The Path of Immortals

Chapter 945 Defending Xianmu Island 8 Resurrection

With a soft sound, the heart of the real dragon, which was as strong as a rock, was easily pierced by this Xuantian sword. A breath of the essence of the real dragon escaped from the heart of the real dragon and floated in the secret room along the body of the sword.

"What a strong real dragon smell, this heart can be called the best!" Ye Haolong praised. Speaking of the smell of the real dragon, no one here is more familiar than him.

"However, there is no real dragon's blood in this heart. What's going on?" Mo Youzi's face changed greatly and subconsciously looked at Zhao Di.

"It seems that Ruoqi did not inform Elder Mo Youzi in detail about the fact that the ice wind dragon once devoured the heart of the real dragon and caused the change of the heart of the real dragon." Zhao Di's mind changed rapidly. Although he guessed that most of this matter was related to the ice wind, he did not dare to say it openly under this situation.

"The blood of the real dragon? The resurrected sword god asked the senior, do you still need the blood of the real dragon? Zhao Di asked in surprise.

"Yes, we need some real dragon blood as a guide! Alas, I didn't expect that this real dragon heart, although the quality is excellent, it is old, and the real dragon blood in it has passed away and there is no drop left!" Mo Youzi sighed and was suddenly lost.

"You Taoist friends, who has the blood of the real dragon?" Ye Haolong hurriedly asked loudly, but he didn't expect it.

Ye Haolong asked Mo Youzi again, "It must be the blood of the real dragon. Ye's real dragon blood is not vulgar. Can you use it?"

Mo Youzi shook his head with a gloomy look.

"If there is no one in the world, I'm afraid no one in this world can take out the blood of the real dragon!" Master Brahma shook his head and called the Buddha's name: "Amitab is the will of God!"

Suddenly, all the Mahayana monks were silent and had their own minds.

Zhao Di hesitated for a moment, and then said, "The younger generation has a few drops of real dragon blood, but I don't know if it is suitable for the real dragon blood with ice attribute?"

Mo Youzi was overjoyed and said with great emotion, "Do you have the blood of a real dragon? It's great. As long as it is the real blood of the real dragon, regardless of the attributes, you can live this Xuantian Pan Dragon Sword! Zhao Xiaoyou, take out the blood of the real dragon!"

Zhao Di Yiyan took out a mini blood-colored bottle. As soon as the bottle came out, there was also a real dragon smell that filled Ye Haolong's heart.

Why did Zhao Di have the incomparable true dragon bloodline and refine the virtual shape of the real dragon? These doubts were immediately solved.

The blood of the ice dragon in this small bottle is the last real dragon blood left in Zhao Di. It was originally intended to be used to practice some real dragon magic power. At this time, of course, it is more important to resurrect the sword god.

Zhao Di opened the blood bottle and a two-inch-sized mini-blood dragon immediately flew out of it. After flying around in mid-air for a moment, he suddenly sensed something and disappeared into the heart of the real dragon.

Next, when the water came, a wisp of crimson blood slowly extended from the heart of the real dragon to the body of the sword. The green dragon lying on the body of the sword trembled slightly at this time, as if there were signs of awakening.

Zhao Di, Mo Youzi, Ye Haolong and others were relieved to see this scene.

"All Taoist friends, the body of the Taoist friends of Heaven Xuantian Pan Dragon Sword has been recast. With this real dragon heart, it will not be long before you can wake up and resurrect. Please take your place immediately, and don't send the five elements of nirvana under the control of the dream back fairy!" Mo Youzi said happily.

Everyone immediately followed the instructions of the dream fairy and sat cross-legged around the magic circle. Zhao Di and Mo Xuanzi sat in the magic circle, next to the Xuantian Panlong Sword.

"This five-elong nirvana array needs to use fairy spirit to communicate the laws of heaven and earth in this world, and make use of it. Therefore, when the array is issued, there will be a strong power of law repulsion. Please be careful when casting the spells, and do not be pulled and out of proportion by the power of the law If the law of this world changes a little because of this, it is normal, and there is no need to be too nervous. After the dream returned to the fairy's explanation, he told him in detail.

"Sure enough, it is an extremely anti-sky magic array, which not only involves the use of the power of the law, but also needs to be used as a guide, with the mana of ten Mahayana monks as the cornerstone to get the best!" After listening to the explanation of the dream back to the fairy, Zhao Di became more and more in awe of the magic circle under him.

Only such a powerful magic array can restore the cultivation of the sword god and help Zhao Di and Mo Xuanzi advance the Mahayana. This kind of array can never be arranged for the second time, so this opportunity is also unique.

The mountain peak where the secret room is located and thousands of miles around it have been surrounded and guarded by the forces of the two races of people and demons. Among them, there are many great monks in the later stage of the combination. They are ordered that under any circumstances, no one is allowed to break into the peak and disturb these "meetings" in the Maha

The defense of Xianmu Island has also made corresponding preparations. The spiritual army is still far away. Even if some Mahayana monks led the spiritual detachment to sneak attack, the defense of Xianmu Island is enough to cope with it for a period of time without alarming these Mahayana.

