The Path of Immortals

Chapter 135 Doomsday Fairy Court 3

The 130th chapter of the fairyland is the end of the world (3)

In the endless void, the vast army of magic cultivation, with the help of the fairy treasure virtual sky demon flag, shuttles through the void and advances all the way.

A few days later, the army came to a desolate and dead void. The starlight in the distance in front of it was shining, which was the fairyland and the true fairyland.

As for the magic fairyland and the true holy fairyland, it is in the far rear.

Zhao Di, who led the army, stopped at this time.

Zhao Di and Jin Yu looked at each other and smiled. Many years ago, they also came here. Things have changed. I don't know how many stories have happened in these years.

"Borderless purgatory? Rumor has it that this is the space sealed by the immortal emperor himself. Is Zhao Xianzun really sure to cut it open in one fell swoop? Unparalleled saints will be suspicious.

"You will know as soon as you try!" Zhao Di smiled slightly.

"I also want to see how many leaps Zhao Daoyou's strength has made over the years!" Xiaoyao Jianxian is also quite looking forward to it. The strength of Zhao Di now is directly related to whether anyone can deal with Emperor Shitian.

Zhao Di slowly floated somewhere in the void, quiet for a moment, and then suddenly burst out a powerful fairy spirit, forming a wide field of five elements of reiki law.

At the same time, a shining lightsaber was also sacrificed by Zhao Di. He held the fairy sword and immediately cut it in the air!

Sacrifice the field of law, show the sword and the sword at the same time. The whole process is done in one go, which is dazzling.

When the monks reacted, a huge crack had been cut out by the boundless sword spirit in the void.

The magic master, including the magic fairy king Chi Man, suddenly felt a fordled in his heart. Zhao Di's way of using the sword was almost the same as their leader Yi Yu Tianzun. It was just a pure magic sword, but the other was the sword of the fairy.

Breaking the void with one sword is nothing for high-level sword practice. However, the power of the law of the void is constantly flowing, and generally the space cracks can be repaired soon.

However, the crack cut by Zhao Di almost divided the void into two. At the edge of the crack, the magnificent sword spirit was endless. Instead of being repaired, it was getting bigger and bigger.

Zhao Di held the sword of the fairy and did not move. His true magic power turned into a magnificent sword spirit, which competed with the power of the law of the void.

After a while, the monks behind Zhao Di were all stunned.

There is almost no fairy atmosphere here. Zhao Di completely fights against the power of the whole space law with his own strength. With amazing sword spirit, he completely cracked the void and could not heal.

How powerful it is to fight against the law of heaven and earth with the power of one person!

Obviously, this Zhao Daxianzun and the No. 1 wanted person in Tianzi will never be under the strength of Yushen Tianzun!

Under the sword of the fairy in Zhao Di's hand, this space crack continues to expand around, revealing a special gray-white space boundary.

"Here comes the opportunity!" Zhao Di moved the fairy sword in his hand and killed the power of this sword, even more before.

This gray-white space boundary was cut by the sword spirit, and it was immediately covered with countless cracks, and then broke like jade.

A very strange and gloomy atmosphere, from which the well-informed monks can recognize that it is a ghost.

Zhao Di then took the fairy sword this time, and he completely cut through the boundary of boundless purgatory and formed a passage. Unless there is a power fairy who respects the new repair of this boundary, the channel will not be repaired and closed by itself.

"What happened? Why is there a channel? A red tide ghost rushed out of the passage, and an ugly face was full of surprise.

When he saw Zhao Di, he said in a daze, "Did the senior break the seal boundary here?"

"Not bad.

This is the fairyland. Now you little ghosts can escape from the boundless purgatory and return to the fairyland. Zhao Di said with a smile.

"Is this the fairyland?" The red tide ghost was shocked and happy, and then asked, "Who is the senior? Why did you help me escape from boundless purgatory?"

Zhao Di's sleeve robe gently brushed, and a flash of inspiration flashed on his face, and a fierce ghost face mask was worn on Zhao Di's face.

Zhao Di then said coldly, "Ghost swordsman!"

"Ghost Swordsman?" The red tide ghost's face twisted and muttered, "The senior is the lord of boundless purgatory, the ghost swordsman king? It's exactly the same as the rumors.

"It turns out that you have heard the name of me." Zhao nodded and said, "That's just right. You immediately pass the order for me. All the ghost kings and ghost generals under my seat will come here immediately to see me!"

"Yes, my king!" After the red tide ghost got the order, he immediately got back into the channel.

After just half an hour, countless evil spirits gushed out of the channel one after another.

"King! It's really the king. The king really came to save me. After a ghost king recognized Zhao Di, he was extremely happy.

A crowd of ghosts paid a visit to Zhao Di, which surprised the magic cultivation behind Zhao Di.

It is really hard to imagine that this mysterious Zhao Daxianzun still controls a group of ghosts.

Zhao Di nodded to the ghosts. Many of these ghost kings and ghost generals were once his subordinates.

