The Path of Immortals

Chapter 89 Nine Swords Battle Shura

A breath of extreme cold burst out of the body of the Qinxin fairy, and suddenly a frost condensed around it.

In the frost, a few wisps of piano suddenly floated out, which was long and ethereal, and the artistic conception was far-reaching and fascinating.

"Miao Mio Mixian Road, Youyou asked the heart: "

"Go freely in the wind, the sword is free to go:"

The Qinxin fairy held a transparent ice-like harp in her hand, and a pair of green jade fingers torp the strings, played an extremely beautiful fairy sound, and gently sang together. The tune was the words filled in by Zhao Di's score "The Road to Immortals", which was also improvised by Zhao Di and the old

"There is a true element in heaven and earth, and the elixir finally becomes an immortal;"

"I hope my life is endless, and life and death can't help it!"

In the beautiful piano melody, layers of invisible sound waves, mixed with the cold air, spread around the piano heart fairy. The terrible dead ashes were slowly shattered by the invisible sound waves and could not penetrate further.

Fairy Ye's body surface is also golden in an instant, and the power of the essence of the divine mind is released from her divine consciousness, intertwined with the golden light of the body surface, forming a special law field of more than a hundred feet in the dream god field that contains the power of divine thoughts and metal origin at the same time.

In the field of death sacrificed by Shura Xianzun, the air of dead ashes, after encountering this dream god field, immediately triggers countless slender gold wires. These gold threads cut the gas of dead ashes, weakening and dissipating little by little, so that the gas of dead ashes cannot invade too far.

On the immortal sword transformed by Tao Zhenren, there was also a breath of the extreme wood attribute of essence. Suddenly, within a hundred feet of the sword, it was full of strange flowers and leather everywhere, full of vitality. Although the gas of death ashes was extremely restrained vitality, it only made the grass and trees at the edge wither and wither. Green.

This fairy wood field, which contains vitality, is not directly broken through in a short time.

As for the young man surnamed Lei, when he saw this dead ashes, he just snorted coldly in his nose. With a movement of his mind, thousands of golden arcs broke out around him in an instant, forming a golden thunder power grid, covering within a hundred feet. The gold wire arc on the thunder net jumped and crackled.

Once the gas of dead ashes approached the thunder net, it was immediately crushed and dispersed by wisps of slender golden lightning. The gas of dead ashes could not invade the surroundings of the teenager surnamed Lei at all.

"Jin Lei Monk, it's really extraordinary! The power of Jin Lei is really extremely domineering. When Zhao Di saw this scene, he couldn't help admiring it secretly.

In the realm of death sacrificed by Shura Xianzun, several people present can actually block and resolve them one by one!

The dream god field of Ye fairy, the fairy wood field of the peach real person, the wine god field of the wine fairy, the Haoyang field of the Xiaoyao sword fairy, the wind sword field of the remnant cloud, the golden thunder field of the teenager surnamed Lei, and the cold sound field of the Qinxin fairy are all remarkable, and the power is extraordinary The power.

In Zhao Di's chaotic field, although his magic power is limited, he can barely protect himself from direct invasion in the field of death in a very small range.

On the contrary, it is the 100-foot giant Gui Xianren holding the sword of the earth attribute. Although the smell of the earth attribute emitted is thick, and the field of earth is also very good, it seems difficult to resist the continuous erosion of the gas of dead ashes.

But the giant suddenly blinked his eyes, and suddenly his eyes were red and white, and the decibels shot out a faint red light and pure white beam of light. Under the faint red light, the dead ashes suddenly froze and did not move, and then were hit by the white beam of light. Suddenly, they scattered in the sound of explosion, and they could not bully the Guixian within a hundred feet.

"Yin and Yang eyes! It turns out that you are the remnants of one of the yin and yang clans of the immortals!" Shura Xianzun was slightly shocked.

"Yin and Yang people!" Zhao Di was also stunned. The first monks he met after he came to the fairyland were the Yin and Yang people, but the normal Yin and Yang people were all born with the bodies of earth spirits, but only single-eyed eyes. The men were yang eyes and the women were the yin eyes.

This Guixian man actually had yin and yang eyes. Obviously, he was a very special mutant yin and yang clan. Zhao Di also heard an old man of the yin and yang clan talk about this matter. Unexpectedly, he let Zhao Di see this person. Unexpectedly, he also joined the ranks of resistance to the fairy court and became the battle of Sword Fairy.

In a short moment, the Shura Immortal sacrificed the realm of Death, but these sword immortals all used their magical power and solved them one by one.

"Good, good!" Shura Xianzun said coldly, "The eight immortals with swords are all extraordinary and their strength is quite strong. But the nine swords of the fairy spirit should be nine swords, but I don't know who controls the most powerful Qiankun fairy sword?

"Good question!" Xiaoyao Jianxian laughed loudly, and at the same time, his body shook, and his breath suddenly changed.

In the sea of fire in Haoyang, under a flash of inspiration, three identical sword fairies suddenly appeared, but the breath was slightly different.

