Mysterious Continent

Chapter 64 The Power of Space Accidental Transmission

Xuanmo and Gu Nan quietly poked out their heads and looked out. They saw a young man in white riding a black eagle fighting against the empty god bird. The young man in white used light magic. The level of the cave was 56, but he was obviously at a disadvantage and could not match the empty god bird at all. Even if he releases 50-level skills to the air god bird, it has no effect at all.

And the young man in white riding a black eagle was Bai Yun, the messenger of the heavenly demon altar sent by Zifeng to secretly protect Xuanmo. It turned out that at the moment when the empty god bird appeared, Bai Yun also just came back from the college. Seeing this situation, he naturally had to protect Xuanmo and others, but Bai Yun did not expect that the silver bird in front of him was so powerful that even his full blow could not hurt it at all. Now, not to mention saving Xuanmo and others, I'm afraid it's difficult for him to escape. This is Bai Yun's idea.

At this time, the air god bird seemed to be a little impatient with the attack of the white cloud. Suddenly, it quickly flew high into the sky, raised its long mouth, and suddenly spit out, and a silver-gray energy mass began to fly quickly to the white cloud.

Bai Yun didn't understand what the silver-gray energy was, and then released his 50-level skill - the aura of death. After fighting with the air god bird, Bai Yun also learned the strength of the air god bird. How horrible it is to easily block his attack without releasing any skills.

The next moment, Xuanmo saw a golden halo quickly facing the silver-gray energy group of the empty god bird. Originally, Xuanmo would have thought that the death aura released by the white cloud would offset at least a little silver-gray energy, but this was not always the case.

When the white cloud's death aura touched the silver-gray energy, unexpected things happened, and the golden death aura disappeared out of thin air.

Xuan Mo and Gu Nan were shocked at the same time, "Is that the space power of the empty god bird?"

Then, the empty god bird spit out a ball of silver-gray energy and flew silently to the white cloud. At the moment of touching the white cloud, the white cloud disappeared out of thin air in an instant like the previous golden halo.

Xuanmo can now be sure that the silver-gray energy is the power of space, but as far as he knows, the low-level space power can only transmit people or something arbitrarily or directionally to a certain place, that is to say, it does not have absolute lethal power, but if it is arbitrarily transmitted, there is still a It must be dangerous, because it is likely to be transmitted to mid-air, to the ocean, to the sea of fire, to the palace, to the lively market... At this time, it depends on the luck of the person being transported.

After the white cloud disappeared, the empty god bird focused its target on Xuanmo and Gu Nan behind the tree, and then suddenly spit out a mouthful of silver-gray energy, that is, the power of space, and instantly attacked the big tree in front of Xuanmo. Xuanmo and Gu Nan quickly retreated when they saw the situation, and the one in front of them The big tree is naturally transmitted to somewhere by the power of space.

While retreating, Xuan Mo quickly turned his brain to find a chance to escape. Suddenly, Xuanmo seemed to think of something and immediately said to Gu Nan, "Sister, run to my opposite side at your fastest speed for a moment, stop at about 100 meters, turn to the angle of the air god bird into 60 degrees, and then release your long-range attack skill at the same time, that is, your wind blade skill."

"What do you mean?" Gu Nan immediately asked.

"We want to let ourselves be attacked by the silver-gray energy, that is, let the power of space transmit us out. Only in this way can we have a glimmer of escape." Xuanmo replied.

Gu Nan thought quietly for a few seconds, and then smiled and said, "You mean that our long-range attack skills will collide at a certain time, and then the silver-gray energy that attacks our skills will be empty. Finally, we will try our best to get into the silver-gray energy mass and let it teleport us out. Is that right?"

Xuanmo nodded, "That's right, but I estimate that the power of the space is directional transmission, that is to say, we can't decide where to transmit it at all. It depends on our luck, but this is also the only way for us to escape, so we must do our best."

Gu Nan nodded deeply, "Go, Sister Nan." Then Xuanmo shouted. Then, Gu Nan used the ability to accelerate the whirlwind to run to Xuanmo's opponent as fast as possible.

The air god bird looked at Gu Nan and Xuanmo's strange behavior and waved his head from time to time, as if thinking about the purpose of their strange behavior. You know, as an eight-level gifted beast, it has high wisdom.

At this time, Gu Nan was nearly 100 meters away from Xuanmo. He nodded to Xuanmo, "Great wind god, as your most loyal believer, I call with blood, and I pray with my soul. Please listen to my call - wind blade skill." With the completion of Gu Nan's singing, a huge cyan wind blade has flown to the air god bird at an angle of 60 degrees at a very fast speed.

On the other side, while the cyan wind blade flew out, Xuanmo's Yanyang was also bombarded towards the empty god bird at a 60-degree angle.

When the air god bird saw two different skills flying towards it at the same time, it didn't think much and quickly spit out the silver-gray energy mass, but it didn't know that what Xuanmo needed was this silver-gray energy - the power of space transmission.

Because Xuanmo and Gu Nan's skills were released in advance and in a relative 60-degree angle, when the two skills flew about 60 meters, they suddenly collided with each other, and the energy was instantly offset by each other.

And at the next moment when the two skills offset each other, the silver-gray energy mass flew over in an in an hour.

At this time, Xuanmo shouted, "Sister Nan, run there quickly. We don't have much time."

Xuanmo and Gu Nan upgraded to the fastest speed at the same time and rushed to the silver-gray energy group. At the moment when the silver-gray energy group was about to touch the ground, Xuanmo and Gu Nan suddenly jumped into the silver-gray energy group and finally jumped into the silver-gray energy group.

The next moment, Xuan Mo only felt a distorted space around him, followed by a silver vortex. Then, his brain became blank in an instant, and his six senses were gone. I don't know how long it took, Xuan Mo slowly regained consciousness, and then appeared in his eyes a red world.