Some of the people and demons on the island have good friendships, and some are extremely resentful. However, because of these strict orders in the Mahayana period, there is no internal quarrel on Xianmu Island. The enemies meet each other, or glare at each other, or make an appointment to end the grudge after the war.

Most of the high-level monks are concentrated on Xianmu Island. In the Zhenyuan mainland, some monks who do not want to come to Xianmu Island for the war for various reasons are also preparing for the war. Once the spiritual army bypasses Xianmu Island or breaks through Xianmu Island, they will have to run for their lives.

Some high-level monks on Xianmu Island are very clear that there is not much time left for the spiritual ancestor to be innocent. He will not let the spiritual army capture the Zhenyuan continent with a large range. First, it will take a long time to disperse the troops. Second, it will take a long time to break through the Xianmu Island where the elites Sweep the two races of people and demons.

In the five elements of Nirvana array, wisps of real dragon breath rushed from the heart to the sword body of the Xuantian Pan Dragon Sword. The color of the real dragon heart is getting lighter and lighter, and the size is getting smaller and smaller. The essence of it is being absorbed by this Xuantian Pan Dragon Sword little by little, while the green dragon Get up, occasionally circle around the sword body and dance.

Three days later, the heart of the real dragon completely disappeared. The breath of Xuantian Panlong sword was extraordinary, and the blue dragon treasure light on the sword finally opened its eyes!

A pair of dragon eyes shot a faint blue light into the air, and in the blue light, a faint blurred figure was projected.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I could see the sun again!" There was a weak old voice in the figure. When Mo Youzi heard the words, he was very moved.

"Brother Tian, you are finally awake!" Mo Youzi forcibly stabilized his moving emotions and continued to cast spells.

"Well, Brother Mo's cultivation has greatly increased; Ye Daoyou, you are all right; the flying rat king's Taoist friend seems to be a little fat again. In those years, I once had a relationship with Taoist friends; hehe, Haoyu Jushi has also advanced the Mahayana, very good! Yufeng Shenjun, a sloppy Taoist, the two of you have always been haunted and wandering, and you have actually come at this time. This eminent monk is Master Brahma. Although he has never met, I have known the name of the eminent monk for a long time.

The figure looked at the monks in the secret room one by one and saw many old friends.

"I haven't seen the rest of the Taoist friends. Most of them are advanced to the Mahayana period when I sleep for a long time. I don't know how long I have slept!" The figure sighed and was quite emotional.

Ye Haolong smiled and said, "Ask Tiandao friends, we are waiting to cast a magic array, and we can't see each other in worship. Please don't mind. Several other monks here are the dream fairy of the human race, the demon Kuimu Wolf King and the black old monster, two Taoist friends!"

"Why are they all Taoist friends of the human and demon clans, and how many Taoist friends of the spiritual clan?" The figure suddenly asked doubtfully.

Mo Youzi looked gloomy, shook his head and said, "Brother Wentian, it has been more than 10,000 years since you left your own clan. Things are different, and even our instrumental spirit clan has been driven out of the Lingyuan mainland!"

"What!" An unbelievable word came from the figure, "What happened? With the cultivation of Brother Mo, isn't it enough to gain a foothold in the spiritual clan?

Mo Youzi said helplessly, "Ask Brother Tian, it's a long story. The spiritual ancestor of the virtual spirit clan was innocent. He actually fell from the sky and reappeared in the spiritual world. Now the wind and clouds are changing, and the order of today's spiritual world is far from ten thousand years ago! For specific matters, after we finish sending the magic array and help Brother Tian resume his cultivation, it will not be too late to discuss them in detail.

"The first monk in the spiritual world, the nihilism that has crossed the flying immortals, actually returned to the spiritual world? This person is cruel. When my cultivation is not high, I have a relationship with him!" The figure sighed, as if recalling some past events.

"Thank you for helping me wake up and resurrect. I will remember this kindness!" The figure arched his hand and saluted the crowd.

These Mahayana monks are casting spells, which is inconvenient to return gifts, but they are all smiling and polite.

"There are still two friends in the later stage. I don't know what to call them?" The topic of the shadow turned around and looked at Zhao Di and Mo Xuanzi, who had been closing their eyes tightly and mediting on their knees.

Mo Youzi said, "These two little friends are the rising stars of the two races of people and demons. We plan to use the five elements of Nirvana array to help them hit the bottleneck of the Mahayana period. So both of them are meditated and can't see Brother Tian. Among them, the young man in purple is Zhao Daoyou, and the Taoist priest is dressed as Mo Xuanzi. Resurrection of Brother Wentian, these two have contributed a lot. The heart of the real dragon and the blood of the real dragon are provided by Zhao Daoyou, and the fragments of Brother Wentian's body were also recovered by these two little friends and Ruo Yu together.

"Ruo Zhuo? How is he now?" The figure asked with concern.

Before Mo Youzi could answer, the figure suddenly trembled slightly and pointed to Zhao Di and said, "You, you are actually a chaotic body!"

In the tone, there is both a trace of shock and a trace of fear!