The Path of Immortals

Chapter 83 Worries of Wind and Clouds

"What! Xianyou means that even if you don't have to go out of the field of law, you can defeat me?" The Qingying swordsman was stunned when he heard the words and couldn't help but feel a little angry.

The other party doesn't have to go out of the field of law, and his magic power is at least more than half less. In this case, it is too underestimated to defeat his shadow swordsman.

"If you can or can't, you will know after trying!" The ghost swordsman said coldly that he took the Xuantian wooden sword into his hand, gently wiped the body of the sword, and suddenly stretched out his finger on the sword and flicked it gently.

In the crisp sound of the sword, with this sword as the center, suddenly burst into a fierce and powerful sword spirit.

This sword spirit turned into an invisible wind, easily blowing away the surrounding blue shadows, forming an invisible sword spirit range.

In this range of dozens of feet, it seems to be very calm. Once a green shadow enters it, it will be instantly defeated by the invisible sword spirit, which is very strange.

"Is this the field of ghost swords? Although he doesn't have a ghost, he really looks like a ghost!" The shadow swordsman frowned and only felt that the sword spirit around the other party was indescribably strange.

However, that piece of sword spirit does not repel the surrounding fairy spirit. On the contrary, it is those fairy spirit spirit that seems to have been sensed, forming a flexible breeze around the field of ghost swords.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?" The Qingying swordsman was stunned. He seemed to have seen similar swordsmanship somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

"Be careful!" The ghost swordsman shouted coldly, and the Xuantian wooden sword in his hand was empty.

This action was not very dazzling, but after a while, the breath between heaven and earth changed dramatically, and the fairy spirit qi turned into endless sword spirit, spreading around. The field of ghost sword transformed by the invisible sword spirit instantly expanded to a great extent, and the boundless sword spirit raged, and the other party's blue shadow sword field was compressed only It's several feet in size.

"Ah, this is the realm of the unity of the heavenly sword!" An idea suddenly flashed in Qingying Swordsman's heart, and he suddenly realized.

It can actually use swordsmanship to mobilize the surrounding heaven and earth to form a field of swords. This is really a typical scene of the extremely high level of swordsmanship - the unity of heaven and swords.

The unity of the heavenly sword only exists in the classics. The Qingying swordsman is famous in Aoki Fairy Palace and has a wide range of friends, but he has never seen a person who can display the realm of the unity of the heavenly sword.

Obviously, the ghost swordsman in front of him is very accomplished in swordsmanship, and he is not an opponent at all!

"Shout up!" The Qingying swordsman said hurriedly, and then respectfully bowed to the ghost swordsman and said, "It turns out that the fairy friend has realized the realm of the unity of the heavenly sword. I know that it is not the enemy of the fairy friend, so it is better to take the initiative to admit defeat."

The ghost swordsman nodded, shook his hand gently, and took back the Xuantian wooden sword.

In an instant, the field of ghost sword disappeared, and the green shadow swordsman suddenly felt that the pressure around him was greatly reduced.

The Qingying swordsman's mind moved. At this time, the ghost swordsman had no sword in his hand, and there was no field of swordsmanship around his body, but he had arranged the sword array and displayed the field of law. It seemed that as long as he launched a sneak attack, he could have a great probability of success.

But the ghost swordsman looked at the Qingying swordsman without looking at it. I don't know if he didn't expect to guard against the Qingying swordsman's sneak attack at all, or he disdained it and didn't pay attention to it at all.

The Qingying swordsman had a trace of hesitation, but after a moment, he also put away the swords, which was officially admitting defeat.

This competition is over before the two sides start a full-scale confrontation.

The monk of Haoyang Fairy Palace, who presided over the contest, stared at the back of the ghost swordsman leaving, thinking.

A day later, in a hall of Haoyang Fairy Palace, it was this monk who reported many details to Feng Canyun. Feng Canyun was quite surprised to hear the words, and soon came to discuss with Old Mei, Qinxin Fairy and others.

"What, his swordsmanship has been initially exposed to the realm of the unity of the heavenly sword?" Old Mei was surprised and happy.

Feng Canyun said, "Yes, according to one of Feng's nephews, he relied on the field of swords made by the heavenly sword and swordsmanship, which made the other party take the initiative to admit defeat and lose without fighting. From beginning to end, he did not even use the field of law. And the sword he sacrificed is the Xuantian sword with wooden attributes.

"Great! Unexpectedly, after just hundreds of years, he has advanced to the level of true immortals, and his swordsmanship is so high!" The piano fairy was overjoyed, and then frowned slightly and said, "However, why doesn't he want to appear in his real identity? Why doesn't he contact me, and why does he pretend to be a ghost swordsman?"

Old man Mei smiled bitterly and shook his head gently and said, "He has made great contributions to us, but we have taken away his treasures and even thought about taking his life!" At the beginning, I waited for him like this, but he didn't want to take the initiative to contact me, which was also reasonable! I'm afraid he came this time to get back the fairy sword!"

