Mysterious Continent

Chapter 24 Parting

Four days later, all the graduates of Fengyue College have obtained their own admission certificates. Among them, only three were recommended to senior colleges, namely Xuanmo, Lianyue and Tang Ting; 12 were recommended to intermediate colleges and 30 other colleges, and the graduation rate of Fengyue College has increased significantly this year. Many, especially this year, three students have reached the qualifications of the senior college. You should know, in the past, among the graduates of Fengyue College, at most only one student could meet the standard of the senior college, but this year, there were three students. As a result, Fengyue College was directly promoted to the first college in Miyue City. Xuan Mo However, he became a genius of Fengyue College and even the whole Miyue City.

Xuanmo's senior college is called Tianmo College, which is located in Tianyang City, the capital of the Tianyang Empire, and there are only two senior colleges in the Tianyang Empire. The other is called the Emperor College, which belongs directly to the royal family and is specially set up to cultivate royal and aristocratic talents.

Tianmo College, just like its name, is full of talented practitioners. The academic system is five years. According to Feng Yang, among them, graduates can reach level 45 or above every year, that is to say, they have reached the same strength as Xia Yu, reached the qualification as a teacher, and their grades are better. Students will also be kept in school for key training. Xuanmo will go to Tianmo College to study, which will undoubtedly be of great help to his future cultivation.

Fortunately, Lianyue, like Xuanmo, was also sent to the Heavenly Demon College, and because Tang Ting was an aristocrat, she was sent to the Emperor College.

218 dormitory.

Wang Zhi, Lan Bing, Silver Wolf, and Lin Mu have packed their luggage. Among the four of them, Wang Zhi and Lin Mu were sent to the intermediate college, while Lan Bing and Silver Wolf got the admission ticket of other colleges.

The five people were silent for a moment, and the atmosphere seemed a little sad. After all, the five people have lived in this dormitory for four years. How can there be no feelings between them? Then, Wang Zhi smiled and shouted, "Everyone should be happy! Only our 218 dormitory passed the graduation examination together, and one person was recommended to the senior college. We should be proud!"

The silver wolf, who usually has always had a hippie smile, also lowered his head and said listlessly, "Yes! We should be happy. It's been four years, isn't it just for this admission ticket? But why can't I be happy at all?

Feeling the reluctance of the silver wolf, Xuanmo slowly walked to the front of the silver wolf and took his shoulder. "Good brother, we will meet again. At that time, we will definitely become powerful fighters, and Fengyue College will be proud of us."

Silver Wolf took Xuan Mo's shoulder and said angrily, "You also said that you have hidden it from us so miserably. In a blink of an eye, you are a 17-level fire fighter. What a monster. I can't see that you will become a powerful fighter in a few years."

Xuanmo smiled, with a few tears in his eyes, and his right hand held the silver wolf tightly.

Lan Bing and Lin Mu slowly came over and hugged them deeply, "We will definitely meet again!"

Wang Zhi has already left tears of reluctance. He is the oldest here, and his relationship with them is also extremely deep. Wang Zhi wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, walked over, stretched out his hands, and hugged the four of them deeply.

The five people hugged each other like this. For a long time, the hugs dispersed. Xuanmo waved his hand, "Okay, my brothers, let's go! I believe that we will get together again in the near future.

The four people were reluctant to look at Xuanmo, and finally held back their tears and quickly walked out of the dormitory. Xuanmo did not go out to see them off. He didn't want to experience such a parting scene and didn't want parting to become an eternal goodbye.

After they left, Xuanmo sat alone in his **, looking at the empty dormitory, thinking about their four years of life, and tears began to blur in his eyes.

Originally, Wang Zhi wanted Xuanmo to go with him, because he also wanted to go to Tianyang City, and he could just be a companion together. However, because Xuanmo and Lianyue reported to the same college, Lian Yue also specifically mentioned that Xuanmo should go with him, but since he got the admission ticket, Lianyue has never been out first. Xuanmo didn't leave until today.

He is ready to go to Lianyue's home tomorrow to ask, because if he doesn't leave, he may miss the check-in time.

The next day, Xuanmo got up early and specially wore unpatched clothes and came to Lianyue's home, which was still the fiery red building and the old house.

In the living room.

Lianyue is still the tight fiery red dress, sitting on the chair with a gloomy look, as if she had something on her mind.

Xuanmo sat opposite Lianyue and asked, "Xiaolian, when will we leave for Tianyang City?"

Lianyue looked deeply at Xuan Mo and said hesitantly, "Xiao Mo, I..."

