Mysterious Continent

Chapter 10 The Death of the Family

"Maybe" when Lianyue was about to comfort Xuanmo, an old voice came from the distance, "Xiaomo, why did you come back?"

Xuanmo turned his head, looked in the direction of the sound, and then hurriedly ran over and pointed to the ruins and said excitedly, "Uncle Baike, what the hell is going on? What about my parents?

It was Bai Ke, the village head of Anyue Village, who called Xuan Mo. Bai Ke touched Xuan Mo's head, looked at Xuan Mo with tears, and comforted him: "Xiao Mo, come on, the world is unpredictable. There are some things that no one wants him to happen, but this is beyond our control."

Xuan Mo pulled Bai Ke's sleeves and said eagerly, "Uncle Bai Ke, what do you mean? What do you mean by that?"

Bai Ke looked at the excited Xuan Mo and understood that it was not a way to tell him like this, and then said, "Xiao Mo, don't be excited. Well, come to your uncle."

After saying that, Bai Ke walked straight ahead.

Xuan Mo and Lian Yue quickly followed Bai Ke.

turned a few more lanes. In addition to the Dark Moon Village, Bai Ke took them to a small hillside. Naturally, Xuanmo knew this small hillside, and Xuan Mo often came here, but Xuan Mo did not understand why Bai Ke brought him here. An ominous omen suddenly began to fill Xuan Mo's heart.

Bai Ke took them to a small hill, then stopped, retreated to the side, and let Xuanmo move forward. What reflected Xuanmo's eyes was a tombstone. Xuanmo's heart began to get heavier and heavier. He tried to pray that nothing should not happen.

Xuanmo slowly stepped forward. When he saw a few columns of words on the tombstone, Xuanmo's heart completely sank to the bottom. Love wife, the tomb of Jingyun. Six big words deeply froze Xuan Mo's heart, and Xuan Mo's whole body completely fell into sluggishness. He knelt down on the ground with a bang, and two lines of tears came out of his eyes, "Mother, how could this happen? How could this happen?"

"No! Ah! I don't believe it!" Xuanmo shouted in pain. At this moment, it seemed that everything between heaven and earth had stopped, and only Xuanmo's voice echoed on the hillside. He felt that he had completely fallen into the endless darkness, and his heart kept trembling and struggling until his heart was broken and extinguished.

I was happy to come back and wanted to surprise my mother, but it turned out to be eternal.

"Xiao Mo, are you going to climb the mountain again? Look at you, don't climb the mountain alone in the future. Do you hear me?

"Xiao Mo, give you your favorite braised carp."

"Eat slowly, don't chop."

"Xiao Mo, you must take good care of yourself when you go to school."


Reviewing Jing Yun's care for him all the time, Xuan Mo's heart was even more heartbreaking. He looked up to the sky and roared, "Why? Why is this so? Mother! Don't lose Xiaomo, don't lose Xiaomo, Xiaomo misses you!" Xuanmo cried bitterly, and his mind was already a little confused. He seems to die like this now and go to find Jing Yun.

Bai Ke and Lian Yue next to

looked at Xuan Mo at this time, and their eyes also overflowed with tears.

Bai Ke came forward, looked at such a painful Xuan Mo, and hugged him in his arms. "Child, don't do this, you have to be strong! I believe your mother doesn't want to see you like this in the sky.

Hearing Bai Ke's words, Xuan Mo's mind woke up a little. He grabbed Bai Ke's sleeve and cried, "Uncle Bai Ke, why is my mother like this? What about my father?"

Bai Ke stroked Xuan Mo's head and said, "Son, I hope you won't be too excited after listening to it. Remember that in your mother's eyes, you will always be the strongest child."

"This is the thing." Bai Ke took a deep breath.

"That was the night a month ago, more than a dozen people in black suddenly came to our village and asked us to hand over your father, otherwise they would burn the whole Dark Moon Village. For the sake of the whole Dark Moon Village, they came to your house under their coercion."

"As soon as I arrived at your house, your father came out. When the leader in black saw your father, he said, "It's really you, Xuanye, you're really not dead."

"Your father said, "Don't talk so much nonsense. Don't you try your best to find me? Don't you just want me to die? Let that secret never be known?

"Your father chatted with the leading man in black and began to fight. At first, your father could compete with the dozen people alone, but when the leader in black and several other people said about rebirth, your father gradually began to fall behind."

"At this time, your mother came out. Just as your father was slapped away by the man in black, the people in black behind took out bows and arrows and shot at your father at the same time, and your father couldn't dodge at all."

"Just as the seven or eight arrows were about to shoot on Xuanmo's body, your mother suddenly jumped on your father's body, and all the arrows hit your mother's body."

When Xuanmo heard this, tears poured out again, and his heart was in severe pain.

"At this time, your father looked at your mother and looked up to the sky with a long roar. Suddenly, a pair of black wings stretched out from his back, and then your father took your mother out with all his strength."

"After your father left, the leading man in black turned his hand, and a fireball burned your house to ashes, and then quickly left."

"Actually, more than ten days after your father left, these people in black did not leave completely. Several people seem to be staring at whether your father came back."

"It was not until the first eight days that he completely left, and just five days ago, your father came back."

"My father is back, so where is he? Xuanmo said excitedly with tears.

"Your father told me something and then left."

"What did my father say?" Xuanmo asked in a hurry.

"Your father told me to help me pick you up at the college at the end of November and stay at my uncle's house for the time being. Now I didn't expect you to come back alone."

"What else?" Xuan Mo asked eagerly.

"Your father asked me to tell you that when you know this, you must be strong, can't give up anything, and practice hard when you go back to college."

"Then won't he come back? Where did he go? Why did you leave me?" Xuanmo said cryingly.

Bai Ke patted Xuan Mo on the shoulder, "Son, come on. Your father may have important things to do, but he still cares about you, Uncle Bai Ke can see it."

"Uncle Baike, but I miss my mother. I don't want my mother to leave. I want my mother to come back. Why did you do this to me? Isn't Xiao Mo good?" Xuanmo fell into Bai Ke's arms and said in pain.

"Child, uncle knows your current mood. Cry and be fine after crying. In the future, Uncle Baike's home will be your home. There are more people who love you and those you love here. You must be strong!" Bai Ke continued.

In this way, Xuanmo stayed by Jingyun's tomb for three days and nights, eating or drinking, just kneeling in front of the tombstone! Bai Ke looked at his heartache, and Lian Yue was even more distressed. It was useless for them to persuade Xuanmo several times! During this period, Linger also came several times, but Xuanmo didn't listen to anything, but just looked at Jingyun's tombstone.