After a while, more ghosts appeared here.

A tall ghost ape also gushed out of the passage. After seeing Zhao Di with a grimace mask, he was stunned first, and then laughed and said, "Zhao Daoyou is really trustworthy. Haha, I didn't expect that there would be a day to return to the fairyland!"

This ghost ape is the soul of the God King Black Sky. After many years, he really has the ability to fly from the ghost world to the incomparable purgatory.

"Black Dome Taoist friends, there are also several old friends here." Zhao Di smiled.

"The old man?" The ghost ape was stunned and muttered, "After more than 100,000 years, who will remember this saint?"

Several demon practitioners flew out of the team of the true holy fairyland led by Wushuang and came to the front of the ghost ape. The old man, led by him, said very excitedly, "Lord God, is this really you?"

"Are you?" The ghost ape was stunned. Although he could see that these magic practitioners were the monks of his same clan, the true saint of the ape, he could not recognize them for a while.

"Ah, you are Xiao Liu!" The ghost ape suddenly said with great joy, "Ha ha, when I was in charge of the ape family, you had just soared from the lower world. I didn't expect that you had become a holy king today. And this saint has fallen to this point!"

Danced here, the ghost ape couldn't help but be stunned.

The old man choked and said, "Congratulations on your return to the fairyland! If the people know about this, they will be happy.

The ape shook his head and said silently.

"The ghosts obey the order!" Zhao Di shouted loudly at this time: "The ghosts attack the fairyland with me, overthrow the fairy court, and then rebuild the ghost fairyland!"

"Yes, king!" Countless ghosts respectfully received orders without a word of doubt or objection.

Most of them don't even know who the Lord of the fairy court is and why they want to overthrow the fairy court, but they do not hesitate to take orders.

On the one hand, the words "rebuilding the ghost fairyland" are too powerful; on the other hand, the style of the ghost swordsman in those years has always been the same. As long as you say the word "no", the soul will be scattered immediately!

A ghost cultivation army was immediately formed. The ghost swordsman's prestige was too strong in those years, but now he has broken through the boundless purgatory and rescued them. With kindness and power, all ghosts do not accept it.

"Extreme, excellent!" Xiaoyao Sword Fairy nodded repeatedly.

Although this army of ghost cultivation is very large, its strength is very ordinary. Most of them are equivalent to the early and middle monks of the disaster. In any case, this is also a team that must be used by strict orders.

"Black Dome Taoist, do you want to fight against Di Shitian with us, or do you have other plans?" Zhao Di said to the ghost ape.

The strength of the ghost ape today is negligible, but his reputation is far-reaching.

The ape said proudly without hesitation: "Of course, it's a fight with all your strength! Only by overthrowing the fairy court and rebuilding the ghost fairyland can I have the opportunity to re-incarnate the real immortal! How can this saint shift his responsibilities to others?

"Very good!" Zhao nodded, and then issued an order to lead a more vast army and continue to move in the direction of the fairyland.

In the fairyland, there are also many rebels such as wine fairies and music fairies, waiting for their arrival.

The Zixia Fairy Palace at the edge of the fairyland is the only place to enter the fairyland from the fairyland. If you want to bypass Zixia Fairy Palace, it will take dozens of days.

The news that the magic fairyland openly gathered an army and threatened to overthrow the fairy court has already been introduced into the fairyland. Almost all the monks who originally practiced here left the Zixia Fairy Palace to avoid being involved in the war.

At the same time, there is a group of amazing monks stationed here and quickly arranged layers of defense, which is obviously aimed at the upcoming army of the Demon Fairyland.

Most of these monks come from the true spirit fairyland, mainly the four true spirit forces.

The four true spirit forces have sent at least one immortal king-level existence leader, and the Kirin clan, which is most closely related to Emperor Shitian, almost out of the nest.

"It turns out that you are an ice wind fairy friend!" In the Zixia Fairy Palace, the head of the Kirin family, Yu Qi, one of the two ancestors of the two true spirits in the Kirin clan, said with a smile to a cold and arrogant real dragon teenager in front of him.

"I heard that in recent years, there has been a highly talented rising star called Ice Wind in the real dragon clan. In just more than a thousand years after incarnating the real dragon, he developed the bloodline of the dragon, understood the realm of the dragon, and became the sixth dragon king of the real dragon clan. Now when I see it, the ice wind fairy friends are really extraordinary!"

"Yuqi's ancestor is overreputable!" The teenager responded quietly and faintly.

Yuqi's ancestor shook his head and sighed, "Well, the Dragon King is really true. Such an excellent genius should be cultivated. He actually sent ice wind fairy friends to lead the army against the usrates, and there are only dozens of subordinates. In this way, the ice wind fairy friends are in danger."

"Yuqi's ancestor misunderstood, and the ice wind took the initiative to ask for it." The teenager smiled and said, "Our generation has been practicing for many years. It's a pity if there is no use of martial arts!" This time, it's a good opportunity for the ice wind to show its skills, isn't it!" To be continued