The Path of Immortals

Chapter 1014 Seeking in the danger of the fairy road

The voice from Ren Tianyou is old-fashioned and completely inconsistent with the young man in front of him.

Zhao Di was shocked. It was not the first time he had heard this sound. At the time of the eclipse demon war, he also heard this familiar voice.

"Are you the predecessor of Yin and Yang Demon King? Didn't the senior fall in the disaster? Zhao Di asked secretly, and he was extremely surprised, but the surface was calm.

Ren Tianyou continued to spread the voice and said, "That's good! In those years, I was forced to self-explod and separate ten thousand souls in the heavenly disaster, but they were all killed one by one by the heavenly disaster. Only one of the soul parts hid in Ren Tianyou's body. It strangely merged with the soul that was on the verge of death. Under the golden thunder, not only did it not fall, but Fate."

"I practice very fast with the help of the golden thunder arm. Originally, I planned to practice as Ren Tianyou for a lifetime. However, seeing that Zhao Daoyou had a day to cross the disaster of flying immortals, I couldn't help revealing my identity, so that Taoist friends don't have to worry about it. By the way, I can get a touch of the fairy spirit of my Taoist friends, haha!"

"At the beginning, I really didn't see the wrong person. Zhao Daoyou's speed of practice was not as good as even as my rebirth! I wish Zhao Daoyou success in Feixian. If I have a good fate, he will meet Zhao Daoyou in the fairyland every day!"

"So that's it!" Zhao Di was determined. No wonder this Tianyou was willing to take the risk to help him through the disaster. It turned out that this yin and yang demon king did not die in the disaster.

The yin and yang demon king taught Zhao Di's kung fu music before the self-exploding soul. After being reborn as Ren Tianyou, he helped Zhao Di cross the disaster. He was very sorry for Zhao Di. Zhao Di felt it, but it was not convenient to show it. He just bowed his hand slightly to Ren Tianyou and

"The time has come, Zhao Daoyou, I'll start preparing later!" The dream returned to the fairy said loudly, and at the same time, she said to the cold teenager, "Ice wind Taoist friends, please wait a moment to see the time and then send the body of the dragon, which will lead to the disaster of heaven and cross the disaster with Zhao Daoyou."

Zhao Di and Bing Feng nodded, and Yun Mengli also came to Zhao Di.

Zhao Di's sleeve robe shook, and a spiritual light flashed and turned into a translucent jade. In the beautiful jade, a cyan insect was sealed, which was the stiff woodworm king.

Then he took a deep breath and stretched out his hand in his sleeve. Then in the gorgeous glow, there was another extraordinary lightsaber in his hand.

"Fairy Sword!" Although everyone had heard the name of the fairy sword before, and many people had come into contact with the fairy sword, at this time, when they saw Zhao Di sacrificing the fairy sword, they couldn't help but be attracted by it.

Zhao Di raised the fairy sword, gently scratched on his arm, and immediately cut an inch of deep wound, with golden blood coming out of it.

Zhao Di immediately took the fairy sword, and gently patted the beautiful jade with one palm. Suddenly, the beautiful jade turned into powder, and the stiff wood insect king was also grabbed by Zhao Di's hand.

Zhao Di gently pinched it, and the stiff woodworm king suddenly fell into a coma. The venom in his body was also squeezed out by Zhao Di and dripped into the wound in his left arm.

In an instant, the blood of Zhao Di's left arm no longer flowed out, and the skin of the left arm was dim, and the color changed greatly, as if it had turned into a lifeless stiff wood. This change spread from the left arm. Almost in the blink of an eye, Zhao Di's body was frozen in mid-air.

Zhao Di only felt numb and out of control, but his bodhisattva was still jumping in his chest, and his mind was still very clear.

With the divine effect of his bodhisattva, he only needs to develop the boundless Buddha power in it. I'm afraid that he will soon be able to resolve the poison of the rigid wood insect king. Even if Zhao Di deliberately does not do it, the bodhichitta can resolve it by itself. It doesn't take too long.

Zhao Di looked at Yun Mengli with one look. The latter immediately became impatient and hurriedly took out an inch of green droplet and sent it into Zhao Di's mouth.

However, Zhao Di's body was stiff and he could not swallow the green liquid into his abdomen. Yun Mengli gently blew out a mouthful of orchid fragrance and sent the liquid drop into Zhao Di's abdomen.

Although the appearance of this droplet was only in the blink of an eye, it still attracted everyone's attention.

"What kind of spiritual liquid is this? The breath of wood attributes contained in it is really amazing!" Ye Haolong couldn't help whispering. He looked at Mo Youzi and saw the other party's same surprise.

Wen Tian's heart moved and seemed to think of something. He looked at the dream back fairy, and the dream back fairy nodded slightly, but said nothing more.

Shortly after Zhao Di swallowed the droplets, Zhao Di's body surface, which was like a stiff wood, changed significantly.

The dead gray skin, like a rotten wood, gradually glowed with green light, and the essence of wood attribute aura dispersed from the surface of Zhao Di's body. In a moment, Zhao Di seemed to become a spirit wood body.

