The Path of Immortals

Chapter 957 Defending Xianmu Island 20 Islands

"A war with the immortals, the first meritorious man will be the master of this world in the future!" Innocent turned around and shouted loudly to a group of Mahayana monks of the spiritual clan. He intended to contain the power of the divine law in his words. This sentence suddenly spread to millions of miles, and all the monks in the war heard it clearly.

The voice overshadowed the huge sound of the fight, and it echoed in the air for a long time.

After saying this, the innocent figure suddenly disappeared from the original place. The next moment, he had rushed into a team of dragon monks next to a broken pillar. There is no need to guess that his goal is Zhao Di here again!

Fortunately, Ye Haolong and the other three of them had been prepared for a long time. Before the innocent action, a gorgeous rope like a dragon, and two black bugs had been rolled towards the innocent. The piano sound wave and the claws of the green dragon were also wrapped in innocent layers one after another.

"Okay, let me kill these three of you first!" With an innocent sneer, the starlight flashed in the shadow, and suddenly a bright light came to the dream fairy at an incredible speed.

"Xuantian Lingbao Seven-Star Shuttle!" Dreaming back to the fairy, she was shocked, and her body suddenly turned into a virtual illusion, and her body escaped more than a hundred feet away.

This kind of phantom escape is somewhat similar to the extraterresitional split of the Mohan fairy, but it is obviously much smarter, and it can be used when the mind moves.

"The Xuantian treasure that claims to be the fastest in the world? This treasure used to be the magic weapon of the famous star shangman tens of thousands of years ago. Unexpectedly, it has fallen into the hands of innocence, and it has been erased from the mark of recognition and manipulated Ruyi. Ye Haolong was also shocked. The speed of this treasure was extremely fast. Except for the teleportation technique, there is no way to avoid it.

"He has this treasure in his hand, and the three of us can't stop him at all! Come and invite Master Brahma to come. His nine-layer lotus throne may be able to trap this treasure!" Dreaming back to the fairy in a hurry, he said to Ye Haolong.

Ye Haolong immediately contacted Master Brahma. At the same time, the body flashed and teleported the body to the virtual shape of the green dragon in the distance, avoiding the thorn of the seven-star shuttle.

Zhao Di took this opportunity to turn into a blood fog, disappeared dozens of miles away, and fled far away.

The innocent strength is too terrible. With his current cultivation, he can't fight with him at all. As soon as he takes action, he is likely to die.

When innocently took action, other spiritual Mahayana monks. They also arrived one after another.

The broken array of immortals, for these Mahayana monks, there are loopholes everywhere, which can naturally be easily cracked.

The Royal Wind God, the Flying Rat King, etc., fight with these spiritual ancestors one by one.

The Royal Wind God fought with the blood of the ancestor of the blood spirit clan, and the Flying Rat King met the spiritual tree of the ancestor of the Muling clan.

The three great monks of Daming Temple, Nirvana in the Mahayana period and Nirvana and Nirvana in the later period joined hands to exist in the Mahayana period, the spiritual ancestors of the divine spiritual clan and the dark spiritual clan. Although the three of them are relatively low in cultivation. However, the skill is extremely skillful, and it does not fall behind in a short period of time.

The rest of the Mahayana monks are almost one-on-one battles, reaching their level. It is already proud of the world, and there are few opportunities to cooperate with the same level, so the skills and magic skills are mainly based on fighting alone.

It seems to be afraid of accidentally injuring the low-level monks around, or falling into the trap of the other party. In short, the existence of these Mahayana periods, once handed over. Almost coincidentally flew to a very high altitude, where they fought fiercely.

Because there were four people on our side to besiege innocent, resulting in the Mahayana monks of the two races of people and demons, which seemed to be insufficient. When the giant ancestor of the giant spirit clan finally strode to kill, there were no monks of the same level who could deal with this person!

Such a terrible giant, but his physical defense and resilience are amazing. The giant strode to sweep among the monks of the two races of people and demons on Xianmu Island. When he raised his hands and feet, he killed dozens of middle- and low-level monks, which was unstoppable, as if entering a no man's land.

The ginseng ape demon cultivation is at the foot of this giant sky. The huge waves of hundreds of demons and practitioners were actually slapped down by the giant sky. The rest of the demons immediately fled. They fled.

"Hand in hand to display the large array of Sishui, those who leave their posts without permission will be killed without mercy!" Zhao Di shouted loudly and rushed to the giant sky with a few flying swords.

In those years, when Zhao Di was angry and killed the demon cultivation of the Shenshui ape clan, the unstoppable momentum and the ruthlessness of words made Zhao Di's fierce name, which was absolutely known to everyone in the Shenshui ape clan, and he usually did not even dare to talk about it. Now when he heard Zhao Di's order

If you were another demon patriarch, you might not kill your own people at will, but Zhao Di has had such an experience. How dare those demon practitioners take the risk of disobeying orders?

