Mysterious Continent

Chapter 206 Satanicization

Satan made a deep demonic cry, and then the six wings that were still burning with black began to slowly unfold. However, when the six black wings were completely unfolded, Satan's original appearance no longer existed, and the remaining was just an extremely terrible demon.

The human face has turned into a ferocious bat face, with two black horns on its head, and the whole body has completely turned into a skeleton-like appearance, with slender black fingers, huge demon feet, and a long arrow-like tail. The black sword in his hand no longer exists, replaced by a Strange-shaped trident. Arrays of black-gray airflow surround Satan, which is completely the power of the underworld from the demon world.

At this time, the six wings behind Satan also began to combine into one, but in an instant, they became two huge black bat wings, and then cooperated with Satan who had transformed before. So far, he finally completed the demonized transformation.

Satan, the demon floating in mid-air, is like a ghost, like a bat demon, and more like a real demon king.

Suddenly, the demonized Satan finally opened his mouth. That voice is so full of **, so shocking, and exudes endless fear.

"Ky, I admit that I really underestimated you, human beings and three little beasts that can demonize me, proving that your strength is really not simple." Speaking of this, Satan's tone is still relatively gentle. However, when he said the next sentence, Satan had completely become violent and afraid.

"However, I, Satan, have been completely angry and completely angered by you. You weak, humble and hateful creatures, I, Satan, vowed to let you go to hell cruelly!"


Satan looked up to the sky and roared, and his face had become extremely ferocious. The black-gray airflow beside him rotated rapidly, and the trident in his right hand was raised high.

Suddenly, the sky has completely darkened, and the rolling black clouds are like a rushing river. The deafening thunder seems to be trembling, and black lightning keeps flashing.

Looking at the heavenly changes in front of him, Xuanmo's heart can't help but be afraid. This time, it is different from the heavenly changes he used in the Shengyang Zhenyan world, which is completely the change of the celestial phenomena with Satan's emotions.

After realizing that it was not good, Xuanmo immediately returned the soul of Shura. The soul of ghost crying woke up in an instant, the magic of fire retreated, and the dark magic quickly surged in. Facing Satan at this moment, Xuanmo could only deal with it by raising himself to the peak.

However, what Xuanmo didn't know was that at the moment when his ghost crying soul woke up, from the fourth circle, several surprised voices sounded.

"This... Is this... "Do you cry?"

"Yes, this is indeed the awakening breath of ghost crying!"

"I also felt it. It seems to be from the fifth circle of Satan!"

"But Satan seems to have demonized!"


At this moment, a black thunderball appeared in Satan's left hand. Suddenly, the huge power of the underworld emanated from the black thunderball, and the crackling sound made people feel a little numb.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Satan's horrible laughter sounded again, and then looked at Xuan Mo.

"Ky, taste my infinite magic thunder!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Satan threw the infinite magic thunder on his left hand in the direction of Xuanmo.

At this time, Xuanmo has completed the arrival of the dark moon and reached the rebirth of Xuanmo. The defense of the arrival of the dark moon has been greatly enhanced, and the power of the dark moon has also been strengthened several times.

However, when Satan's infinite magic thunder threw the next moment, Xuanmo's whole body felt paralyzed, and then there was a brief blank in his brain.

However, at this moment of paralysis, the infinite magic thunder has flown in front of Xuanmo.

Carrying a crackling sound, the infinite magic thunder has hit Xuanmo's body fiercely. The scattered black thunder and lightning power suddenly fainted, and the huge ghost power instantly invaded Xuanmo's body.

The infinite magic thunder is one of the main attack methods of Satan's demonization. Its characteristic is that it can instantly transmit its own power of thunder and lightning paralysis to the surrounding kilometers. That is to say, at the moment Satan throws the infinite magic thunder, the paralysis power carried by the infinite magic thunder has invaded Xuanmo's body in an instant. That's why Xuanmo's body will be paralyzed and his brain will be blank.

Suddenly, Xuanmo had been blown out. The terrible lightning paralysis effect made Xuanmo unable to move in an instant, and there was a short blank in his brain. The huge ghost power suppressed him so that he could not call his magic.

However, Satan's attack was more than that. Almost in an instant, Satan had come to the bottom where Xuanmo was bombarded. The trident was raised high, and the black-gray airflow spread in an instant.

"Go to hell!"


Suddenly, blood splashed everywhere.

However, what appeared on Satan's face was not the smile he should have, but a surprise.


When Satan stabbed the trident in his hand into Xuanmo, in an instant, there was a huge black thing in front of Xuanmo, and Satan's trident was also inserted into this black thing without hurting Xuanmo.

Yes, it was the evil shadow that suddenly appeared in front of Xuanmo. When Satan raised the trident in his hand, the evil shadow used his talent skill, teleportation.

The next moment, the evil shadow roared up to the sky, and the dragon's tail suddenly waved to Satan.


The huge dragon tail collided with the trident, and the huge power of the underworld burst out again. Then, the evil shadow flew away like a cannonball.

However, while the evil shadow flew away, it did not forget Xuanmo, and the injured Xuanmo was tightly grasped in the dragon's claws.

"Damn stinky dragon!" Satan said angrily.


The evil shadow and Xuanmo hit the ground at the same time, and suddenly there was dust and smoke.

Because he was injured by Satan's Trident, the evil shadow has now become a little weak, and the dragon's scales are dripping with blood. Moreover, he finds that the magic in his body has also been suppressed. So just now, the evil shadow did not use desperate breath, but used a dragon tail-like physical attack.

"The destruction of thousands of shadows and phoenixes!"

At high altitude, Feng'er used the destruction of thousands of shadows and phoenixes again.

Hearing this sound, Satan obviously frowned slightly, then snorted coldly and raised the trident in his hand until hundreds of shadow fire phoenixes appeared in the sky.

"You damn stinky bird, you made me just now; embarrassed, I'm going to make you pay the price!"