nothing. It can't be directly broken with broken gold boxing at all. This kind of oppression method that has never been experienced makes Zhao Di's body struggle hard. In a moment, he has a little progress, and the control of strength has a new one. The understanding!

"Breaking empty boxing!" These three words suddenly flashed in Zhao Di's mind!