"You people, the two demons, no one can fight anymore!" The giant looked up at the sky and laughed wildly, and his voice shook the sky.

"You little guy, one finger is enough to push you to death!" When the giant Tian saw Zhao Di flying towards him, he snorted coldly and really stretched out a finger and swept towards Zhao Di.

Such a giant, even a finger, is dozens of feet long and several feet thick, like a huge stick sweeping in, mixed with an extremely terrible roaring wind.

If you are an ordinary combined monk, this wind alone is enough to overwhelm it. If it is light, the mana will solidify, and if it is heavy, the body will be squeezed into mud.

However, Zhao Di was not affected by the wind at all, as if the breeze was blowing his face naturally. He did not dodge or avoid it. At the moment when the huge finger fell, he suddenly waved a thick and unusual light of the sword, which was like a crescent moon, cutting the root of his finger fiercely.

"Oh!" This huge finger was immediately cut off by the light of the sword. The finger hit Zhao Di with Yu Wei, but was resisted by Zhao Di's hands.

"Wow!" The giant exclaimed, and his hand was cut off. He was indifferent at all. In a moment, he would grow out again in a flash, but the finger did not flatten Zhao Di, which shows that the physical strength of the young monk in front of him is also very small.

Looking at the blood left in his huge fingers, Zhao Di's heart moved.

"The blood of the giant spirit, this is a good thing of alchemy and pharmaceutical, not to mention the blood of the ancestor of the giant spirit clan!" Jin Xia rolled in Zhao Di's sleeve and put the broken finger into the Tongtian Tower.

"Thank you for giving me a finger! But the senior is too stingy. If you want to give, just give a few more!" Zhao Di smiled, and the flying swords beside him were suddenly arranged in arrays. The big five elements mixed sword array had been arranged and condensed into a huge five-color giant sword, cutting the arm stretched out to the giant sky.

"Looking for death!" The giant was furious, turned his palm into a fist, and hit the five-color giant sword fiercely.

In a loud bang, the five-color giant sword was actually smashed by the giant Tian, and the surface of the giant's fist was only cut several blood mouths by the sharp sword light, and these blood mouths recovered almost in an instant.

That five-color giant sword is one of the magic power of the big five elements mixed sword array. In front of the giant sky, it is so vulnerable!

Zhao Di's heart sank. The strength of the ancestor of the Mahayana period is really extraordinary. Even the giant in front of him who is not good at magic, with immortal ** and a divine power alone, it is already terrible!

"Ha ha, these knives and swords can only be used to tickle. How can they hurt the enemy!" The giant laughed, waved his right fist again, and went straight to Zhao Di.

Before this punch arrived, Zhao Di felt a great wind coming towards him, and suddenly the void around him tightened, making him almost unable to move.

"Wow!" Zhao Di shouted loudly, and a golden aperture appeared under his feet, and his fists hit up.

During the two bangs, the strength of the broken empty fist burst out in an instant, making the giant's punch frozen in mid-air, but soon continued to hit it.

At the same time as the two broken empty boxing, Zhao Di shook his body and dodged dozens of feet away.

"Boom!" The punch of the giant sky fell into the air, but it shattered the void here into countless cracks. The monks nearby suddenly felt that the sky was spinning.

The giant Tian was stunned: "I didn't expect that you little guy still have a little strength to play with me!"

After saying that, the giant Tian's fists kept swinging out and hitting Zhao Di.

Seeing that Zhao Di could resist the giant for a period of time, the monks of the ginseng ape clan suddenly felt relieved. They hurriedly arranged a large array of Surgsu according to the order, rolled up the boundless waves, and rushed to the giant sky layer by layer.

In addition to this place, the monks of the human and demon races around Xianmu Island have launched a fierce battle with the approaching spiritual monks.

After all, the array of the Hundred Immortals has been dilapidated. After the spiritual army paid some price, the two clans of people and demons finally couldn't hold on, so that the spiritual army broke through several gaps and poured into Xianmu Island like a tide.

The defense of Xianmu Island was broken, and then there was a chaotic and particularly fierce battle.

Among them, there are mixed-time monks who fight separately, three-five groups, and well-trained clan races. In the face of panic, they still use large-scale spells together to fight against the spiritual army.

The huge Xianmu Island is full of shouts of fighting and the light and shadow of fighting. In this melee, the number of fallen monks on both sides is increasing.

Xianmu Island was defeated, but the two races of people and demons did not say defeat, and they are still fighting in blood.

In the classics many years later, the most describes of the battle of Xianmu Island is the melee after the island was broken.

Heroes come out in troubled times, and legends are written in crises. After this war, there will be countless monks, which will be recorded in later generations in classics and passed down from generation to generation, but behind their names are more, unknown people who died silently in the war!

And what really decides to defeat is not those well-known heroes, but those unknown people!

(second update) (to be continued)