Mysterious Continent

Chapter 27 The Bloodthirsty Wolf Swarm

While Xuan Mo was thinking, four wind blades flew towards him. Without thinking much about it, he immediately jumped off the tree. The four wind blades cut off the trees again, and several thick branches were cut off and fell to the ground.

Xuanmo stood there, gasping, looking at the blood all over his body and the branches that had been cut off. Suddenly, he had a trace of thought and turned his head and stared at the Fast Wind Wolf King.

Suddenly, Xuanmo's dark eyes flashed a glimmer of light. The Taiji whirlpool in his body rotated at a high speed, and the magic of fire suddenly surged up. He did not condense the explosive fist and ran to the fast wind wolf king at full speed. At this moment, it reflected the characteristics of the instantaneous explosive power of fire magic.

The sudden outbreak of Xuanmo made the fast wind wolf king unaware of it. In the blink of an eye, he saw Xuanmo quickly rushing towards it. Then, the fast wind wolf king roared, and the four wind blades quickly condensed into shape, and flew in the direction of Xuanmo one after another.

When Xuanmo saw the four huge wind blades flying towards him, there was a trace of evil smile on the corners of his mouth. When he was about to collide with the flying wind blade, Xuanmo suddenly changed his direction and rushed to the right at a high speed, and the four wind blades naturally changed direction with Xuanmo.

Xuan Mo's speed has reached its limit at this moment. When he ran nearly 100 meters, he suddenly turned around and rushed to the wolf king at an oblique angle, and behind him, he still flew four wind blades. Obviously, Xuanmo wants to take advantage of the characteristics of the rapid wind wolf king wind blade tracking and kill it instead.

Xiupugas in the Mozhu bracelet brushed his beard and nodded with satisfaction, "In the face of danger! It's really a good seedling!"

Because his two hind legs had been injured, the wolf king did not rush forward, but slowly raised his two front paws, obviously waiting for the arrival of Xuan Mo.

The next moment, Xuanmo and the four wind blades behind him had flown in front of the Wind Wolf King. Just as the Wind Wolf King was about to collide with Xuanmo, Xuanmo suddenly slid to the belly of the Wind Wolf King with the power of forward. Due to the shortness of time, the four wind blades still flew forward with inertia and flew to the Fast Wind Wolf King. On the body.

Although the king of the wind wolf is the king of the wolf, after all, it does not have human wisdom. How can it think that its wind blade will hurt itself? However, at the moment when Xuanmo suddenly shoveled away, the four huge wind blades have been cut to its body.

The Fast Wind Wolf King screamed. That was its exclusive skill. It was suddenly cut by four huge wind blades. At this moment, it was absolutely uncomfortable. The Fast Wind Wolf King roared and suddenly jumped to the bushes. As the king of the Wind Wolf, it did not want to die here for nothing.

The next moment when the wind wolf king left, Xuanmo breathed a heavy sigh of relief and fell to the ground like a collapse. The soul of Shura left, the black mark in the center of his eyebrows faded, and his dark eyes gradually changed back to blue eyes. There was little magic left in his chest and left arm.

The fallen Xuanmo covered the bleeding wound and smiled, "Grandpa Garth, we finally won."

"Xiao Mo, summon me out quickly. Your injury must be treated quickly." Shupugas said in a hurry.

Driven by Xuanmo's idea, Xiupugas flew out of the ink bamboo bracelet. After Xiupugas came out, he didn't say much. He hurriedly ran the magic, put his hands on Xuanmo's chest, and quickly recovered from his injury.

After about ten minutes, Xiupugas put away his hands and sighed, "Xiao Mo, have a good rest first. Your injury is very serious. Fortunately, you are not an ordinary person's physical strength, otherwise you would have died long ago."

Xuan Mo slowly opened his eyes and said, "So what should we do now? "Grandpa Garth?"

Xiupugas brushed his long beard, "What else can I do? Let's go after you recovering, otherwise, in your current state, even second-level monsters are difficult to deal with."

Xuanmo nodded. His current state is indeed very poor. I'm afraid that he can't even condense a bursting fist or dark claw. It is not so easy to recover by the wind blade of the third-level warcraft.

Xiupugas continued, "Xiao Mo, you performed very well just now. You are worthy of the person selected by Xiupugas. Grandpa Gas believes that in time, you will enter the ranks of strong people in the mainland."

Xuan Mo smiled and said, "I don't know what's wrong with me. Anyway, when it comes to the battle, my mind is very clear and my soul feeling is particularly strong."

Xiupugas laughed, "Haha, of course, Asura's soul sensitivity is the strongest among the heavenly warriors. If you hadn't had his super sensitivity, I'm afraid you would have been scared by the pressure of the wind wolf king. However, I think you'd better explore the ghost crying soul imprint more when you have time. In my mind, I can't seem to remember anything about him.

