The Path of Immortals

Chapter 25 Ancient Fairyland

Immortal World Chapter 25 The Ancient Fairyland

At the same time, Zhao Di also gradually sensed that Pang Feng was a little angry and chaotic, and the phantom beast was chasing him one after the other.

Zhao Di immediately opened his mouth and sprayed, and a white spiritual light flashed, which turned into a pure white sword and landed at the foot of Zhao Di. It was the wind dragon sword.

Zhao Di's sword flew, used the air-breaking sword to escape, and stepped on the sword. His figure turned into several flashing sword lights in mid-air, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Although Zhao Di's escape is not bad, Pang Feng and the Phantom Beast are obviously extremely fast. The three quickly shuttled through the void abyss and soon flew tens of thousands of miles.

Zhao Di, who stepped on the wind dragon sword, tried his best to escape, but never got rid of Pang Feng and the Phantom Beast, but got closer and closer.

Zhao Di soared to the fairyland in the early cultivation of the Mahayana. Although the chaotic skills he practiced made his mana much higher than that of the same-level monks, but his mana cultivation is still a long way from Pang Feng, who has been practicing in the fairyland for many years. The speed of long-distance flight, in addition to having something to do with the magic treasure, the most important thing is the depth of mana.

Generally speaking, the deeper the mana, the faster the speed of flight.

"Is it possible to use the hidden fairy dust again?" Zhao Di frowned. This hidden fairy dust is his rare treasure. How can it be wasted at will? He will not use it easily until the last moment.

The three flew a distance in the abyss, getting deeper and deeper, and Zhao Di also felt more and more that the surrounding breath seemed to be a little special, not just as simple as the spirit of the fairy spirit.

And this kind of smell faintly gives Zhao Di a very comfortable feeling, not at all

"Is this the so-called spirit of immortals and demons?" Zhao Di's heart moved.

If that's the case, it's a good opportunity for him to get rid of the pursuit!

Anyway, his chaotic body can also play well in the environment of the spirit of immortals and demons, and Pang Feng and the Phantom Beast have to be greatly reduced in strength and even unwilling to enter the environment of the spirit of immortals and demons.

As for why this void abyss leads to the area with the spirit of immortals and demons, Zhao Di has no time to do more analysis. After all, the void abyss is a legacy of the ancient fairyland. It is originally a space tunnel, and no one knows exactly where it leads to.

Zhao Di did not hesitate to spend a lot of real yuan to mention the escape skill, and the wind dragon sword under his feet rolled an invisible breeze, taking Zhao Di to shuttle through the abyss like light and electricity.

The special atmosphere around

is becoming more and more obvious. Zhao Di is completely sure that this is not the spirit of the fairy spirit, nor any breath in the lower world, and it is mostly a kind of fairy spirit that contains the power of the law!

However, Zhao Di still has a familiar feeling about this breath, but he can't say where he is familiar with it for a while.

In addition, to Zhao Di's surprise, Pang Feng and the Phantom Beast are still chasing closely, as if they are not afraid of this special breath.

Of course, this special atmosphere is not too strong, it is just easy to be detected.

After flying for a distance in the dark void abyss, a faint fluorescent light curtain suddenly flashed in front of Zhao Di. After flying only a few feet in the distance, it was found that it was several miles wide.

"It's already come to an end!" Zhao Di was shocked. Judging from the shape of the light curtain, it was mostly the end of the void abyss, or the end of the ancient space tunnel.

After passing behind the scenes, you will come to the destination of this ancient space tunnel.

According to the classics, these void abyss are abandoned ancient space tunnels. Their destination is already an endless void, and there are also a very small number of void abyss, which can lead to a dilapidated ancient fairyland.

"You can't leave!" Pang Feng's voice came from the rear with gloating, "The entrance and exit seal of this space tunnel is very special and can't be passed at all. Let you bury me today!"

Pang Feng's breath is very strange, as if extremely fierce and extremely weak.

Zhao Di knows that this is mostly a very expensive skill, which can temporarily improve his strength, but the duration is limited, and the damage to himself is not low.

Zhao Di ignored Pang Feng at all. He rushed straight to the light curtain, offering a faint layer of gray light on his body surface. Without slowing down, he directly immersed himself into the light curtain.

There was no obstacle at all. Zhao Di easily broke through the light curtain and disappeared into this void abyss

"What's going on?" Pang Feng, who witnessed this scene in the distance, looked shocked and desperate. There was a huge and faint gray shadow behind her, which was suddenly appearing and approaching her.

After a moment, Pang Feng also crossed his heart and rushed to the light curtain.

However, a seemingly gentle but very strong mana gushed out of the light curtain, blocking her.

"Why can he go in, why can't I, why is that!" Pang Feng roared in despair, and the sad scream made the Phantom Beast chasing behind her even more excited.

After Zhao Di disappeared behind the scenes, his eyes suddenly lit up and found that he had indeed come to an "ancient fairyland".

