The Path of Immortals

Chapter 1017 Combination of Two Dragons

A series of golden thunder fell from the sky, and the magic array of Flying Sendai could no longer withstand the golden thunder, and Flying Sendai was also torn apart under the golden thunder, with a completely different face.

On the contrary, those thunderwoods are becoming more and more green under the golden thunder, and emit a faint golden halo, reflecting the golden thunder all over the sky.

At this time, the thickness of the rolling golden thunder is different, only the thickness of the thumb, as thick as a huge golden python. However, the golden thunder that splits Zhao Di and the Ice Wind Dragon is not only the thickest and most powerful, but also often falls with several golden thunders.

Ren Tianyou has been very difficult. Although with the help of Zhu You's staff, his golden thunder arm has been difficult to attract those golden thunders. It is often in three or five attempts to attract a golden thunder.

Moreover, he is close to Zhao Di and will also be cut by Jin Lei. The golden thunder mask on his body cannot resolve and transfer the power of those powerful thunders.

Not long after, Ren Tianyou couldn't dodge and was hit by a golden thunderbolt with a thickness of two feet. Although the golden thunder mask on his body instantly transferred most of the heavenly robbery of the golden thunder energy, his body was still shaken, his mana condensed, his face was slightly pale, and the golden thunder arm was a little dark

"Two Taoist friends, that's all I can do. Now the disaster has reached the last part, and the rest can only be done by the two Taoist friends!" Ren Tianyou said helplessly.

While resisting Tianlei, Zhao Di thanked him and said, "Thank you, Taoist friends. Taoist friends have saved a lot of energy for us, which is really a great help." Bingfenglong also nodded to Ren Tianyou and said, "Thank you, Taoist friend. Let the ice wind take you out of here!"

With that, the ice wind dragon waved its five claws and immediately tore open a crack several feet in the void, and there was an invisible breeze, which wrapped Ren Tianyou and involved in the crack.

The next moment, the void thousands of feet away suddenly fluctuated, and the breeze slowly... Ren Tianyou's figure appeared out of thin air.

With the help of the Ice Wind Dragon, Ren Tianyou has left the core area of Jin Lei Tianjie. He protected his body with a golden thunder mask and flashed a few times in mid-air... It didn't take long to fly thousands of miles away and came to the side of the dream fairy and others.

"How's the situation?" The dream returned to the fairy and asked eagerly. Yun Mengli and others naturally looked at Ren Tianyou with great concern and waited for his answer.

"At present, it is still going well. The most powerful part of Tianjie is coming, but the strength of Elder Zhao and others is extraordinary, and it is obvious that they have not used the most powerful means. Ren Tianyou said with a relaxed smile, which made everyone feel relieved.

"Ren Xiaoyou seems to be very familiar with the power of the golden thunder, and can calculate the power of the golden thunder... Even I can't do it." Ye Haolong looked at Ren Tianyou with a little curiosity.

"It's probably because the younger generation has a golden thunder arm, and the practiced thunder attribute skills are small, so they can sense some. In fact, the younger generation is not absolutely sure. Ren Tianyou smiled and perfunctoryed the matter.

He has personally experienced a golden thunder disaster. Naturally, he knows how powerful it is.

Although everyone's natural disaster will not be exactly the same, the stronger the strength, the more terrible the natural disaster is often... But the golden thunder disaster is already the limit of the power of the law of this world, and most of them will not be too far apart.

Speaking of which, when he experienced the golden thunder disaster as the yin and yang demon king... Before he persisted to this level, he could not resist and was forced to self-explod his soul.

After all, at that time, his strength and cultivation were only an ordinary Mahayana in the early days, which was far from Zhao Di and Bing Fenglong.

On the broken flying Sendai, Zhao Di re-excited the nine palace mixed sword array, and tried his best to use it to resist the thunder; the ice wind dragon also transformed the cost body form, constantly exerting the power of extreme cold and hurricanes to deconcide the power of thunder.

In the dark clouds at high altitude, the gold wire arc has been reduced a lot... but the rest is often the most terrible.

So far, even if there are tens of thousands of thunderwoods, it is difficult to absorb the power of the last golden thunder. They can only rely entirely on Zhao Di and Bingfenglong to survive these last waves of golden thunder with their own strength.

"Crack!" In a shocking Thunderbolt, a very amazing golden electric dragon suddenly split in the dark clouds... It was tens of thousands of feet thick, and it was divided into two in mid-air, splitting to Zhao Di and the Ice Wind Dragon respectively.

This arc came very suddenly and quickly. Zhao Di and the Ice Wind Dragon were a little caught off guard.

The defense power of the Jiugong Mixed Yuan Sword Array was completely broken in an instant. A large number of golden thunder fell on Zhao Di's body, and a golden arc was raised in the roaring sound.

After a while, the golden thunder arc dispersed, and there were several shallow burnt black scars on Zhao Di's body.

However, then the golden light on his body flashed, and everything returned as before.

Fortunately, Zhao Di's body is strong enough. Even if it is enough to kill several golden thunders in the Mahayana period, it can't really hurt the immortal body that has escaped from this world.