"One gasification, three clear! This is indeed one of the famous secrets of the Xiaoyao Sword Fairy. In the split art, it is better than the thousands of ghosts of the Buddha. The immortal of Shura said lightly.

"Ha ha, I manipulated the sword of burning the sky with the body of Yuqing and Taiqing, and joined hands to use the Qiankun fairy sword, which can barely be done. Besides, gathering the power of eight of us is enough to kill Brother Shura, and there is no need to sacrifice the Qiankun fairy sword at all!" Xiaoyao Sword Fairy's Taiqing split body, said with a smile.

"Is it?" Shura Xianzun said coldly, "I have seen your magical field and the nine immortal swords in your hands, but my magic weapon has not been sacrificed!"

With that, in front of Shura Xianzun, there were two more treasures in the gray.

One is an eleven-story pagoda, only about the size of a foot, spinning in mid-air, and the surface emits strange gray light.

The other companion is a dark ghost flag, densely engraved with countless small skeleton marks, gloomy and ghostly.

"Dementor Tower and Demon Refining Flag. Both of them are immortal treasures!" Old Mei seemed to be very familiar with the magic treasures of Shura Xianzun, and immediately broke it loudly.

The dementor tower specializes in absorbing the souls of monks, which is very domineering; while the ghost refining flag refines all kinds of souls into evil spirits, which is very ferocious, and the two treasures are suitable.

After the Shura Immortal sacrificed two treasures, he immediately waved the ghost flag in his hand, and suddenly countless thick yin air flew out of it, accompanied by the horrible sound of ghosts crying.

A large number of evil spirits transformed by the power of ghosts are born in the field of death. The strength of each evil spirit is no less than that of an ordinary immortal!

The evil spirits scattered, with the spirit of dead friends, with the blessing of the realm of death, they rushed to kill every sword fairy.

In the face of ordinary immortals, these evil spirits are terrible enough to tear everything apart, but for the eight powerful sword immortals, it doesn't seem to be enough.

Especially although there are many evil spirits, it seems that there is no spare power to attack eight sword immortals at the same time.

The three splits of Haoyang Sword Fairy, the red sea of fire in front of him, suddenly Haoyang's real fire was even more prosperous, all the way against the realm of death, rolling towards those evil spirits.

Suddenly, there were a few evil spirits. Under the burning of Haoyang's real fire, they immediately lost their souls and completely turned into invisible.

Haoyang real fire, known as the first fairy fire in the fairyland, is nothing but ignited. Even if it is a ghost-like existence, it will be killed!

Gui Xianren's yin and yang god eyes once again displayed a powerful divine power. Suddenly, a red light firmly tied the evil spirits around him, and then Gui Xianren carried the huge sword of the earth and killed the evil spirits one by one.

As for the old man Jiuxianmei, it is extremely relaxed. After those evil spirits entered the field of Divas, they turned around one after another, and their strength was greatly reduced, and they were easily killed by Mei Daoyou one by one. This Dionysian field is so domineering that even the body of ghosts can get drunk.

The Qinxin fairy frowned slightly, and her piano sound suddenly became solemn. The sound of the piano, like invisible swords, first iced every evil spirit close to the field of cold sound into a ball of ice, and then crushed it into pieces. In the process, a large number of evil spirits were killed.

The golden thunder monk is also very relaxed. He flicks ten fingers, and every golden thunder arc with a thick arm can easily kill a ghost. After the golden thunder, except for the residual burning smell, the evil spirit no longer exists.

Ye Xianzi, Feng Canyun and other other people also used their magical power to kill the evil spirits full of the Sword Pavilion one by one.

The evil spirits kept gushing out of the demon training flag, batch after batch, killing around like moths fighting against the fire. The eight sword monks were attacked a lot, but Zhao Di seemed to have been forgotten by the Shura Immortal.

But obviously, Shura Xianzun will not forget Zhao Di, a chaotic monk. After all, this is the real purpose of his trip!

At the cost of a large number of evil spirits that are not easy to refine, Shura Xianzun has only one purpose, that is, to entangle these people as much as possible, and then give him a glimmer of space to kill Zhao Di, a seemingly insignificant little man.

Suddenly, the spinning dementor tower disappeared from the front of Shura. The next moment, it had turned into several feet in size and appeared above Zhao's head!

Suddenly, Zhao Di felt a great pressure, as if his body was extremely heavy, but his soul was extremely light, as if he could not help but get out of his mind and enter the dementor tower above.

Zhao Di hurriedly operated the power of Zhenyuan and divine thoughts at the same time, shook his mind, and stabilized his mind. He only felt that a warm current flowed out of his heart and spread all over his body, making the strange soul condense, and finally managed to stabilize, but his face instantly became extremely ugly.

"Huh! This son is so strange that he was not directly sucked away by the dementor tower. Shura Xianzun was secretly shocked, and at the same time, he suddenly urged the ghost spirit to improve the power of the dementor tower.

(Second update, ask for monthly ticket~) (to be continued)