"She won't go to Tianyang City for the time being!" A strong voice interrupted Lianyue's words, and Lianyue's father, Lian Zheng, came out of the guest room solemnly.

Xuanmo looked at Lianyue in panic and asked, "Xiaolian, is this true?"

Lian Yue nodded reluctantly, "Why?" Xuanmo asked in disbelief.

"Because she has to practice in isolation." Lian Zhengdao.

"Closed practice?" Xuanmo turned his head and looked at Lian Zheng.

"Yes, Xiaolian wants to practice the family's top fighting skills - Honglian, no fire, so she must practice in isolation, you know that." Lian Zhengdao.

Xuanmo was silent for a moment, "How long will Xiaolian be closed?"

"About half a year, I have explained the situation in the college. In half a year, I will send someone to send her to the Heavenly Demon College." The right way.

Xuanmo looked at Lianyue with some disappointment and said lightly, "Xiaolian, then practice well. I'm waiting for you at the Heavenly Demon Academy."

Lian Yue sat down and said seriously, "Xiao Mo, don't worry, I will definitely come to you in half a year. Don't forget that you are my follower."

Xuan Mo nodded with a smile.

"Father, I want to go out with Xiaomo, just think of me as saying goodbye to him, okay?" Lian Yue asked Lian Zheng.

Lian Zheng sighed, "Go ahead and remember to come back early."

Lian Yue nodded and went out with Xuanmo excitedly.

They played all day.

They went to the college, they went boating, they went to eat sugar-coated haws, they walked around the bustling streets, they climbed trees, they climbed mountains, they watched the sunset together•••

In the sunset.

"Xiao Mo, this is the heart lotus pendant of our family. He has two pieces in total. Now, I'll give you one piece."

"Xiaolian, this is too expensive. I can't take it!"

"Okay, I knew you would refuse. After half a year, when we are reunited, you can return it to me. That's all right!"

"All right! I will keep it well!"

"Xiao Mo, I heard that these two heart lotus pendants are telepathic. If you take them, you must be just like I'm by your side!"

Two snuggled figures were pulled so long in the sunset.

"Xiaolian, I will!"

The next day, Xuanmo packed his luggage and said goodbye to the wind.

Feng Yang told Xuanmo that Tianmo College is a place where geniuses gather. Among them, there is not only one profession as a fighter, but also special professions such as mages and knights, so Xuanmo must be more careful.

Then Fengyang gave Xuanmo some gold coins. Tianyang City is not Miyue City, especially let Xuanmo take good care of himself. If you have no money, you can write to him and he will send it to him.

Xuan Mo said goodbye to the wind and went straight out of the college.

Xuanmo is still very grateful from the bottom of his heart, not only because of the gold coins he gave to Xuanmo, but also for the past four years, Fengyang has been taking care of Xuanmo, including some daily necessities, medicine, etc. Fengyang will send someone to give it to Xuanmo from time to time.

When Xuanmo walked out of Fengyue College, he couldn't help looking back. After all, this is the place where he has lived for four years. How can he not have feelings? Moreover, this is also a turning point in his life. With that, he looked at the ink bamboo bracelet in his right hand and said loudly, "Grandpa Garth, we set out, the target, Tianyang Empire, Tianyang City!"

Then the voice of Xiupugas came from the bracelet, "Xiao Mo, this continent is very big, and a Tianyang City will make you happy!"

"Of course, it means that it is one step closer to my goal." Speaking of this, Xuanmo became more confident.

"Then let's go quickly. If I guess correctly, it's not very far away from Tianyang City." Xiupu Gas Road.

"Yes! It's really far from Tianyang City! Then let's go quickly!" Xuan Mo Dao.

The Tianyang Empire borders the Xingdou Empire in the west, the Sintan Empire in the northwest, the Yulin Empire through the natural forest in the northeast, and the Yunshui Empire across the sea in the southeast. It has a vast territory, fertile soil and strong national strength. It is definitely the strongest empire on the mainland.

Tianyang City is located in the southeast of the Tianyang Empire. Due to its convenient transportation and rich products, it has become one of the most prosperous cities in the Tianyang Empire and even the whole continent.

The Miyue City is in the northwest of the Tianyang Empire, while Tianyang City is in the southeast of the Tianyang Empire, one north, one south, one west and one east. You can imagine how far Xuanmo's journey is.

The time reported by Tianmo College is from February 21 to February 23 of the mysterious calendar, and now it is January 25. That is to say, Xuanmo has about a month to report to Tianmo College. It seems that there is plenty of time, but for such a poor man, how can he afford to ride a carriage, so I can only walk to the Demon Academy.

At this time, Xuanmo was about to reach the border of the Lost Moon City.