However, this ancient fairyland is too small to have a panoramic view.

"This should be a dilapidated corner in the ancient fairyland, which is more appropriate to call it an ancient fairy mountain." Zhao Di shook his head and smiled, feeling a little disappointed.

He scanned around, except for a light curtain leading to the abyss of the void and the ancient fairy mountain, which was only more than ten thousand miles wide, it was surrounded by an endless void.

Even the starlight that marks the fairyland is extremely faint, obviously very far away.

Zhao Di speculated that this was mostly a depth of the endless void, much more remote than the endless void he was stranded when he just flew to the fairyland.

"I didn't expect that in the depths of the endless void, there was such an abandoned ancient fairy mountain."

Zhao Di's body shook and slowly fell on the surface of Xianshan.

Here, the vegetation is green, the flowers are beautiful, the peaks are beautiful, the water is beautiful, and the sky is everywhere. It is a fairy mountain with good scenery.

And the smell emanating from the fairy mountain also makes Zhao Di feel quite comfortable.

"This is by no means the ordinary spirit of immortals, and it does not seem to be the spirit of immortals and demons. Is this the spirit of immortals in ancient times? Why is it never mentioned in the classics that there is also a difference between the ancient fairyland and today's fairyland?

In addition to Zhao's puzzledance, he also swallowed the special breath around him.

Suddenly, there was a warm airflow in Zhao Di's body, which gushed out from Dantian, integrated with Zhao Dituna's breath, and ran along the eight veins of the strange meridians for a week, and then returned to Dantian

Yuan Ying in Dantian swallowed this airflow and suddenly cheered up!

"The chaotic skill actually runs on its own. Is this the chaotic fairy spirit that has long disappeared in the rumors!" Zhao Di's heart was stunned, and he was extremely surprised in an instant.

"I didn't expect that in this endless void, there was a dilapidated fairy mountain with chaotic fairy spirit!"

Chaos fairy spirit is an old rumor. Whether it's true or not, there is no way to verify it for a long time

It is said that in ancient times, the chaotic magic body was the body of a famous monk, and there was even a chaotic fairyland in the fairyland, which was full of chaotic fairy spirit. Only the monks of the chaotic body can cultivate the chaotic fairy spirit, and their strength is far stronger than that of other monks.

But I don't know when the chaotic fairyland disappeared, and the chaotic magic body rarely appeared. In the end, only a baseless legend was left.

At present, this fairy mountain can actually produce chaotic fairy gas, indicating that that period of history is at least not completely fabricated out of thin air.

Zhao Di sacrificed the sun-extinguishing gun and waited quietly outside the light curtain. After waiting for a period of time, Pang Feng and the Phantom Beast still did not come out of it.

Zhao Di was relieved, which was consistent with his guess. Most of the entrance and exit of the space tunnel were set up with a special seal. He could go in and out at will, but Pang Feng and the Phantom Beast could not.

Since then there are no pursuers, there is no way out, and this is the ancient fairy mountain with chaotic fairy spirit. Zhao Di naturally came up with an idea - that is, set up a cave here, meditate and practice for a period of time first, and wait until the Phantom Beast or Pang Feng lose patience and will not continue to wait for him near It's not too late to return.

The more Zhao Di thought about it, the more he thought that this plan was feasible.

Although this fairy mountain is not big, and the chaotic fairy spirit provided is not too strong, it is definitely more than enough to practice meditation as a cave.

And with Zhao Di's current cultivation, the body is strong, but the mana is insufficient, which is a good time to practice chaotic skills.

In addition, this kind of remote and tedious meditation may be too boring for some monks, but for Zhao Di, it is unattainable.

Zhao Di is definitely a man who can endure loneliness. Although he has just finished two or three hundred years of retreat, now with more suitable conditions, environment and opportunity, he is still willing to continue to retreat. This is not what every monk can do.

Zhao Di is well aware of his mana. Among the monks who were also in the early stages of the disaster, he had no advantage or even a slight deficiency. After flying to the fairyland with the early cultivation of the Mahayana, if you want to make up for the difference between the monks in the early Mahayana and the great perfect monks in the later Mahayana, in addition to looking for various opportunities, it is also essential to cultivate for a long time, step by step, bit by bit, solid and slowly accumulate, consolidate and improve The link.

Since he chose to practice here for a period of time, and it was probably not too short, Zhao Di began to prepare.

He first flew a few times around the fairy mountain. After careful consideration, he chose a cave on the cliff as the location of his cave.

Relatively speaking, the chaotic fairy spirit here is the most dense, and the location is also hidden.

Zhao Di flicked his ten fingers, and his sword was vertical and horizontal. In an instant, he expanded the cave and set up several secret rooms, a small secret room for meditation, and several others were used to cultivate fairy medicine.

Immediately, Zhao Di set a lower-level ban, covering the whole fairy mountain under the monitoring of the array.

(first update) RS