At the critical moment, the ice wind dragon used the real magic power in time to tear the surrounding void. Although the terrible golden thunder crossed the broken void, it was also consumed most of the power by the wind attribute law contained in it, and was finally suffered by the ice wind dragon.

After blocking this sudden wave of thunder, Zhao Di sacrificed several treasures such as star seals and dragon maps in one breath. A large number of desolate star seals have been absorbed and turned into a hill, blocking the top of Zhao's head. The remaining dozens of real dragon graphics in the Bailong map were all stimulated by Zhao Di, forming a real dragon shadow, protecting around Zhao Di.

In addition, a large number of high-level charms and several magic charms in the demon world are also used by Zhao Di one by one, adding protection to the whole body.

The ice wind dragon also sang for a long time, completely stimulating the blood in his body. At the same time, his body shook, and hundreds of scales shot out. Each scale turned into a lifelike real dragon shadow, protecting around the ice wind dragon. Those scales are not his original scales. After leaving his body, the dragon's body flashed for a moment, regenerating a layer of dragon scales.

In a roar, thousands of golden thunders were split in the dark clouds at the same time, covering thousands of miles, and the momentum was dozens of times stronger than before.

Among them, the thickest number of golden thunders still hit Zhao Di and other two people.

Several golden thunder fell on the star seal and was absorbed and degraded with a little power, but most of the power still fell along the star seal, easily destroying the true dragon shadow and various high-level symbols.

Bailongtu, magic charms and other means are also extremely useful in the combination period. In the Mahayana realm, if the number is enough, it can also play a big role, but in the face of this terrible golden thunder, it is almost vulnerable.

It's better than nothing. Zhao Di doesn't expect these real dragon shadows and runes to block the thunder. As long as the power of the golden thunder can be slightly reduced, it is enough. The rest of the power can be completely borne by the flesh.

Unfortunately, one of the golden thunders actually hit the two-foot-sized Zhu Youscepter. Although the wand was exerted with defensive power by Zhao Di and others, it could not stop the golden thunder. The Zhu Youscepter turned into a little spiritual light and disappeared in a golden arc.

Although the star seal absorbs a large amount of desolate death, it is obviously used to deal with monks, but it can't restrain the golden thunder when crossing the disaster, and it is not good at defense, which is not very useful.

Zhao Di simply collected the star seal, then sacrificed the sun-extinguishing gun and left the ice wind dragon thousands of feet away, so as to avoid the sealing power of the sun-annihilation gun affecting him.

Zhao Di danced the golden gun out of the golden light to protect his whole body; the ice wind dragon grasped the five claws, tearing and distorting the void, covered with the power of the law of the wind attribute, protecting himself, and at the same time spraying cold air, freezing thousands of ice.

Several waves of extremely terrible golden thunder, which were simply destroying the world, were so resisted by Zhao Di and Bing Fenglong, but they were already very reluctant. Of course, the ice wind dragon's body was constantly trembling by golden lightning, and there was even fresh blood from the corners of his mouth. Even Zhao Di's strong body, under the continuous looting of golden thunder, was a little overloaded, and even a few burnt black scars were cut out, which was difficult to recover for a while.

Zhao Di obviously felt that the bodhisattva in his chest was beating rapidly, trying his best to exuberate the blood, moistening the eight veins of the strange meridians and the bones of the body. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid that no matter how strong his body is, it will be difficult to withstand one powerful golden thunder after another.

But now, the bodhisattva is almost running to the extreme, but the golden thunder is getting stronger and stronger!

What on earth does such a terrible golden thunder disaster need to survive the flying immortals? Is this a deliberate trick from Tiandao, so that I can't wait to fly immortals with shortcuts?

Zhao Di's heart sank. At this time, the thunder suddenly stopped for a moment. He subconsciously looked up, but saw the dark clouds rolling, and the golden arc was entangled and gathered, as if he was brewing the last wave and the most powerful thunder.

"Ice wind Taoist friend, you and I can work together to block this last golden thunder." Zhao Di frowned and said.

"You and I have different skills and different advantages. How can we work together?" The ice dragon is puzzled.

"Ha ha, Taoist friends have forgotten that Zhao is also a person with real dragon blood! The combination of two dragons may be able to display the most powerful magic power.

Zhao Di's mind has made up his mind. He tried his best to consume all the real dragon blood in his body at one time, and also wanted to use the magic power of the real dragon to possess the body and incarnate into a dragon. For the time being, his mana was greatly increased. Only in hand with the ice wind dragon, there was a

It can be said that this will be costly. Not only will it completely lose the blood of the real dragon, but some skills based on it will also plummet and cannot be used in the future.

For the dragon monks, the use of this real dragon possession is undoubtedly to cut off the road of practice. Although Zhao Di's real dragon bloodline is not good, he does not major in real dragon skills. After the application, although the mana will lose a lot of money and the magic power is less, it will not affect the future practice.

Ice Wind Dragon naturally knew these. Zhao Di said a word, and he understood the meaning of it. He immediately said proudly, "Okay, the combination of two dragons may not lose to this God!"