The Path of Immortals

Chapter 832 The Virtual King

"Golden silk snow mulberry! Bi Daoyou really got this treasure!" Zhao Di's heart moved, and in an instant, he guessed the reason why the Yao Xiu surnamed Bi was stranded in the Bingling clan.

"Did the Taoist friend have no choice but to stay in the Bingling clan in order to get this treasure?" Zhao Di said with emotion.

At the beginning, it was he who took out the heavy treasure and wanted to exchange the golden silk snow mulberry with the Yaoxiu surnamed Bi, which made the other party make up his mind to break into the ice spirit clan and see if he could get this treasure. Unexpectedly, he was stranded in the ice spirit clan for hundreds of years!

"Ha ha, this is also because of Bi's bad luck. On that year's trip, everything went well. Through secret skills, he mixed into the ice spirit clan, and also exchanged a golden snow mulberry with an ice spirit general who was in charge of the snow mulberry spirit tree, but when he was about to return, he was recognized by

Bi Yaoxiu briefly introduced his stay in the Bingling clan. It turned out that the spiritual king of the ice spirit clan saw that some of the Yao Xiu surnamed Bi had some good talents, so he did not kill him directly, but made a promise that as long as the Yao Xiu surnamed Bi worked in the Bingling clan and borrowed some of his talents to find the wisdom spirits. When he gathered a hundred wisdom spirits, he could get his own

In the past hundreds of years, the Zhiling Valley has been opened, and the figure of Bi's Yao Xiu is indispensable, but he was personally cast by the spirit king of the ice spirit clan to hide his breath, so he has never been recognized.

If Zhao Di hadn't seen his appearance and recognized him at a glance, he would never have thought that this Bingling clan was the Yao Xiu surnamed Bi in those years!

Yao Xiu, surnamed Bi, threw it gently, and the golden snow mulberry leaves in his hand flew to Zhao Di.

"Bi Daoyou is really a believer! With a promise, you will not hesitate to take risks! Zhao Di took over Xue Sang and nodded and praised.

Zhao Di put away the snow mulberry leaves, and at the same time, the white haze in his hand also flashed out a silver shining ore, which was the golden gold of the ten thousand years.

When Yaoxiu, surnamed Bi, saw Zhao Di take out this treasure, his eyes suddenly lit up. He was quite excited about the hard work over the years, and finally it was not all in vain!

Zhao Di handed over Hui Yuejin to Yao Xiu surnamed Bi. The latter didn't like to play with his hands and muttered, "Sure enough, it's ten thousand years of Huiyue gold, full of aura, solemn Yuehua, can be called the best!"

He has been stranded in a foreign race for hundreds of years, and he is worried and precared all day long. At this time, it is difficult to judge whether all this is worth getting such a treasure, even by Yao Xiu surnamed Bi.

Zhao Di's sleeve robe shook, a wooden box flew out, and slowly flew to the demon surnamed Bi.

The demon Xiu surnamed Bi took over the wooden box and found that there were many wise spirits in it!

"This is..." Yao Xiu, surnamed Bi, looked at Zhao Di in confusion.

"Bi Daoyou is stranded in the Bingling clan and has a lot of relationship with Zhao. These wisdom spirits are given to Taoist friends, plus the wisdom spirits collected by Taoist friends before, there should be almost more than a hundred. I hope Taoist friends can redeem themselves! Zhao Di said with a slight smile.

"Thank you, Magic Envoy Zhao!" Yao Xiu, surnamed Bi, was overjoyed and put the wooden box into the storage bracelet.

"How did Zhao Moshi come to this forbidden place of the spirit clan? Moreover, Zhao Moshi, as a demon cultivation, can actually hide his breath as a water spirit clan. It's really mysterious!" The demon Xiu surnamed Bi looked up and down at Zhao.

"Ha ha, thanks to some treasures and secrets, it's just a small skill of carving insects!" Zhao Di said with a faint smile.

"Zhao Mo is too modest! Even if the magic of this concealment is limited, Zhao's magic envoy is actually pregnant with dragon spirit beasts and a pair of extremely high-quality ancient strange insects and snow crystal silkworms, which shows that it is not simple! Bi's surname was Yao Xiu praised, but when he talked about the dragon spirit beast, he frowned unnaturally.

Of course, Zhao Di knows that the other party is also a member of the demon clan. It is inevitable that he is a little unhappy to see the ice wind dragonfly, who is also a demon, being driven as a spirit beast.

Zhao Di hurriedly said, "As a magician, Zhao naturally has some special tasks to carry out. This spirit beast spirit worm, as a demon cultivation, how can Zhao cultivate it? It's just to borrow it for the time being and act according to orders!

"So that's it!" Bi's surnamed Yao Xiu nodded and said. As for how much he believed in his heart, Zhao Di had no way to know.

"Ha ha, Zhao Moshi can't forget Jinsi Xuesang. I'm afraid it's just for the snow crystal silkworm! The ice spirit clan regards this silkworm as a holy insect, and there are many unique cultivation skills. Among the members of the direct ice spirit clan, it is not a big secret. Most of the high-level spiritual generals of the ice spirit clan who were captured alive by Zhao Moshi just now have relevant secrets in their storage bracelets. Bi Yao Xiu's mind moved and took the initiative to point out this matter.

In fact, the storage bracelet has fallen into Zhao Di's hands. Even if he doesn't say it, Zhao Di can find it afterwards. Zhao Di still thanked him and said that he inadvertently triggered the ban. He came here inexplicably and was looking for an opportunity to escape from the forbidden place of Zhiling Valley, and then returned to the Zhenyuan mainland.