Xuan Mo nodded deeply, "That ghost crying awakening needs a huge spiritual support, and I don't have that much spiritual strength, so I can only wait for the level to rise."

Xiupugas pondered for a moment, "Bear Xiaomo, do you know what shortcomings you had when you fought with the Wind Wolf King just now?" Xuanmo shook his head.

"For the mistake of using skills, you always use all your magic to launch a skill. Although this can improve the attack power, it reduces the number of skills. You know, even the primary heavenly skills are not so easy to deal with. Therefore, you must control the casting of skills in future battles. Baoyanquan can completely turn into multiple boxing, and the dark claws can also turn into multiple claws. Even when you have enough strength, you can send out thousands of Baoyanquan and thousands of dark claws in an instant, which requires your usual actual combat training. Xiupu Gas Road.

"Are you saying that the explosive fist and dark claws can wave out thousands at a time?" Xuanmo asked in surprise.

If you think about it, "When your speed reaches the limit and your control has reached its peak, you can wave out thousands of them. Of course, the premise is that you must have enough magic."

Xuan Mo pondered for a moment, "Anyway, I will try my best to improve my magic level as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll go back to the bracelet first. Have a good rest and restore your magic." After saying that, Xiupugas flew back to the ink bamboo bracelet.

At the moment when Xiupu Gas went back, Xuan Mo suddenly opened his eyes and said tremblingly, "Grandpa Garth, here we are again."

Shupugas said, "What? Is there another wind wolf?"

"It's not a group, it's a group." Xuanmo said in a trembling voice.

"Wolf herd? Oh, my God, is the old man going to die? Shupugas lamented.

At this time, although Xuanmo has regained some magic, how can he compete with a pack of wolves? You know, there are at least 20 wolves. If it is 20 third-level wind wolves, it is enough to easily kill a four-level warcraft.

But what can Xuanmo do now? Not to mention that Xuanmo is injured now, even in the best state, it is impossible to compete with a wolf.

After a while, in front of Xuanmo, after a "sand" sound, a red figure slowly came out of the bushes.

The whole body has fiery red hair and a body more than two meters long, especially the blood-red eyes, staring at Xuanmo with fierce eyes.

When Xuanmo saw the red figure, his heart suddenly sank; the third-level fire attribute warcraft, the bloodthirsty demon wolf, is also a third-level warcraft, but this bloodthirsty demon wolf is more ferocious, definitely more difficult to deal with than the fast wind wolf, and is good at spitting small fireballs to attack the enemy.

Then, from the bush just now, a bloodthirsty wolf slowly emerged, and two bloodthirsty wolves appeared in the bush next to it. They turned their heads and rushed out four bloodthirsty wolves.

After a while, more than 30 bloodthirsty demon wolves have appeared around Xuanmo. Each of them stared at the blood on Xuanmo's body with such fierce eyes. Xuanmo understood that these bloodthirsty demon wolves must have smelled the smell of blood before they gathered. Bloodthirsty is their nature, not to mention this delicious human beings Blood.

Looking at these red figures, Xuanmo's heart completely sank to the bottom of the valley. Even a bloodthirsty demon wolf, Xuanmo may not be able to escape, let alone these more than 30 bloodthirsty demon wolves. Perhaps Xuanmo can only hope that a miracle will appear now.

"Grandpa Garth, what should we do?" Xuanmo asked Xiupugas for help.

"Xiaomo, get up quickly and climb up the big tree behind you. If you can avoid this moment, there may be a miracle." Xiupugas said hurriedly.

Xuan Mo stared at these bloodthirsty wolves and stood up carefully. His heart was already hanging in the air. If these bloodthirsty wolves rushed over at this moment, Xuanmo would definitely die without a whole body.

After standing up, seeing that these bloodthirsty wolves did not attack him, Xuanmo breathed a sigh of relief and quickly climbed to the big tree behind him with the magic that had just recovered.

When Xuanmo climbed to the tree, the bloodthirsty wolf around him began to move. The first bloodthirsty wolf suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and then other bloodthirsty wolves also began to look up to the sky one after another, and finally gathered their eyes on Xuanmo.

A few bloodthirsty demon wolves slowly walked to the body of the fast wind wolf and began to eat brutally, without thinking about the affection of their peers. For a moment, the fast wind wolf had been torn to pieces.

Xuan Mo looked at these cruel bloodthirsty wolves on the big tree and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Are you really going to die here? My mother's revenge hasn't been avenged yet, and my father hasn't seen it at the last time. There is also an agreement with Xiaolian and Grandpa Garth. What should I do? What should I do? Father and mother, tell me, what should I do now? Xuanmo thought about it, unconsciously, tears had covered his face.

Xuanmo is not afraid of death. Xuanmo is sad that he can't avenge his mother and will never see his father again. It can be said that his only belief is to avenge his mother. Now, seeing that his life is about to end here, thinking of his father and his tragic death, tears will not He consciously came out of his eyes.