"So, he thought that the fairy sword of this sword-grabbing conference was the one that belonged to him, so he had to participate in the sword-grabbing conference and regain his own fairy sword with his own strength?" Feng Canyun interface said.

"It's mostly like this!" Old man Mei nodded, and then said with a little confusion, "However, it is unknown why he disguised himself as a ghost swordsman."

Feng Canyun sighed and said, "This is exactly what Feng is worried about. His temperament has changed a lot. If it hadn't been for the little induction because he was the master of the fairy sword, Feng would not have been sure of his identity.

"In addition, Feng is particularly worried about whether his identity as a ghost swordsman is related to the right protection!"

"Right Guardian, do you mean that guy Asura?" Old Mei's face darkened.

Feng Canyun nodded. He heard a little that there were many stories between the old man Mei, who was once a wine fairy, and the right guardian Shura Xianzun.

"Well, if it hadn't been for this guy's temporary rebellion, how could we have been defeated without a fight? Why did the old man have to fake death to hide people's eyes and ears!" Old man Mei said with hatred. Obviously, he still holds a grudge against those adult past events.

"In the heart of Zhao Daoyou, you should not be involved with Asura!" The Qinxin fairy said.

Feng Canyun frowned and said, "It's reasonable that I won't. I also have confidence in Zhao Daoyou. But once people reach the last moment, they may make changes, which is also my fault for forcing him too much at the beginning! He can advance to the true immortals in such a short time, and understand the excellent swordsmanship, and he is very likely to get the guidance of a master.

"And the combination of the heavenly sword, this kind of swordsmanship, has tended to the peak of swordsmanship. Looking at the whole fairyland, it is not too much to guide him to understand the existence of this kind of swordsmanship. Right guardian Asura, with his cultivation, maybe he can do it.

Mr. Mei was silent when he heard the words, and finally he shook his head and said, "Although you have some truth, Lao Ku still feels that Zhao Daoyou will not betray us and collude with Asura!"

"I hope so!" Feng Canyun said, "However, Lord Jiuxian also knows that this sword-grabbing conference is just a cover. The real purpose is to gather the monks from all parties who secretly assist us to prepare to officially launch a righteous act!"

"Master Sword Fairy has refined the immortal sword. With his strength, the Qiankun sword can also be controlled. In addition, a few people like us can arrange the nine swords of immortals, and he is fully capable of fighting with the two major guardians and even the immortal emperor!"

"The master even found out that the right protector, which had not come out recently, showed signs of appearing near the Haoyang Fairy Palace. The master was worried that the right protector had detected an abnormality and was investigating what it was."

"Once he finds the clues and uses the fifth layer of divination at any cost, I'm afraid that the identity of the wine fairy and others will inevitably be exposed, and our big plan will also fall into a very passive situation."

"So, this time, it must be safe!" Feng Canyun said seriously.

The Qinxin fairy nodded and said, "Yes, the right guardian Asura is the first immortal in the fairy world to practice divination to the fifth level in addition to the immortal emperor, which has to be guarded. Feng Taoist friends are very thoughtful. We have been planning for many years. Now the righteous move is close at hand. We should be more cautious in every move.

"What is the intention of that Taoist friend? Do you still have to deal with Zhao Daoyou? In any case, the old man will definitely oppose it!" Old man Mei frowned and said.

Feng Canyun said hurriedly, "The wine fairy doesn't need to be too nervous. What Feng means is that I have to investigate it carefully. The next round of competition of the swordsmanship conference is just an opportunity for Feng to meet Zhao Daoyou in person and test his mind by the way.

Mr. Mei pondered for a little and said, "It's okay, but this time, the old man will come to supervise the battle in person. If he really colludes with Asura, the old man will definitely remove him without mercy; if not, we should not continue to owe him!"

Feng Canyun nodded. He didn't want to. His worries were just superfluous.

A few days later, the first round of the sword-grabbing conference ended, and many frustrated monks left the Haoyang Fairy Palace, but many of them continued to stay here, or communicate with other monks or travel.

A few days later, the second round of the swordsmanship competition began. It was still before the start that Haoyang Fairy Palace announced the match.

The ghost swordsman came to a sword test pavilion again on time, and Feng Canyun had been waiting for a long time again. Moreover, the two people who presided over the contest were the Qinxin Fairy and the old man Mei, but these two of them disguised their identities and changed to the costumes of the Haoyang Fairy Palace Fairy Temple.

In addition, there is no one else in the Sword Test Pavilion.

"It's you!" The ghost swordsman was slightly stunned.

"Yes, Feng is your opponent in the next round!" Feng Canyun said lightly, and then asked, "Ghost swordsman, I don't know why you want to participate in the sword competition?"

"What belongs to this swordsman, I will take it back one by one!" The ghost swordsman said calmly.

Feng Canyun frowned: "What if Feng wants to stop you?"

"Anyone who tries to stop the swordsman will be defeated by the swordsman one by one!" The ghost swordsman said coldly, "Even if you can't defeat it today, there will definitely be a day to defeat it!"