However, Zhao Di's rest was still unable to move. Not only that, his expression gradually showed pain.

Suddenly, his body changed dramatically, big and small, swelling and shrinking, which shocked Ye Haolong and others! Dreaming back to the fairy and Yunmengli, etc., naturally looked very nervous and concerned, while Ye Haolong and others were nervous and a little more confused.

"Is this the so-called means of breaking through the limits of the body and triggering natural disasters? It seems extremely dangerous!" Mo Youzi frowned and said.

The teenager turned by the ice wind Jiao had been floating coldly before. At this time, he was also slightly shocked to see this scene. He frowned and raised it with one palm, as if he wanted to help.

But the dream fairy shook his head slightly to him, signaling him not to act rashly. The teenager put down his hand and continued to frown and look at Zhao Di's every move.

The green light on Zhao Di's body is getting thicker and thicker, and his skin is becoming more and more like a tree, and there are almost no new branches and green leaves.

And the breath of the wood attribute was extremely violent, not only scattered from the surface of Zhao Di's body, but also rampaged in his body, making Zhao's body surface change from big to small.

Occasionally, a wisp of golden light is projected out of the green light, which is the boundless Buddha power used by Zhao Di to suppress and refine the wood attribute breath.

Although there is bodhichitta, although the body has become a state of transformation, Zhao Di is still extremely dangerous at this time, and there is a possibility of explosion and death at any time, which is greatly beyond the pre-worship of Zhao Di and the dream fairy.

After all, this is a spiritual world. Without fairy spirit to protect the body, and not the body of vegetation, it is indeed difficult to refine and absorb the essence of vegetation in the immortal liquid.

Almost all the people nearby are the top beings in this world, but at this moment, there is nothing they can do to help Zhao Di, so they can only watch Zhao Di struggle hard.

Yun Mengli and Xiaoyu grasped each other's palms tightly, and they could only pray and bless silently in their hearts.

"Bodhichitta is originally a bodhi tree. Even if it is integrated with my body, it should be able to absorb the liquid of elongation. Why is it so difficult!" Zhao Di secretly said in his heart that he could not move and could not manipulate the mana to force the breath of wood attribute to enter Bodhi's heart, so he could only let the breath of wood attribute rush in his body.

However, every time this breath is impacted, a small amount of essence is integrated into his body and Bodhi's heart. Zhao is patient enough to let the body absorb all the essence of heaven and earth contained in it.

Not long after, the change of Zhao Di's body was no longer so significant. It seemed that the violent breath was much milder.

Gradually, layers of faint golden light escaped from the surface of Zhao Di, reflecting the green light, gorgeous and eye-catching.

Everyone is a little relieved. Obviously, Zhao Di has passed the most dangerous moment.

Zhao Di floated in the air motionlessly for half an hour. The green light on his body gradually weakened, while the golden light became more and more dazzling.

I don't know when the wind and clouds in the sky changed. Originally, the sky was clear, but at this time, there were thousands of miles of dark clouds, covering the sky and the sun. The whole Xianmu Island was dark.

"The time has come. Let's take action!" Dreaming back to the fairy was overjoyed, he said to the teenager, and at the same time, he told everyone, "Except for Jin Lei's arm Ren Xiaoyou, everyone withdrew thousands of miles to avoid being affected by the heavenly disaster!"

Yun Mengli took out a two-foot-long seven-color beautiful jade staff from her sleeve, stood in the air, and said to Zhao Di, "This is a Zhuyou scepter inlaid with the best spiritual eye jade. You can use the jade of the spiritual eye to mobilize the aura of heaven and earth, and keep showing the Inside, you can receive the power of Zhuyou, and slightly add a bit of mana!"

This Zhu Youscepter has been the painstaking effort of Yun Mengli for hundreds of years. Following the refining method of the Witch Godscepter and Zhao Di's Frozen Scepter, she spent hundreds of years to finally understand it.

The casting process of Zhuyou's spell is engraved in the staff in the form of a rune. At the same time, the jade of the spiritual eye is taken as the source, and the aura between heaven and earth is absorbed as the source of the mana. Once it is jī, the Zhuyou's spell can be used continuously. Even if

In this way, even if she is not with Zhao Di, she can use Zhu Youzhi's skill to assist Zhao Di and add a point of strength.

Zhao Di's body seems to have gradually recovered. His limbs can't move, but he can nod to Yun Mengli and signal Yun Mengli to leave here quickly.

The dream fairy took Yunmengli, and Ye Haolong took Xiaoyu. They each used their own shrinking skills, flashed a few times in mid-air, and flew out of the far distance.

The sword god Wentian, Mo Youzi and the teenager surnamed Jia also left separately.

Tens of thousands of miles near Sendai have already been emptied.

Everyone looked at the thick dark clouds rolling in the sky, full of thoughts and thoughts.

It is extremely far away, and there are clouds and fog in Sendai. It is difficult for outsiders to argue about the situation of Zhao Di and Bingfeng Jiao and others.

Suddenly, a shocking dragon chant came from the clouds. The dragon monks in the whole Xianmu Island couldn't help shaking the blood in their bodies, and their blood was boiling in an instant.