There is no better way for Yao Xiu surnamed Bi to help Zhao Di leave here. For today's plan, he can only pretend to be a spiritual monk, mix out of this intelligent valley first, and then make other plans!

After the two made an appointment and left the Zhiling Valley, after the demon Xiu surnamed Bi handed over the Zhiling and redeemed the body from the ice spirit clan, they left the Lingyuan Continent together, crossed the vast sea and went to the Zhenyuan Continent.

Bi surnamed Yaoxiu has clicked a path, which can be returned as soon as possible with the help of transmission and other means. "The danger is also relatively small.

"Bi Daoyou is really sure that the spirit king of the ice spirit clan will not go by his promise?" Zhao Di asked worriedly.

"Bi is really a little sure! When the spirit king made a promise, many spirit monks were present. Um, Bi's life is not worth the spirit king's oath to break the heart demon's oath and sweep the ground with prestige!" The demon surnamed Bi Xiu smiled bitterly. In the view of the high-level monk, the low-level monk is just an ant-like existence. As long as it does not involve the secret of too privacy, there is not

As for whether this Yao Xiu surnamed Bi will betray himself, Zhao Di also had to guard against it. Although doing so is not good for Bi Yao Xiu, after all, you can't pin your safety on other people's thoughts. Therefore, Zhao Di will also make some arrangements. In addition, this Bi surnamed Yaoxiu does not know that Zhao Di has advanced to the body, let alone think that Zhao Di's strength at this time is no longer an ordinary early monk. If this Bi surnamed Yaoxiu has some unfavorable ideas for Zhao Di, he will only seek hardships.

"Is this Muling Taoist friend also a human monk disguised? Tut, it's really mysterious. It's so close to each other that Bi can't see any faults!" Yao Xiu surnamed Bi slightly arched his hand to Tiantian and nodded, which was a greeting.

Every day and Zhao Di smiled faintly and didn't do much.

Three people passed together and flew to the entrance and exit of Zhiling Valley.

One ice, one water, one tree, three branches of spiritual monks form a team to fly, which is not common in Zhiling Valley, but it is not unique and will not cause too much doubt.

Zhao Di and Bi Yao Xiu talked in detail all the way, telling their respective experiences over the past hundreds of years.

The Yaoxiu surnamed Bi was placed under house arrest in the ice spirit clan, which is naturally very strange. As a magician, Zhao Di did not return to the demon world in time, but stayed in the spiritual world for some reason, which is also very rare.

Not long after, Zhao Di suddenly felt a thud, and his expression was shocked in an instant, but it was just a flash, which was extremely difficult to detect.

"Ha ha, Bi Daoyou, we'd better bypass this forest. In case someone lurks in it, it will be very bad!" Zhao Di said with a smile. Without waiting for Bi Yao Xiu to make a statement, he took the lead in changing the direction and detouring into the distance. At the same time, an order was secretly issued to Ling

Yao Xiu surnamed Bi was slightly stunned, but he also immediately followed. Zhao Mo's strength is so strong, but he is very cautious. Bi admires it!" Yao Xiu, surnamed Bi, grinned at Zhao Di, which resolved this embarrassment.

And the spirit child every day secretly exerts illusions to completely change his appearance. Although Yaoxiu surnamed Bi was curious, he didn't ask much questions.

Not long after, a strong breath suddenly appeared in the divine consciousness of the demon cultivation surnamed Bi, which made the latter's face suddenly dark and looked at Zhao Di.

At this time, Zhao Di's eyes were also slightly shrinking and his expression was solemn. Obviously, he also found this matter.

"It is the existence of the spirit king level. Looking at the direction of its escape, it is waiting for me!" The demon surnamed Bi corrected and said, and at the same time comforted himself: "But it doesn't matter. The existence of the spiritual king level is strictly forbidden to deal with low-level monks in this wise valley, otherwise it will not only be investigated, but also the reputation will sweep the ground and stink for thousands of years!" "I hope so!" Zhao Di gathered

The three of them stayed in the same place honestly. Before long, a spirit king-level breath flew here, and the light restrained, revealing a translucent cyan figure.

"The younger generation, please see the predecessor of the King of the Virtual Spirit!" The three of them saluted respectfully at the same time, and the person who came was like a dream and uncertain. It was the Xuling clan.

"Humph, ice spirit general, water spirit general, wooden spirit general, the three of you actually got together! The blue shadow smiled and then said solemnly, "The three of you have seen unusual things happen, such as the appearance of an extremely powerful breath that has reached the level of the ancestor."

"Lingzu?!" Bi Yaoxiu was stunned, with a puzzled look and shook his head.

Zhao Di and Tian Tian shook their heads separately.

"Well, I know, you go!" The blue figure said faintly, turning into a blue light and flying to the dense forest not far away.

Zhao Di was relieved and was about to leave here with Yao Xiu surnamed Bi. Suddenly, the blue ** light stopped and shouted, "Stop!" Yao Xiu surnamed Bi was stunned when he heard the words and stood in the distance in confusion. Although Zhao Di also had the same expression, he was already very nervous.

"Do you still have any orders in front of the King of the Spirit?, Bi's surname is Yao Xiu's respectful salute.

The blue figure had flown back. He didn't pay attention to the Yao Xiu surnamed Bi at all. He looked up and down at Zhao Di with his eyes, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "Haha, it's you! It's you! I was almost cheated by you! If you don't obediently return to the demon world and dare to run to this Lingyuan continent, don't you want to die!

(First update)